Aunty Fucking Mame Ch. 2

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He has more fun with mom's nympho sis.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 03/27/2002
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My mother's kid sister was still sitting on my overworked prick when she floored me with a question.

"Now, how would you like to fuck your mother?"

Even after the seventeen times that day she had wrung the jism out of my balls, my prick rose to the occasion. We could both feel it swelling up again inside that hot twat that it had been in so long today I was afraid it might shrivel up. However, her question caught me so off guard that my worries were dissipated in a flash.

"Wh, what do you mean?", I jammered as she slowly began to rise and fall on my revitalized prong.

"Have you ever seen your mother naked?"

"No way!"

"Would you like to?"


"Ok. I'll set up a pool party and invite all of you. Before the party, you can set up hidden cameras all over the house and we can tape everything that happens."

"Wow, Aunty Mame! You're the hottest thing I ever saw!"

"You don't know the half of it, kid. Wait till we get rolling. Think your dad would like to fuck me?" She squeezed my prick with her velvet glove while waiting. "Are you kidding? He would probably fuck your tits off if you gave him half a chance. I don't think he gets much from mom."

"Well, hurry up and finish me off. We can make a run to the camera store right now."

The girl clerk in the camera store couldn't keep her eyes off the bulge in my jeans. Ever since my Aunt Mame started on me, it had never completely gone down. As cute as the girl was, I didn't know if I would be able to do anything with her even if she begged me. I was sore!

"Is there anything else I can do for you?", she asked, with enough suggestion in the word that it was obvious what she had in mind. It's amazing how girls will come onto a guy more when he is with another woman. Must be the competitive instinct. She would never have given me the time of day if my aunt hadn't been along, staying very close to me as we compared the various cameras. I'm sure the girl didn't miss how many times Aunty Mame brushed her tits against my arm, or rubbed my ass.

"Why yes, dear. There is", replied Aunt Mame very smoothly. "We are having a pool party at my house Saturday night. If you have a very tiny bikini, you are welcome to join us, although I can't guarantee how long it will stay on you. Want to cum?"

It was plain that the girl got the meaning of the last word by the way she smiled. "My name is Mary and I love to cum."

"Well, if you're at this address on Saturday night, I'm sure you will--many times. Can we expect you?" Mame gave her a card with her address on it.

"I'll be there. Will you be hanging out there, too, Jefferey?" Now that the ice was broken, she came close and let her hand rest against my straining prick.

"Oh, yeah!", I breathed. I took back all the shit I just thought about not being able to do anything. All I wanted at this point was to bend her over the nearest display table and ram about a yard of prick up her nasty cunt.

"See ya", she breathed at us. There weren't many people in the store and she glanced around quickly to see if anybody was watching before flipping the hem of her skirt up to flash me a glimpse of her bare pussy.

If I had known her cunt was bare under that short skirt while she was helping us, I never would have made it. The memory of her standing there, grinning, with her skirt up in the brightly lit store was burned indelibly on my eyeballs. I knew it would be the first thing I saw when I woke up, for a long time.

"Well! She was a hot one, wasn't she?" Mame unzipped me as soon as we got in the car and swallowed my poor prick once more. I groaned as she pulled another load out of my sore balls. "Ok. That should take care of your problem, now you drive while I take care of mine." She leaned back in the seat with her skirt around her waist and began to feverishly tickle her clit again.

"Yeah, I don't need to cum again for a few minutes, but it's going to be pretty hard to drive with you showing me your cunt like that."

"In that case, stick a couple of fingers in my pussy and bite my nipples. I'm still grooving on the sight of her cute pussy."

"You too? You like girls?"

"I like anything that makes me feel sexy. She did. You do. Your father does, and so does your mother. You're the first, but I'm going to fuck you all before long. The pool party should take care of Mary and your father. We'll have to work on your mother a bit."

With two people to share the work, Mame got off quickly, and violently.

"Wow! How many times can you cum?" I wondered.

"With women, it's a matter of energy, not juice. The more I cum, the easier the next one is. If I play it right, I can go all day or all night. Don't you wish you could?"

"Sure do, although you've had me pretty close to that today."

"Hang on, Sport. It just gets better." -------------------------------------- Saturday night "dawned" clear and warm. It was a perfect night for a party. The cameras were all in place, with connections to a master control panel. Each one had motion sensors so anything happening in their range of motion got recorded. We could edit out false alarms later, if we wanted to. Many of them had pan and zoom capability for close-ups, but some were just area coverage so we didn't miss anything.

"Jim! How nice to see you again. How's my big brother-in-law?" Mame saw that Betty was still getting things from the car and took the opportunity to give my dad a big hug and a kiss on the lips. She told me later that it surprised hell out of him when she stuck her tongue down his throat, but he kissed her back as soon as the shock wore off. She could tell he wanted to go on with it, but was terrified that Mom would walk in and catch them.

"What's the matter, big guy? Afraid of Mommy?" Mame rubbed her hand across his swelling joint.

Dad looked like somebody had punched him in the gut when her hand touched his balls. "No, of course I'm not afraid of Betty, but she would leave me in a heartbeat if she saw where your hand is at the moment."

"Don't you like it, Jim?"

"Hell yes I like it! You're about to make me cum in my pants. I've dreamed about you rubbing my cock since you were a kid."

"I know. You don't know how many nights I masturbated, thinking about the hot glances you would slip my way when Betty's back was turned. Don't you love her?" "Hell yes, I love her. I love her so fucking much it kills me when she is so cold to me. You seem to enjoy sex. Why doesn't she? By the way, if you keep that up, it's going to be very hard to explain in a minute."

"Feels pretty hard to me now, big boy. Here comes Betty. Take that stuff back to the kitchen. You can hide your hardon behind the counter till it goes down a little. Jefferey is out by the pool. Be a sport and take him a beer."

"I can't do that! Betty would kill me for that, too."

"Seems like Betty would kill you for a lot of things, Jim. Either take him a beer or you can forget about that piece of pussy you thought you might get."

"Oh shit, Mame. You're killing me. I'll be walking bent over all night. Ok, I'll take the kid a beer. Not because you're blackmailing me, but because he's a good kid and he has to learn sometime."

"Good? He's delicious!"

"You mean?"

"He fucks like a mule, Jim. Did he get it from you?"

About that time Mom came in with her arms loaded. Dad scampered for the kitchen with his hands hiding his crotch and his mind in a mess. She had him so strung out he almost couldn't cope.

"Where do you want these, Mamie?" "Don't call me Mamie, Puss, or you can just go back home right now."

"Ok, but don't call me Puss any more. It sounds vulgar."

"Why, because it sounds like Pussy? Come on back to the kitchen. Jim and Jefferey are starting the fire. We can get everything ready to cook and have time for a swim before we eat so we don't have to wait afterwards."

Mom was still blushing from Mame using the "P" word. "But I didn't bring a suit!", she whimpered.

"Good. Then you can go in naked or use one of mine. I'll bet yours has long legs."

"You can just watch your mouth Miss Smarty Pants-I Live in Paris. Just because you have a vision of how the world should be run doesn't mean you can push the rest of us around. My suit is a very attractive, but modest style. I have to be careful around Jefferey. You know how young boys are."

"I certainly do. What they lack in experience, they make up for in enthusiasm and energy."

Mom was really blushing now. "Mame! Really! You shouldn't talk that way. What if someone overheard you?"

"Overheard what?" Mary came strolling around the corner of the hallway where she had been watching and listening to everything. This was her cue for action. "Betty, this is Mary. She is a friend of mine and Jefferey's. She is joining us tonight."

"Hello Mary. So nice to meet you. I always enjoy meeting Jefferey's friends. Are you a classmate?"

"No, I work in sales. I just think Jeff is hot!"

"Oh! It seems as if I am the only one here who watches what they say. Perhaps I should just leave."

If she could have seen the way Mame was rubbing Mary's ass, she would have been out the door in a flash, but Mame saved the moment by suggesting that she go pick out one of her suits to wear.

"Ok, but I seriously doubt that you have anything I would be caught dead in, Miss Showitall." Mom was really wanting to get out of the room and have a minute to herself. She was feeling a bit dizzy from all the sexually loaded innuendoes floating around.

"Don't just look. Try a few on. Most of them are stretchy and cover a lot more than you would imagine just from seeing them on the bed. In fact, there's one there I bought especially for you in case you didn't bring your suit. It may be a bit more revealing than you normally wear, but I don't think you will have to worry about where Jefferey's eyes are tonight, will you?"

Mom eyed Mary's body. "No, I guess not. Ok, I'll look at them.

"Mary, would you please go tell Jefferey I need him and ask him to come in?" We weren't yet ready to let Mary in on the camera bit.

Mary came out to get me. I heard her introducing herself to Dad as I left. "Hi! I'm Mary, but I'm no virgin."

I laughed over my shoulder at her as she helped Dad to a chair to recover from the beer that had gone down his windpipe following her introduction.

Mame and I watched through the cameras as Mom dithered a long time over what to do with the selection of bathing suits Mame had left out for her to wear. I watched in fascination as my uptight mom slowly removed every stitch of clothes she was wearing.

"Like this Jefferey?" She took her mouth off my prick long enough to ask. It was amazing that she could get her mouth back over the head, because of the way it swelled even larger as I watched my mom strip.

"Damn! She's got a hot bod!"

"What did you expect? We're sisters, after all. Don't you think my bod is hot?"

"You're the hottest, Aunty Mame, but I always thought you had a hot body, even before I saw you naked. I just never thought of mom before as someone who had a body. She was just 'Mom'".

We watched together as my ultra-modest mom stripped it all off, then lifted her tits toward the mirror (and the camera) and rubbed them as she contemplated the choices before her.

As expected, the first one she tried on was the one Mame had bought the night before. It was only slightly racy when it was dry. What Mom didn't know was that it became completely transparent when it was wet. We were counting on her choosing this one. We had also expected her to try on some of the others, too, but to come out wearing the "modest" one.

Mom peeled the first suit off and put it aside. Now was when we learned whether she would simply come out and go home or try on a few of the skimpy-cut French ones, just for kicks. We watched her eyes flick over them as she pondered her next move. Then with a slight shrug of her shoulders as if to tell herself that no one would see her, she reached for one of the most daring.

We held our breaths and each other as we watched my oh-so-shy mother work her way into that bit of string and patches of cloth.

"Damn!", I exclaimed, partly from the sight of my own mother wearing the sexiest string bikini I ever saw, and partly from the way her younger sister had just sat all the way down on my engorged prick. I don't think she had bottomed out before I began to drench her ovaries.

"Oh, so you like seeing your mother naked, do you?"

"Oh, shit! I think my prick is going to explode. Don't stop."

"I won't stop as long as you can keep it up."

I had seen Aunt Mame in that bikini several times and Mom looked at least as good in it as Mame did. It was bad enough just watching her put it on and model it for us, but it must have aroused some of her repressed libido from the way she preened and strutted around the room, bending this way and that, always watching the mirror to see how she looked. She must have enjoyed it, based on the way her nipples began to poke out through the flimsy fabric.

After that, she tried all the others on and modeled them, but put the sexiest one back on for a minute before finally leaving the room in the one we were hoping for. Now the trick would be to keep her from seeing a mirror when that suit was wet.

As soon as we saw that she was coming out, I ran out to the pool to make sure Dad and Mary weren't going to get caught by Mom doing anything nasty. Mame ran to intercept Mom and give me time to calm things down in the back yard.

It's a good thing we planned it this way. Mary wasn't exactly sitting on Dad's prick, but Mom would have taken it that way and the shit would have been all over the fan.

"Oh! Uh, hi, Son. Mary has been telling me some of the things she plans to do with you later tonight." "Yeah. Mary's quite a girl, isn't she?"

"Oh yes. She makes me wish I were young again."

"You look pretty young to me, Jim", she nodded toward his crotch, which was well elevated by her frankness and the thoughts of at least one of us fucking the shit out of her later tonight.

"You're a lucky guy, Son, to have such a nice young lady to help you with your problems. What was it again that you said you were going to do to him, Dear?"

"Oh, you horny old man. I said that I was going to reach down and grab his zipper--like this!", she suddenly reached for my crotch.

My first impulse was to shrink away when I saw her hand coming so fast, then my feeble brain used what blood was left over from stretching my prick to realize that she was going to unzip me right there in front of Dad!

"Then what?", asked Dad in a very strangled voice. Had to give the old bastard points for keeping his hands off his crotch, for the moment.

"I said I would pull his long dick out of his shorts and stroke it until it was good and hard for me." She demonstrated by wrestling it out of my pants. She was way too late if she had planned on getting it hard. If it was any harder, it wouldn't have any feeling left.

Dad's eyes bugged out at the size of my meat and the brazenness of the hussy at my feet. He was obviously in pain and keeping one eye on the door to the kitchen. "Yes, yes. Go on."

"Then I said I would slide my mouth all the way down his fuck pole until the head was lodged in my tonsils before I started humming."

"Oh shit! I know I shouldn't be watching this and there would be hell to pay if Betty were to come out here right now, but you've got me so turned on I can't stop."

"Don't worry Dad", I assured him. "Aunt Mame said she would keep Mom back in the bedroom at least ten more minutes. You can do anything you like."

Mary was smiling up at us and jacking the loose skin on my prick as she invited Dad to join us. "Why don't you show me your prick, Daddy?", she laughed. "You know you want to and you're going to cum all down your pants leg any minute now."

Dad couldn't help himself any more. He whipped it all out and started beating it like crazy, right in Mary's face. "Oh! You want to see Daddy's prick, do you, little girl?" His voice took on a nasty tone.

"Oh, yes, Daddy. Please let me suck your cock, or would you rather fuck me while I suck Jefferey? I want one of you in my mouth and the other in my cunt and don't really care who is on each end. What will it be?"

Dad was beyond moving, so I got behind Mary and shoved my rod up her sopping cunt as she deep-throated Dad. The three of us stood openly by the pool and fucked our brains out while I was hoping that Aunt Mame was keeping Mom inside like I had promised earlier.

Needless to say, none of us lasted very long. Mary's various holes were filled to overflowing by the Merry Men.

As soon as Dad could breathe, he stuffed his cock back in his pants and went inside to put on his swim trunks (and wash the cum tracks off his pecker). I sat back on the lounge with Mary still impaled on my root. The light was not so bright here and the casual observer wouldn't realize that she had my dick in her cunt.

"If you will keep your dick in me when your mom comes out, I'll give you something special", she promised.

"Fine with me, but I can't imagine what could be more special than what you've already done. Wow! That was so hot when you sucked off my dad's prick. He won't forget that very soon."

We were still joined at the crotch when Mom came out with Aunt Mame. Mom was a bit nervous and too concerned about her slight bit of exposure to pay much attention to Mary and I, fucking right in front of her eyes. Aunt Mame was wearing the hot suit that Mom had wanted to try, but didn't have the guts.

Pretty soon, Dad came out in his trunks and the party got under way. Mom, Dad and Aunt Mame were getting pretty soused on wine and paid no attention to Mary and I, sitting just a few feet away.

Mary stood abruptly, pulling off my distended prick with a loud "pop", leaving it waving in the breeze, right in front of my Mom. I hid it as fast as possible, wondering if Mom was going to say anything. I watched her closely as she frowned for a moment, then shook her head slightly as if to clear her eyes. Apparently, what she had seen was too impossible to be true, so she was telling herself that it never happened.

Mary bent over with her bare ass pointing at their table and gave me a deep kiss. "Here's the surprise I promised you", as she shared a gob of Dad's cum with me that she had kept tucked in a corner of her jaw. I almost gagged at the thought. "You better swallow it all, my boy, if you want more of this good stuff."

With a struggle, I managed to get it down. It was the first time I ever tasted cum, not even my own, and this was my own Dad's! I guess it wasn't really that bad, but the thought of it just blew me away. I was still coming to terms with the idea when Mary came back out.

Her thong bikini hid most of her cunt lips and the tiny cups of her bra covered the tips of her nipples, but the rest of her lithe young body was hanging out for all to see.

Mom must have been feeling her wine a bit. "Whoooeee, Honey! It's a good thing you have Jefferey or I would be having to really worry about Jim, with everything you're showing there."

"Thanks, Mrs. Merry. You look very attractive, too."

Mom hadn't been expecting the compliment. She was really uncomfortable being surrounded by people who all obviously thought a lot differently about right and wrong than she did. "I guess you all think I'm just an old fuddy duddy, don't you?"

"You're not old, Mom", I assured her.

"I may not be that old, but I seem to be a real fuddy duddy compared with the rest of you."

Mame tried to calm her. "Nobody is forcing you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with, Sis, but we will all be more comfortable if each person can do whatever they like as long as the others aren't offended. Ok? If we are offending you now, please tell us and we will try to stop whatever it is you don't like."