Aurora, Wayward Pt. 01


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To us, they are the same. Seeker of Justice, Rocan Chess, Captain in Grendan's military. You will find remaining with your military next to impossible to do if you become a hybrid. Hybrids cannot compromise their nature.

A fighter pilot who helped to lead the boarding action on the colony ships still in orbit. Unlike the one that landed and the slaughter that occurred on both sides. He did not lie to you. Those humans were not government military; at least none who were active military.

The leader you killed already. You want to make amends get those people returned sooner rather than later. His thoughts on the modeling software was a very good non-weapon choice on something you need. They will not likely give you weapons but other technology they might consider.

Things to consider; your AI might have ideas as well. It would be worth listening to her as she knows them far better than you do. Your vessel is repaired. Do not go above half on the FTL drive. Your poor ship design cannot take the stress.

You were lucky your AI was there to save your life and activate the distress beacon. She made it so we could find you. You met the human known as 'Hand of Justice, Johnathan Travus.' You were wondering who he was. *

Rocan looked over, * I have one choice really. Make me a hybrid. *

The man was wracked with pain from the transition and screamed his head off before passing out. The DNA left him a message.


He awoke, in his ship with Aurora piloting from the second seat. "We are almost through the asteroid belt. They dropped us off at the edge. The field is thin here, Captain."

The man looked at his body as he listened to the message, * You have been given good advice. Your skin will return to its normal hue by the time you finish clearing the asteroid belt.

You have been gone 12 days for a 3-day expected experiment on these drives. You have 51 days to get your prisoners gathered and to the rendezvous point. Before the Terran government will look to take direct action to get them back or take retribution if you kill them all.

Your support crew went back to your homeworld suspecting you are dead. You will want to contact them when your skin is normal. You might be 40 but you will look 10 to 15 years younger by the time you arrive.

Find several mates who will remain loyal to you. You will need them. Talk with your government and watch they do not try and dissect you. Given your mission it could lead to your destruction as a species. *

He rolled his eyes and looked at Aurora, "They changed your hair, eyes, and skin tone."

She nodded, "Yes, the other man was an admiral. He also gave me the Designations Aurora and turned on my sex function for you."

She told him what her name stood for and it did not translate to Aurora in their language.

He laughed his head off. "You are some kind of sex android then?"

She shrugged, "One of my purposes is to service your needs. Unless you give me away because you prefer men, I am yours. He programmed that into me while he took possession to update my program to include all the historical data surrounding your people's move to Pena. Would you like to see that now?"

He sighed, "Alright."

He watched through it and recognized the leader in court from a statue of her on Pena. It was old and there was no generally known historical record for her that he knew about. The text matched nothing of the current language. He listened to her admitting to the atrocities committed as Aurora had a translation subroutine going.

He tried to figure out what his people would do with this information. He cleared the field and hit his comms, voice-only at this range and contacted his sister. She screamed, "They told us you were dead!"

He sighed, "Would have been if not for the Android with me. She has the name of Aurora."

He explained want it meant and his sister laughed at him, "Your own fuck toy."

He smiled, "The pink-skinned invaders doing. Get in contact with Governor Fresen. Tell her we need to get them rounded up and protected. Our people are in extreme danger if we keep them. I was gone so long because another alien race intercepted my damaged ship.

A race called the Drakor. Aurora kept me from getting killed from the engine testing. They fixed my right eye, hand, leg, and all my scars. I will look a lot younger when I get there. They modified my DNA.

They brought in a pink-skinned man. He had this done to him at some point. He was some type of leader, an admiral according to Aurora. His ship is massive. Those android ships do not have the latest technology in them. Not from the humans, that is what they call themselves or Terrans?"

Aurora looked over, "Terra is the primary world of humans. Even you; your people just abandoned it."

He heard his sister shriek, "What! We are the same race as these humans?"

Aurora responded first, "Yes, that is why the AI battleships would not attack you. We could not attack either of you. You were both humans. Once we knew that the order conflicted with our directives to never harm humans.

We attempted to shield both sides until ordered to withdraw from the conflict. Our sensors told us this. An examination of their blood would tell you the same thing. Ask any of the AI units you have in service and they will tell you the same thing.

Nobody, as far as I know, has asked why we did not attack or offer any resistance. We translated your language and asked how we could be of service when your people boarded our ships. Then we were asked to explain our technology once they found out we were not human but androids.

That happened quickly after the first few shots from your blaster type weapons peeled off some of our units' skin. We explained the entire ship was AI units and your weapons were not very effective against us. It took about 10 minutes to translate out your language. It was rooted in several Terran languages and some perversion over the centuries."

His sister asked, "Why are you having me contact the governor?"

He sighed, "Breen, I need to know how they are going to react to these Drakor and the alien DNA they put into me. Our people have a very checkered past in Terran history. I am sending you a file that Astra played for me.

It shows that lady from the statue on Pena. The one nobody knows anything about. We knew she was important to our history. She was a mass murderer of children with alien DNA in her system. Namely Drakor DNA.

The Admiral I met said he would not attack us, but if we try and attack one of their colonies they would come in force. He showed me the fleet they had amassed there. He said the Terran military, I am guessing they are separate entities?"

Aurora answered, "They are separate. Home Guard is made up of human hybrids and humans and they provide a reactionary force to protect humanity in all the colonies except for Pena by treaty. Over 5,000 years old on that treaty. Terra military rarely deploys outside of its home system. They apparently did in this case because Home Guard cannot come in to attack.

Home Guard will put itself between warring factions inside of a Terran colony and mediate the disputes and limit the loss of life. This goes back to their hybrids. They live by a code. A copy of it is in the file for you. That code is a guiding principle to hybrid law.

You will have a problem staying in your military as hybrids must remain true to their nature. You are a hybrid justice. Hybrids and politics do not go together; ever. Not when laws are meant to protect the guilty. Justices will seek Justice.

The Admiral would not have been there if not requested by the Drakor because of what is going on in your system. You were attacked by the colony leaders; civilians, and the colonists are civilians. That puts you holding civilian hostages in slavery.

Something against every Alien race's law in the Alien Assembly on Mixtios. The Home Guard home operational base if you will. They are a center for human and alien relations. There are over a hundred alien races represented in the Assembly.

The Terran military could invade and their ships are just as capable as the Home Guard. All the ship designs are done by hybrids as they are super smart for non-AI units and extremely creative. Most of the technology you have been going over was created by human hybrids. A few small pieces were recreated from other alien races."

He heard, "Fuck me!"

The video comms came on and Breen saw her older brother looking younger than her by a good 7 years. "You are fucking hot brother without all of the scars. Show me your hand." He held it for her and she shook her head, "Those people are technical geniuses."

Aurora spoke, "The Drakor are tens of millennia older as a species than humans. Exactly how old we do not know. There is one file in there talking about the 'superior race' thing your people claim.

You are human and they, the Terran humans, do not hold that view after seeing what the Drakor could do 5,000 years ago. She displayed the Pralon attack footage and his sister gasped, "That shit is real?"

Aurora nodded, "Sorry nodding means yes to most humans. That is a part of the historical records that were added to my archive for you to submit to your leaders. To ignore the warning about the slaves you are holding would be a very bad idea."

Rocan looked at her, "He, the other Justice, stated modeling software would be something good to ask for. To better design our ships. What else would you think is good for our people?"

Aurora smiled at being asked, "You got three planets, moons around them in the habitable zone. There are machines; like the ones used on your homeworld's moon and the outer worlds; the large towers you saw around your own planet. Those are ancient terraformers.

They could be applied to those moons. It would take 100 years but you would have more places to live on those 3 moons. There is a formula for a military-grade armor out there. I know that as do all the AI units; it is part of our construction.

It is old but the material is hard to get. What you do not have is a ship capable of getting to the raw materials to make it. Metallic hydrogen. A lot of the ship designs the military does incorporate that. The other mineral you have on two of the outer moons and in your asteroid belt. That would make metallic hydrogen stable. I have a redacted mineral survey of your system. I do not know why it is redacted.

If you wish to get ships to go as fast as our FTL 6x drives in the AI ships you would need that metal. You would also need the higher inertial dampeners to travel that fast. Unless you like crawling through tubes on the battleships we brought. They needed that much regular titanium alloy to keep from folding. That means you need those in a mining craft or a mining station over your gas giants.

You do not have ships capable of withstanding the pressure of the atmosphere. Our AI battleships might be able to do it, but that would have to be modeled and potentially reinforced. My primary directive does not allow me to harm humans. They did modify it so we can use the internal defenses to protect from bordering actions to all who have hostile intentions.

Regardless of race. Also, so I can order the ships to attack humans if directed by you to do so. The order must be just and I am now the head AI for the Terran AI units in this system. I can control them all for you. They also added the additional information into my archives to aid you with the best information available.

I was given a lot of information that the colony organizers left out of our programming. If you had not destroyed those ships their computers might have had more information. The engineering ships they brought you also destroyed.

Taking the metal and parts to try and build other things like your scout ship. That is why it failed. I warned you it was not a good idea for your ship. I killed the FTL almost immediately. After you passed out from having the dash pinned to your chest from the structural damage.

I pushed it back but could not stop any internal bleeding. The Drakor took care of that when they replaced your hand and leg apparently. The regenerative power of their blood is well known; again, in the new records. There are images of some of the first human hybrids and the changes it did.

Our medical beds on the AI ships can confirm your level of change when we get back. They are nowhere near as current in the level of technology; they are only for emergency use but should work for that level of testing. The good medical equipment your people destroyed with the colony ships.

Rocan looked at the screen to see his sister talking with the Governor. She sighed and looked at Rocan, "She wants to talk with you."

Aurora smiled, "No problem. I will conference us in together."

The Governor looked at the display, "How?"

Aurora responded, "I used the communication relay aboard one of our battleships in your orbit and redirected both calls into it. It can handle conference calling like this. Easily for up to 20 or more people but you would have a hard time seeing them on your displays. Technical specifications for larger displays might be on that list Rocan."

The Governor snapped, "How do I know this is not some kind of trick by these pink-skinned humans?"

Aurora showed the display from the Drakor ship including the display of the Colossus. Into everyone's display. Then the display from Incar. Aurora looked at her, "As I explained to Rocan the Penans and humans are the same race divided by 5,000 years of history. Why the AI units aboard our battleships could not fire upon you. Directive one was not to harm humans. We cannot lie to you either."

The governor looked, "How do you know that information is not fake?"

Aurora looked at Rocan, "When he was taken aboard the Colossus named Camelot, I was in the pilot seat and recorded this as the ship was being brought in with a tractor beam."

She displayed the Colossus as the scout approached and entered the landing bay area. The ladies and Rocan could see all the heavy fighters on deck. "We have some of those on the battleships, the tractor beams. You might ask for an engineering scanner.

As you destroyed the engineers along with their ship it is not likely you kept any. If you want to understand how to use and build them then that would be a good item to have. I would ask for 50 of those because they require some rare elements that might not be in your solar system. Again, my mineral survey is redacted, this was from the colonists. They would have known more about that."

The governor asked, "What is it prattling about asking for stuff?"

Rocan held up a hand to get Aurora to stop talking, "I asked her for some ideas on other items to consider trading for the slaves. Things to keep ships like the one you just saw from coming into our system and destroying us outright."

She sighed, "What makes you think we cannot take them out like we did this last bunch?"

Aurora played the expansion of Colossus for her, "Warship vs a minimally armed colony ship. They expected the AI battleships to defend them. The fact is you are human and we could not attack you, again.

If you had not been, your ships would have been obliterated and your cities bombed from orbit if needed. AI battleships are nowhere near as advanced as what you see on the Camelot."

She threw up a gun camera footage of a battleship being eviscerated and exploding. "That was one rail gun from a fighter craft. That weapon is a military and Home Guard only weapon. It would destroy our AI battleships with a single shot. If two were lined up end to end or side to side they could potentially kill 2 at once."

The governor still seemed exasperated, "Can you get that thing to shut up."

Aurora answered her, "Yes as he owns me, he could command me to remain quiet."

Rocan held his head, "Aurora, don't answer the Governor's question to me unless I ask you to do so." Aurora nodded.

The governor looked at her, "What was that head nodding business?"

Rocan sighed, "It is a non-verbal communication used by humans to say yes. She explained that to me earlier when we were talking about going through the asteroid belt."

The governor groaned out, "The 20,000 or so we have here I can do something about. Not much I can do for the others sent to other worlds last week."

He heard in his head, * That is bad. Very bad. *

He looked at Aurora, "Did you say something to me?"

She looked over, "Yes through your cranial implant. It allows me send you the information directly. It was added to you when you were aboard Camelot in order to allow me to communicate wordlessly with you. As she did not want to hear my thoughts on the matter, I did not speak to her."

The Governor looked over, "You can hear her in your head?"

He sighed, "Yes, she said that was bad. Very bad."

She asked, "Why is that very bad?"

Aurora remained silent. Rocan looked at her, "Explain it to the Governor."

She looked over, "They will demand them all and then they will verify. If you have not been 100% honest. They will know it. Any hybrids at the meeting could be empathic. Same for Drakor. The Drakor told you that they would be watching all of you."

Rocan held up a hand, "They told that to me mentally. How did you hear it?"

She looked at him, "The implant they put in your head is used by human hybrids and connects to an AI and has a piece to allow you to communicate with me telepathically. I can also hear any telepathic conversation you have with another and record it even. Back to your other question.

Drakor can read minds, from historical references, of every living person on a planet if they wanted to. They also have stealth technology that we cannot detect. The Terran Military also uses similar technology on ships and on personal combat suits for their elite forces they call black-ops units.

For search and rescue operations or more nefarious activity like assassinations, and blowing up buildings. You are a Justice and would it be Justice to lie during these negotiations knowing they will come in and kill your people by the thousands for such a lie?"

He groaned, "This goes back to that whole hybrid code I have to read through."

She nodded again. The Governor asked, "Can they tell us apart from one of these humans? You could not."

Aurora remained silent again.

He sighed, "Tell her Aurora."

Aurora looked over, "Yes they could tell the difference. The Drakor. What are the 'slaves' thinking? They would have different thoughts. The humans could center on the colonist RFID tags and locate any of them on any planet in the system; or aboard ships within the system."

The governor looked up again, "What is RFID?"

He sighed again, "Aurora answer her questions when directed at you."

Aurora looked at her, "Radio Frequency Identification tags. They are embedded into colonists before departure. An ancient tracking technology but still useful. Before you ask, no you could not remove them. Not without causing serious injury. They are embedded into the spinal column and even an AI doctor would not touch one.

Unless the patient's life was directly threatened by the device. They tie them into the nerve endings to provide power so they last the life of the life they are in. If you are addressing me directly and want me to answer please use my name, Aurora, so I know you are speaking to me, Governor."

The Governor rolled her eyes, "Like talking to a toaster."

Rocan looked at the Governor, "Aurora has far more capability for speech and interaction than a toaster. If you do not like the AI units, we could negotiate to return them."
