Avery's Desire Pt. 01


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Avery didn't really think that Mikey would have agreed to come over to the younger mans house for an 'after concert' get together. For that reason, he didn't even bother to invite him. The other band members were there of course and with them a few friends from the club that didn't feel quite like going home at closing time. Avery's apartment was a little ways down the street from the club. He had moved into it three months after he had begun singing for the band. Mikey had helped him find the place. It was conveniently located just a few blocks from Mikey's parent's house which is where Mikey's things are though he never actually claimed to live there. Most of the time he stayed at Avery's place though whose bed he called his own now, Avery was unsure. The one thing that he did know was that never again, would Mikey lay his head on Avery's pillow. The apartment seemed to sulk somewhat in Mikey's absence as though it too missed his somber and leaden presence as much as Avery did. For that fact if nothing else, Avery was glad to have friends over. It was the first time after all, that he would be alone at the end of a concert.

Rick slipped a CD into Avery's stereo and cranked up the volume. It was a mixed CD of different songs that he had recorded off the Internet. Trash made a distasteful face as the first song came on. It wasn't a song to his liking but the soft mellow music was a relief to Avery, he wasn't in the mood for anything heavy. Trash would have been most pleased with Metallica or something equally evil while Avery's taste was more alternative, as was Rick and Mikey's. Avery was probably the only member of the band though that could handle the dark and oppressive style of what was referred to as Goth music. The others quickly discovered that when Avery played his Goth CD's, it was usually because something had upset him. Mikey referred to it as Avery's pre-suicidal personality; something that unfortunately took hold of Avery every couple of weeks.

"Man turn that shit off." Trash groaned as he threw an empty beer can at Rick. The two girls that were sitting on the couch with him, one on either side, giggled while playfully playing with the hairs on his chest.

Rick returned to the chair that he had been sitting in earlier, stopping to make a face at Trash as he did. "No one here wants to hear your death metal, Trash." Rick countered. "Some of us do have some class you know."

"Class, you call that shit classy? That nothing but a bunch of fags whining into a microphone."

Rick glared at him suddenly as Trash snapped his mouth shut. He looked over to their young singer who was huddled up on the other end of the couch, a freshly opened beer in one hand and his head resting sleepily on the other.

"Avery, dude... I didn't mean anything..."Trash bit his bottom lip, suddenly feeling like a fool.

"No worries." Avery said softly, cracking half a grin. "Everyone here knows you're all mouth."

The girls giggled again and Trash jokingly flipped Avery the bird.

"Maybe later." Avery laughed, "I've got a head ache."

"Ha ha." Trash took a swig of his fourth beer of the night then belched loudly. One of the girls slapped him playfully on the chest.

"Gross." The red head to his right plugged her nose and waved her hand as though his breath stunk. Trash grabbed her and shoved his tongue inside her mouth while massaging her large round breasts with his free hand.

Rick made a disgusted face at the scene on the couch but Avery only laughed.

"It's disgusting the way he carries on with those girls." Rick whispered to Avery when they were alone in the kitchen, refilling bowls of pretzels and potato chips.

"Hey, if you had three or four girls throwing themselves at you like that, you'd do the same thing." Avery shoved another six pack of bush at him and grinned.

"I hardly think so." Rick tucked the beer under his arm then picked up one of the bowls of snacks and smiled at Avery. "I know what a bedroom and a door lock are for and for that matter how do you know that I don't have four or five different women a night?"

Avery laughed out loud. "Rick, I am pretty sure that you're still a virgin."

Rick sneered at him. "Not even close." He looked down at the food he was holding and sighed, "Whys it always us nice guys that get stuck being everyone's fucking servants while guys like Trash are out there bangin two chicks at once?"

Avery shrugged, "He better not be out there bangin anyone. If there's any 'bangin' going on, on my couch it had better include me."

Now it was Rick's turn to laugh. "Good luck with that pal. If you wanna get laid tonight your gonna have to settle for pussy."

"Don't make me sick." Avery stuck his tongue out and pretended to gag.

"Man, no offense but I don't understand how you could give up pussy for cock. I mean anyone of the mass of sex crazed chicks that were at the club tonight would have gladly sucked your cock but you don't want them! There is something definitely disturbing about that."

Avery shrugged, grinning somewhat. "I don't know if I could fuck any of them but right about now I might be willing to try a blow job. It's been about a week now if you catch my drift."

Rick nodded, "That's when you caught Mikey and..."

"Yeah." Avery looked at the floor sadly and Rick was suddenly sorry that he had brought it up, he knew how much Avery loved Mikey and he knew that it must be tarring him up inside.

"I'm sorry man." Rick said softly.

"Yeah me too." Avery said. "But shit happens, I'll survive. I always have and believe me, this ain't the worst thing that's ever happened to me."

When Avery and Rick returned to the living room, they were greeted by the site of Trash, shirtless, kissing all over one of his 'friends' while the other had her lips wrapped around his shaft sucking hard enough to draw blood. Rick groaned in disgust as he dropped the cans of beer on the coffee table.

"Getting a fucking room, dude!"

Trash flipped him off though his face remained stuck to his chick.

The room had emptied somewhat since Avery and Rick had disappeared into the kitchen. At least three other couples had left, probably when Trash and his girls started playing around.

Another couple sat in the corner by the window making out, oblivious to the goings on around them. Rick walked back over to the chair he was seated in earlier and handed a can of beer to a dark haired girl named Tonya that he had been talking too when they first arrived. She shook her head at the drink and stood up from the place where she had been sitting on the floor.

"Thanks Ricky but I can't drink anymore tonight. I really need to get going."

Rick frowned, "Aww, don't leave because of that cock stain over there. I'll tell him to get lost..."

"It's not that..."Tonya leaned over and gave Rick a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll call you sometime tomorrow and we can talk Rick. I just really need to get home."

Rick stood and walked her to the door, suddenly feeling as though he were about to get the brush off. "Was it something I said?" He whispered, his eyes watching her face, pleadingly.

"No, it's nothing you did Rick. You're a gentlemen...I just need to space you know. Some time to think."

Rick nodded then cast his gaze to the floor. "Well...I'll call you tomorrow then."

Tonya smiled, "That'll be good." She kissed him once more on the cheek then turned and left. Rick stood there a few minutes longer, looking out the frosty window, watching Tonya cross the street to where her car was parked. Another car had pulled up behind her but he didn't think anything of it. He slowly shut the door, locked it and turned back to the others that were still in the room. Avery gave him a shrug and a kind of 'sorry, sucks to be you' look.

"Despite what you're thinking, I am still Not a virgin!" Rick raised an eye brow at Avery, daring him to state otherwise. Avery only smirked.

Rick turned to go back to his seat when the door bell rang. Avery looked up suddenly, slightly alarmed.

"If its Mikey..."He started to say.

Rick nodded, "I'll tell him to get lost." He turned and opened the door and suddenly seemed to freeze in place. Avery watched him curiously, something was wrong, he could tell by his reaction. Avery became even more uneasy when Rick turned, looked back at Avery then back to whoever was at the door then he suddenly stepped out onto the porch without saying one word to anyone else in the room. Even Trash had noticed that something was up because he pushed the girls away from him and stood up from the couch, readjusted his fly then walked towards the door. Avery could hear Rick talking to someone on the porch, it sounded like another guy but he couldn't tell whose voice it was. Maybe Mikey had showed up after all and Rick was telling him to leave. It's possible that Mikey could be giving Rick a rough way to go but Avery was fairly certain that Mikey would never try to start a fight with Rick; at least not a physical one. He had gotten into it with Trash once and Trash ended up with a broken nose but there was no way Mikey would start something with Rick. Rick just wasn't a fighter and Mikey knew that. Avery stood up, getting really worried now. He was about to go to the door and find out what was going on when Rick suddenly walked back in, holding the edge of the door in his right hand he looked at Avery with a look on his face that said he was either going to start crying or burst out laughing.

"Uh..Ave...You might wanna sit down." When Avery's eyes went wide and a clear look of panic settled on his face, Rick suddenly put a hand up to calm him down. "No, no no..." Rick said, "It's nothing like that, you are just not going to believe who is at the door, I mean no fucking way are you going to believe who is at the door. In fact, you may just faint."

This didn't help to ease the panic that Avery was feeling. He watched as Rick let the door swing the rest of the way open then stepped to the side to allow whoever was waiting on the porch entrance into the apartment. Avery gasped, his jaw dropped and he about screamed as a tall slender young man walked inside and stood to the right of Rick. Rick's face was beaming, even Trash looked like he was about to shit himself. Avery took a step back, tripped on the edge of the couch and landed on his little ass.

"Oh god, are you alright?" The man walked forward and held a hand out to Avery who took it, shaking as he looked up into the deep blue eyes that were staring down at him. His soft Irish accent flowed so beautifully and Avery could barely believe that he was actually hearing it for real, in his living room. Not on the radio, Internet or interview on MTV but here in his very own living room! It was too much to comprehend yet here he was, in the flesh and he was holding Avery's hand!

"Br..i..an..."Avery stuttered, "You're, Brian...Mueller."

"Call me Brian." He said in that thick Irish brogue again. He pulled Avery to his feet and smiled at him. Avery was much more beautiful in person then he was even on stage earlier that night.

Avery was speechless, stunned as he laughed out then suddenly clamped a hand over his mouth.

Brian smiled then looked around the room at Avery's friends, unsure of what to say next. "Well, I can't say as I've ever gotten a reaction like this from anyone." Brian said to particularly no body.

Rick grinned, "You're actually lucky that he didn't just jump into your arms and kiss you."

Avery glared at Rick suddenly, "Shut up!" He yelled so loudly that it made Brian jump as well as Rick.

"I'm sorry." Avery said suddenly looking up into Brian's surprised expression, "I'm sorry...I...well...you've kinda caught me by surprise here."

"That I can tell." Brian smiled at him, "Though a good surprise I would hope?"

Avery nodded, "Oh...yeah...definitely a good one."

"Well then I'm pleased if you are." He motioned towards the couch. "Do you mind if we sit?"

"Not at all." Avery hurried and cleared Trash's girl friends off the sofa and then allowed Brian to sit. The girls sulked and moaned as Trash ushered them out the door. He and Rick sat in chairs adjacent to the couch.

Brian looked to Avery as Avery sat down next to him. "I didn't realize it when you were singing, but you have a hint of an accent too don't you? What is it, if you don't mind my asking."

Avery nodded, swallowed and then took a deep breath...Still not quite believing that he was having a conversation with Brian Mueller on his living room sofa. "It's umm...creole." Avery said softly, "I moved here from New Orleans three years ago."

Brian nodded, "It's beautiful."

Avery blushed deeply, he hoped no one else saw it but by the way that his ears were burning, he was almost certain that they had. "Yours too." Avery whispered, "I've always thought so." He looked up into Brian's eyes and smiled as Brian smiled back at him. He was totally unprepared though when Brian suddenly placed his hand on Avery's knee. It wasn't unpleasant, quite the opposite but Avery still felt slightly nervous at the gesture. He had spent so many nights imagining this very encounter, though in his day dreams, Brian usually had less clothes on but still this was something that Avery would have given his right testicle to have happen yet when it finally did, he didn't act at all the way he imagined himself acting. In fact, he thought that he was acting a little foolish, like an immature school girl with a crush on a much older and more sophisticated man. What an idiot Brian must think he was, stuttering and stumbling over his words and practically falling into the musician's arms earlier when he helped him to his feet and then the fact that he fell over the couch! Avery was suddenly starting to feel like this was the most embarrassing night of his life but oddly, none of that seemed to matter. Brian Mueller was in Avery's living room and Brian Mueller had his hand on Avery's knee!

"I was at the club tonight." Brian said, pulling Avery from his thoughts, "Me and my two mates. Our flight was delayed so we decided to do some clubbing while we waited and as I was walking down the street and suddenly I heard one of my songs playing. I went inside and was awestruck when I saw you there on stage, your voice is like an angel's and they way you sang, it was almost like listening to myself. I couldn't help but ask the bar tender about you and then I got your address from one of the girls there. I hope you don't mind but I just felt compelled to come and meet you, I needed to see that beautiful singer that I saw on stage, up close and personal."

Avery felt his temperature rise about five degrees. "No, I don't mind at all. I'm glad you came over, really..."

"Yeah I'm sure he can tell how glad you are if he looked at your crotch right now." Trash stifled a laugh then popped open another beer. Avery shot him a dirty look and followed it once again with "Shut up!" This time adding, "Ass hole." To the end. Consequently, Avery grabbed a pillow and laid it over his lap. This time Brian was the one who blushed. He still had his hand on Avery's knee though it was now concealed by the pillow, so no one noticed as he slid it farther up Avery's leg onto his crotch and squeezed gently. Avery had to work hard at suppressing a moan but Brian could see from the look in his eyes that he was close to an orgasm.

"It's unfortunate though..."Brian leaned in close to Avery as though what he was about to say was for his ears alone."Our flight leaves at 6am, I would have loved to have had more time to spend with you but I really do have to go, it's the tour. Well I am sure that you're well aware of it but anyway, I won't be done for another three months."

Avery nodded, "I understand. You don't know what it means to me that you came by tonight, I mean it's been my dream to meet you."

"No shit!" Trash burst out again, "Ave has posters of you all over his room. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he yells your name when he masturbates!"

Avery hung his head and sighed. "Trash...I am going to fucking kill you." He breathed.

Rick reached over and plucked the beer from Trash's hand. "I think you've had enough for tonight my friend, why don't you give it a rest now?"

"Yeah fuck this." Trash burped. He stood up and stumbled to the door as he gave everyone a half enthused wave of his hand. "I'm going home, I need my beauty rest."

"Yeah, hope you fall on the subway tracks." Avery hissed.

"See ya tomorrow sweet heart." Trash left the room and faltered down the porch steps out into the cool night air.

"Charming Chap ain't he?" Brian mused.

"When he's sober, he's a gem." Rick smiled. "Well...I think I am going to leave you now." He looked into the vacant corner where once there had been a couple on the verge of fore-play. They had slipped out unnoticed in the commotion.

"Don't leave on my account." Brian looked over to Rick.

Rick put his hand up as he pulled his coat on, "Naw, I'm just tiered and my fingers hurt. All that key boarding. Your songs have a hard beat to keep up with."

Brian chuckled, "Well you play them beautifully."

"Thanks." Rick smiled to the two men on the couch, "Brian it was a pleasure to meet you and I sincerely hope that you will again grace us with your presence. I know that it means a lot to Avery. At the risk of causing him more humiliation, he is actually very much in love with you."

Avery groaned again.

"You flatter me." Brian said softly.

"No, it's the truth but honestly I do need to go. Ave, I will see you tomorrow at practice. Have a...memorable night."

"I'll see that he does." Brian whispered as Rick walked out the door. The lock clicked in place and Avery suddenly realized that he was now in his apartment, alone, with Brian Mueller. How much better could this night get?


Avery tried to relax some but it was nearly impossible with Brian sitting there beside him. He was Avery's idol and on top of that, he was sexy as hell. He had short cut black hair that he parted on the side, combed over and pushed behind his ears. Little wisps of hair curled at the very tips behind his ears and stuck out somewhat on the sides. It was just one more thing about him that looked absolutely dreamy. His blue eyes looked like crystals that glistened from back beneath long strands of unruly hair that fell across his face. His bangs were longer even then the hair in back was. He had a slightly punk, slightly Goth look about him. Like Avery, his finger nails were painted black and he wore a touch of eye liner but nothing else. That was not to say that he had no interest in make-up. Avery had seen him on stage once wearing eye-liner, mascara, lipstick eye shade and a skirt of all things. That ensemble may have made some musicians look strange or even stupid but not Brian Mueller, Avery loved the fact that Brian was so androgynous and proud of it. Part of Brian's allure may have been because Avery considered himself to be somewhat androgynous as well. It was a relief for him to find another male that he could relate to, one that was somewhat the same though he was aware that Brian had a liking for women as well as men and that is where they were quite different, Avery had never even been with a woman and never planned to.

He didn't like the term 'gay' but there was no getting around it, that's what he was. He just didn't look at men and women the same way and he could never imagine himself having sex with a woman. It didn't seem natural to him, there were times when being male didn't seem natural to him, like he should have been born a female. He would never go to the extreme of getting the operation, he liked his penis right where it was and wasn't about to let anyone with a knife near it but still the fact remained that at times he felt maybe his life would have ended up differently, better, had he never been born with the organ in the first place. He certainly would never have had to leave New Orleans, but then that was an entirely different story.