Avery's Desire Pt. 11


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"I don't care about any of that shit." Mikey sighed, rubbing his temples. "The only thing I care about is the location. It's out in the middle of nowhere, and it's pretty damn isolated."

"Yeah, we used to go up there as kids and smoke pot." Don laughed. "I ain't been there in years though."

"So what's the plan?" Frankie asked. "We gonna to dump the kid up there and make him walk back?"

"Oh hell that would be funny as shit!" Don clapped his hands together and grinned. "We can do it at night. I bet he would be freaked the fuck out! He'll probably start crying. That would teach the little punk not to fuck with you."

"Yeah, we could nab him the day of the concert and dump him off up there. It would take him hours to get back to town. We'll take his cell phone so he can't call anyone. There's no way he'd make it back in time for the concert. That is, if they haven't already dropped out by then." Frankie downed the rest of his beer then tossed the empty bottle into a trash can.

"That's not a bad idea." Mikey told the guys, "But it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I think doing something like that would just piss Rick off to be honest. I want to teach them both a lesson they won't ever forget."

"So what did you have in mind then?"

Mikey smiled wickedly. "I want the two of you to go up to the tunnel Monday night, after Rick leaves for work. I'll meet you there shortly after."

"What about the kid?" Frankie asked. "How are you planning to get him to show up?"

"Leave that to me." Mikey leaned back and lit a smoke. "I'll get him there. Just make sure you two are waiting there for me. We only got one shot at this and we can't mess it up."

"Don't worry about us." Don told him. "We'll be there."

Mikey took a hit off his cigarette and smirked. "Good. This is going to be fucking epic. That little bastard won't even know what hit him."


Trash was sitting at the bar staring at his phone. He wasn't his usual upbeat self, but after everything that had happened, Rick figured that was only normal. They hadn't spoken much as they cleaned up the back room. Rick was still pretty pissed but Trash looked more like he was heartbroken than mad.

Rick sat down next to him and handed him a beer. Trash thanked him but he never took his eyes off the phone.

"So, you gonna call her?"

Trash shrugged. "What would be the point?"

"I don't know. You might be able to talk her into coming back. I figure after she's had a chance to cool down and think things over..."

"I seriously doubt it." Trash sighed. "And after the way she acted, I don't know, do we even want her back?" He looked at Rick then, trying to read the expression on his face.

Rick thought about it for a long moment then nodded slowly. "I think...at the very least, we should give her a second chance. I doubt she's the only one that considered quitting after this."

"No..." Trash agreed. "But she's the only one that walked away."

"True, but you know the way women are. She probably wanted you to chase after her and beg her to stay." Rick gave Trash a reassuring smile. "It ain't like the thought didn't cross your mind." He laughed a bit and nudged Trash's shoulder.

Trash frowned. "I'm not about to grovel. If she wants to abandon us at a time like this, then more power to her. We don't need her ass anyway."

"Yeah, but you don't really feel that way." Rick propped his elbow up on the bar and rested his head on the palm of his hand. He looked at Trash sympathetically. "I've known you a long time, long enough to know you're hurting." He chuckled some. "Man I never thought I'd actually see the day that you fell for someone but buddy, you've fallen for Kat. Don't deny it either, it's obvious you like her."

"Fat lot of good it does me." Trash sighed. "She doesn't even know I exist."

"I don't know about all that." Rick told him. "I just think maybe she isn't used to getting to close to anyone. I think she keeps people at arm's length and gets a little nervous when she starts to feel too comfortable around them. Maybe she just needs to meet someone that she can really trust and open up to."

Trash snickered. "Finding a unicorn that shits skittles would be easier than getting that woman to open up to anyone. Her heart is locked down tighter than Fort Knox."

"Well, I guess you got your work cut out for you then." Rick smirked.

"Yeah right," Trash sighed as he picked up his bottle of beer and took a drink. "It's a lost cause my friend." He pushed himself away from the bar then grabbed his bottle and walked into the back room. Avery walked over and sat down next to Rick. He looked concerned and a little saddened.

"Is he going to be okay?" Avery Asked. "He don't seem like himself."

Rick put his arm around the boy and smiled. "Yeah Ave, I think he'll be okay. It's going to take time, but he'll be fine."

"I think we all need a little time to process." Avery said softly. "It's been a long and exhausting day, but at least we got the room cleaned up and everything's pretty much back to normal."

"Yeah, I think we got lucky. We didn't lose anything that can't be replaced, aside from Kat that is, but I have a feeling even that will work itself out."

"You think she'll be back?"

Rick shrugged, "I think...Trash can be pretty persuasive at times."

Avery smiled. "I guess we'll leave it up to him then."

"Well, are you about ready to head home?"

Avery nodded. "I think so, as long as Boomer don't need us for anything."

"Naw, he said he's good, I already asked him. Oh, and Cole is giving us a ride. After what happened today, he doesn't want us walking."

"You really think Mikey would still be lurking around, knowing the cops are probably watching the place?"

"More than likely not," Rick said. "But I'm not willing to take the chance."

"Yeah, me either to be honest, I think we've had enough surprises for one day."

"Yeah no shit." Rick laughed. He slid off the bar stool and walked to the back room. "Hey Trash, Ave and I are taking off."

"Okay, no problem guys." He was sitting against the wall on a couple of stacked up crates banging on some cardboard boxes with his drum sticks.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Rick asked him.

Trash looked up and smiled. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I know a guy that's got a pretty good drum set for sale cheap. I told him I'd swing by tomorrow to look at it."

"I'm sorry about your set man."

Trash shrugged. "They're just drums bro. It's not a big deal."

"Yeah, but I know what they meant to you. That was real low of Mikey to pull this shit. I can't even imagine what he must have been thinking."

"It's like Boomer said, he's scared. He knows he can't possibly beat us. But he'll get his, karma's a bitch."

"I'd like to be there when he does get his."

"You will be." Trash looked up and grinned. "We all will. When they hand us that prize money, I'm going to fucking rub it in that little bitch's face." He winked at Rick and Rick smiled.

"Hell yeah man, that will piss him the fuck off too. It's the best way to get even with the fucker."

"I hear that."

"Well, if you need anything, give me a call."

"Sure thing bro. You guys have fun tonight. I'm going to hang out here for a while longer. Probably get shit faced before the nights over."

"Well, make sure you have Boomer call you a cab then. You drive like an idiot when your sober, I'd hate to see how you drive drunk."

"Hey fuck you man." Trash laughed as he threw one of the drum sticks at Rick. "I actually drive better drunk."

"Yeah, you just think you do." Rick laughed. "The tire tracks and ripped up dirt in your father's yard tells a different story though."

"That's why he dug that ditch out front. It acts as a buffer."

Rick shook his head and smirked. "Dude, you ain't right."

"Maybe not, but at least I keep things real."

"Yeah, that's for sure." Rick gave him a quick wave good-bye then went back out into the other room where Avery was waiting with Cole.

"You boy's ready?" Cole asked.

Rick nodded. "Thanks for driving us, and thanks for all your help today."

"No thanks needed." Cole told him. "As far as I'm concerned, we're all in this together."

"Well, we appreciate it." Avery smiled. "And please, let your wife know that we appreciate her being cool about all the time you've been spending with us. I'm sure it can't be easy on her, or your kids."

Cole shrugged. "My wife knows it makes me happy so she okay with it. And, my kids are excited about getting to see me play. They've been telling all their friends that their dad's a rock star." Cole laughed as he slipped his coat on.

"Hey, I bet career day's a blast." Rick and Avery both chuckled.

"At least I'd be the coolest dad there." Cole grinned.

"No doubt about that." Rick said, "Unless someone's dad's a baker and brings cupcakes, then you'd be less impressive."

"Yeah, sweets always win out don't they?"

The guys continued laughing as they made their way outside. Avery waved good-bye to Boomer who gave him a quick salute.

Boomer switched on the TV over the bar and flipped through the channels till he found a ball game already in progress. He wasn't much into sports, but a lot of his regulars liked to watch the game while they drank so he always tried to keep it on a sports channel.

As the night dragged on, more regulars came in and took their usual seats, ordering their usual drinks, and life went on as usual.

Boomer still had a business to run, though he wasn't about to dismiss what had happened. He was more than vigilant about noticing who came and went during the night. If Mikey or any of his buddies showed up, he was going to notice, and there would be hell to pay.


Mikey was sitting in the empty lot across the street when Rick and Avery made it home. He was driving his parents light blue caravan, a very inconspicuous looking family vehicle, so no one even noticed him sitting there.

When the white, Ford, pickup pulled into the apartment complex and parked next to the stairs, Mikey suddenly leaned forward and watched. He knew that truck, he'd seen it before. The passenger side door opened and Rick got out first, followed by Avery. They stopped a moment, talking to the driver, then waved good-bye and headed for the second floor apartments.

Mikey watched as the driver pulled out, turned left, and drove down the road, going right past Mikey. He could see the driver clearly then. It was Cole Rhoads, Boomer's son and the new Bass player in the band.

"Well isn't that nice." Mikey muttered. "Giving the two little bastards a ride home, I bet Avery would give him a ride if he asked. Fucking little whore; I bet half the guys in town have already fucked him." He leaned back in the driver's seat and lit a smoke.

Rick and Avery had already gone into the apartment but Mikey didn't move to leave. He sat there, staring angrily at the place. Mikey had spent many nights there with Avery, but never once had Avery asked him to move in.

'It didn't take Rick that long to worm his way in.' Mikey thought. 'I'm sure he had one foot in the door way before Avery had even broken it off with me.'

That thought really pissed him off. He would never have thought so before, but it was so painfully obvious now. Avery had to have been cheating on him, if not with that Brian guy, then with Rick; probably both at the same time.

"You dirty little whore." Mikey hissed. "No wonder you were so quick to dump me. I bet you were just waiting for an excuse to make it look like it was my fault. You and Rick probably had the whole thing planned." He took a long, thoughtful drag off his cigarette and shook his head. "Those fucking bastards..."

Mikey rolled down his window, tossed the cigarette out, then started the engine, and pulled out of the lot. "I'll see you tomorrow night, slut." He growled as he pulled out onto the road. "Tomorrow night we're going to have some fun."


Avery pulled the rubber band out of his hair and let the length of his dark mane fall down his pale and slender back. Rick watched him, noting how long the hair was; the tips of it just coming to the top of his hips and brushing over the curve of his ass. He watched as the hair moved and swayed as Avery moved. He watched it spill over the boys shoulders as he bent down, pulling his tight jeans off over his legs and feet, before tossing them aside.

Avery looked up at Rick and smiled, sweetly. "You better get undressed." He told him, "Unless you want your clothes to get wet." He gave Rick a playful wink then pulled the shower curtain back.

"Sorry," Rick grinned. "I was just having a hard time taking my eyes off of you. You're so damn beautiful."

"That's sweet." Avery blushed, "But I'd much rather have your hands on me."

He smiled again, then turned to the shower, adjusting the water before stepping in and letting the spray of water flow over his naked body. Rick just stood there for the longest time, watching Avery. He marveled at the way his body glistened under the stream of water, and the way the steam rising around him gave off a seductive and mysterious aura.

His dark hair shimmered, silky wet, as the water ran over it then down his back to his ass, and then down his legs. Rick could feel his erection pushing against his zipper, begging to be set free. He slid his hand down, cupping the front of his pants and rubbing it slowly. His eyes still fixed on the clouded figure beyond the steam. The shower curtain was partially closed, with just enough left open that Rick could still see a bit of flesh, and that round, tight, little ass that he loved so much.

Avery leaned his head back so that his hair was directly under the stream of water. He brushed his fingers through his long locks; water trickled over his hands and down his arms and shoulders. Rick moved his eyes over every inch of the boy, from the curve of his back, to the soft, smooth surface of his stomach.

Everything about him was so alluring, so majestic. He moved with such grace and elegance, that he made something as simple as washing his hair, seem almost seductive. Rick was so enraptured with him; Avery didn't even seem quite human, more like something divine, something magical, or mystical. Rick could scarcely believe that Avery was his.

"I'm getting lonely in here." Avery's voice sang from behind the curtain, "Don't make me wait too long."

"I'm on my way baby boy." Rick smirked as he stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the hot, steamy, shower.

Rick was fixated on Avery's body. He'd seen him nude dozens of times, he'd touched him, caressed him, but looking at him now, his skin pink from the warm water, was driving Rick crazy. He wrapped his arms around Avery and kissed him softly and passionately. His warmth spread to Rick and Rick pressed their bodies together in a tight embrace.

"I love you." He whispered, looking into the boys eyes. "I love you so damn much Avery."

Avery smiled and blushed a bit. "I love you more." He winked.

Rick chuckled. "I don't think that's even possible." He kissed him again, letting his hands slide over Avery's wet shoulders, down his arms, resting on his hips. Avery shivered. He loved the way Rick touched his body. He loved every little thing about him. Never in his life had he felt such love for someone. It was as though he'd never really known what true love was until Rick had kissed him for the first time.

Avery could barely contain his feelings for Rick. This love, it was something special, something pure, and it was real. He knew that Rick felt the same way. He could see it in his eyes when he looked at him. He felt it in his touch and in his kisses. Those wonderful, sensual, kisses that made Avery's heart leap and pound in his chest.

He touched Rick's hand and brought it to his chest, resting it over his heart. Rick smiled. 'Yes...' He thought as he felt Avery's heart beating, 'Our hearts beat as one.' Rick pulled Avery to him and rested the boys head against his chest. The rhythmic sounds of Rick's heart filled his ears, like a chorus of voices singing from within. It was mesmerizing.

The water continued to rain down on them.

Droplets of hot water dripped down from Avery's long locks and trickled down his back to his ass. Rick let his hands slide further down, cupping Avery's ass in both hands and squeezing them gently. Avery gave a small squeal and then bit his bottom lip. He smiled up at Rick and Rick grinned mischievously, raising an eye brow. Avery knew instantly what he was thinking. Avery was thinking the same thing.

Avery eagerly reached for Rick's cock, which was already hard and throbbing; the tip wet with his pre-cum. Avery moved his thumb around the head, teasing it before letting his hand slid down further, rubbing Rick's juices up and down the shaft. Rick moaned as Avery stroked him.

The water continued to beat down on them, adding to the pleasure.

Avery continued to stroke him, as he tightened his grip. Rick pushed Avery's hair to the side and kissed his neck. He nipped at his ear, sucking on the lobe. Avery moaned, his own arousal pressing against Rick's thigh and longing to be touched.

Rick, still having his hands planted firmly on Avery's ass, pulled the boy closer to him. He sucked at his neck, lightly biting his skin, making Avery tremble with desire. Avery felt his own organ pulsating, pre-cum wet the head. He pressed himself harder against Rick and moaned.

The feel of Avery's cock against him was maddening. The feeling of his fluids dripping down his thigh added to his pleasure and he suddenly wanted to take Avery into his mouth and devour him. He wanted to taste his juices; he wanted to bury his face in that soft tuff of sable hair and make love to him with his mouth, but Avery had other plans.

He got on his knees and pushed Rick against the shower wall, playfully, but forcefully. Rick smiled, he loved it.

Avery brought the organ to his lips and at first kissed the head. He licked Rick's juices from his lips, and then licked the tip of his cock. His tongue moved around the head in a circular motion, paying close attention to the slit. He gripped it with his hand and moved his fingers up and down along the shaft while he sucked, taking it deeper and deeper into his mouth.

Rick leaned his head back and moaned. The sensation he was feeling was more than he could even describe. It was so intense yet so sensual it made his head swim. He was in a fog of desire and all he knew in that instant was that he never wanted this feeling to end. It was like pure heaven. Avery continued his assault on Rick's cock, alternating between licking and sucking. The sucking became harder and faster as Avery took him even deeper into his mouth. Rick could feel his pleasure mounting and as his body began to shake he knew that he was close to coming.

"Not yet." He breathed as he gently pushed Avery away. He loved the way that Avery's mouth felt on his cock, he loved the way he took him all the way in, and he loved the sounds that Avery made as he devoured him, but Rick wanted more. He pulled Avery to his feet then turned him around, facing the wall as he supported himself against it. Rick moved to stand behind him, pressing his body against Avery's.

Avery could feel Rick's sex pressing into his ass. Not penetrating—yet, but hovering just outside his hole.

Rick picked up Avery's long hair and lifted it over his right shoulder. He leaned forward and kissed the side of Avery's neck, his hands gripping his shoulders. The water from the shower splashed over them, soaking them, turning Rick's hair from a medium auburn to a dark, blood red.

He pushed Avery's shoulders down and Avery knew at once what he was doing. Avery leaned forward, arching his back and spreading his legs, being careful not to slip on the wet tile. Rick's right hand slid down Avery's back to his ass, his fingers pushing aside his plump, round, cheeks as they delve down, searching for that eagerly awaiting little opening.