Avery's Desire Pt. 18


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He'd learned most of this from his vocal coach in high school but it was good to have a refresher course in training your voice. Plus, many of the exercises he'd gotten from the doctor were ones he hadn't seen before. Those, along with the knowledge that he already had, gave him a better chance at getting his voice back up to 100 percent again.

He went through these exercises several times, being careful not to push his voice into a range that was higher than he could handle yet. His voice was still crackly and he had a hard time reaching the higher vocal range that he was so well known for, but it didn't cause him any discomfort any longer which was a really good sign. For the first time in weeks Avery started to feel a little better about everything.

He'd gone from not being able to speak at all, to being able to work his way through a few easier chords. It was promising if nothing else but he still had a lot of work to do. The concert was looming before them, less than two weeks away now, and Avery wasn't entirely sure that he was going to be ready for it when the time came. Not unless he stepped up his game and the rest of the band stopped babying him.

Avery folded up the exercise sheet and stuffed it into the back pocket of his jeans. He turned away from the sink and walked over to the tub. He sat down on the edge of it and turned the facet off then stuck his hand into the water. It was hot, almost too hot, but he liked it that way. He added some bubbles and then stirred it around with his hand until the foam covered the surface of the water.

The steam from the bath had already begun to fill up the room, fogging the mirror and the window over. Avery lit a few candles then stripped his clothes off and stepped into the water. It was so nice, so relaxing. He laid his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. The hot water felt so good against his skin, his muscles, everywhere. It was pure heaven.

Avery could have easily fallen asleep in the tub if he wasn't careful. In fact, he was close to it when he suddenly heard a knock at the door that brought him back to reality.

"Do I need to ask who it is?" He grinned.

"Probably not." He heard Rick laugh from the other side of the door.

"Well, come in." He said sweetly.

Rick pushed the door open and came in. "Ooh, sexy." He grinned mischievously when he saw Avery in the tub. "You want me to wash your back?" He asked.

"Sure." Avery looked up at him, smiling. "If you can wash me while naked and from in here."

Rick raised an eyebrow. "I think that can be arranged." He stripped then stepped into the water behind Avery and lowered himself down so that he was sitting with Avery between his legs. Avery laid his head back against Rick's chest.

"Um..." He closed his eyes and his smile widened. "This is nice."

"Yeah it is." Rick kissed the top of Avery's head. "We don't do this enough."

"Not nearly enough." Avery cooed.

Rick let his hands slide down over Avery's chest to his abdomen then back up to his shoulders. Avery let his head fall to the side, exposing his neck. Rick kissed him, brushing his lips over Avery's flesh, sucking at his ear lobe while his hand cupped Avery's chin. His other hand slipped down over Avery's chest, his fingers teasingly danced across his nipples. Avery opened his mouth and exhaled a deep breath. His heart was racing as he became delirious with his mounting desire.

"God, Avery, you are so beautiful." Rick whispered in his ear.

Avery turned his head to meet Rick's gaze. "I love you." He whispered back.

Rick smiled and kissed Avery's mouth, his tongue pushing past his lips and entering his mouth. He tasted wonderful, like a mingling of fresh strawberries and mint. Avery settled his hand atop Rick's and slowly, gently, began pushing his hand down over his chest going further down until both disappeared beneath the surface of the water.

"Touch me." Avery spoke in a soft, breathy, murmur.

As if by instinct, Rick's hand delve down between Avery's thighs, grasping his organ in his hand. Avery moaned. Rick wrapped his fingers around the shaft and began to slide his hand up and down along the length of it. He kissed Avery again, harder and with more determination. Avery spread his legs and leaned back against Rick as far as he could. One arm reached up, curving behind Rick's neck, the other rested against him, his hand trailing along Rick's arm.

Rick held him about the waist as he worked his organ, pumping it slowly and sensually. Avery was rock hard. His skin was hot and his entire body quivered with excitement. The kissing intensified and Rick drew Avery closer to him, pressing their bodies together. Avery could feel Rick's hard and erect cock pushing into the lower part of his back. It made him that much more aroused.

Rick was bathing him in deep, sensual kisses. His mouth, his neck, and his throat. He kissed him with so much passion and longing that Avery found it difficult to breathe. He was becoming dizzy but it was so invigorating. The more places Rick's lips touched, the more Avery's body felt like it was on fire.

"I want you." Rick moaned. He slid his hand down the inside of Avery's thigh, pushing his legs further apart. "I want you right now."

"I'm yours." Avery whispered back, "Now and forever."

Rick kissed him again, lifting him slightly, he positioned Avery above his erection. "God, you feel so good." Rick groaned as he nudged himself inside.

Avery whimpered, his hand reaching for Rick's hair and grasping it tightly in his fist. He moved his hips, helping Rick to find his opening. He was warm, deliciously warm, as Rick slid inside, the water from the bath providing just the right amount of lubrication.

Rick moved against him, the water sloshing around them. The sounds of their bodies colliding echoed throughout the small, dimly lit room. Rick lathered Avery in kisses, his lips pressing into the back of his neck. His heart was pounding so hard that he swore Avery could hear it. He loved kissing him, and Avery loved being kissed.

The feel of Rick's mouth devouring him was heaven. Rick wanted to kiss him forever, to love him forever. He wanted to hold him against him, safe, blocking out all thoughts of what had happened to him. He would erase all memories of Mikey if he could. Rick's sole purpose in life now was Avery. Loving him, keeping him safe, and cherishing every moment with him. The love that they shared, the bond they had, it could never be broken by anything or anyone.

Avery felt it too, the love. He felt it, and surrendered himself to it. He melted into Rick's arms, moaning and moving his body in rhythm with Ricks. They moved together as though they were one, and they were, they were one being moving in sweet synchronicity.

Rick slowed his movements when he felt Avery's body shutter but Avery began to move faster against him, sliding himself up and down over Rick's erect organ. He gripped Rick's arm tight and pushed himself up. The noises he made were beautiful, sweet, and sensuous.

Rick moved his hand to Avery's chest. He could feel each exasperated breath that escaped his lungs. Avery's lips parted and stretched as his mouth opened, and his chest heaved as he released a silent moan.

"Oh God, yes." Rick howled, unable to hold back any longer. He felt the explosion of his seed suddenly. It rocked his body as it crashed over him like a tidal wave.

Avery closed his eyes. He felt Rick relax against the back of the tub as the last undulating surge of pleasure passed through him. "You're so amazing." Avery whispered.

"You're the amazing one." Rick told him. Gently planting sweet kisses along the side of his face. "And I'm so hopelessly in love with you."

"That makes two of us." Avery turned, sitting on Ricks lap, his knees drawn up and his feet pushed against the side of the tub. He put his arms around Rick's neck and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss. Rick opened himself to the kiss, wrapping his arms about Avery's waist, one hand resting under his bottom, he crushed the boy against him.

There was no greater pleasure known to him than having his love in his arms. Rick wanted to hold him like that forever, and let the rest of the world just fade away.


Avery woke up before Rick. He quietly dressed then left a note on the kitchen table telling him that he went down to the bar to practice on his own before everyone else showed up. With the vocal exercises and the extra time he'd been putting into getting his voice strong again, Avery hopped that he would be ready to sing for the evening crowd at Shaggys.

He still had concerns that he wasn't completely healed yet though. His voice was still a bit scratchy and he was having trouble hitting the high notes but he planned to work extra hard, despite Rick telling him to take it easy.

The bar was practically empty when he got there. Boomer said that he could practice on the stage but Avery opted to go in back where no one could really hear him. He really didn't want to sing in front of anyone until he knew for sure that he was ready. The day of the big concert was ever closer, each minute that passed closed the hours between them and history.

It hungover Avery in a cloud of nervous fear. Would he be ready when the time came? Would he be good enough to win? The idea of letting the others down ate at him, and as he stood before the microphone in back, he found himself starting to shake. He'd never been nervous before a performance in his life but right now, he seriously felt like he couldn't breathe.

He opened the stereo, popped in a CD with a variety of instrumental songs on it, skipped to one from Asendin and gripped the microphone in his hands tightly. As the music began to fill the tiny room he opened his mouth to sing but stopped suddenly. He looked at the boom box and froze. For some reason, it just didn't feel right. He shook his head.

"No," He said softly to himself. "I can't ride on Brian's coat tails the rest of my life." Brian had been his inspiration for so long, his idol, eventually his lover, but Avery knew that if he was going to grow as an artist he couldn't be just a cheap imitation anymore. Desire wasn't just an Asendin cover band, they had their own voice, their own sound, and it was time to let people know it.

He switched off the stereo and took out the CD, replacing it with one he'd brought with him. He hit the play button and waited for the music. It was an instrumental version of his own song, played by the rest of the band. Rick and Cole had helped with the melody but the words were all Avery. It was a good song, had a smooth even flow to the melody with the chorus being a bit more up beat. Avery closed his eyes and imagined himself on stage before a sea of eyes, eyes that were all on him.

He opened his mouth and began to sing. Soft at first, but his voice began to rise as the beat picked up. He didn't need the sheet music, he remembered every line, every word, it was etched into his mind and into his heart. He'd put all of himself into writing that song but there was still something about it that he just didn't think sounded right. Maybe it was just his own insecurity, but he wanted the song to be perfect.

He'd written it before he was attacked. Maybe that was the problem. It was written by the old Avery. The Avery that actively sought out the good in everyone, the Avery that hadn't known the kind of cruelty and pain that Mikey had showed him that night. That's what was missing, his heart. His heart just wasn't into it because he no longer believed in what the song stood for. He'd lost his childlike innocence. It had been replaced by something dark, something fueled by sorrow, regret, and rage. Until his singing could reflect those emotions, the song wouldn't be his. Not really.

He switched off the music and picked up his notebook and pen. He wasn't going to change the music, just the words. When he was done, the song would truly be his, and it would be great.

It didn't take him long, he already knew what he was going to write. The words just flowed through him. It felt good. There were so many emotions that were just pouring out of him. Things that he'd wanted to say but could only speak through his music. When he was done, he looked over the newly changed words and smiled to himself. It was a song that he could stand behind now, one that reflected who he was and what he'd gone through. Not just with Mikey, but his entire life up until this point.

He switched the stereo on once more and let the music play. He waited for his cue then began to sing. He poured his heart into his performance, even if it was just a practice. He gave it everything he had and he sang it perfectly. When the song was done he lowered his head, breathing deeply, and closed his eyes. He imagined how it would be, singing for an entire concert hall filled with people. If he sang like that at the battle of the bands, they were sure to win. If he sang like that, he'd make history.

"You changed it."

Avery looked up and saw Rick standing in the open doorway.

"It didn't sound right." Avery explained.

"I like the new version." Rick walked to Avery and took him in his arms. He kissed him then pulled him into a tight embrace. "You're words are beautiful, almost as beautiful as you."

Avery blushed. "I just wanted it to reflect what was in my heart."

"I think it definitely shows that." Rick told him.

Avery smiled and nuzzled his head against Rick's chest. "So, you're not disappointed that I changed the words?"

"Not at all." Rick said. "You have to be true to you, other wise, it's just words on a page. When you put your heart into it and make it personal, that's what makes it great. Music isn't about chords and riffs. It's about emotion. I think your song will stir emotion in everyone that hears it. It certainly did for me."

"I love you." Avery cooed as he hugged him tighter.

"Right back at ya kid." Rick smiled. "Always."


The bar was filling up pretty quickly. More people had come than Avery thought would show. Aside from the flyers that Boomer had hung on the front door, they really hadn't advertised. Apparently word of mouth was still the fastest way to get the news around.

They'd rehearsed for a little over an hour, had the set list made out, and even worked in a solo for Cole though Rick had the sneaking suspicion that the people weren't there to see Cole play, they had come to see Avery. By now most of the people in their small, close-knit, community had heard about what happened to Avery. Boomer had people coming in daily asking how he was, if he was still going to be able to sing, and what was happening with Mikey.

Trash had run into the same at his work. It was nice that so many people were concerned though Avery was starting to feel more like a spectacle. He wanted everyone there to enjoy the music and have a good time. What he didn't want was a group of people whispering about him behind his back, pitying him, or worse, taking Mikey's side and condemning Avery for helping to keep him in jail.

That sense of panic was coming back and Avery felt like he was again having trouble breathing. His hands were shaking and he suddenly felt like he was going to puke. Backstage he had seated himself on a folding chair and was sitting with his head between his knees, taking long, deep breaths.

"Whoa there baby boy." Trash walked over and put a hand on Avery's back. "Take it easy kid, you're going to be fine. Don't pass out on us."

He looked up at Rick, concerned. Rick walked over and knelt down beside Avery.

"Hey, babe. You doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Avery groaned softly.

Rick rubbed his back sympathetically. "Just breathe baby, there's nothing to be nervous about, you've done this a hundred times."

"Hey if you want a moment to calm his nerves we can step out of the room." Trash laughed.

Both Kat and Rick gave him the evil eye.

"What?" He chuckled. "A blow job always calms my nerves."

"That's more information than any of us really needed." Cole rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smirk.

Avery took one last deep breath then sat up. "Okay, I'm ready. I can do this." He ran his hand through his now short, spiky, hair. A million thoughts were going through his head. What were the people in the crowd going to think when they saw him? Had they come to cheer him on or to gawk at him? Another thought suddenly entered his mind, one that caused his heart to race. What if the other members of Mikey's band had come to?

He knew they had to be pissed at him. Without Mikey they would have to drop out of the competition, unless they found another singer to replace him. Avery was almost certain that they would blame him though. They were Mikey's friends after all. Avery didn't know any of them, had never spoken to any of them, and they had no reason to believe his side of things when he was certain that Mikey had probably already told them his lies.

His plan was and had always been to make Avery and Rick look like the bad guys while Mikey appeared to be the victim, when actually, it was the other way around. Anyone who knew Mikey well enough though aught to know that he doesn't play the victim very well. He's left too many damaged people in his wake.

Avery followed the others out of the back room and up to the stage. He walked up to the microphone and wrapped his hands around it like he had during rehearsals. He bowed his head and took a deep breath. Kat stood to his right and Cole was on his left. Rick took his place behind the keyboard and Trash behind the drums.

Avery raised his head slowly, looking up at the sea of faces that were staring back at him. Suddenly a chorus of cheers rose up from the crowd. Avery looked to Boomer who was behind the bar. He was leaning against a case of glasses, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked at Avery and nodded, silently saying, "You got this kid."

"You okay, Kiddo?" Cole asked.

Avery nodded. "I think so." He whispered.

Cole looked to the others and gave a nod. The lights went down as the music started. Avery stood there in the spot light, waiting for his cue to start. His heart was pounding wildly, his body was shaking. He sucked in a deep breath, then exhaled slowly in an attempt to calm his nerves. His eyes scanned the audience. He half expected to see Mikey standing in the crowed even though he knew that he was locked up.

The pressure was building up. The people in the audience were waiting for him to sing. His band members were waiting. He missed his cue but the music went on.

"Avery, what's wrong?" Kat whispered.

Avery shook his head. "I...I..." The sound of his pounding heart was deafening in his ears. His chest began to hurt. 'I can't breathe.' He thought to himself. He panicked, thinking he was close to having a heart attack. The crowd was looking around, confused, not sure what was going on. Avery backed away from the stand, letting the microphone fall from his hands and onto the stage with a loud hum that filled the bar.

The room was suddenly spinning. Avery reached out for something that would steady him, anything at all. He felt hands around him, holding him up, pushing him towards the steps. A buzz of voices echoed around him but he couldn't make out what they were saying. The last thing he remembered was Cole's face looking down at him, speaking to him, and looking worried. Avery's head fell back and that was when the darkness overtook him. Suddenly, everything went silent.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More please!

I really hope you are going to continue!!

yourboy57yourboy57over 5 years ago

More, more more!!!

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