Awakenings Ch. 07


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As I climbed into bed next to Jeanne she whispered, "Michael, I'm sorry I fucked up our life."

After pulling up the covers, I said; "Jeanne you didn't fuck up or life, in fact I'm starting to believe that you spiced it up."

"I hope that's true."

I gently kissed Jeanne's forehead and whispered, "I love you Jeanne."

She murmured, "I love you too Michael" and then she was asleep.

I kissed her again, draped my arm across her shoulder and was asleep in seconds.

The next morning I was awake at 6:30. Jeanne was still sound asleep so I quietly dressed and slipped out of the motel room. There was a Starbucks eight blocks away. I bought two large coffees, two bottles of orange juice and two sweet rolls.

When I returned to the motel room Jeanne was awake. She was sitting at the desk naked typing on my computer.

As I set the coffee, juice and sweet rolls on the desk next to her I said; "I have to admit that when I walk into my motel room I love finding a beautiful naked woman typing on my computer."

Jeanne laughed. "And I have to admit that I love a handsome man who brings me coffee, orange juice and a sweet roll in the morning."

"Good morning Jeanne."

"Good morning Michael"

"Any good emails?"

"I remind you that I don't know your email address."

"It's a Yahoo account." I gave Jeanne the address.

She logged on to Yahoo and typed in the address. "What's your password?"

I gave it to her. As she typed it in she said; "Your openness about your email account suggests that you're no longer going to be incommunicado."

"I'm sorry Jeanne. I was hurt. I needed some time alone to heal."

"I understand. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Jeanne picked up one of the bottles of orange juice. As she took a sip she said; "You have an email from Ruth."

"You can open it."

"Are you sure? Michael, I was out line when I asked you for your password. I was being intrusive. I'm sorry, I'm just so eager to be part of your life again."

"Jeanne you're my wife. You have every right to be part of my life."

"Do I Michael? I worry that I may have forsaken that when I decided to start dating."

"No Jeanne, you didn't. I very much want you to be part of my life."

Jeanne sighed, "We're both feeling a little insecure right now, aren't we."

"Yes we are, but I don't want that. I want us to start trusting each other again."

"I want that too."

"Trust starts with the little things. Why don't you go ahead and open Ruth's email."


"Would you read it aloud."

"Of course." After taking another sip of her orange juice, Jeanne read; "Dear Michael, everything is going well at the office. Bernie Kyle is turning out to be an excellent assistant for Jason. When you return I hope that we can find a permanent place for him with the firm."

Looking up at me, Jeanne said; "That's good news, isn't it?"

"Yes it is."

Jeanne continued. "Did Jeanne arrive in San Francisco yesterday? Michael she was devastated about your telephone call Wednesday evening. She was desperate to talk to you. If she did get there I hope you didn't send her away. I believe that she really does love you. She calls me twice a day to find out if I have any news about you."

I was watching Jeanne. She looked up at me. There was a tear running down her cheek. I got two tissues from the box on the bedside table and brought them to her. As she dried her eyes I kissed her forehead and whispered, "I love you too."

"Michael, I'm so confused. I love you so much and I'm afraid I'm pushing you away. I don't want to lose you, but I need to do this. This is the life I want, but I want it with you."

"We're both trying to work it out. We're talking now. That will help."

"I'm so glad I came out here."

"I am too."

"Would you like to hear the rest of Ruth's email?"

"Yes." I kissed Jeanne again and then I sat down on the edge of the bed.

Jeanne started reading again. "I'm beginning to understand Jeanne's new life style choice. David and I are still playing our game and he's becoming increasingly frank about his desire to see me date another man. He's actually encouraging me to renew my acquaintance with Nick Granger. If you remember, I mentioned Nick in an earlier email. He was the man I was dating when I met David. While Nick was fabulous in bed and it was fun to spend time with him, he was lazy and irresponsible. There was no way I would have ever considered marrying him. Still I had fun with him and now David is making it clear that he not only wouldn't mind if I started dating Nick again, it would excite him."

Jeanne paused to take another sip of her orange juice and then she continued. "I was having a hard time understanding how David could actually be urging me to date another man. I was even wondering if he was trying to get rid of me, but then he showed me the web sites. Michael there are an amazing number of web sites about this life style. It even has a name. It's called cuckolding or wife sharing. Apparently this is a common male fantasy. In a cuckold relationship a wife is free to date other men and she does it with her husband's blessing. The wives are called hot wives and their husband are their cuckolds. At first the term cuckold seemed like a disparaging name to me, but as I read the stories and articles on the web sites I realized that the men who have this fantasy don't view it that way."

I asked Jeanne, "Did you know about these web sites?"

Pausing, Jeanne looked at me and nodded. "Tricia showed them to me. Since that evening when I announced that I was going to start dating Derek Fischer, this is the first time we've really had a chance to talk. I haven't told you about them because I thought we had more important things to discuss."

"I agree."

"Would you like to hear the rest of Ruth's email?"


Jeanne started reading again. "After looking at the web sites together David told me that he wants to be my cuckold. He said that he doesn't understand it. He knows that this isn't something husbands are supposed to want, but he does want it. We stayed up almost the entire night talking. He told me he knows that I love him and he loves me too. It would just be sex and he hopes that both of us will enjoy it. Michael, I have to admit that I'm intrigued by the idea. Sex with Nick Granger was incredible. Being able to occasionally enjoy him and still have the love and security I get from David would be wonderful. Still, I'm scared. I love David. I love our life together. I'm afraid that this could blow up and destroy everything.

Life certainly can be complicated.

Please email me and let me know what's happening with you and Jeanne.



Jeanne looked at me and smiled. "She's right about that, life certainly can be complicated."

"That's the truth."

"Michael, before you look at the web sites I need to warn you about something."


"Many of the stories and articles on those sites have a strong dominant submissive tone to them. The hot wives are often dominant and their cuckold husbands are often submissive."

"You mean like Tricia and Paul."

"Yes and I think maybe David too. Ruth has said some things to me that make me believe that."

"You're worried that the dominant submissive part of the stories might bother me."


I thought for a moment and then I said; "Yesterday morning it might have, but I don't think it will now. Our discussion last night helped me a lot. I'm starting to look at all of this from a new perspective. Jeanne I've always been a sexually oriented man. Ever since I was a teenager I've enjoyed erotica in all its forms."

Jeanne giggled, "You mean dirty stories, dirty pictures and dirty movies. I know that Michael. Last night I told you that it used to bother me, but it doesn't anymore. Now I'm happy that you enjoy all of that."

"That's what I'm talking about. For most of our married life you were rather inhibited."

"You mean I was a prude."

Laughing, I said; "Okay you were a prude, but you're not a prude anymore. Suddenly you've become a sexually adventurous woman."

"You mean a slut, I turned into a slut."

Still laughing, I said; "You enjoy being direct, don't you."

"Yes I do." Jeanne was grinning.

"That's what I'm finding so exciting about our new life. You've become so open and direct. You enjoy sex. Suddenly our life is filled with adventure. I don't think I'm submissive, but reading about people who enjoy that fantasy will be fun. Being able to discuss it with you will be even more fun."

"Michael I'm glad you feel that way. I wish you'd come home with me."

Shaking my head, I said, "I wish I could; but I can't, not yet."

"I understand. You still need time to process all of this and you're right, I need more time too."

"We still have all day today, all day tomorrow and Sunday morning."

Jeanne nodded. "And I want to enjoy every minute of that time."

"Let's answer Ruth's email and then if I remember correctly, we were going to take a shower together. "

"That was the plan and after our shower I believe we were planning to do a little experimenting with oral sex."

"I'm quite certain you're correct. Let's write to Ruth."


I stood behind Jeanne while she typed.

"Dear Ruth

I did get here. Michael and I had a wonderful evening. We talked and fucked until well after midnight. This morning we're going to spend an hour or two investigating the joys of oral sex and then we're going sight seeing and shopping. Michael has offered to help me select some erotic art for my new playroom.

Michael and I were both pleased to hear about the new developments in your sexual fantasies and role playing. It sounds like you and David are having fun.

We understand your concerns about taking your fantasies to the next level. Be cautious, take your time. You don't have to rush into anything. Thoroughly discuss each decision you make. I wish I'd spent more time talking to Michael before I started dating other men."

Keep us posted on what's happening.


Jeanne and Michael"

Jeanne asked, "How's that?"

"It's perfect, send it."

After sending the email Jeanne said, "Let's finish our coffee and rolls and then it will be time for our shower."

"I like this plan."

We took a long hot shower together. Jeanne washed me. I washed her. After drying each other we jumped into bed and started playing. We took turns going down on each other. We talked about what was pleasing and what wasn't. It was fun to be so open.

For a grand finale I licked Jeanne's ass while I rubbed her clit. After she orgasmed she licked my ass while she masturbated me to a climax. It was a wonderful way to start the day.

We spent the rest of the morning and the early afternoon shopping and sight seeing. In The Castro we found a number of shops selling a wide variety of erotica. While much of it was gay oriented there was also quite a bit of heterosexual art and jewelry. The merchants in The Castro didn't discriminate.

In one of the shops we found a anklet with a heart shaped charm that had the initials H W inscribed on it. I purchased it for Jeanne. As I was putting it on her I asked, "which ankle?" Jeanne and the shop clerk agreed that it should go on the her left ankle. That was generally accepted as a sign that she was available.

Once I'd fastened the anklet the clerk said, "I have another piece of jewelry that might interest you." He opened a display case behind the counter and took out a silver neck chain with a round silver pendant attached to it. He handed it to Jeanne.

She looked at it. Smiling, she showed it to me. One side of the pendant had an engraved drawing of a pair of shapely female legs in nylon stockings The phrase; "I love it when she's naughty" was inscribed on the opposite side.

Jeanne asked. "Would you wear this?"

I laughed, but then realizing that Jeanne was serious, I asked; "Can I wear it under my shirt?"

Obviously surprised that I'd even consider wearing it, Jeanne said; "Of course."

Shrugging, I said; "Sure, why not."


"If it's under my shirt the only people who'll see it will be people who understand." Still laughing I added. "Right now that's a pretty small group."

Giggling, Jeanne turned to the shop clerk and said, "We'll take it."

I handed him my credit card. As he was processing it Jeanne slipped the chain over my head. As she tucked the pendant under my shirt she whispered, "I am so hot right now."

I winked at her and then I turned to the clerk and signed the credit card slip.

In the next block we found a store that specialized in erotic art. Jeanne and I picked out several prints and arranged to have them framed and shipped home.

We spent the rest of the day sight seeing. That evening we had dinner at The Cliff House.

After dinner Jeanne asked, "That golf course you like so much, does it have a parking lot?"

"It does."

"Is it dark and deserted?"

"Right now it is."

"Let's go there."

We drove to the golf course and parked in a dark corner of the lot. Jeanne pulled her seat forward and got out of my Escape. "Pull your seat all the way forward and get in the back seat with me."

Realizing what was about to happen I excitedly pulled the driver's seat forward and joined Jeanne in the back seat.

As soon as we were settled, she unbuttoned her blouse and whispered, "Unfasten my brassiere so you can play with my tits."

Slipping my hands under Jeanne's blouse; I reached behind her and unclasped her brassiere, freeing her large breasts. At the same time Jeanne unbuckled my belt, pulled down my zipper, opened my trousers and pulled my erect cock out of my boxer shorts.

As she bent over Jeanne said, "This is how I do it behind Brady's Pub." And then she slipped my cock into her mouth and started sucking me.

I closed my eyes and played with Jeanne's breasts while I imagined her in a dark parking lot behind a noisy pick up bar doing this same thing with a man she'd just met. At that moment I loved having a slut wife.

I was excited. It wasn't long before the sensations of pleasure began building in my loins. Sensing my growing excitement Jeanne sucked me even more vigorously. I gasped as my first spurt of semen erupted into Jeanne's mouth. She kept sucking me.

After I finished ejaculating Jeanne took my softening penis out her mouth and sat up. She smiled at me. Her lower lip was coated with my fresh semen. "I love sucking your cock. I wish I hadn't wasted all those years as an uptight prude."

Smiling back at her, I said; "You'll just have to make up for lost time." and then I kissed her. After we kissed I took out my handkerchief and wiped my cum off of both of your faces.

As I was putting my handkerchief away Jeanne said; "I'm still surprised that you're willing to do that."

"You mean kiss you when your lips are coated with my cum."


"It doesn't bother you, so it shouldn't bother me either."

"You really do have an open mind about sex."

Chuckling, I said; "It's the result of a life time spent reading quality pornography."

Jeanne laughed. "I wish I'd been reading it with you."

"I wish you had too."

For a moment we looked at each other wistfully and then I said; "Let's go back to the motel."

Grinning, Jeanne said; "Wanna fuck me when we get back there?"

"Damn right."

Jeanne opened her door. As she got out of the back seat she said, "Let's go. I've got an itch that needs serious scratching."

As soon as we were both settled in the front seats I started my Escape and drove out of the deserted golf course parking lot.

On the way back to the motel, Jeanne asked; "Did you enjoy that?"

"Very much, it's easy to understand why you enjoy going to Brady's"

"Does it bother you that I do that?"

I considered Jeanne's question for a moment and then I said; "Not really, after experiencing it I realize that it's pretty impersonal. It really is nothing more than lust in its purest form."

"I'm glad you feel that way."

"Want to know something else."


"While you were doing it I was imagining you doing it to a strange man behind Brady's"



"Michael, that is so hot."

Taking a quick glance at Jeanne I smiled and said; "What can I say? At heart I'm a voyeur."

"And I'm a slut. The two kinks go together rather nicely, don't they."

"I'm beginning to realize that."

As soon as we got into our motel Jeanne said, "Take off your sports coat and sit down on the edge of the bed."


"Please, just humor me."

"Okay." I took off my sports jacket, hung it in the closet and then I sat on the edge of the bed.

Once I was settled Jeanne kneeled at my feet. As soon as she started removing my shoes and socks I knew what she was planning to do. Smiling up at me she said, "If you want me to do this with Trent you're going to have to let me do it for you first."

"I like this plan a lot." I was laughing.

After removing my shoes and socks Jeanne took off my trousers and boxer shorts. My cock was already erect again. She laid my trousers neatly across the desk and then she turned and said, "I don't have any music."

"That's okay, we can pretend."

Jeanne smiled and then she started swaying her hips to the beat of an imaginary song. Staring into my eyes, she slowly unbuttoned her black satin blouse and pulled it open exposing her black lace brassiere. After dancing with her blouse open for a few seconds she slipped it off of her shoulders, tossed it on the desk and continued dancing. Now she was wearing only her brassier, skirt, high heels and lingerie.

Enchanted, I watched. This was a voyeur's dream.

Lasciviously licking her lips, Jeanne reached behind her back and unclasped her brassiere. For a moment she held the cups in place while she danced for me and then slowly, tantalizingly she inched them off until her gorgeous breasts were fully exposed.

For a moment Jeanne waved her brassiere above her head while she danced topless for me and then she tossed it across the room. As it landed on top of the dresser she reached down, grasped the hem of her skirt and began hiking it up her nylon stocking covered thighs. Once again she moved slowly, deliberately; her hips and her pendulous breasts swaying to the beat of the imaginary music.

I watched, but as I watched a thought crept into my mind. The previous evening I'd suggested to Jeanne that she do this for Trent Peters. A moment ago she told me that before she could do this for Trent she wanted to do it for me. My wife of twenty-seven years was planning to perform this same dance for another man. I was suddenly flooded with a myriad of emotions. Jealousy and hurt came first, but they were quickly overwhelmed by lust and what I could only call a form of voyeurism. I realized that knowing my wife would soon be doing this in front of another man made it even more exciting for me.

For a brief moment I felt ashamed about my perverted attitude, but the utter thrill of what I was watching and thinking quickly vanquished my feelings of self-reproach. Instead I said, "Trent is going to love this."

Jeanne stopped and stared at me. After a moment she started to say, "Michael, I'm doing this for you, not..." But then she stopped herself. Noticing the unabashed lust in my eyes, she said; "That makes it more exciting for you, doesn't it?"

Shame started to worm its way back into my psyche. I looked away. Understanding how fragile I was Jeanne sat down next to me and whispered; "It's all right. This is who we are. I'm a slut and you're a voyeur. There's nothing to be ashamed about. In fact it makes us a perfect match for each other. We're both going to enjoy this new lifestyle."

Nodding, I said; "I know that, but it's still going to take time before I'm fully comfortable with these feelings."

"You have a life time of conditioning to overcome."