Awakenings Ch. 11


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I sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace and called Jeanne's cell phone.

Jeanne answered after the third ring. "Hello."

"Hi Jeanne."

"Michael, I'm so glad you called. I already miss you. Are you in Tucson?"

"Yes, I got here yesterday afternoon. How's work? Were the lawyers upset because you took Friday off?"

"They weren't happy, but they'll get over it. How was the drive to Tucson?"

"It was all right. The shortest route takes you through Pasadena."

"That's Los Angeles, the traffic must have been awful."

"I think it could have been worse."

"Where are you staying in Tucson? Michael I hope you got a decent motel room. You have money. Why don't you check into one of the golf resorts there. They're supposed to be very nice."

"Jeanne, I'm not staying at a motel."

"Where are you staying?"

"I'm staying with two friends."

"Friends? Do we know people in Tucson?"

"I just met them yesterday."

"You just met them yesterday and now you're staying with them? Michael who are these friends? Are they guys you met on a golf course?"

"They're not guys. I'm staying with two women."

There was a moment of silence and then Jeanne said, "Two women?"


"Who are these women? Where did you meet them? Why are you staying with them?"

"Their names are Melody Adams and Amy Cooper. I met them in a strip club. I'm staying with them because they invited me to stay with them. I'm enjoying their company."

"A strip club? What were you doing in a strip club?"

"Jeanne after everything that's happened during the past three months do you really think you have the right to ask me why I was in a strip club?"

There was a moment of silence and then Jeanne answered in a quiet voice, "No, of course not. I'm sorry."

I waited. Several seconds passed. Finally Jeanne asked, "Michael what were they doing in a strip club?"

"They work there. They're dancers."

"You're telling me they're strippers?"

"They prefer to be called dancers; but yes, they take off their clothes while they're dancing."

"You're telling me that you're staying with two strippers."

"Again, they prefer to be called dancers; but yes I'm staying with two women who dance naked in a bar."


I mean how?"

"Yesterday I stopped into the club where they work. We started talking and hit it off. When their shift ended they invited me to join them for dinner. They took me to a wonderful barbeque restaurant. You'd enjoy it."

"Don't try to change the subject."


"You're telling me that yesterday you met two strippers in a bar. They invited you to dinner and now you're staying with them."

"That's right."

"Michael are these women prostitutes?"

"Actually they are, but they prefer to call themselves working girls."

"Working girls, schmirking girls; Michael, you're staying with two whores. How much are you paying them? I don't believe this. I never imagined that you'd sink to this level."

There was a pause. I didn't say anything.

After a moment Jeanne said, "Michael you're making this up, aren't you. Why would you do that? I thought we had a wonderful weekend in San Francisco. Apparently I was wrong. You're still angry that I'm dating other men. Michael, I have to tell you that this little charade is pathetic. I thought you were a bigger man than that."

"Jeanne, I'm not making this up. Everything I've told you is the truth and I'm not paying Amy and Mel. I'm staying with them because the three of us like each other."

"Michael, if you're not paying them why would two hookers possibly be interested in you?"

"Jeanne, be careful; you're now saying things that you might later regret."

Jeanne was silent. I waited. Finally she said, "Okay, I'll play your little game. Let me talk to your new friends."


I stood up and walked across the living room to the couch where Amy and Mel were sitting. They were both watching me. Their expressions made it clear that they'd been listening to my end of the conversation.

I pressed the speaker button on my cell phone and handed it to Amy. "Jeanne would like to talk to you."

Amy nodded and said into the phone. "Hello Jeanne, I'm Amy Cooper. It's nice to talk to you."

Mel said, "I'm Melody Adams. Jeanne, I want to tell you that I think you might be the luckiest woman in the entire world. Your husband is a wonderful man."

"Michael, are you still there?"

"Yes Jeanne, I'm here."

"Okay, you hired two whores to make me jealous. It's a pathetic stunt. I didn't think you were capable of doing something like this."

"Jeanne, Mel and Amy are my friends. You can call them working girls, prostitutes, you can even call them hookers; but please understand me, do not ever again call them whores."

"Michael why are you persisting with this charade? Why are you trying to hurt me?"

"Jeanne, how am I hurting you? I've made two friends. Yes, we are having sex; but no, I'm not paying them for the sex. We simply enjoy each others company. How is that any different than what you're doing with Trent Peters?"

"Damn it Michael! Why are you throwing that in my face. Last weekend you told me that you were comfortable with my having a boyfriend. Now you're pulling this nonsense. Why?"

"Jeanne, I'm not pulling any nonsense. I'm just doing exactly what you're doing."

"Okay Michael, if that's the way you want to play it, then that's what we'll do. Have your fun with your floozies, but don't expect me to be standing there waiting to hug you after they're done with you." Laughing derisively, Jeanne added, "I guarantee you that will happen the moment they think they've soaked you for every dime they can get from you."

"Jeanne, I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope that someday you're able to see the hypocrisy of the position you're taking right now."

Jeanne screamed, "Michael, go to hell." And then she ended the call.

I set my cell phone down and sat in one of the chairs next to the couch in front of the television.

Both Amy and Mel were watching me. No one said anything. They'd muted the sound on the television, but the picture was still playing.

Finally Mel said, "That didn't go well."

I shrugged.

Amy said, "Michael please understand that all of this has to be tearing Jeanne up inside."

"What do you mean? She initiated this. She's getting what she wanted. She's dating other men."

Nodding, Mel said, "That's true, but at a heavy cost. Michael, you really are a wonderful man. You're the perfect husband and it's obvious that Jeanne knows that. She wanted to add some sexual adventure to her life and she made a decision to try to do that. Now she's afraid that the cost of that decision might be the end of her relationship with you."

Looking at me, Amy said, "You left her Michael. We're not saying that you didn't have just cause to do that. Jeanne did a lousy job of introducing this new life style to you."

"She knows that. We spent a lot of time talking about it in San Francisco."

Amy continued. "Michael, Jeanne's terrified that while you're separated you'll meet a woman who's prettier, smarter and has more education than she does. She'll probably be younger too. As soon as she gets to know you she'll realize just how good a man you really are and she'll also recognize that your wife is neglecting you. She'll see that you're vulnerable. She'll pursue you and because you're vulnerable you'll succumb to her advances and then you'll be lost to Jeanne, forever."

"That won't happen."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I love Jeanne. The thought of life without her is untenable. Besides, I'm the one who's afraid."


"I'm terrified that Jeanne's going to fall in love with Trent Peters or someone like him."

Mel said, "Michael, Jeanne flew to San Francisco last weekend for one reason and only one reason. She was desperate to make sure you knew just how much she loves you."

"Yeah well Trent Peters is the one who's fucking her."

Amy stared at me. "Are you telling us that you and Jeanne didn't have sex last weekend?"

Shaking my head, I said, "No, you know very well that we had sex the entire weekend."

"Didn't you tell us that one night after dinner she gave you a blow job in the parking lot of that golf course you played?" Mel was staring at me too.

Slowly nodding, I said, "Yes."

Mel pressed. "Why do you think she did that Michael?"

"She wanted to make sure that she wasn't doing anything for another man that she hadn't already done for me."

"And why would she care about that?" Mel was like a prosecuting attorney breaking down a witness at a murder trial.

Smiling, I said, "Because she loves me."

Nodding triumphantly, Mel said, "Damn right she does."

Grinning, Amy said, "One of the many things I love about Mel is that she doesn't tolerate foolishness."

After taking a moment to consider everything Mel and Amy had just told me, I said, "Okay, Jeanne loves me and she's terrified that she's going to lose me. How am I supposed to respond to that? Should I immediately move into a motel and end all contact with the two of you? In the future do I try to avoid women and lead a celibate life while Jeanne continues to date as many men as she pleases?"

Amy said, "Of course not."

Mel said, "Since you left a lot has happened. In San Francisco Jeanne told you that she's now willing to give up her new life and go back to the old life."

Amy asked, "Wouldn't that be a reasonable solution for you?"

"It would work for me, but I don't think it would work for Jeanne. If you'd seen her in San Francisco you'd understand. Jeanne loves being a slut. By the way, that's her term not mine. She's enjoying the notoriety that comes with that title and she's doing everything she can to cultivate that image. She's dressing provocatively, wearing lots of makeup and from what she tells me I think she's become an unabashed flirt."

"Being naughty is fun." Mel was grinning.

"It certainly is." Amy was grinning too.

I chuckled. "Jeanne is definitely enjoying it and that's the problem. If I asked her to do it I'm certain that she would try to go back to our old life. She might even be able to do it, but she wouldn't be happy. I believe that eventually she'd end up resenting me because I made her give up a lifestyle that she clearly enjoys. I fear that would be the beginning of the end of our marriage. Her resentment would turn into hostility. I think it's likely that she'd start cheating on me. Even if she didn't I'd be constantly afraid that she was. That would destroy our trust in each other. I don't believe a marriage can survive without trust."

Nodding, Mel said, "Trust, that's what all of this comes down to, isn't it. You have to trust that Jeanne loves you and won't fall in love with one of her boyfriends and Jeanne has to trust that you love her and won't leave her for another woman."

"I guess that is the real answer. Jeanne and I have to decide to trust each other without reservation." Sighing, I said, "I wish I could call her and talk about this, but I'm afraid that right now she's probably still too angry to discuss anything with me."

And then my cell phone rang.

Amy said, "Maybe she's not."

I picked my phone and answered it. "Hello."

"Michael." It was Jeanne. Her voice was a barely audible whisper.

"Hi Jeanne, I'm glad you called."

"Michael, I'm sorry I got angry and swore at you."

"It's okay, Amy and Mel have been talking to me. They're helping me understand how worried you are that I'll meet another woman."

"I am worried Michael. I'm terrified that you'll find someone else and never come home."

"Jeanne that won't happen. I love you. I promise I'll come home. I'm afraid too Jeanne. I'm afraid that you'll fall in love with one of the men you're dating or even worse you'll decide that you like being single and you'll shut me out of your life."

"I won't Michael, I promise. I love you. I love only you. I'll never love anyone else as much as I love you. I need you too. You're the most important person in my life. I could never shut you out of it."

"You know what that means, don't you?"


"We have to trust each other. I have to believe that you love me and need me and you have to believe that I love you and won't leave you for another woman. Sometimes that's going to be difficult. When it becomes difficult we have to talk to each other. When we talk to each other we have to trust each other. We have to believe each other."

Jeanne was silent. After a moment she said, "I think you just told me that your two new friends were trying to help you understand how I felt. Did I understand that correctly?"

"Yes, in fact they're trying to help me adjust to your new life style."

"So what you told me is true. They are new friends. You're not paying them."

"No I'm not."

"And they really are...what was the term you used?"

"Working girls, yes they really are."

"Are they with you now?"

"Yes, we're sitting together in their living room."

"They live together?"

"They're a couple. In fact they're thinking about getting married."

"They're lesbians?"

"Yes, they're lesbians."

"But they're having sex with you."

"Actually they're bisexual."

"Micheal would you switch us to speaker phone."

"Of course." I switched my cell phone to the speaker. "Jeanne they can hear you now."

Jeanne said, "I understand that you've become friends with my husband."

Amy said, "That's right, we enjoy his company."

"We got off to a bad start before. I was wondering if we could try again. I'm Jeanne Nolan."

"I'm Amy Cooper."

"I'm Melody Adams."

"Melody, Amy; it's nice to meet you."

Mel said, "It's nice to meet you too Jeanne. Michael has told us so much about you. It's obvious that he loves you very much."

Jeanne said, "I hope he does because for the past several months I've been putting his love to a severe test."

Amy said, "We know, he's told us a lot about what's happened."

Mel said, "Jeanne, right now were talking on Michael's cell phone. Would it be all right if we hung up and called you back on our land line?"

Jeanne said, "That would make it easier to talk, wouldn't it."

Mel answered, "Yes it would."

Turning to me, Amy asked, "Michael do you have a recent picture of Jeanne?"

"I have several. They're upstairs in my bag."

"After we hang up would you use your phone to take pictures of Mel and me and text them to Jeanne?"

"Of course."

"And then would you get the pictures of Jeanne so Mel and I can see what she looks like?"

Mel said, "You do understand that if any of us had bothered to learn how to Skype we wouldn't have to do this."

Amy answered, "I know, but before you get too critical I'd like to point out that if it was up to you we'd still be keeping our books with an abacus."

Mel stuck out her tongue.

Laughing, Jeanne said, "Michael are they always like this?"

"Pretty much."

"I can already see why you enjoy them so much." And then Jeanne added, "Amy, Mel please promise me that you won't steal my husband from me."

Amy said, "Jeanne if we thought we could do that both of us would try. Your husband is a prince; but he's a prince who's totally devoted to you. There isn't any way that we could steal him from you."

"Thank you Amy, I can't begin to tell you how much hearing you say that means to me. Amy when you call me back call me on our land line. Michael always calls me on my cell phone. He has the number for our land line."

"We'll do that Jeanne."

We ended the call.

I took portrait shots of both Mel and Amy. While I texted the pictures to Jeanne Amy got the hand set for their land line. I gave them our home telephone number and then I ran upstairs and got the three large pictures of Jeanne that I carried in my bag. By the time I returned to the living room Mel, Amy and Jeanne were already conversing.

Jeanne was saying, "I just received your pictures. You're both beautiful. It's easy to understand why men are willing to pay to be with you."

I showed Jeanne's pictures to Amy and Mel. Amy said, "Jeanne you're a very attractive woman. You have beautiful eyes."

Mel said, "We can see why Michael is so madly in love with you."

"Thank you and I also thank you for letting me know that my husband still loves me."

For the next two hours I listened to a three way gab session. Mel and Amy told Jeanne about working as call girls in Las Vegas and Tucson. Jeanne told them about our two daughters and our life together prior the big change.

I paid close attention while they discussed my sexual strengths and grimaced when they talked about my weaknesses. Jeanne was particularly pleased when Amy and Mel told her that they were teaching me how to orally pleasure a woman.

Amy and Mel asked Jeanne about Tent Peters. After she told them about him they advised her to "go for it" and added that they would make sure I was okay with that.

They talked about Ruth and David and laid out my plan. Jeanne thought it was an outstanding idea and promised to call Ruth in the morning.

Mel and Amy tried to persuade Jeanne to come to Tucson. They even told her that she could have some dates in the cottage at two hundred dollars an hour. While Jeanne was tempted, she had to decline their offer. She'd already pushed her bosses too hard. She'd just taken time for San Francisco and was taking time for Christmas in San Antonio too. She didn't dare ask for any more time off.

When the three women were finally talked out Jeanne asked to speak to me privately. Mel switched off the speaker, handed the telephone to me and then she and Amy thoughtfully left the living room.

Jeanne said, "I can see why you like them Michael. They're nice women, I like them too."

"I'm glad Jeanne. They really are trying to help me adapt to your new lifestyle."

"I know that. You were lucky to meet them."

"Yes I was."

"Michael I really am sorry about how I reacted when you first told me about them."

"I think I could have been a little more sensitive when I told you about them." I paused for a moment and then I added, "Even though you've told me a number of times that you didn't mean it, I think I still feel hurt by what you said to me the night you announced to me that you had a date with Derek Fischer."

"You mean when I told you that no woman would want you because you're losing your hair and have a pot belly."


"I can't begin to tell you how much I regret saying those words to you. You do know that I didn't mean them."

"Yes, but they're still hard to forget."

"Michael I'm so sorry I said them." Jeanne was silent. After a moment she whispered, "I almost said something similar tonight, didn't I."


Sighing, Jeanne said, "Michael do you understand why I say stupid things like that?"

"I think so. You're afraid that I'll meet another woman and leave you."

"At times I get so scared that I start to cry. Michael I love being a slut, but I'm terrified that it's going to cost me the only man I'll ever love."

"Jeanne if you promise to keep loving me I'll promise to keep loving you."

"Michael I do promise. I'll always love you. I'll never leave you for another man."

"I'll always love you too Jeanne and I'll never leave you for another woman."

"Thank you Michael."

"Jeanne I want to tell you a secret."

"What is it Michael?"

"I'm discovering that I like being married to a slut. It's difficult to admit it, but I get excited when I think about you with other men."

"Baby I so badly want that to be true."

"It is true Jeanne, it really is. When I get home I'd like to go to Brady's saloon with you and watch while you get together with a man."

"Are you sure? You'll see me flirt with him and then you'll see us dance together and while were dancing you'll see him touching me. You'll see him touching me in ways that only you should touch me."