Awakenings Ch. 19


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When Jeanne called Wednesday evening she mostly chatted with Amy and Mel. They were quickly becoming close friends.

Thursday was Thanksgiving Day. In the morning Amy and I helped Mel prepare the turkey while we watched the parade. Once the turkey was in the oven we settled down in front of the television and watched the first NFL game. After the game we prepared the rest of the meal. We ate dinner at 5:00. It was wonderful.

We'd just finished cleaning up when Jeanne called. It was 7:30.

Mel answered the telephone. "Hi Jeanne, give us a second."

We quickly moved into the living room. As soon as we were seated on the couch in front of the fireplace Mel switched on the speaker. "Jeanne, we're comfortable and ready to talk. Everyone is here and the speaker phone is on."

"Hi Michael. Hi Amy."

Amy and I both answered, "Hi Jeanne."

Jeanne asked, "How was your Thanksgiving?"

I said, "It was wonderful. Mel is an excellent cook. How was yours?"

There was a pause and then Jeanne said, "Kind of strange."

Mel said, "Tell us."

"We've talked before about Tricia and Paul's relationship."

Amy said, "Yes, he's submissive to her."

"This was the first time I actually witnessed it."

Mel said, "We're listening."

"Jodie rode with me. When we arrived at Tricia's apartment Paul opened the door and greeted us. Only it wasn't like a friend greeting other friends or even a young man greeting his girlfriends mother. It was more like a butler answering the door at a wealthy aristocrats mansion. No, that's not quite right. Paul was wearing a frilly pink lace apron. It was more like a maid answering the door. When Paul greeted us he called me Ms. Jeanne and Jodie Ms. Jodie. As we stepped into their apartment he announced our arrival to Tricia by saying, Ms. Patricia, your guests are here."

I said, "He called Tricia Ms. Patricia?"

"That's right."

I looked at Amy and Mel. "I can't remember the last time I called Tricia Patricia. She doesn't like it. She thinks it's too stuffy."

"Paul now calls her Patricia. Jodie told me he's no longer allowed to call her Tricia. She said Tricia told her she believes slaves shouldn't be allowed to be familiar with their superiors. They always need to remember their place."

Mel said, "Damn, Tricia is into this."

Nodding, Amy said, "It certainly seems like that. Tell us more."

"Tricia didn't treat Paul like a boyfriend, she treated him like a servant. He waited on us the entire time we were there. He brought us wine and appetizers, prepared the dinner, served the dinner, cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen by himself. Tricia never did anything to assist him. When I offered to help Paul Tricia actually stopped me. She explained that Paul was her slave. Serving her and her guests was his duty. Michael, Paul wasn't even permitted to sit at the table and have Thanksgiving dinner with us. He had to eat in the kitchen by himself. On the way home Jodie told me Tricia regularly entertains men in her apartment and makes Paul wait on them just like he waited on us today."

Mel asked, "Jeanne, what was his demeanor like? Did he seem sad or depressed?"

"Not really, but he wasn't bubbling with joy either."

Amy said, "He was working hard. He may just have been focused on doing a good job for Tricia."

"That's possible. Jodie thinks he likes being Tricia's servant. It's just so different. It's hard for me to believe that anyone could enjoy being a slave."

Amy said, "Believe me, there are people who love that role."

"I don't understand how Tricia could possibly want that kind of a relationship. I couldn't even manage to relax and enjoy the afternoon. Watching Paul do all the work while I did absolutely nothing made me feel so guilty."

Mel said, "Jeanne, you're not wired that way. You'll probably never understand it, but if that's the lifestyle Paul and Tricia want they get to do it. They're not hurting anybody."

"I suppose that's true, but it doesn't seem right. Michael, what do you think?"

"I agree with Mel. Tricia and Paul are consenting adults. If this is the life they want, it's their choice. They're not hurting anybody." I paused. After a moment I added, "But..."

Jeanne asked, "But what?"

"Is this really the life that both of them want?"

Amy said, "They are choosing to live it."

Slowly nodding, I said, "That's true, but Paul is in love with Tricia. While I don't doubt that he has a submissive nature, you have to admit that they're adopting an extreme lifestyle. Is this really what Paul wants or is he doing this because he's afraid he'll lose Tricia if he doesn't agree to her demands?"

"Michael, Tricia is our daughter. Do you really think she might be capable of coercing Paul into living as her slave?"

Mel said, "Jeanne, think about the mistakes you made when you announced to Michael that you were planning to start dating other men. Tricia is young and adventurous. She's also had a remarkable amount of professional success for someone her age. She has a dominant personality and Paul has a submissive nature. It would be very easy for her to get confused"

Jeanne quietly said, "Yes, you're right. It is easy to get confused. Michael what are we going to do?"

"I think we should follow the original plan. We're about to spend a full week with them in San Antonio. By the end of the week we should have a better idea about whether or not we have a problem."


It was clear that Jeanne was still unsettled. I was too, but I knew that until we had a clearer understanding of the situation we shouldn't get involved. Deciding it was best to move on I said, "You have a date with Trent on Saturday. Are you excited?"

There was a brief pause and then Jeanne answered, "Michael, while I'm happy that you're becoming comfortable enough with my dating to ask me that question, I have to admit that it still surprises me."

"It surprises me too Jeanne; but a part of me, a big part of me is starting to enjoy your new lifestyle. Since you're obviously enjoying it too, I might as well relax and try to get into it."

Amy reached over and gave my cock a firm squeeze. "That's the spirit cuckboy."

I looked at Amy. She was grinning at me.

Jeanne said, "Amy be nice to my sweetheart."

I said, "Don't worry Jeanne, she's just teasing me."

"I am." Amy was still grinning.

I added, "Actually, it's good. I still harbor some lingering fears about what other people will think about me. The teasing I get from Amy and Mel is desensitizing me."

Mel said, "Jeanne in a way I think it's similar to what you're doing when you overtly dress and act like a slut. I realize you're mostly doing it because you enjoy it, but I suspect you might also be doing it to combat your remaining fears about the opinions of other people."

Jeanne said, "I understand what you're saying. You're probably right. That may be one of the reasons I choose to act like a slut in public."

Amy said, "You're making it clear to everyone that this is who you are. This is who you choose to be and if they don't like it, that's just too bad. When we tease Michael about being a cuckold we're trying to help him reach a level of comfort where he can say, yes my wife parties with other men and I don't care. Got a problem with that buddy?"

Chuckling, I said, "I'm not there yet."

Mel gave my cock another squeeze. "But Amy and I are trying to get you closer."

Jeanne said, "I think I'll leave that part of Michael's desensitizing to you. I'm afraid I might make another mistake. I've already made too many with him."

Now slowly rubbing my cock, Mel said, "Don't worry, we'll take care of that. Your job is to be Michael's hot wife and share your fun with him."

"I can do that."

"Now let's get back to Michael's earlier question. Are you excited about your date with Trent this Saturday?"

"Yes Mel, I am. Michael please don't be upset by that. You're the only man I'll ever love, but Trent really does know how to press my slut buttons."

"It's okay Jeanne. I understand."

Amy asked, "Jeanne are you still planning to try deep throating Trent's cock?"

"Michael, if you don't mind I would like to try it..." Jeanne paused and then she quickly added. "But if it bothers you that I'm doing it with him first I'll gladly wait until after I've done it with you in San Antonio."

"It's okay Jeanne, you don't have to wait."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. From what you've told me I think Trent will enjoy it more than I will and I can tell you're eager to try it with him."

"Michael, I really am, but I love you and I feel guilty about doing something with another man that I've never done with you. I made that mistake once. I don't want to repeat it."

"Jeanne this time it's different. This time you discussed it with me first and you have my permission...No that's not right. You're my partner, but I don't control you. You're an adult who's free to make her own choices. You don't need to have my permission to do anything. I think it would be more accurate to say that you have my blessing."

"Thank you Michael, I appreciate that. Saturday night I promise to call you and tell you all about it. That way I'll at least be sharing it with you."

"I'd like that."

Amy said, "Jeanne, this might help. Tonight after we're done talking to you I'll give Michael a deep throat blow job. That way when you do it for Trent you'll at least know Michael has already experienced one."

Mel said, "I'll give him one too. Then he'll be really experienced."

"Thank you, that's very kind of you, but both of you told me you don't enjoy giving them."

Smiling, Mel said, "Jeanne honey, we're pros. They're not our favorite thing, but Amy and I have given lots of deep throat blow jobs. They're pretty popular. We love you and Michael. We're eager to do anything we can to help the two of you."

Shaking my head, I said, "It really isn't necess..."

Mel poked my side. "Micheal hush. We're going to do it tonight. It will make it easier for Jeanne to relax when she does it for Trent on Saturday. Now don't argue with us, just enjoy it when it happens."

Amy chuckled. "Trust me Michael, when Mel makes up her mind about something it's pointless to argue with her."

"Damn right, I'm from Chicago. Don't ever argue with a girl from Chicago because we're always right."

Amy rolled her eyes. Jeanne and I laughed.

We spent a few more minutes talking about Jeanne's Saturday afternoon date with Trent and next Tuesday's trip to the Goldenrod supper club. Jeanne also mentioned that she and Abby were planning to stop at Brady's Saloon tomorrow after work. I told her to have a good time and then we said our goodbyes and ended the telephone call.

As soon as we were finished talking Mel and Amy dragged me upstairs. We showered together and then they took turns giving me deep throat blow jobs. While it was okay, I honestly thought that having my cock sucked was more fun. It also bothered me that it wasn't enjoyable for Mel and Amy. Don't get me wrong, they're both skilled professionals. They're extremely adept at making a man believe they're enjoying what they're doing, but I remembered their concerns when Jeanne first told us that she wanted to try deep throating a cock. Call me old fashioned, but when I'm engaging in sex I want it to be pleasurable for everyone involved.

Later I lay awake sandwiched between Mel and Amy. They were both asleep. I was thinking about Jeanne's desire to give Trent a deep throat blow job. In San Francisco Jeanne described both of us as givers. I believe she was right. Trent is apparently a taker, the kind of man who would enjoy a deep throat blow job. As I considered that I realized I was hoping Trent would enjoy Jeanne's efforts on Saturday. I knew my wife. If he does it will make her happy and if he doesn't it will disappoint her. I love Jeanne with all my heart and soul. I really did want her to be happy.

As I drifted into sleep I remembered Charles Montgomery's words on that fateful Saturday afternoon three months ago. "Michael during the days before her weekend getaways Edith was actually giddy with excitement. It's fun to see the woman you love that happy."

I was beginning to understand. I wanted the woman I loved to be happy.

Friday afternoon Danny's Lounge was packed. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday most of the personnel on the air force base had furloughs, classes at the University were canceled until Monday and a large number of local businesses were operating in a relaxed mode. Of course it was also black Friday so a multitude of wives were out shopping, leaving their spouses home alone. Many of those abandoned husbands decided to go shopping too. At least that's what they told their wives. A large number of them ended up in establishments like Danny's Lounge. The manager at Danny's was experienced. He knew what to expect so every dancer employed by the club was working that afternoon.

I tried to get some work done on the girl's financial portfolios, but quickly gave up. The dressing room was a madhouse. The girls couldn't keep up with the demand for lap dances. When they had to make a costume change they did it on the run. I put my lap top computer away and spent the afternoon helping the girls get in and out of their costumes. It was a challenge, but we all know the old axiom: when the going gets tough the tough get going. I rose to the occasion, or at least part of me did. Yes, I admit it. I'm a dirty old man, but the girls needed my help and it didn't seem right to turn my back on them.

Friday night Jeanne called at 9:30. It was 10:30 in Minneapolis. She'd just gotten home from Brady's. She and Abby had both hooked up with men they liked. Jeanne's paramour for the evening was a salesman named Bill Gorman. He had a big cock and a nice sense of humor. Jeanne liked him and he liked her too. After they finished their tete-a-tete in his car he asked her if he could see her again. She declined. She told him she was married and had a boyfriend. She liked him but she didn't have time for another relationship. He gave her one of his business cards and asked her to call him on his cell phone if she changed her mind.

As Jeanne told us that I noticed a hint of regret in her voice. I have to admit that made me happy. Jeanne was discovering the disadvantages of trying to maintain two relationships.

Abby didn't have a current boyfriend so when her new friend asked if he could see her again she eagerly invited him to have a cocktail with her Sunday afternoon in her downtown studio apartment. I think Jeanne was envious. Again that made me happy.

Jeanne asked about my deep throat blow jobs the previous night. Amy and Mel told her that I didn't enjoy them all that much. They said I was just too nice. I couldn't enjoy something if I knew it was causing even mild discomfort for someone else.

I told Jeanne I preferred a normal blow job. I also again reassured her that it was fine with me if she did it for Trent during their date the next afternoon.

Jeanne thanked me and promised that she'd make sure my cock was in her mouth during a large portion of our Christmas vacation in San Antonio. I suggested that might create quite a commotion while we were sight seeing. Jeanne pointed out that she was a slut. A little commotion adds to the excitement. That made all of us laugh.

Saturday afternoon Jeanne had her date with Trent. She called us Saturday night.

Mel answered the telephone. Once we were settled she asked, "How was your date?"

Jeanne said, "It was amazing."

Mel eagerly said, "Tell us all about it."

"Okay, as soon as Trent was inside the house he took me in his arms and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed him back and then I steered him to the couch and dropped to my knees. As I unbuckled Trent's belt and unzipped his pants he told me he'd been waiting for this all week. That got me even more excited."

Chuckling, Amy said, "I'll bet it did."

There was a pause and then Jeanne asked in a concerned tone, "Michael am I being too enthusiastic?"

"No Jeanne, not at all. In fact, it makes me happy to hear you this excited."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Jeanne, I'm positive."

Amy said, "Mel just unzipped Michael's pants and took out his cock. It's as stiff as a six inch iron pipe. Believe me, he's enjoying this just as much as you are."

Giggling, Jeanne said, "Hearing that makes me very happy."

Mel said, "Okay, you just unzipped Trent's pants. What happened next?"

"I pulled his pants down to his ankles. He sat down on the couch. I immediately started licking and sucking his cock. I was so excited. I've told you before that sucking a cock gets me really hot, but this time there was more."

Amy said, "You were going to try deep throating Trent's cock. I'll bet you were nervous."

"I was, but I really wanted to try it and it was time. Michael I've been watching some of your movies."

"You mentioned that. You're using them as instructional videos."

"I am. In the movies the girls always spit all over the guys cock before they try to swallow it."

Mel said, "It's the only way you can do it. It has to be wet and slippery."

"I did that. I got Trent's cock really wet and then I started pushing it into my throat. As soon as he realized what I was doing Trent went wild. I actually had to take his cock out of my mouth and tell him that this was the first time I'd ever tried to do this, so he had to be still and let me figure out how to do it. That was all it took. He sat perfectly still on the couch and watched while I tried to swallow his cock."

Amy asked, "How did you do?"

"Not bad. I gagged a little at first. I now understand what you meant when you told me you're choking yourself on the guy's cock when you do it, but I did manage to take all of his cock and hold it in my throat for a few seconds at a time."

"You took it all the first time? Way to go girl." Mel was grinning.

I asked, "Did you enjoy doing it?"

"I did Michael, I really did. I want to keep practicing. I'd like to get good at it."

Amy said, "It does get easier with practice."

"Michael, last night you told me you didn't enjoy it that much when Mel and Amy did it to you."

"It's hard for me to enjoy something when I know it's not comfortable for the other person."

"That's one of the many reasons I love you so much, but Michael when we're together in San Antonio would you still let me practice with you?"

"Why don't you practice with Trent? I gather he really enjoys it."

"Micheal I made a huge mistake when I began exploring the world of sex without you. I want to change that. I want to start exploring and practicing with you. I want us to grow together as a husband and wife. I want to read stories and watch erotic movies with you. I want you to help me learn how to be a slut. We had so much fun in San Francisco. I want that to become our life. Yes, I'll still be dating other men, but sometimes I'll set it up so you can watch and I'll always tell you about it. You can have fun too. I told Abby about how Mel and Amy are teaching you to eat pussy. She can't wait to meet you. She loves having her pussy eaten. Abby and I have even talked about having a threesome with you."

"Jeanne, that all sounds wonderful, but I'm not ready to come home yet. I still don't think I can handle watching you get dressed for a date."

Amy said, "But he's getting closer."

"I hope so. Michael I miss you so much."

Mel said, "I also want him to go home. That way Amy and I can visit you. I want to eat Abby's pussy too."

Giggling, Amy said, "So do I, but when I do it I want Michael to watch."

"Of course, that goes without saying." Mel was nodding vigorously. She was also squeezing my cock.

Amy continued, "And Jeanne I want to watch you do it too."

Jeanne asked, "You mean eat Abby's pussy?"

Amy nodded. "That's right."