Away from the Cameras


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I bit my lips and nodded.

I watched intently feeling a good amount of fear as he spit in his hand and slicked his length with it then grabbed his cock and lined himself up. He gave a small push and I felt my lips separate around him. A bit more pressure from him brought him into contact with my entrance. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pressed his lips to mine while pushing me so I laid back on the table with his torso atop mine. As we kissed, I felt myself relax into him, feeling the safety I had always felt in his arms. It was short-lived as he began to push into me. My entrance reluctantly spread around him and I let out a sustained moaning wail as I was breached for the first time. As he continued moving forward, I felt something stretch within me that suddenly snapped. I cried out because of the pain and tried pushing him away. He ignored my pleas for him to stop and continued to move deeper while holding me in place.

"It's okay, princess," my dad said softly against my lips. His eyes were filled with both understanding and determination to complete the task. "I know it hurt but that's the only time it'll ever happen. The pain'll pass. Trust me."

Though I didn't stop whimpering from the discomfort and felt tears running out of the corner of my eyes, I did quiet down somewhat trusting that he was right. My father had always taken care of me and I knew he would now. As more of his length entered me, I could feel his thick cock head pushing open the walls of my pussy, relieving me of my virginity with each fraction of an inch. Looking back, I wasn't sure if I would've preferred him penetrating me in one swift movement or the slow, gentle motion he used. When he was finally completely inside me, I continued to pant as my body became accustomed to his presence. Even though he was only in my pussy, it felt like my entire body was filled by him. Through my own shifting and quivering flesh, I could feel my father's steady and relaxed body being betrayed by his twitching cock. As he waited patiently inside me, I could feel his cock flexing and jerking as if it could fuck me of its own accord.

"How do you feel?" He asked in his deep, confident tone after my breathing calmed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I said between breaths. "I guess."

Still buried inside me, he moved me back slightly so he could climb onto the table above me. Once we were positioned as he wanted us, he pulled out a little then pushed back in. "It's going to start feeling better now. Not great, but better." Repeating the motion he set up a steady pace moving gently inside me. One of his hands held me in place by the waist while his other began to fondle my clit.

As he fucked me, my breathing became deeper and my moans louder as I became accustomed to the lingering pain while focusing on my growing arousal. It seemed like I was hyper aware of every bump and ridge on his dick as it stroked my raw pussy. Looking between us where his length was a piston moving inside me, I could see his hardness was streaked with a small amount of blood, evidence of my cherry being popped. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the realization hit that I was no longer a virgin and that my father was the cause of it. I knew I should have had a problem with it but I couldn't find it in me. Even though I hadn't thought it all the way through, he truly was the perfect choice for me. I loved and trusted him more than any other person and knew that he would never do anything to hurt me. Coming to terms with that, I relaxed more into the fuck and it began to feel better than I had expected. I could feel the heat of another orgasm spreading through my body and was torn between letting it out and holding it back to enjoy this first time. He noticed this and made the decision for me.

"Not yet, princess," he said softly as he removed his hand from my clit and gripped my other hip. "Wait for it."

I met his blue eyes and saw him give a small smile. He slowed his thrusts, dragging his length through me with the intention that I feel all of him. Though I had never seen this side of him, I could tell he was enjoying himself and that gave me even more pleasure.

After a few more slow thrusts, he rolled us over on the narrow, wooden surface then moved so his legs were hanging over the side. He shifted into a sitting position then stood on the floor with me still impaled on him. As he started to walk, he said into my ear, "Let's go upstairs."

I wrapped my arms around his neck for support and peppered his face with kisses, some that he met with his lips. During the trip to my room, I found my arousal growing with each step he took. Seated on his hard flesh the entire time, our movement caused his dick to shift inside me, continuing to fuck me with short, erratic thrusts. Much like the first time I actually saw him as a man and not just my father, as he carried me I was struck by my father's masculinity. I had always known he was a strong guy but this was something more than a show of strength. In my primal self, I recognized the display of his manhood. This was not just a fuck to rid me of my virginity because I had asked, this was him asserting his dominance over me the way a man takes a woman. I might have been his daughter, but I was now also one of his women. More than anything else he had done or would do, the act of carrying me to my room impaled on his dick sealed my fate as his.

Upon arriving in my room he gently laid me on my back on the bed. He moved with me to maintain our genital connection, lowering his torso along with mine. After settling in, he resumed gently moving his hips against mine, gradually lengthening his thrusts until most of his cock was moving through me. I didn't realize until he lowered his head to suck one of my tits that at some point during our journey he had remove my bra. I arched my back pushing my chest against him while he mouthed one nipple and used a hand on the other.

Even though I had never had sex before, my hips began to move instinctually against his. It took a few moments before I matched his rhythm but when I did I immediately knew I had found the solution to a problem I didn't know I had. I let out a relieved sigh that bordered on a soft moan that I quickly cut off in embarrassment.

"It's okay, princess," he said around my nipple. "Let it out. When I fuck you I want to hear I'm doing a good job."

Hesitantly, I let out another moan. Something about releasing the sound enhanced the situation and another, deeper one followed. Soon, I couldn't stop moaning. Every part of my body was now alive and awake in a way I had never experienced before.

It also seemed to spur on my father. He removed his mouth from my chest and raised up on his arms. With the change in position, he had better leverage and began to move his hips faster against mine with shorter strokes. "That's it. Now you're ready. Come for me. I want to hear you, princess. Let me know that this is what you've been waiting for, what you wanted. Show daddy this was worth it."

That was all I needed. The bubble of growing arousal popped and flowed through my body more intensely than the earlier one. My body convulsed and shuddered and I gripped my father's arms tightly as I heard him grunt above me seemingly in the distance. Even as my orgasm began to wane, I could feel his cock pulsing inside me as the warmth of his release entered my body for the first time. He continued to gently rock his hips against me, only stopping once he fell onto me in exhaustion.

We lay together breathing heavily and, while I knew what we had done was wrong, I was happier than I had been in a while.

"That was amazing," I finally said drowsily through my afterglow.

"Not really," he said in his own thick voice.

I tensed feeling like I had been struck.

Dad sensed it and rose slightly to look down at me with a teasing smile. "This was great. But once you loosen up, then it'll be amazing."

Without thinking I asked, "Can we do it again?"

He leaned down and kissed me. "I warned you that you'd be hooked."

I already knew that I was. But what I didn't know until later was that he was, too.

After we caught our breath, he took his time showing me how much better sex could be. My pussy was still raw and hurt but he spent a good amount of time soothing me with his mouth and broad hands. He explored my body touching and tasting me and in the process he exposed me to areas of my own body that I didn't know existed. What he did to me without the use of his cock made me feel like I had become a woman more than when his dick penetrated me for the first time taking my virginity. And when he finally slipped back into me, I immediately felt how great it was having him moving inside of me. He took his time fucking me gently in a few different positions before he finally put another load in me. By the time he pulled out and left me to get ready for work I had lost count of the number of orgasms he had pulled from me.

While I wouldn't say we had become lovers, we were definitely fuck buddies. I had no illusion that we were going to run off together or anything like that and still went out and dated guys my own age. He was still my father, the man who gave me advice, chastised me, and took care of me. Only now he had another need of mine to pay attention to.

Most of our encounters were quick, happening in the mornings after my mom left for work before I had to leave for school when we were alone. Occasionally we had more time together on school holidays or weekends when Mom was out running errands or with friends. But no matter what, he was always attentive and made sure I had my orgasm before he did.

It wasn't until a few weeks after graduation that things took a slight turn. I began feeling unwell and a few weeks later I missed my period.

"Are you serious?"

I looked down at the ground unable to meet my father's eyes. "Yeah. I'm pregnant."

Everything was silent for a few moments.

I knew I should have started taking birth control once it became apparent that we were going to continue having sex or asked him to use the stash of condoms in my nightstand, but all of that would have invited questions from my mother—his wife—that I couldn't answer. And despite what my father and I were doing, I didn't want to lie to her.

I wasn't sure how he'd react to the news but what I didn't expect was for him to place a hand on my chin to raise my head then lean toward me and take my mouth in a deep, possessive kiss. We'd made out a number of times but none had been like this. It was like he was trying to crawl inside my mouth and I honestly wanted him to.

Like a man possessed, he ripped my sleep shorts off then lowered his boxers just far enough to release his hardening cock. With it still swelling, he mounted me and began to fuck me with quick, hard thrusts. Even though I was already pregnant, it was like he was driven to mate. There was nothing tender in the act and I could see the animal desire in his eyes. For the first time in the months that we had been fucking I was there solely for his use and he came hard inside me while my own arousal was still building.

"I know I shouldn't feel this way," he said as he nuzzled my neck while he caught his breath, "but you being pregnant is the fucking hottest thing ever."

While I couldn't articulate it at the time, I felt the same. The man who had seeded my mother to produce me and my siblings had now made another child with me. I held him tightly while I fought back tears thinking about the fact that I was going to be a mother. "I'm excited but scared."

"It's okay. We'll work it out. But, obviously, no one can ever know."

"I know."

My mother was livid when I finally told her, but she helped me—as did my father—deal with everything. I ended up putting off college for a year because of my due date and got a part-time job. When the child came, I named him after my father, which my mother thought was sweet.

After giving birth, we resumed having sex as soon as I was able to. Even though I enrolled at a local university, with the combination of caring for an infant and being with my father, my first semester of college was less than successful. Honestly, it was the need to be with my father that caused my habitual tardiness to class. When my mother dropped the hammer on me, my father and I realized we couldn't keep going the way we had been...

Straddling my father, I rose and fell on his cock and saw him watching me with a smirk plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "What?"

"You're about to get married and can't even go three days without wanting this cock inside you. Or is it because he's that bad?"

"Dad! You know that's not true." I'd been engaged for a little over a year to a man I loved and never thought I'd meet. I did enjoy sex with my fiance, Brian, but still came to my father whenever I could. "Brian's good but you're better."

He smiled and pulled my head to his to gave me a kiss before pushing me off his lap and turning me around to face the table. He pushed on my back slightly bending me forward, and as he slid into me from behind he asked, "Did you tell him?"

I shivered as I felt him pepper my neck and back with kisses. "Not yet. I want to wait until our wedding night."

"Okay. How far along?"

He wrapped his arms around me and I looked down to watch him rub my midsection. "Six weeks. But there's just enough uncertainty that it covers the night when he got back into town after his trip."

He let out a deep groan and ground his crotch against me. "That's perfect. Fuck."

"Please do."

He pulled back and I felt him wrap my hair around a fist. He began to hammer his cock into me, riding me hard.

I braced my arms on the table as he fucked me without restraint. I could hear his groans, grunts, and curses over the sound of our slapping flesh as he moved his cock in and out of me. For as gentle as he usually was when we had sex, I had come to prefer this side of him. It was so rare and such a contrast with the father and news anchor that I had known for so much of my life that I still was surprised that he had it in him. While I didn't have intimate knowledge of my parents' sex life, I had never heard sounds like the ones he was making come from their bedroom.

Slowing his hips to give me a few hard thrusts, he said, "Brian better appreciate you and how sexy you are. Does he? Does he take care of my princess's pussy the way a man should?"

"Not as good as you," I answered between moans. "But I can't complain, he's been better than all the other guys I've been with."

He pulled back until just the tip of his cock was in me then slapped my ass hard before resuming a slower but no less determined fuck. "How many guys?"

His question held a tone I had not heard from him before. "Are you jealous?"

He slapped my ass again. "I'm a concerned father."

"Well, Dad," I said the title pointedly, "I don't feel comfortable discussing the number of partners I've had with you."

He slapped my ass again and this time it wasn't an erotic tap. "Don't make me ground you."

I looked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Now it really sounds like jealousy."

He hit my ass again then gave me a particularly hard thrust. "I'm your father. I'm not jealous."

"Well you shouldn't be considering you were my first and I'm carrying our second child."

He slid all the way into me and pulled my hair back hard causing me to rise my torso. With his chest pressed against my back, he used his other hand to turn my head to look at him. Mixed in with the obvious arousal was a love and pride that he never failed to express. He pressed his mouth to mine and I felt all of that love along with more than a little possessiveness in the kiss. "No matter how much we fuck you're my baby girl and always will be. It may not seem like it, but I'm your father first and just want to make sure you're okay. Because if any guy hurts you, including Brian, I'm coming after them. That has nothing to do with how good your pussy feels around me."

"Sorry," I said feeling chastised then immediately saw the twinkle in his eyes.

"It's okay. Anyway, there's no need for me to be jealous. You're hooked on this dick so I know you'll be back."

I rolled my eyes. "Jerk."

He slapped my ass playfully then adjusted his grip on my hair enough to allow me to bend forward again as he resumed fucking me with determination. The force of his thrusts caused me to buck back against him involuntarily. His other hand reached around and began to work my clit in a way that no other guy ever had.

Almost too soon he gave a deep grunt followed by a stream of curses as his cock stiffened and he began to shoot his load into me while still moving his hips. Mine followed quickly and I felt him drop his chest to my back and nibble my shoulder while his hips continued to lazily thrust against me massaging his cum into my pussy with his dick.

After we caught our breath he placed a hand on my belly. Gently rubbing it he said, "I'm going to have a hard time walking you down the aisle knowing that my second grandchild is inside you. I already want to fuck you again."

I narrowed my eyes. "Is it really your grandchild if you're the father?"

He laughed. "It's all so backwoods West Virginia, right?"

"Just a little."

After picking up my dress and running around making final checks for the wedding, my mother and I returned home so Dad could go to work. That evening I sat down with my mother in front of the TV for the final newscast my father would anchor before the wedding that weekend while Clinton played on the floor in front of us. As the program began, like one of Pavlov's dogs I felt a tingling between my legs upon seeing him dressed in his suit as his deep voice welcomed his viewers. While he delivered the news with the gravitas it deserved, I found it so hot thinking he—a man who regularly fucked his daughter and had now impregnated her twice—was sitting there in front of a national audience appearing to be so normal and "respectable." By the end of the program, I was moist and shifting uncomfortably as I dealt with my arousal and wondered if Brian would find it weird to have sex with me while having the TV tuned to my father reading the news.

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ToughSailorToughSailor9 months ago

Great piece of writing, but personally I'm not much into babies.

hellhale01hellhale01over 1 year ago

Please do a part 2.

This was so HOT

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 2 years ago

"Away From The Cameras:" - Early Forties Year Old Married Father, Clinton (Sr) and Eighteen Year Old Virgin Daughter, Chelsea.

This story in theme, context, incestuous content of a father and daughter romance, love, infatuation and respect, and Daughter Chelsea's sexual need to lose her virginity to her father, is THE perfect performance of incest personified. Though Chelsea's mother is married to her father, so has no fear of her mother--with whom her father is totally in love with his wife/her mother--finding out of her incestuous affair between her and her father.

Chelsea has no qualms of being impregnated by her father; her heart and soul love and need for him to take her virginity overshadows every risk the will occur. When she discovers she's pregnant, both she and her father are overjoyed and elated. Her father's dear wife, Chelsea's mother take the pregnancy as would most grandmothers-to-be--graciously. Several months after their son, Clinton, Jr is born, she and her father resume their incestuous affair. But Chelsea has met and become engaged, about the time she finds she's first impregnated by her father. She's quickly bred by her father again, a couple weeks before she's due to me married to her fiancee', Bryan (or Brian).

Chelsea and her father emphatically agree they will continue their affair--she cannot do without her father's big dick in her pussy--after she and Bryan are married; she vows to tell Bryan once they're married, about her incest affair and love for and with the father of both her children, their son and and her recent second pregnancy!!

The story is short on details, as the story progresses; there's no details of how her mother handles her and her father's second child will affect her parents marriage, or her marriage to Bryan. Writer/author 'datura48' should pen a chapter 02 in order to clear up lingering ambiguities and questions. This story does have unique characteristics....the mother's real love for her (Chelsea's mother) husband, Chelsea's lover and how the parents relationship evolves after the birth of her two (2), or maybe more, grandchildren. Of course, maybe the mother will start an incestuous affair (and pregnancy) with an older brother of Chelsea's!!

I can relate to this daughter and father's love and need for each other; I have a daughter that we've had the same feelings and need of that particular, unusual incestuous love. My apologies for such a long and caring (i.e., soapbox style) oratory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Write more of this story .........

you did a great job with what you've wrote so far please keep adding to this story .......... tell us what happen's at the Wedding and after the wedding , does she Marry her Boyfriend or does he / she dump the other ......... get her Brother / Sister and Mother in on thing's with her and her Dad & ETC.

DaddysIncestGirlDaddysIncestGirlalmost 5 years ago

So amazing that I need a separate Favourites button for just the stories so great they're trumping the great. This is one such story. It was perfect. 5 stars

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