Azerothian Dream Ch. 02

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Thorium Point.
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Part 2 of the 14 part series

Updated 03/03/2023
Created 10/30/2021
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Chapter 2- Thorium Point

Six months later-

It's been a year and a half since I came to Azeroth. A year and a half in a world that was only a game before that, and now I'm a husband to a dark iron dwarf woman and a father.

Birdette gave birth within weeks after our transference from Black Rock Mountain. It turned out that we teleported straight to a translocation room within the Inn at Thorium Point. No one gave Birdette a second look, whereas I got many...


"Oh! Hey there Birdie! How long has it been?" A marbled gray Dark Iron dwarf greeted us in a husky dwarven accent as we walked out into the tavern.

Birdette's head snapped around to see who was greeting us, and then she smiled brilliantly as she trotted forward and hugged the young woman as she laughed, "How are ye, Agnes? Oh, by the mountain's heart, it is good to see ye again! I think it's been fifteen years!"

Agnes and Birdette pulled away as Agnes laughed and put a hand on Birdette's belly before gasping, "By the anvil Birdie! Ye pregnant!"

Then looking over at me she asked, "And who is this?!"

Birdette laughed as her dark gray cheeks blushed even darker, and then she pulled back and gestured to me, "Agnes, let me introduce ye to my husband, Hruthgar."

Agnes's glowing red eyes opened wide in surprise as she looked me up and down. I suddenly felt very self-conscious. Before being summoned to Azeroth I was twenty-five years old, so I was now twenty-six. I found myself swallowing nervously under Agnes's gaze and scratching a thick strawberry blonde beard I spent the last year cultivating. The one thing I could do was grow a good beard, but I was never going to be able to grow one like a dwarf could. Still, Birdette liked it.

Leaning in toward Birdette, Agnes whispered loud enough so that I overheard, "Damn Birdie, I knew ye liked them tall, but I didn't realize ye were into humans!"

"Neither did I," Birdette confessed, and then deflected, "Agnes, we're looking to catch a caravan headed out of the Searing Gorge..."

Agnes shook her head as she answered, "Ye're not going anywhere for at least the next four months. The passes are completely impassable right now. We're in the middle of the worst winter in twenty years."

"Damn!" Birdette hissed in disappointment as she looked back at me then turned back and asked, "Then is there a room at the inn or a house to rent?"

"Wait here," Agnes said as she led us into the Inn's tavern and sat us down at a table, "I will go speak with Overseer Oilfist and see what can be arranged for ye."

Birdette nodded as we both sat down. I looked at her nervously and asked, "You don't think they would just toss us out to freeze, do you?"

Birdette gave me a grim look as she idly rubbed her belly for reassurance before answering, "They certainly could and be well within their rights... But, I don't think they will... at least, not me..." She teased with a naughty smile.

"Thanks," I mumbled under my breath as I looked down at the table top.

Seeing my worry, Birdette got up and moved around to sit beside me. She wrapped her arms around mine and cuddled up close as she laid her head on my shoulder as she promised, "Don't worry my love, ye my summoned sex slave. Ye mine! Where I go, ye go, and visa-versa. Surely they will not throw us both out into the cold..."

The wait was agonizing while time seemed to creep by at a snail's pace. The fire was warm up until the door was opened letting in a blast of cold air as Agnes hurried in and was followed by Overseer Oilfist. He was a short stout dwarf with eyes that burned like hot coals, long white hair and beard, and a formidable face with strong features. He stomped in, grumbling loudly as he shook off the snow and looked around the tavern. He spotted us and grimaced, but then let Agnes lead the way over to us and make introductions.

"Birdette, ye need no introduction," Agnes said dismissively as we both stood up to greet the leader of Thorium Point, "Like I said Overseer, Birdette has returned pregnant and married to this human."

"Hello sir," I said by way of introduction, "I'm married to Birdette."

Oilfist's eyes flitted from me to Birdette and back as he visually weighed us. Finally he asked, "Birdette, ye were on a mission. How did this happen? And, why have ye returned early?"

"Overseer," She started with a submissive nod of her head, "As ye know, I have been doing my job at the Grim Guzzler for fifteen years now. Ye sent no one to relieve me all that time. I was sixteen when ye sent me on the mission, and now I am thirty-one. Thirty-one! Rightly so, I was lonely, so I summoned a potential husband, and well, he was the one summoned. Afterward, well, this is what happens when ye have nothing else to do all evening after work."

"A summoning," Oilfist gasped as he shook his head, "Ye used a summoning scroll? For him? Are we going to now have an army of humans galloping up to our doorstep demanding that their human be returned?"

"No Overseer," Birdette answered as she shook her head adamantly in denial.

"No sir, no one will come looking for me," I answered interrupting Birdette. "I was summoned from another world. If anything, those that would miss me think I am dead."

Oilfist looked at me, then cut his eyes to Birdette, and then cut his eyes back to me and looked me up and down as he grimaced, "Well it's a good thing she got ye out o' Blackrock, surely sooner o' later ye would've ended up in someone's cooking pot. So, tell me lad, do ye have any skills at all?"

"I haven't left Birdette's apartment for a year now," I answered, "I have no skills, but I am eager to learn."

"What about martial skills," He asked next, "Can ye use a sword, axe, or a bow?"

I shook my head and he sighed as he nodded as he said, "And a right tender delicacy ye would have been too..."

Looking at Birdette and her belly he sucked on his teeth, then looked back to me before continuing, "I will find a home for ye both. Birdette, ye will work here at the inn and tavern to pay ye way. As for ye husband, can I have ye name lad?"

"Hruthgar," I answered.

"Right, Hruthgar," Oilfist said as he scratched at his beard, "At least ye mother named ye well. Well, mister Hruthgar ye will come and work for me. We are gonna make ye worthy o' a Dark Iron wife! Ye will apprentice as a blacksmith and miner, and we will teach ye how to use a sword, axe, and spear. If ye wanna learn the bow ye will need to find an elf."

I sighed in relief and hugged Birdette before turning to Oilfist and answering, "Thank you sir! Anything you are willing to teach me, I will eagerly learn. Thank you!"

He stood there looking me up and down as he sucked on his teeth, and then he nodded. Turning to Agnes he tossed her a coin and said, "Put them in a room for the night, on me."

Turning back to me and Birdette he continued, "Birdette I'm sure ye know ye job by now, don't be late. Hruthgar, I will see ye in the morning, and then I will introduce ye to Mastersmith Burninate."

"Yes sir," I replied eagerly.


Logs crackled as the fire ate them up in the fireplace. Birdette made yummy noises as she tested the stew bubbling over the fire while I bounced Amberdine on my lap.

Amberdine was a perfect mix of her mother and me. Mostly her mother with a dash of me!

Agnes often remarked that Amber is larger than most Dark Iron babies, which makes sense. She is afterall half-human. Amberdine was named after her amber eyes. She has her mother's dark charcoal colored skin, but she has my strawberry blonde hair. It was too soon to know just what she would look like as she grows up, but she was very quiet for an infant. She was always watching us, and I got the sense that she was learning. Soaking up everything she saw and heard like a spunge.

When the stew was finished, Birdette ladled out a portion for me and her and set the table for dinner. Standing up I moved to sit with her as she took Amberdine from me, and subsequently pulled a breast out to feed Amber first as I looked on with jealousy.

Birdette looked up and caught me watching and smiled as she purred, "Don't worry, ye will get ye turn later."

I smiled, and then we ate our meal.

In six months my level as a hunter had jumped from 1 to 45 though there were no hunter trainers that could train me in my class. My trade skill in blacksmithing was "So-so" as Master Burninate put it, "For a human," and my skill in mining was deemed "fair" by Overseer Oilfist. However, I was proficient enough in blacksmithing that Master Burninate was giving me increasingly ornate weapons to work on. As for my proficiency with weapons, as a blacksmith's apprentice it was my job to test every weapon fabricated, and my skills quickly climbed until I was finally able to use the armor and weapons Birdette gave me. Once I was deemed "Not a Liability"

When we finished eating Birdette put Amberdine in her bassinet before coming to bed. Snuggling up close to me, she was like sleeping with a heater. She was always warm, almost too warm now that spring was in full bloom. Crawling on top of me, she immediately grabbed my dick and massaged it as she guided my swollen member to her hot, wet, cunt. Lowering herself down my length I watched it disappear inside her as she chuckled and leaned in to rub her breasts against my chest.

"Mmm, ye always feel so good inside me," She purred.

"You always feel so good to be in," I retorted as I thrust the last of my length into her and rolled us over so that I was on top.

Grabbing a handful of her hair, I snatched her head around so that her chin was tilted up and her plump mouth was open slightly as I kissed her fiercely. She nipped at my lips until I snatched her hair around and started kissing her ear and the corner of her jaw. Kissing down her neck, I came to her clavicle, and then I returned to her delectable mouth.

"Play with my breasts," She commanded insistently.

Pulling out of the warmth of her vagina, I slid down the bed until I was able to suck one then the other thick gray nipple into my mouth and knead and suck. Grabbing each breast I squeezed her fat flesh until her milk sprayed all the way to the back of my mouth.

"Oh yes!" She moaned lustily as she sighed and inhaled, and then she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed against me letting me know she wanted back on top.

Flipping over, she quickly mounted my dick and started rocking furiously as her breasts swung pendulously. Catching them I squeezed until she was squirting milk across my chest as I made little thrusts inside her womb.

"Oh yes," She wailed, "Oh yes!"

Her pace increased until she gasped a long guttural moan and smashed her pussy down, plunging my dick as deep inside her as she could force it to go. Her whole body felt like molten lava! I was disintegrating inside her as she squeezed my dick so hard I was beginning to fear being damaged. Her pussy undulated around my girth, and I hit my limit! I couldn't hold back any longer and started blasting cum inside Birdette's depths like I was a fire hydrant trying to put out her fire!


"What are ye doing today," Birdette asked the next morning as she handed me a satchel with bread, cheese, and a skin full of mead.

"Pinkerpie Glimmergem's caravan was supposed to have shown up two weeks ago," I answered, "Oilfist has quested me with tracking them down and render aid if I can. Otherwise, I'm to return and report what I find."

"Well," Birdette replied with a shake of her head, "Then I better prepare more for ye to eat than a single day's rations."

It was mid-morning when I finally gave Birdette a kiss goodbye and set out to the east toward Stonewrought Pass. Overseer Oilfist gave me a nod as he and Master Burninate talked in front of his smithy. I returned their nod with one of my own and pulled my cloak tighter around my shoulders. One thing I knew better than most was that once I left Thorium Point no Dark Iron I met would be a friend.

When I was out of sight of the watchmen, I left the main road early and headed down the mountain. The Searing Gorge was aptly named. It was a severe landscape of black and grays. There was the perpetual smell of ash, and every living thing still in this burned out husk of a land was scared or mutated by flame.

The Dark Irons and their golems were dangerous, but they weren't the only things in this land that could kill me rather easily. There were fire elementals roaming free everywhere, Twilight Cultist to the west, and Searing Lava spiders everywhere else.

It was an eighty mile walk from Thorium Point to Stonewrought Pass over a good road. With good weather that was eight days of travel round trip. Cutting across the mountains as I was, I covered only ten miles before it was dark.

It was on my fourth day that I stumbled across the tracks of a large cat. I couldn't remember any big cats inhabiting the Searing Gorge so I started tracking it.

Following its movements for three days, I finally found its lair. It was a small cave. Prowling closer, I hid behind large rocks and burned out trunks of trees until I caught sight of the beast. It was like nothing I ever saw... In the game... Or, in either world I have lived in. It was a massive lion, as black as pitch, and with a flaming mane the same as the Dark Irons' enchanted, red tipped, smoldering hair.

As I watched it my mind started to wander. Not like I was daydreaming, but rather I could swear that I could feel the lion's hunger, and deeper down a profound loneliness. It was the only one of its kind, and all alone. He was young, having just reached his full maturity, and more than anything he wished for a companion.

Before I knew what happened I came to my senses and my hand was held out and beneath my palm was the lion's head. Looking into its glowing yellow and red eyes that reminded me so much of Birdette, I understood that it wanted this as much as I did. Nodding my head in understanding I said, "You need a name then. From now on your name is Coleson."

Then I laughed at my play on words and decided to explain the joke to him, "It's because you are as black as coal... so you are the son of coal..."

Coleson cocked his head at me and I sighed knowing I sounded like an idiot. Pulling out some of the meat Birdette prepared for me I fed him. When he was done he licked the oils from my hand and then we left his lonely little cave behind. With Coleson as my pet we ventured out of the mountains and began hunting Searing Lava spiders as we headed east. I didn't much like the idea of eating spider guts, but Coleson loved it.

Two more days passed when I came upon wagon wheel tracks leading north into the mountains. Thinking it could be the missing caravan, I turned to follow the tracks. Coleson and I walked five miles before we came upon the wagons. Boxes were busted open. Clothes, fabrics, and tarps were strewn across the ground. If there were weapons and food then they were also missing along with Pinkerpie herself.

I was surprised that there was no blood. Which was good, I thought. It should have meant that whoever had robbed Pinkerpie had kept her and her people alive, but then I found the bodies. They were dragged off and deposited in a crag behind a boulder. A human, a troll, and a goblin. All male. None of them looked like mercenaries, so they must have been employees. This didn't bode well for Pinkerpie and any female employees she might have. Killing the men but keeping the women alive meant they had specific reasons to do so.

Speeding up my pace, Coleson and I trotted up the road dashing from outcropping to outcropping taking cover in good vantage points. Looking Coleson in the eyes, we connected and I held in my mind what I wanted him to do. He responded by licking me, shaking his mane, and then trotting off to the other side of the road and shadowing me.

When I finally came upon the camp I hissed under my breath. It was as I feared. There were four poles erected. From the top of each were leather straps except one, that one had chains. Attached to the leather straps and chains were shackles that bound the hands of the women. One was a human, the shackles connected to the chains were for an orc, and then there was a troll and goblin. Each and every one of them had their clothes shredded and was completely missing from the waist down.

Foam frothed at the human woman's mouth and she had a vacant stare as a male orc laughed as he thrust his dick inside her sex with abandon. She was also the dirtiest of the four, and she was very very pregnant. The troll was next, drool dribbled from her bottom lip onto her chest and ran down her body to a large round belly that was smaller than the human woman's. The orc woman snatched at her bonds and snarled obscenities as a human male used a horse whip to lash her back and buttocks and thighs until he left her green skin bleeding from welts on top of welts. She was reduced to a wailing mess hanging limply from her shackles from fatigue as she shuddered from shock. Her belly was also swollen with pregnancy, but she looked like she was just in the first months.

The goblin was the last of the females. It had to be Pinkerpie. She wore a small blue dress with a leather cuirass over the bodice. From her waist down the dress was completely missing exposing a wide hips that were broader than her shoulders and a thick bottucks that would have made the human woman's behind look small in comparison. Her skin was a deep healthy green and her short pixie-styled hair was blue. Another dirty looking human man approached Pinkerpie as she struggled against him, kicking at him as best she could before he finally forced himself upon her.

It hurt my heart to witness, and I almost lined up a shot to put a bullet in his heart, but I needed to know how many were in this gang. Moving from one boulder to another I tried to close my ears so that I wouldn't hear Pinkerpie's screams and crying as I searched the camp for all the men.

It took the rest of the day to scout the gang. There were three ramshackle huts. One housing the men, one storing the goods they've stolen, and the last was the leader's personal dwelling. As I analyzed the group I started making some assumptions based on how I would lead this gang if I were the boss. The first conclusion I came to was that if I was the leader I would get any new female first. Then once I grew tired of her I'd give her to the men.

My assumption was proved true by a complete absence of the boss taking advantage of the women shackled to the poles. The fact that Pinkerpie, who has been missing only a couple weeks, was already given to the men could mean only two things, the boss either didn't care for goblin women or he already had another woman. Finishing my reconnescense, I determined there were ten men including the bandit leader, and there were four possibly five hostage women.

I didn't see Coleson, but I knew he was nearby, ready to pounce once I gave the signal. It was a long wait for nightfall, to pass the time I checked my gear. I had five prepared grenades. An invention I had worked out with Master Burninate, that he was calling Wildfire Bombs. My swords were on my hips alongside two pistols. The blunderbuss had been around for years as well as rifles. Mostly used by dwarves and were gaining in popularity with humans, from what I heard. But my pistols were special. Mine were the first ever repeaters with magazines that held sixteen bullets each. In addition, I coated each bullet with snake venom so that if my shot didn't kill the poison would. The last things I checked were my traps. I had three that I manufactured myself. I dubbed them Steel Traps, and they were a wicked variation of a standard bear trap from earth. Once they were set, anyone unfortunate enough to spring it would have his or her leg broken, the serrations would bleed profusely, and the victim wouldn't be able to disengage the trap by themselves.