Azerothian Dream Ch. 12

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Road to Kargath.
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Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 03/03/2023
Created 10/30/2021
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Chapter 12- Road to Kargath

After raiding several of the outlying iron dwarf homesteads, Skargh turned the orc band east toward the Badlands. The orc raiding party was down to fifteen now, half their number from when they attacked my party. My Wildfire Bombs had been devastating.

Furdruk and Diasoyna were two that lived, but with either legs and/or arms blown off, they were more of a hindrance to the squad than help. Skargh took care of that problem one night as they slept. A quick slash across their throats and they awoke only to find Skargh's cruel face staring down at them grimly before dying seconds later. Everyone knew what had happened and who had done it, but no one said a thing. Runtla and Chyna were openly wary of him now and always took turns keeping watch through the cold nights.

Despite their numbers, the orc raiders carried in tow three times their number in captives and booty. Mandalay and I were among that later number.

Chyna and Runtla were a surprisingly adept team. Chyna was the hunter while Runtla was a warrior. Chyna and Persia, her worg pet, work in concert to take down their prey at a distance. Runtla handled anything or anyone that thought to close in on Chyna and take her out in a melee. By the time Skargh led the war band east they had taken an additional male iron dwarf and two females captive.

The male by himself was worth his weight in gold. As a miner and blacksmith, he would be invaluable to whoever bought him from Chyna and Runtla. Much to their dismay though the two females were housewives, and even though they were both very beautiful in a plump sort of way with very large breasts, they had no marketable skills. Chyna and Runtla we both looking to trade them as soon as possible for gear or possibly better slaves. Thankfully, I was a completely different issue.

Runtla was the first to force herself upon me, seeking evening entertainment and self-gratification the orc males wouldn't give her. After a few nights, Chyna started bedding me too. Truth be told, it was the only thing that made my captivity bearable.

After a few days, Mandalay snapped out of her trauma-induced daze, and I thanked the gods that her mind hadn't broken completely. However, on the other hand, I had to listen to her beg and scream and cry as Skargh raped her every night. Then, he took four more iron dwarf females captive. A mother and her three daughters. Her husband and sons were all dead. That gave Skargh more play things and for the first time in days, Mandalay got a break. And so, slowly, a plan formulated in my mind.


Another hot day passed by with all of us marching from the Sea of Cinders back toward the Searing Path, the orc's name for the pass that leads from the Searing Gorge to the Badlands. I was hot and sweaty and reeked from all the sex I was having with Chyna and Runtla. They didn't care, of course, they stank even worse than I did!

It was Chyna who visited me first this time. She was a very large woman standing seven and a half feet high. She was twice as broad across the shoulders as me and thickly muscled. Her abdomen was only a little less ripped than Runtla's, which meant with every exhale her muscles tightened to a slightly less defined four-pack. Her hips and ass were broad, thick, well rounded, and her thighs were like tree trunks. Thick ones!

She was all green. Green hair, eyes, and skin. Her breasts were large considering her size and mine, but for an orc male, they probably were little more than handfuls.

Chyna released my bonds seeing as I never fought them, and I made it a lot more fun for them when I could participate. I disrobed myself in front of her and the other captives. It was measurably less humiliating than having them disrobe me, but, still, it was in front of an audience of forty-five. Twenty iron dwarf women folk, twenty children ranging from infants to young maidens of marriageable age. Of those children fifteen were female and five were male. Lastly, five male iron dwarves had somehow been captured without killing them.

The men watched me passively, some of them spitting in disgust while others grumbled. Some of the women did the same though others turned away and pretended not to notice when Chyna twitched her loincloths to the side and settled her bulk down my shaft. None of them tried to shield their children from the reality that lay before them though. Their new reality was hard to avoid when the male orcs came in and pulled out a woman to bed for the night. The wives had thought of sacrificing themselves for their daughters at first, and they did, but then the orc males wanted the daughters too. Now, there wasn't a virgin left among them except for the very youngest.

As Chyna started grinding her pussy on me I watched her expression for when she was starting to really feel her pleasure before asking in a quiet mumble, "What are you going to do with us once we're back in Kargath?"

"Mmm," Chyna moaned absently as she continued her body-pummeling grind on my dick, "Why do you care? All you need worry about is yourself."

"Okay," I replied and amended my question, "What do you plan to do with me?"

"Keep you until you're too old to get it up anymore," Chyna chuckled, "and then I'll feed you to Persia."

"Really," I said, making sure my tone sounded thoughtful and more than a little disappointed, "What of the others then? What do you plan to do with the iron dwarves?"

Chyna's mood changed then as she looked down at me thoughtfully, finally she growled, "You're ruining the mood. I came here to have your dick tickle my cunt, not have your tongue tickle my ears."

So, I shut up and let Chyna finish satisfying herself. Once she left it was only a half hour before Runtla came, and I posed the same questions.

"We will keep you," She admitted, "You're my favorite captive so far. I've never had one that was so willing to perform as you are. You truly seem to enjoy it as much as I do."

"I do," I replied, and it wasn't a lie though it wasn't the whole truth either.

"Good!" Runtla giggled in a husky sort of way that made her seem diabolical, "Once we have you back in Kargath we can release you from your bonds!"

"What about the others?" I asked.

"We'll sell them," Runtla replied matter of factly, "We'll make enough to leave Kargath and go somewhere -- less barren."

"Mmm," I hummed, making sure that I sounded disappointed but not scornful.

Runtla looked at me curiously. She was a pretty thing, her features almost human, her tusks so small they barely stuck out above her fat bottom lip. Her burgundy eyes looked perplexed, and I knew I had her.

"Is there something wrong with our plan?" She asked, and it was the exact question I was hoping for.

"No---not really," I offered hesitantly as if I were choosing my words very carefully, "The thing is if all you want to do is leave Kargath and the Badlands then what you're doing is fine. However, if you want to become rich beyond your wildest dreams, well, I could help with that--but I'm just a captive so you probably don't want to hear my idea..."

I left her hanging and waited and watched Runtla's not-so-quick mind work through what I was implying. Slowly, her mind worked through it and her eyes darted around to see who was close by. Who might be able to overhear this secret to riches beyond her comprehension? Once she saw that no one was nearby she whispered, "What is this? How can we become so rich?"

Smirking, and feeling more than a little nervous about this next part I said just loud enough for her to hear, "Look at how many females are in this group of captives. There are only six males including me old enough to be productive or have marketable skills. That means that whoever has a male will be a very wealthy person once we reach Kargath."

"Yes," Runtla said, her voice thick with disappointment, "We already knew this. That is why Chyna and I took such great care to capture our males. So far you have not said anything we didn't know."

"Your right," I replied in a purr that inferred I still had a secret no one else knew and now I was about to share it with her, "Here's the thing, with so few male captives the demand for them will be very high and therefore their price will be very high. On the other hand with so many females in this group, and the fact that the orc males have been defiling them every night, their value will be reduced to almost nothing."

"So we should try to trade the females we have now," Runtla surmised.

"No," I corrected her as I shook my head, "You should trade your iron dwarf male for as many of the females as you can. Whoever owns the most females, trade your male for all of his females. It is a good trade, he will make more off of that one male than he will off of all the females together."

"Why would we do that?" Runtla asked while shaking her head at the preposterousness of it all, "We can't afford to house them or feed them, and as you said, they would be almost worthless."

"But they're not worthless," I corrected, "Think about it. What happens to most of these iron dwarf women once they are sold?"

"They are used and passed around or sold between the males until they are broken," Runtla answered.

"So," I concluded, hopefully helping her see the full worth of these women, "How much do you think they would pay for females that are clean and healthy, and how often would they return for more?"

"A lot," Runtla whispered as her eyes lit up with the prospects.

"A lot," I agreed, "Those females would guarantee a permanent customer base and a constant stream of revenue."

"A constant stream of what?" Runtla asked, confused by the strange word.

"These women are a long-time investment," I explained, "They will guarantee a constant stream of gold flowing into your hands, Runtla. Rivers of gold..."

Runtla was so excited by the idea that she got off of me without reaching her climax, or mine. I didn't see her or Chyna again for the rest of the night.

"What are ye doin' human," The older white-bearded iron dwarf asked later that evening.

I watched his fiery eyes glow and simmer as he watched and waited for my answer.

"I'm trying to get as many of the women away from these orcs as I can," I replied.

"Why do this," The squat dwarf asked gruffly, "when yer just going to turn around and prostitute 'em out to those same men?"

"Because," I answered as I broke eye contact and looked at Mandalay lying several yards away in her own cluster of captives that belonged to Skargh, and then I let my eyes rove over all the other females. They were all naked and dirty and had a vacant cast to their eyes that said they hadn't yet gotten over the shock of their new lot in life, "Prostitutes have a definable monetary value whereas toys have no value at all. You just play with it until it breaks, and then you throw it away and get another."

The old iron dwarf gave a nod of his head. At least, I think it was a nod before he said, "I can see yer reasonin', and given the circumstances, I believe yer actions to be honorable. The lady folk will love ye for savin' 'em from their fate now, but they will curse ye to yer grave once they realize what ye done."

"At least they will be alive to curse me," I said.

"Aye," The dwarf grumbled, "Ye must play the hand yer dealt I'm guessin', and hope ye don't lose too sorely..."

He fell silent then and closed his eyes. We had spent weeks together now, and this was the first time he spoke to me and I was coming to realize I didn't know his name.

"Hey, old timer," I whispered loud enough for him to hear me, "What's your name?"

He didn't answer for a long time and I was starting to think he was ignoring me when he finally said, "Yrmron Ironhead. What do yer name be, lad?"

"Hruthgar Anvilsplitter," I replied.

Yrmron lifted his head and squinted his eyes as he looked me up and down once again. Then, all of a sudden, the two iron dwarf women laying together but at an equal distance from me and Yrmron turned onto their bellies and pinned me with fiery, yellow, and red-eyed gazes. I thought they were glaring at me, but then they smiled hesitantly and introduced themselves.

"Me name be Opira Blackhammer," The first said.

"And me name be Triglwyn Ironheart," The second offered, then added, "Yer name do be iron dwarven but ye obviously ain't one o' us?"

"I took my wife's name," I answered, "Her name is Birdette Anvilsplitter."

"I see," Opira mumbled before asking shrewdly, "and if ye wife were here among us, being held captive, would ye still advocate for turnin' her into a prostitute?"

I pointed them toward Mandalay. They turned and looked at her, and then shrugged and turned back to me as I answered, "Because of certain circumstances I have four wives. Birdette was my first, hence my taking her name. Ebonae Rubyheart is my second wife, also an iron dwarf. Pinkerpie Glimmergem is my third wife and a goblin. And lastly, Shaelah Silverstag, my fourth wife. She is a mountain dwarf, and over there laying on the ground is Mandalay, her daughter. I care for her like she is my own daughter, and I rather her be a prostitute than suffer as she has at Skargh's hands."

Opira and Triglwyn's expressions changed then, from not quite hostile to sympathetic. They seemed to hold a silent dialogue between themselves. It seemed to be something all women were capable of doing. Finally, they turned back to me and said, "When the time comes we will support you." And then they turned over and hugged each other for warmth as they tried to find a few hours of sleep.


The next day, Chyna and Runtla bound my hands and put me in the lead before pulling me along with them. Behind me was another rope that tied to Yrmron's hands and from him to Opira and Triglwyn.

Chyna was interested now in my idea and asked many pointed questions. She was definitely the smarter of the two, but not by much. Once I had them seeing the women as a long-term investment property with the potential to earn them millions in gold it was easy to convince them to trade their booty for as many of the females as they could. Everything except my weapons. My M1911 and corresponding ammo and cartridges, and my Wildfire Bombs. Those they would keep as enticements for investors.

The next few days passed, and Chyna and Runtla started making their trades until finally they only had Yrmron left as property to trade. Chyna made the overtures that they were willing to trade their male for Skargh's females, but as it was now the trade was too uneven. This prompted Skargh to make trades with the other raiders, effectively securing all of the other females. Then, Chyna and Runtla made their trade. It took some time but finally, I had Mandalay back. Still, the first chance I get I'm going to kill Skargh.

"Mandalay!" I cried as I folded her in a hug.

She accepted my hug and pressed her small naked body against mine as she too cried. Over the next few days, I was still kept tied and bound at the wrists, but Runtla and Chyna assigned me the task of overseeing the captive women. Opira and Triglwyn, the only two still unmolested, were instrumental in helping with this.

One night as Chyna was taking her pleasure with me I broached another sensitive topic, "Chyna, do you know of any herbs that will end any unwanted pregnancies?"

She looked at me for a bit and then nodded, "Runtla and I both carry such an herb. It is the reason you have not fathered a child with us."

"Good," I said, "Then I need you to give some to your captive women."

"Why," Chyna asked, openly dismissive, "What does it matter if they get pregnant with orc-fathered offspring?"

"It matters," I hissed as I gestured for her to look around at her merchandise, "Because males enjoy the idea of getting a female pregnant with their child much more than actually dealing with it once they have. These women are your merchandise, if they are pregnant then they won't be able to work! Or, at the least, the attraction will be less... Oh, and then if they give birth what do you do about the child and the fact that the mother will be unable to work for months?"

"I see what you mean," Chyna agreed as she sat astride me but put her hand on her chin as she mulled over the problem, "The only issue here is that Runtla and I don't have enough for everyone."

"How do you consume the herb," I asked.

"It is a root and we chew it," Chyna said.

"Well then," I said, "Maybe we can brew tea from what you have left and then everyone can have some."

"I do not think it will be potent enough," Chyna objected, "We have only ever chewed on this root..."

"Mmm," I hummed as I thought over the problem, "Maybe if there is an alchemist among us she will know a way of purifying the tea into something stronger..."

As it turned out there was an alchemist by the name of Dejarn Oilcask.

"Boil the root in water and let it sit for half the day," Dejarn advised, "The taste will be awful but it should do the job."

Reluctantly Runtla and Chyna handed over the herb and we made the tea. I administered the first dose to Mandalay myself. The rest of the iron dwarf women folk went afterward. All of them were sick for the next few days, but confidence was high that all of them were no longer pregnant--if they were in the first place."

With so many mouths to feed now Chyna and Persia along with the other remaining hunters spent a great deal of time hunting for food. I secretly had Cyduna help Chyna but still advised her to keep clear of the raiders. She helped out by flushing our prey for the less intelligent Persia to find and chase.

Once we reached the Searing Path the Chyna, Runtla, and the rest of the orc raiders seemed to relax their guard a bit. Just a few more days and they would be safely returned to Kargath with their captives and treasures.

Chyna and Runtla walked ahead of me, neither one holding the leash tied to my bonds. I had earned their trust by helping them realize the value of their captives. I had even spent long hours coaching them on ideas of how they could develop their new business. Now, they trusted me to be the supervisor of their property. Instead, unlike most of the other orcs, Chyna and Runtla walked with hands hovering near their weapons.

Only a high-pitched whistle preceded an arrow sinking into one of the lead orcs' shoulders and spinning her around as three more arrows thunked into her back and abdomen. Screams and shouts filled the air as the two lead orcs died instantly. Skargh shouted commands but the ambush was upon them. As soon as the fight started I turned and grabbed Mandalay and dragged her to the ground as I shouted for the other women to huddle up and lay on the ground. Mandalay was crying while many of the other younger iron dwarf females were screaming. As I looked around I saw Triglwyn laying on her side, the fiery light in her eyes extinguished along with her life, a crossbow bolt sticking out of her left breast. Somehow she was unlucky enough that it had struck her right in the heart.

I heard Chyna shout and Runtla screamed, and then Chyna fell beside me holding a large gash on her left arm. Seeing my opportunity I left Mandalay with Opira and tackled Chyna.

"Betrayer!" Chyna growled as she struggled against me, but she had several other wounds and she was much weakened.

"Traitor!" She screamed, "We trusted you!"

Struggling against her one good arm I reached my pistol on her hip and pulled it free. Once I had it I wiggled free and pointed my weapon at her as I huffed, "Stop fighting! I don't want to kill you."

Chyna stopped but her green-eyed glare hot as she hissed, "We were going to free you and take you as our mate..."

"You can not free me and take me at the same time," I replied, "I was a free man before you raiders came along, and I will be once more. Now, be still, huddle with the others, and hope that whoever attacked you doesn't return to finish the job.