Azra-El Series Arc 2 Ch. 01


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The fortress was an imposing structure, seemingly impregnable both by land and air. Countless ballistic cannons, energy-based anti-air cannons and repeating guns, and anti-artillery mortars lined the faces of its star-shaped walls. A deep moat, protected by two lines of spiky palisades on the levies, surrounded the fortress; the outer palisade was hidden behind a mound of dirt, and behind it was another wide trench.

To the west of the fortress lay a forest that stretched all the way to the foothills of the mountain range, while to the east were farmlands, irrigated by the numerous streams that flowed down the snow-capped mountains.

Once Blaze finished taking in the view, he nodded at his companion, who knocked against the carriage, letting the driver know that they were ready to descend. His companion was a captain of the Imperial Guard. However, Blaze was not coming to the fortress as a prince; he was posing as the child of a minor noble, whose talent had caught General Wu Mei's eye.

The carriage landed by the wooden bridge at the eastern entrance of the fort--no one could fly over the fortress unless on urgent official business--and the captain led him to the soldier stationed at the gates.

"Captain Biyu Ming, of the Imperial Guard," she introduced herself to the guard behind the billet, as she pulled out a seal that proved her identity. "I have been tasked to escort Lady Bruì qí ér to General Wu Mei."

Ironically enough, the pseudonym Bruì qí ér was a Xian transliteration of both Blaze Er, and Brachel.

The guard inside the billet contacted her HQ through a VP, before summoning another guard to guide them.

Fortress Mirian was essentially a small town, with civilians and army personnel in equal numbers, hurrying around performing their daily duties. Blaze could now distinguish different types of soldiers by their attire. The regular ivkantry wore low-backed leather corsets and knee-length leather skirts, and carried swords or spears; when they were summoned to the mountains, they would wear grey woolen greaves and slit-backed woolen jackets.

As they passed a smithery, Blaze spotted an angel in a full coat of greyish-silver armor conversing with a smith. It was a practical yet stylish-looking form-fitting suit of armor, complete with a slit-backed cuirass, chainmail skirt, gauntlets, pauldrons, greaves, tassets at the hips, and an open-face helm with crested wings on the sides. The pauldrons and tassets somehow served to accentuate her curves.

A Knighthawk Blaze determined as he passed her. The Knighthawks were the Pegasi brigade of the Mirian Division, led by Colonel Qishi Ying.

The 7th division also had another type of flying-steed brigade, the Battlehawks, who flew on Gryphons.

The soldier took Blaze and his escort through a roundabout path, paved with cobblestones and lined by flowering trees with beautiful teal-colored flowers, giving them a short tour of the fortress. Young angels scampered past them, giving Blaze curious looks, wondering if there was going to be a new kid in town. Blaze gave them a supercilious look. I am a grown-up, punks.

As they walked, Blaze's initial impression that Mirian was not merely a garrison, but an army town was reinforced. There were multiple smitheries, workshops, barracks, housing areas for civilians and soldiers with families, a school, and even a research facility for tinkerers. Supplies were stored in underground basements, with access points located at different parts of the town. The fort itself was built from a combination of stone, brick, and mortar, but most of the buildings were made of wood. So that they can easily be rebuilt or destroyed.

To the north were the stables and an aviary. The aviary, housing the Gryphons, was a grassy knoll with massive boulders and rocky projections, on which the birds rested. In between the boulders were cozy nests made out of straw, dried leaves, and feathers, on which young Gryphons dozed when they were not playing.

The Gryphons of Azra-El came in different colors. The Xian and Aranyan Gryphons were distinct with their green bodies and yellow heads, covering a variety of shades within those spectrums. The bodies and hind legs of the Gryphons resembled that of a lion, but their heads and front claws could resemble any of the various carnivorous birds of Azra-El.

Blaze itched to go and play with the bird-animals, but he decided to put it off for another day. I wonder how Sky would feel around a Gryphon. Though Sky had grown used to being around Pegasi, he always had that predatory gleam in his eye, making most Pegasi a little nervous around him.

Suddenly, a wave of more than a thousand Pegasi surged from just outside the fortress walls and soared into the skies.

"They are out for their daily morning exercise," the guide explained, noticing his curious eyes. "They go all the way to Anyin, then visit the Duchess' Castle to the north-east, and fly another twenty yonders to the north, before returning."

"And the Gryphons?"

"Oh, the Gryphons are mostly left for themselves, except for the training drills. They are solitary creatures and dislike being in packs, unless necessary. They do their own hunting as well. We only provide them with the bare necessities."

"What is this building?" Blaze asked as they passed by a three-storeyed building, somewhere near the middle of the fortress. It was an unmarked building and the two angels he saw heading in did not look like soldiers.

"Er, I am not entirely sure," the soldier muttered, seeming a little uncomfortable.

Blaze decided not to pry further.

Finally, the guide led them to the HQ at the center of the town. Its entrance was hidden underneath a small mound, and the guide led them through a large concrete-walled hall filled with desks and angels doing paperwork. The hall was not much to look at, but it seemed relatively comfortable for an office space, with an energy-stone driven air-ventilation system and comfortable-looking chairs. The walls were covered in red drapes that displayed the insignias of the Xian Empire and the Heavenly Union. The angels seemed to be busy, but they worked in leisurely postures without displaying much decorum.

Soon, they reached a door with a copper plaque that said "General". A short knock and an inviting response later, they found themselves inside the office.

The office was a brick-walled room with rows of cabinets lining the walls. The back wall displayed two large maps of Xian and the Anyin Province.

There were two big redwood tables, one at the back of the room and another to the side. The one to the side was currently unoccupied, but the one at the back had the General sitting behind it. There was a single stack of papers in front of her and a quill pen to the side, but the General's attention was on Blaze.

"Lady Bruì qí ér," Biyu elegantly introduced Blaze, and stepped to the side.

The General nodded at the Captain, with an easy smile. "If there is nothing else, Captain, you may take your leave. Rest assured, Bruì qí shall be safe under my care," she said, perfectly enunciating each word with an unforced ease.

Biyu gave the General a crisp salute and then turned to Blaze. He nodded and thanked her, before she gave him a respectful ama and took her leave. Their guide seemed a little puzzled, but she led the Captain out and closed the door behind them.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, General Wu Mei," Blaze said, giving her a curt bow. "I will be under your care."

"Have a seat, Rhyka Fenghuang," she said, rising and walking around the table to lean against its side as Blaze walked over to take a seat.

The word for princess in Avestan was Rhyka, technically a genderless word, but Blaze had insisted early on that people refer to him as "Rhyk Fenghuang". These days, however, he just imagined that people were calling him "prince", instead of making them actually say it. It made him feel very mature.

Wu Mei held him with an appraising gaze. There was a gentleness in her eyes, which he had not expected from a battle-worn general.

Wu Mei was not the most imposing general that Blaze had met in his time on Azra-El. She did not have the flair of Elyssa's mother nor did she have the discernible strength of Freja Nerthusdottir. In fact, if one did not know her to be a general, it would be easy to mistake her for a meditative monk.

She was moderately tall for a Xian angel, with dark hair held up in a simple topknot. She wore a dirty-silver-colored breast plate over a pale white gown, grey woolen gloves, and cloth shoes. Everything about her was neat, comfortable, and practical.

Her features were pleasant, but otherwise did not leave a lasting impression. However, from what Nezha had told him, General Wu Mei was not an angel who made strong first impressions. One needed to have a deep and meaningful conversation to even begin to understand her calm and collected intellect.

And that was the reason why Blaze had chosen Wu Mei to teach him about warfare. She was not the strongest or the brightest of generals, but she was someone who got results, and was worshipped by her subordinates.

"I have read a detailed report of your abilities and your character," Wu Mei finally said. Her voice was pleasant and tranquil, like a wind chime in a soft summer breeze. "You will make a terrible soldier, Rhyka Fenghuang. Thankfully, we do not want you to be a soldier, or a general for that matter. We simply need you to understand what it takes to be one."

Blaze could not tell whether she was criticizing him or simply stating a fact. So, he chose to simply acknowledge her words for what they were, and nodded. "Please, just call me Blaze or Bruì qí ."

The General's eyes lit up and her smile widened.

"Wonderful," she said, reaching for the page on top of her stack. "Here is your schedule for the foreseeable future. Since you are here as a squire, whilst pretending to be a minor noble, your tasks will reflect that. You will meet me each day at six in the morning and we will discuss various topics on the art of warfare. After that, you will attend to your duties as a squire.

"I have also compiled a list of materials that I expect you to read each day. I hear that you are a voracious reader, so the amount should not be a daunting task. My daughter shall deliver the books to you.

"You will be sleeping in the visiting officers' quarters. Lieutenant Brija Dhara arrived a week ago, and you will share a room with her. As you are a simple squire, I cannot provide you with better accommodations, without raising questions."

"No, that is more than enough. Thank you," said Blaze.

After the tournament, Brija had served as his personal guard for five years before applying to the Aranyan army. She had been immediately accepted as a probationary officer, and within a year, was promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. It had been two years since Blaze had last seen her, but when he decided to learn under General Wu Mei, he had invited her to join him.

"You are welcome. Let us get started with your first lesson. From tomorrow, bring your knight along. I have spoken with her. She has talent," she said, returning to her seat.

"Brija? She is not my knight. She is my friend."

"Oh?" Wu Mei seemed surprised, but did not pursue the matter further.

"An ancient text on the art of war lists seven factors that determine the outcome of a war: Faith of the people in their leaders; climate and weather; terrain; lifestyles of the people; capabilities of your commanders; strategy; and the discipline of troops. Here, I am talking about war and not battle. What do you think is the distinction between the two?"

"Er..." Blaze stuttered, surprised by the suddenness of the question. "You can win the war even if you lose a battle?" he offered.

"Sure, but that is not quite the answer I am seeking."

"Hmm... War spans a long time while battles are shorter. War affects nations and the lives of their people, while a battle may only have a regional or strategic impact. War is governed by the will and capacities of nations and their leaders, while battles are controlled by generals and such. Also, I feel like logistics play a more important role in war than in battles..."

Wu Mei nodded. "It is an acceptable answer. However, I hope that by the end of your time at Mirian, you will be able to give me a more concise and confident reply. For now, we shall discuss the seven factors in more detail. If we have time, we can also talk about the difference between grand strategy and military strategy."

The lesson continued for about an hour before the General went about her daily business, bringing Blaze along to shadow her.


Later that evening, Blaze was led to his quarters by another soldier. When they reached his room, he thanked the soldier and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He found Brija standing in the middle of the room, staring at him with an unusual fervor in her eyes.

"Hey, Brija. Long time no see," he smiled.

Brija gave him a deep bow.

"Thank you!" she said, her voice cracking with emotion. Then, she stood up straight and looked at him with misty eyes.

"For all those years that I served under you, you were so kind to me, yet I never expected you to pay attention to my dream and pave me a path towards that dream. Words cannot express my gratitude, so I shall respond with my actions.

"I have already sworn an oath to Aranya and Princess Ila, but with all my heart I wish to swear another oath to you."

Blaze immediately understood what Brija was trying to do.

"Brija... Stop. You are my friend. I did not do this expecting something in return," he said, walking up to her and taking her hand.

"I know you see me as a friend, Rhyka, and maybe in another life, I can return that friendship. But in this life, my heart does not permit that. I beg you to accept my fealty," she pleaded.

Blaze searched her eyes and found an unwavering conviction in them. He sighed as he remembered how Wu Mei had referred to Brija as his knight. Had she known that this was going to happen? Maybe she just understood the heart of a soldier.

He was never going to ask if he was worthy. He had too massive of an ego to utter such words. Besides, Brija was not someone who would follow him with blind conviction. If he erred, he expected her to state her mind.

So, he stepped back and pulled out his Txiki needle.

Joy sprouted in Brija's eyes as she fell to her left knee and bowed her head. Brija came from a poor Aranyan family. To her, being knighted by a Princess was a dream come true.

"Speak your vow," Blaze said, placing the needle on her right shoulder.

"I, Brija Dhara, swear that as long as it does not go against my first oath, I shall fight for you with all my heart, and defend you until the last spark of life in my body and soul is snuffed out," she proclaimed, clearly and resolutely.

Suddenly, Blaze felt his shoulders grow heavy, and a spark of understanding as to why Brija felt joy sprouted in his mind. By giving him her trust and life, she was placing the weight of her soul on his shoulders--he could see a strange sort of freedom in that.

Blaze moved the needle off her shoulder and gazed at her silver-haired head. "Arise," he said and Brija slowly stood up. "Brija Dhara, I do not have an army, but if I ever do, you shall be my first knight."

I wonder if I can convince Ila to hand Brija over to me, permanently?


LE 642, 22nd Liber

Blaze and Brija stood on the ramparts of Jinshanling, gazing at the distant speck that was Fort Chinka of the demons. Standing atop Mt. Emei, perpendicularly across from Fortress Mirian, Jinshanling was a part of the Great Barrier of Xian, an array of interconnected fortalices along the Tian Shan mountain range. Each fortalice held a battery of artillery, able to easily flank adjacent fortalices, spaced around one or two yonders from one another. Smaller guns aimed down the slope of the mountain to prevent the rare attack over land. Teams of angels constantly patrolled over the skies to prevent enemies from sneaking in.

The opposing Fort Chinka stood atop Mt. Wutai. It was usually invisible in the thick fog that generally hung in between the two mountains, but that morning was especially clear, despite the bitingly low temperature. It was so cold that the soldiers were drinking their morning tea straight from the boiling brewing pots.

Blaze's eyes flicked over to a soldier in white and pale-blue camo who was servicing her custom-made energy-rifle while sitting on the edge of a battlement. The sky-blue-haired angel was quite well-known at the fortress, and Blaze had heard numerous tales about her from the soldiers.

Cerulean Death was one of the top snipers of the HU, and a well-aimed energy shot from her customized rifle could even take down powerful arch-demons. But it was not just her marksmanship that made her such an excellent sniper. Everything about her was made to excel at sniping over the snow-covered mountain range--her translucent cerulean fairy wings, her sky-blue hair, and her ice-cold attitude.

As he waited for General Wu Mei, Blaze recalled the tiresome, grueling squire duties that he had performed over the past three weeks. Initially, he had not seen the point of it. Even Brija's duties had seemed more entertaining than his own. Each day, Wu Mei gave him an hour-long lecture, but the rest of his time was spent running errands, not only for the General, but every ranked officer at the fort.

Now, he completely understood why the General had made him do it. He had begun to understand the minds of the soldiers, the orders of the officers, the weight of their responsibilities, and the soul of the division posted at the fortress.

"Bruì qí," Wu Mei's gentle voice brought Blaze out of his musings. She was accompanied by a black-eyed, black-haired ivka--the General's daughter.

The sniper who had not even spared Blaze and Brija a sideways glance, sprang up to her feet, stomped her right foot and rifle butt on the ground, and gave the General an army-salute; a sharp right fist towards the heart, taken down to the side almost as quickly as it was shown.

The General acknowledged the sniper and told her to be at ease, before turning to Blaze and Brija.

The duo gave her their own salutes before she beckoned them to follow.

It was routine for them to walk around Fortress Mirian or the Great Barrier, while Wu Mei discussed various topics. They usually strolled over the ramparts, checking the condition of the weapons and the alertness of the soldiers. They also inspected the cleanliness of the quarters, had breakfast with the troops, and eventually returned to the General's office for further instruction.

It was the same that day before they went to the fortalice officer's bunker. The officer cleared out of her room to make way for the General and her students.

"What do you think is the most important tool or asset in a General's toolkit, Bruì qí?" she asked him, sitting down on the staunch wooden chair, behind an equally old yet well-maintained wooden table.

Blaze walked up to one of the chairs and sat down beside the General's daughter, Wu Xuan Er, who was always present at the lectures. She was calm and composed like her mother, but she also had a spark in her eye, which only seemed tranquil because of the long hours she spent meditating.

She held her hair in a long, floofy side-knot, and gave off the distinct impression of an eoni, though she was only fifty-something. Ever since he had arrived at Mirian, Blaze had been trying to get her into his cabal, and his bed. However, the older-sister's wiles proved to be too OP for his puerile charm.