Aztec Treasure Ch. 51-60

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A Hill You're Willing To Die On.
17.4k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/26/2021
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Frank Grimes' POV
Arrowhead Pack House

I had one hand wrapped around her baby bump from behind while the other hand was working away below. "Oh yeah, baby, right there," Colletta moaned as my fingers worked inside her. Pregnancy made her tired, so we took a nap after lunch. It also made her horny, which I figured out when she started moving her ass against my dick when he woke up and wanted attention. I'd started warming her up while I hardened fully between her cheeks. She raised her top leg to give me better access, and I added a second finger to her steamy core. I hooked my fingers as my thumb started flicking her clit, and she went off. "FRANK!"

She squeezed against my fingers as she came, and I held her as she trembled through it. I moved my hand to her thigh, holding her leg up as I shifted my hips and replaced my hand with my throbbing member. She was hot and ready as I slowly stuffed her from behind. "So sexy," I whispered to her.

"So fat," she countered.

"Our pup needs space," I responded as I finished pushing into her depths. I didn't feel any discomfort or pain over the bond, so I pulled back and filled her again. "So good."

"Yes," she said as I started making leisurely love to her. "By Luna, I needed this."

"The nap?"

She giggled as she angled her hips back to me, urging me to go faster. "That too."

I continued to make love to her until we both exploded in our mutual pleasure. When she relaxed, I let her leg down and pulled out, my seed spilling out of her onto the sheets. "Wait here," I said. I came back with a warm washcloth and cleaned her up while she linked with her assistant. "What did you miss?"

"Russia started releasing the imprisoned Pack members," she responded. "The Council is arranging visa papers and flights for them. The Ambassador did his part, so now I have to go to Montana and British Colombia to speak directly with the Russian Alphas." When President Kettering heard about the Russian offer, she'd insisted that Colletta return home to take care of Council business instead of staying with her. Colletta had flown up after the burial service but would be flying out to Washington, DC again when Laura resumed her Presidential duties.

That was good news. "Are you going to visit Coral while you are there?"

She nodded. "I hope to find time to see Sawyer and Carson, even if just for a short time. It will be a while before we all get together. You should come with." With Coral, Heather, and Ashley all pregnant, travel wasn't happening. It didn't help that Heather, like Rori, was stuck in wolf form. I didn't like Colletta being gone so much, but she was the Werewolf Council Chair. She had to travel, even with Julio still at large.

Our conversation was interrupted by Rori's send. "Mom, Dad, you're needed in Spider's computer room. She says she's found something."

"Ten minutes," Frank sent back. "Come on, love. We'll get you cleaned up first." I bundled her into the shower, where we washed each other while forcing back the urges for Round Two. We quickly dressed and headed through the tunnel to the Beta House, next door to the Alpha Mansion where our guest quarters were.

Spider Monkey saw us walk in. "Good nap?"

The werewolves in the room all laughed as the shower couldn't remove all evidence of our recent activities. "I feel much better, thank you." She smacked Chase in the back of the head as she sat on the couch, and I sat on the other side. "What did you find?"

Spider Monkey pulled up a photograph of Leonis Woodley. "We know Julio has help from the missile attack, plus it explains how he has been able to stay out of sight this whole time. Leonis here was an inactive member of the Sons while he was in prison. Because he'd been inside the entire time of the RICO investigation, no one bothered to include him on the member lists."

"He's out now," I asked.

"Yes, and he promptly disappeared. He never checked in with his probation officer, so his probation is voided. There is a bench warrant out for him."

It wasn't much to go on. "Can we connect the two? Is there anything that puts them together?"

"Not that I've found," Spider Monkey said. "I didn't find any bank accounts, credit cards, or other records from after he left prison. He sold his motorcycle before going inside and hasn't purchased a new ride or applied for a new driver's license. He just disappeared."

"Without a Club to support him," Chase said. "Maybe an associated club or an unaffiliated friend? Somebody is helping him out."

"I'll keep looking," Spider Monkey said. She went through everything she'd found on him. He was a true outlaw biker, but I didn't see anything tying him to Julio or the assassination attempt.

Still, there was a way to find him. "If you are right, if Leonis is hiding Julio and moving him around, he'd need money, a vehicle, and a driver's license. Since it isn't under his name, he's got a new identity."

Spider nodded. "I'll start looking at the DMV database for licenses issued in the last two months. Maybe I can find a match with facial recognition."

"Meanwhile, email me everything you have. I'll pass it on to Homeland Security and the Secret Service. If nothing else, he's got an open warrant."

Chase nodded at that. "Send the photo and description to everyone in our Pack, plus the Council and Alphas. Any remaining members of the Sons of Tezcatlipoca are a threat. And Vic? Talk to Maria when she wakes up. See if she knows anything that might help. Chase nodded at that. "Send the photo and description to everyone in our Pack, plus the Council and Alphas. Any remaining members of the Sons of Tezcatlipoca are a threat. Vic, talk to Maria when she wakes up. See if she knows anything that might help. And Mom? Can you get me drawings of Coral's new pool house?"

Colletta laughed and shook her head, no. "I'm not getting in the middle of a pool war."

The meeting broke up, and we returned to our room to pack for the flight out west. I took the information Spider emailed me and pasted it into a message to the FBI and Secret Service. I followed it with a phone call to my boss. After talking about Leonis and the Russian Packs, I told him I'd be gone for a few days out west. An hour later, we were wheels-up from the airport in Two Harbors.

Julio's POV
Sparta, Wisconsin

Cinnamon rolls and burgers didn't cut it for me, so when we got to Tomah, I had Leonis cut through town and stop at BP Smokehouse Barbecue. I finished the rack of ribs before we reached Interstate 90 west, and the sides and a pound of the beef brisket by the time we hit Sparta. I was still eating the pound of pulled pork when he parked in the outer lot of a Wal-Mart. "I'm going to check the meeting place out while it is still light," he said.

"Take a video," I told him. He exited the side door and went around to the back, lowering the ramp for the toy hauler portion. A few minutes later, I heard the ramp close back up before he started his Harley and drove off.

I used the time to watch the local news and surf the Internet using the store wi-fi, finding nothing new. Leonis returned an hour later, stowing his bike in the RV again before coming inside. "What is it like?"

"No places to hide, that's for sure," he said as he showed me the video on his phone. "It looks exactly like the satellite photo. The only places you could sneak up on us are the treeline and the shed."

"Get a nap in. I need you alert for the transfer." He hauled himself into the over-cab bunk and was soon snoring away as I started looking at information on Arrowhead. Using satellite images, I went over multiple scenarios looking for answers. Aerial bombardment and an attack from the water would both work to kill them but would not make them suffer the way they deserved. I needed to wait until they left their land or find a way to draw them out.

There was also Maria and Maritza to consider. I needed them to give me sons and daughters so they couldn't be collateral damage of the attack. It would be best to get them out first somehow.

Soon enough, it was time to leave. I woke Leonis up, and we got going. There was no one visible as we drove into the graveyard, and I scented no one near. "Stay here," I said as he parked.

I got out of the RV, pistol at the ready. A quick circuit of the house and the treeline showed no threats. "We're clear," I told him. "Stay in the driver's seat and be ready to leave if I tell you."

We didn't wait long before a panel van pulled into the graveyard, passing the RV and stopping behind it. A man in his forties got out, wearing jeans and a flannel shirt with a worn John Deere hat. "Good to see you, Julio."

"I don't know you," I told him.

"You don't have to. Here." He handed me a manila envelope. "It's all the information we can gather on the President's schedule for the next two weeks, along with Secret Service protective strategies. You'll need this as well, so open up your cargo compartment."

I stayed alert as he went to the back door of the van and opened it up. Inside was a wooden crate about five feet long, three feet wide, and eighteen inches tall, with a smaller bag on top of it. "What is this shit?"

"It's how you can take her out and get away," he said. He tossed me the bag. "It's an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile. It has an effective range of more than two miles with fire-and-forget technology. It can easily take out her helicopter on the ground or her limousine. In the bag are the manuals and videos used to train people to fire it. You'll need it."

"The Presidential limousine is armored," I said.

The man just laughed. "This baby will penetrate three inches of tank armor. It will go through that limousine like hot butter. Now load this thing before anyone starts wondering what we are doing here." I had Leonis lower the ramp, and we loaded the weapon onboard. The bag I kept with me to look at on the road. "Don't fucking miss this time, Julio. We're risking a lot by giving you this stuff, and we can't afford another failure."

"I didn't miss; that fighter got in the way," I said. "Get out of here." He was moving before I hit the button to close the ramp again. We left a minute later.

Ch. 52

Frank Grimes' POV
Blue River Pack, British Colombia, Canada

We arrived at Coral's pack in time for a late dinner. Their Pack House was bursting at the seams, with most of the Beloretsk Pack staying there while they searched for a permanent home. It was great seeing everyone, even if it meant Colletta had Council work to do. We met with Alpha Ivan and Luna Svetlana Boronsky and their leadership, passing along the Russian Ambassador's offer. "I can't tell you what to do, but their Ambassador approached me. Your Pack members have been freed and should arrive in the next day or two."

Ivan was happy, but he was Russian and didn't trust easily. "Putin doesn't give away snow unless he's getting something back. He's got another play going on."

"Perhaps," I said. "No one is going to force you to go back. Until you tell us differently, we will continue working on legal refugee status here in Canada and a permanent home for your people."

"Is that the play? By releasing our people and offering to take us back, are they trying to sabotage our asylum claim?"

I hadn't thought about that. "I'm not sure the Canadian Government will believe their good intentions more than I do," Coral said. "It changes nothing between us."

We came back out of the conference room, and Colletta and I walked to where Timor was talking with Mykayla under the supervision of his mother. Mykayla and Timor were mates, but Mykayla was only fourteen and was afraid of males. Timor was a rather large male, which made her nervous. He'd also pulled her attacker off and beat the crap out of him. Now that Timor's Pack was with Blue River, Rori asked me to bring Mykayla here to see if a permanent transfer would work. I remained on the other side of the table while Colletta sat next to her. "How are you doing, Mykayla?"

"All right," she said nervously. I noticed she'd picked a table near the wall and away from the others. Everyone knew about her upbringing and was giving her space to work through things. "I like the mountains."

"You should go on the Pack Run tonight," Colletta said. "Timor and his family will keep you safe."

"I'll think about it." Her wolf was more confident than her human side around her mate.

"I wish I could go with you." She couldn't shift, and I didn't want to risk her falling off while riding on my back, so we'd stay behind. We ended up retiring early, planning to leave for Montana after lunch.

I got the call as our car drove to the Bitterroot territory that the Murmansk Pack was looking to take over. I hung up, closing my eyes as I processed what they said.

For a man who can kill without regret, other crimes are of far less importance. The criminal's ego gets in the way; after all, if you can get away with murder, grand theft auto is no big deal. This psychological effect blinds them to minor offenses or simple mistakes, many of which have been the downfall of the biggest killers in American history.

Ted Bundy? The serial killer's arrest came after being pulled over for driving with his lights out. He escaped once, only to get pulled over and captured for weaving in traffic. He lasted 46 days after his second escape until a cop found him driving a stolen vehicle.

The Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh? He got pulled over for driving a vehicle without a license plate. During the stop, the trooper arrested him for carrying a pistol without a permit. He was in jail for this when the FBI linked him to the bombing.

Joel Rifkin, who killed 17 people, was caught driving without a license plate.

A witness saw the Son of Sam serial killer drive off in a car with a parking ticket under the wiper. That tip led police to David Berkowitz.

Detectives and US Marshals who are honest about it would admit top-flight police investigations or forensic miracles don't catch most fugitives. That stuff makes for good television because reality doesn't fit well into their shows. No, most criminals get caught because a) they do something stupid, b) someone snitches them out, or c) a cop gets lucky and catches them.

Julio Salazar was done in by a blizzard. A Dairy Queen blizzard.

Julio Salazar's POV
Ohio Turnpike (I-76)

I woke up as we came to a stop, and I felt the motorhome go into PARK. Looking at the clock, it was four in the afternoon, and I'd been asleep for almost five hours. "Where are we?"

"The last oasis before the Pennsylvania turnpike," Leonis said. "We need gas." He climbed out as I stumbled to the tiny bathroom. The curtains were all drawn around the living compartment, so no one would be able to see me. I grabbed a bottle of juice out of the refrigerator and heated the last Cinnabon as Leonis filled the tanks. As soon as we picked up the load from our contact in Sparta, we'd kept going east until we got through Chicago. We couldn't risk me driving, so he stopped at a rest area in Indiana and slept for six hours. I kept up the watch while Leonis was sleeping, reviewing the material on the President's movements. I didn't know who these people were, but they were CONNECTED. The documents weren't for public distribution.

When I'd made my escape from the oil platform, I knew I'd need help. The Oracle was my lifeline. I told her what I planned to do and what I needed, and she took care of the rest. Leonis was the first one she sent; his van and help allowed me to move about despite being America's Most Wanted Fugitive. Through her, I got the sniper rifle and the intelligence about the former CIA Director's movements. She passed along the intelligence about the First Husband's golf round. And through her, I got the Stinger missiles and now the Javelin.

The Oracle had been around for over a decade, and I still didn't know anything about her. The Club used her to pass messages, but she was far more than that. The quality of the intelligence and the access to military weaponry pointed to the Cartel, but why would they help? The Cartel killed the Sons leadership. The CIA? The FBI had them bent over their desks right now, stuffing their fat asses with warrants and subpoenas. It might take decades for them to recover from the current scandal. Maybe it was another agency, like the DEA, or a foreign intelligence service?

Whoever it was, they wanted President Laura Kettering dead at my hand.

Leonis had been gone longer than I expected for paying at the pump. I snuck a peek out the window, and the nozzle was stored back on the pump. "Fuck, did he decide to pay cash?"

I looked out the other side, not seeing him, so he was in that big travel plaza. I nervously waited until he came back out, two big Dairy Queen cups in his hands. He climbed back into the driver's seat, setting the cups in the holders before driving off. "You got fucking ice cream?"

"Yep. Do you want the mint chip or the M&M?"

It was too late now. "The less time we spend with people and cops around, the better," I said. "I'll take the mint." He handed it back through the curtain, and I sat back at the table with it. A Cinnabon and sixteen ounces of ice cream; I was going to be on a sugar high.

I opened up the Javelin Operator's Manual and started studying.

Anita Lay's POV
Service Plaza, Ohio Turnpike

"I tell you, Mom, that's HIM," I whispered as we stood in line at the Dairy Queen. "The one on the news this morning at the hotel!"

"Are you sure?"

"The tattoo on his neck is a giveaway. No, don't look at him! Just walk away and dial 911. Tell them Leonis is here!"

"I can't leave you here alone."

"Mom, GO! Head to the Ladies Room and call from there. I'm going to get some photos of him and whatever he is driving. There's a big reward, Mom."

"Fine. Be careful." She left the line and headed towards the restroom. I took out my phone and started recording, leaving it in my pocket with the camera out. I walked past the line to the front, grabbing some napkins, then pretending I recognized the woman in front of Leonis so I could get a good shot of his face. I walked away, turning off the video, then headed into the restroom.

"My daughter swears it's him. He's in the line at the freaking Dairy Queen! Get someone out here?"

My Mom was frustrated that the operator wasn't taking her seriously. I asked for the phone. "Look, I've got video of the guy. Give me a number I can text it to, and you can see for yourself!" She finally gave me a number, and I sent the text before I led my mom back out. We followed the guy at a distance, staying on the line with the 911 operator until he drove away in a Class C Forest River Sunseeker. I made sure they had our contact information before Mom hung up.

The news said he might be traveling with Julio Salazar, and that guy had a ten-million-dollar reward out from the President herself. That would be fucking SWEET.

Ch. 53

Julio Salazar's POV
Ohio Turnpike

At least the trip was almost over. All we had to do was make it through the hills of Western Pennsylvania and Maryland. We were going to stay at the Cherry Hill RV Park in College Park. It was close enough to the DC metro area to minimize our exposure after we make our move. I'd finished about half of the Blizzard when I felt the brakes slow us down.

"Shit," Leonis said from the other side of the curtain. "State Patrol just lit us up."

"Were you speeding?"

"Maybe seven or eight over, no big deal."

"In a fucking CAR, but not a truck!" It wasn't over. "Stop on the shoulder while I get back in the hiding place."

He started to slow down. "Goddamn it! Two just crossed the median to get behind us! They are coming up fast!"