B.O.S.S Pt. 01

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The origins of Mistress Scorpio and Jimmy.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/01/2023
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Joanne worked in a library. She loved books and loved reading stories. She also loved helping people find the right story for their tastes when they come into the library. Very few people came into the library on a daily basis so that meant that once she had finished all tasks she had some free time that she often filled by reading a book. Joanne had worked at the library for a few years. By now she had read most books on the shelves.

Joanne closed the library at 5pm. As soon as she turned the sign around to say closed, she could indulge into her dirty little secret. Joanne was married but she was not satisfied with her marriage. Her husband Rob, had become uninterested in her sexually and in other ways too. He never asked her about her day or about her work. So Joanne had to find other ways to entertain herself as she could no longer stand being at home with her husband.

5pm comes and she heads to the back of the library and picks out an erotic novel. She sits on a large bean bag with her knee length pencil skirt lifted to her thighs and reads, rubbing her pussy through her panties when the story got hot. No one ever came to read the erotic sections, at least not very often.

Joanne favoured the stories with the men that were complete opposites of her husband. Her husband was white and average height, average weight, average endowment and was all together average. Joanne wanted exceptionalism. She read the stories about the mysterious dark skinned men. Men who if were real would tower over her and had muscles, had large black cocks and were strong and physically superior to men in reality, like her husband.

She would imagine her self in the story being pounded by the strong black men and imagined that it was her pussy being filled with huge doses of sperm. It was the opposite of what her husband was capable of. 2 minuets and and a grunt and he was done, asleep before she could finish wiping the dribble of sperm he deposited on her belly. She often imagined the gangbangs and how she would be drenched in several black men's sperm. Of course this was all fantasy, these men didn't really exist.

Joanne was 32 years old. She was slim and stood at 5 feet 5 inches. Her hair was brunette and her tits were a good size. Her ass was her favourite part of her body, peachy and toned.

Her story begins on a normal and seemingly uneventful day. She was considering closing the library early as only two people had been in all day. It was 4.45pm and she closes in fifteen minuets anyway. Just as she finished organising a few books that someone had left in a mess when the bell rang at the door as a customer came in. Joanne went to the counter and stood by her till. She couldn't see anyone in the library at all. She assumed that the mystery customer had disappeared behind a book shelf.

After some time passed, Joanne decided to find out who had entered her library. She found no one behind the book shelves. This meant that if there was someone in the library then they were at the erotic section. Joanne approached the erotic section carefully. She peeked around the corner and saw a younger girl with her back to Joanne and her nose buried in a book.

The girl was similar height to Joanne and she had blonde hair. She had a very brave choice of clothing that some would call slutty. She wore a tank top that was half way up her belly. Joanne noticed no bra under the fabric as her nipples were poking through. She had a very short skirt that was closer to a belt than a skirt and she had a thong which was showing at her sides. The girl had heels on her feet and an anklet that Joanne noticed and saw something very unusual about it.

The anklet had a queen of spades symbol dangling off the side. "I'm sure it means something else too!" Joanne said to herself. "Perhaps she doesnt know what it means!". Joanne knew what it meant.

Joanne felt nervous as she cleared her throat to get the girls attention. The girl jumped a little and turned to see Joanne. She was very pretty. Joanne was reminded of a model she once saw but could not recall who. "Hi, is there anything I can help you with? its just that, I'm closing up in a few minuets!" Joanne said to the girl who was smiling at her.

"Oh! sorry I was just looking. I got curious passing through the erotic section!" she with a cute giggle.

"Oh that's ok! Was there anything specific you were looking for?" asked Joanne.

"Not really! I just got curious about erotic stories and thought I'd try one out!" the girl replied. "Have you ever read any of these?" asked the girl.

Joanne had quick flash back of her self pleasing her self in this very part of the library where no one can see. "Oh err...no I err...haven't!" Joanne lied, unconvincingly.

"Really! I would be here all day if I worked here! You would need a sheet of tarpaulin on the floor!" she laughed.

Joanne smiled at the girl, thinking how cute it was that she found something like that so funny. "Its a good thing you dont work here then, I dont have a mop!" Joanne replied feeling awkward.

The girl erupted in laughter. "Have you ever found anyone in here doing something naughty?" the girl asked.

"No! No one ever comes in here really! Only on the odd occasion!" replied Joanne.

There was an awkward silence as the two women locked eyes as they seemed to be measuring each other up. Joanne was very curious about the girl. "Would you like to take a book home with you?" Joanne asked her, breaking the silence.

The girl thought for a moment. "No, I cant! My dad wouldn't be happy if brought something like that home. He is very religious man!" the girl said.

Joanne smirked. "But you can go out dressed like that?" she asked before she could stop her self.

The girl smiled at the comment. "I have my ways around some of my dads rules!" she said with a devilish look on her face. "Could I come back tomorrow?" she asked sheepishly.

"Of course you can!" Joanne said with bewilderment.

"Most places dont let me back after they see my clothes!" she said with a giggle.

"Well, I average about two people a day in here and they never go in the erotic section! I doubt you'll piss off anyone in there!" Joanne told her.

"Thanks!" the girl said sweetly. She leaped forwards and hugged Joanne to her surprise. The girl left leaving Joanne bemused by the odd encounter.

Joanne closed the library by turning the open sign to closed and locked the door then shut the blinds. She headed for the erotic section and picked up the story she started the night before. It was just getting the good part where the big black man was fucking the petite white girl.

As Joanne read, she couldn't help but think of the spades anklet the mystery girl was wearing. The further the story got the hotter it got and once again, Joanne lost her thoughts on the mystery girl. She started to picture the mystery girl as the one in the story she was reading. Joanne started to get hot thinking of her getting fucked by a huge black man. Before she knew it, Joanne had dropped the book and was rubbing her pussy through her panties, thinking of the mystery getting fucked by a hung black man. Joanne came harder than she had ever done in a long time.

Joanne found her husband in the kitchen preparing a meal for one. He was going to sit in front of the TV for the rest of the night. He greeted her with a "Hey!" as she entered. "There is another micro meal in the fridge!" he said to her on his way out of the kitchen.

Joanne hadn't seriously considered leaving her husband. He made a lot of money in marketing and provided a safe and secure home for her. She was only a librarian and couldn't survive with out her husband. Cheating wasnt an option either as she hated the idea of being that person.

That her husband insisted on sex. He climbed onto her and she could feel his hairy and chubby belly rub against her smooth, flat stomach for 2 minuets before he grunted as he came. He finished inside her this time. She did not particularly enjoy that but accepted that is what happens. He rolled over and was asleep before she could finish cleaning her self in the bathroom.

Joanne dreamed of the mystery girl and big black cocks. This was the closest she wanted to get to cheating. Her alarm woke her in a damp patch on her bed. Joanne's pussy was throbbing. She wanted release but she didn't want it with her husband. She got up and dressed early to get to the library and head straight for the erotic section. The thing is, she didn't pick up a book when she got there. The mystery girl flooded her imagination and again, Joanne came harder than ever.

She took the bean bag away so it would dry before anyone could see it with a large damp patch on the bag. Joanne readjusted her clothes and got to work. As usual, it was a boring day in library. Until around 11 am.

The door bell rang as it opened. The mystery girl entered the library. She wore a tube top this time and a skirt of the same design but a different colour, black this time to match her tube top. She wore her heels again and still, had the anklet around her ankle and her thong still wrapped around her hips higher than her skirt. Joanne felt highly modest in her pencil skirt and her shirt and cardigan.

"Hi again!" the girl greeted Joanne.

"Good morning!" replied Joanne.

"You dont mind me being here do you?" asked the girl.

Joanne thought it a strange question but then she probably was asked to leave where ever she went if she dressed like this so often. "Of course not, you're welcome to stay as long as you like!" Joanne replied.

The girl smiled sweetly. "Thanks! I'll just be over there in the fun section!" she said, referring to the erotic books.

Joanne left her to explore the erotic section. It was almost an hour before she got curious for a peak around the corner. The girl was pacing back and forthwith a book in her hands. She had a smile on her face as she read.

Joanne went over to the other sections and grabbed a spare bean bag. She brought it through to the girl, clearing her throat as she came around the corner. "Hi, sorry to interrupt but I thought you might like to sit on this bean bag!" Joanne said.

"Oh thankyou so much!" the girl said gratefully. Joanne dropped the bag down in the corner and the girl playfully dropped herself onto the bag. Joanne caught a glimpse of her thong under her scandalously short skirt. It had writing on it that she couldn't quite make out before it was hidden again. Joanne stood looking down at he girl when she noticed her.

Joanne had to quickly come up with a reason for her weird behaviour. "I was meaning to ask about your anklet!" Joanne started. "Where did you get it?" she asked.

The girl twisted her leg to the side to peak at her own anklet and smiled. "It was a gift from a friend, an admirer you could say!" she replied.

Joanne smiled. "Its pretty!" She told the girl and turned to walk away.

"My name is Jessica by the way!" the girl said loudly. "Jessica Star!".

"Joanne! Joanne Reid!" she replied. "How old are you Jessica?" asked Joanne.

"I'm 19!" she said softly.

"Why are you dressed like that?" asked Joanne.

"I like being a slut!" Jessica said, shrugging her shoulders as she smirked. Joanne smiled uncomfortably and turned to walk away, unsure what to say to such an open and honest answer. As she she was about to disappear around the corner, she heard Jessica shout "You would look amazing if you dressed like this too!" she shouted. Joanne looked at her as she blushed and smirked.

Joanne continued with her work, standing behind the till waiting for someone to decide to read a book. It was 30 minuets after she left Jessica alone in the erotic section. Joanne could hear what sounded like sobbing in the distance coming from the erotic section. She set off to check on her.

Joanne got to the corner of he erotic section. "Jessica, are you alright!" she asked as she walked around the corner. She discovered that Jessica want sobbing at all. Jessica was sat on the bean bag chair, her legs were spread wide apart and her thong was rolled up around her ankles. She was slowly rubbing her shaved pussy for Joanne to see. She wasnt even holding the erotic book. It was on the floor by her side. "Oh my gosh!" Joanne screeched as she saw her.

Jessica didn't even flinch. It was as if she intended to get caught. She stared right at Joanne as she found her and smiled wickedly. Jessica was moaning as she rubbed her pussy.

Joanne felt her pussy throb. She was reminded of her younger days when she experimented with friends and felt a desire to pounce on Jessica. Joanne resisted. She had no desire to cheat on her husband, even if it was a girl. She turned and walked away. 20 minuets later, Jessica came through to the front. "I'm really sorry, its just that once I get horny I cant stop myself! I came here because it was quiet!" she explained.

"Its fine!" Joanne said in a high pitched tone.

"My dad is very religious and I cant even show skin when I go to bed!" she explained further.

"Its fine!" repeated Joanne.

She tried to say something else but stopped herself. Instead she said "Sorry again!" and left quickly.

Joanne found a bean bag with a large damp patch on it in the erotic section. She picked up the book from the floor where Jessica left it and went to put it back. The title caught Joanne's eye. "Big black cocks and petite white sluts" it read. Joanne had read this book. She knew it contained details of the queen of spades in there and often. "Perhaps she does understand what it means!" she thought to herself.

A few days passed and Jessica had not been back. Joanne thought things were getting back to normal after a strange week. Although she was beginning to get worried about her. A young girl like that could find trouble easily.

Jessica did eventually return. It was a over a week since she was in there last. It was 4.59 pm when she arrived. Just as Joanne was about to close, Jessica stepped inside the library. She wore a skin tight, strapless dress that was as short as her skirts. Possibly even shorter. She wore her heels and her anklet too.

"Oh, Jessica I was about to close up!" Joanne told her. "Are you ok?" she asked. Joanne noticed the sombre look on her face.

"Yeah! I just need to talk to you!" she said. "Its about your husband Rob!" she said quietly.

Joanne froze. "How does she know my husband?" she asked herself. Joanne looked at her. "What about Rob?" Joanne asked Jessica.

"He's...he's...been!" Jessica stuttered and couldn't get the words out. Joanne thought she seemed scared.

"It's ok, you can tell me!" Joanne said.

"He's...been...cheating on you!" Jessica said.

Joanne froze again. A million questions flew through her head. "How do you know this?" she asked calmly.

"I...I know the girl he has been cheating on you with!" Jessica said.

"Oh, I see!" Joanne said quietly. "How do you know all this?" she asked.

"She has told me about it! She feels really guilty and she has only been fucking him because he pays her good money and she has been underperforming at work and he has threatened to fire her or send pictures of her nudes to everyone!" Jessica explained. "Her parents need money, they're in debt to some bad people and he has been taking advantage of that!".

"Why...why are you telling me? How do I know you're not lying?" asked Joanne.

"Because you are too nice to be treated like that! I can get photo evidence if you need it!" Jessica said.

"Yes! I need to know!" replied Joanne.

Jessica took out her phone and started to text her friend. Within minuets she had a response and the photos. Jessica showed them to Joanne and her tears rolled down her face.

After Jessica had tried to console Joanne and Joanne had stopped crying, they sat together at a table by the window in silence, for a time. It was Jessica that broke the silence. "I think I know a good way for you to get revenge!" she said mischievously.

Joanne smirked at her. "I dont know about that! I dont have anywhere to go! If my marriage ends then I'm done for!" Joanne said, sadly.

"I think not, if it all goes to plan! I saw your book mark with your name on it in the "Big black cocks and petite white sluts" book! I think you'll like this revenge plan!" Jessica explained, smirking devilishly.

Joanne felt a rush of embarrassment and excitement at the same time. She had never confided in anyone about her secret desires before. "Oh I...I dont know, I'll have to think!".

Jessica smiled. "I shouldn't tell you these details but, fuck it! There is a place that holds party's on a weekly basis! Lets just say it has everything you need there! Once you become a member you are part of a family of like minded people that dedicate their time and recourses to help each other!" Jessica explained.

"It sounds like a cult Jessica!" replied Joanne.

"Maybe, but if you had nowhere to go, all you need to do is call and you will be provided for, so as long as you provide something for them, of course!". Jessica stopped to gauge Joanne's reaction.

"What could I provide? I'm just a librarian!" said Joanne.

"Perhaps you could be more, or something else! Perhaps they will decide what you provide! I guarantee you this, your husband will regret his infidelity and you will never go want to go back!" Jessica told her.

"How do you know about this place?" asked Joanne.

Jessica stood up and wiggled her anklet. "I'm a level 1 member!" she said.

"Oh!" Joanne said, with a deep breath.

"Its invitation only! I can ask as we are supposed to recruit others that have something to offer! They will decide of course!" Jessica said.

"Oh I dont know about this!" Joanne said.

Jessica kneeled down in front of Joanne and took her hands. "Look! Just pretend you know nothing of your husbands affairs. Let me ask the masters and I'll get back to you!" Jessica promised.

Jessica left shortly after and Joanne locked up the library. She hesitated to go home but when she did, she played along as if she knew nothing. If her husband was even in the slightest bit attentive he would have clicked that something wasnt right. He wasnt however.

It had been a week and a half since Jessica had told Joanne of her husbands affair. Joanne carried on as if nothing happened. She was standing at her till, reading a book when the door bell rang as it opened. She looked up to see a tall and handsome black man enter the library. He was easily 6 feet and 4 inches. He towered over Joanne.

He wore sunglasses and had on a very fancy suit. It looked tailored and expensive. He had a stubble for a beard and was broad shouldered and stocky. He watched Joanne as he entered the library. He never took his eyes off her. Joanne began to feel intimidated by his demeanour. She was also heavily attracted to him.

"Good morning!" the handsome, dark skinned man said.

Joanne realise she was stood there with her jaw open slightly like a simpleton. "G...good morning!" she replied.

"Where would I find books on fishing?" the man asked as he stood right up close to the counter.

Joanne hesitated. "R...r...right over there, in aisle 2!" she told the dark skinned man.

The man looked at her up and down and said "Thankyou!" in his deep voice. He stayed longer than acceptable to look Joanne up and down once again and then he walked away. Joanne watched his ass as he confidently strolled over to aisle 2.

He picked up a book about fishing and sat in a chair as he read. Joanne watched him from the corner of her eye. She could not help but notice the huge bulge he carried in his crotch. She felt her body warm up as she blushed.

The black man stayed there reading the book and occasionally looking up at Joanne as she quickly looked away from fear of being caught staring. He didn't appear to be reading the book, rather just observing the surroundings of the library and Joanne.