Baaad Uncle Pt. 01


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"Oh, ok... yes, I guess you're right."

"Sweetheart, I'll meet you Saturday, downtown at the corner of Second and President Avenue at, say, one o'clock."

"Oh, what should I wear?"

"It doesn't matter honey; they have a whole wardrobe of clothes at the place. So just dress as you would to go out with your friends."

It was summer so on Saturday morning I dressed in just a tee top and a pair of shorts. My mom saw me as I was preparing to go out, "I trust you're not thinking of going out without a bra, young lady."

"Oh m-o-m! How do you know anyway?"

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror girl?"

I did mention earlier that my boobs are 34C's. I brought both hands up and ran them across the bulging nipples that pressed out against my tee, "You mean these?"

"Yes, of course I mean those, you can't go out in public showing off your nipples."

"Oh mom, you are such a prude."

"Have some decency while you are still living under my roof Emily. You have a very good figure now and you should dress appropriately."

"I'm just catching up with my girlfriends and I can tell you none of them will be wearing a bra today."

"Your friends might not be as well-endowed as you, you do need support for those so they won't be sagging before you reach thirty."

I gave in to my mother and went back to my room to put on a bra under my tee... maybe because I felt a bit guilty that I had lied to my mom about where I was going and who I was meeting.

I got off the bus at the corner that my uncle had designated. It was the warehouse district of town and at the weekend the area was deserted... it made me a bit nervous. Fortunately, my uncle drove up in his car almost immediately and we drove not far, just around the corner. He parked the car and together we walked to a big yellow door... I was curious that there was no obvious signage outside to indicate the name of the business trading there.

We climbed a flight of stairs and through another door into a large open space. At the far end, I could see a big white curtain, floor to ceiling, that was obviously used as a backdrop when taking pictures or shooting videos. As we moved closer to the working end of the large warehouse-type space, I could see several cameras on tripods. It did appear to be everything that my uncle claimed it was... a working studio. He showed me around, pointing out an assortment of chairs and tables, even a chaise lounge and, to one side, a large bed that looked queen sized.

"Here you are, come and have a look at all of this," he said, directing me to an area behind a portable screen. There didn't seem to be any rooms, just this large space, so perhaps the area behind the screen was a change area. There was a table with a mirror and an array of little bottles and some brushes. I guessed this was for make-up. Also, a full-length mirror that I figured must be for the models or actresses who participated in these shoots to check their clothing and their appearance.

I was becoming quite excited, this really did look like a real studio. Just maybe today could be the starting point of the career I truly wanted. Not that I had doubted what my uncle had been telling me, but when he suggested all of this last Sunday, it seemed too good to be true that, out of the blue, he could help me without it costing me anything. "Uncle Robert, are you sure you are not having to pay for all of this?"

"I told you Emily the guy who owns it all owes me a big favour."

A blaring musical ringtone interrupted us. My uncle reached into his pocket for his phone. I could only hear his side of the conversation, separated by gaps while he listened, "Oh yeah, hi, how are you?"

"What? You want to do it now? No, I'm busy... sorry."


"No, I do want to make that deal, but I'm busy right now."

"What do you mean it's off the table if we don't complete it now?"

"Well, how long will it take?"

"You're sure no longer than two hours?"

"Do you think we could aim for ninety minutes? I really am busy on something here."

"Yeah, ok let's do it. No, I'm less than ten minutes away from there, I'll be there shortly."

He turned to me as he dropped his phone back into his pocket. "You probably heard all of that honey. There's this business deal I've been working on for weeks, it finally looks like coming off, but the guy insists that we sign off on it now or it won't happen at all. I wouldn't normally do this - I mean, to leave you alone here - but this is big. I can't pass it up, there's the potential for big bucks for me."

I sighed resignedly, a little deflated, "No, that's ok Uncle Robert, I understand. You're not making anything out of helping me and it sounds like you have the chance to make a lot of money there. You do have to prioritise, maybe we can do it another day."

"No sweetie, I'm not calling the day off, it's just that I have to go away for a time. I should be back within two hours, hopefully only ninety minutes. I can't see it being any less than ninety. But you stay here, try on some of the clothes. Look, I'll show you where to find everything."

He led me over to a large cabinet and opened the doors. Inside was a huge array of dresses, slacks, what looked like sheer sexy nightgowns, all on hangers. "And here," he added and pulled out the top drawer of a huge chest, "in this drawer are swimming costumes of every shape and size, lots of bikinis."

He closed that drawer and opened the one below it, "This is the lingerie section... panties, even g strings, crotch-less, some sheer, some quite colourful. Bras, stockings, garter belts too. And this..." he picked up a white silky garment, "whatever these are called."

"Camis or camisoles," I identified for him.

"Oh, you know about this stuff?"

"I don't have any of that myself."

"Well, there you are, there's something for you to do to pass the time. You can try any of these on, you've got as much as two hours... nothing short of an hour-and-a-half at least before I get back. By then, you should have selected what you want to wear for the photos and video and I'll operate the cameras for you."

He closed the second drawer and began to pull out the lowest drawer. He got it only partway open and then quickly shut it again, "Oh, we better not bother with that one, that's all the naughty stuff."

My curiosity was spiked, my 19-year-old ears pricked up, "Naughty stuff?"

"Yeah, you're too sweet for that honey. I think there's one or two guys that rent this place that do... err, you know, sex movies and things like that. We'll leave that alone Emily. Anyway, now you know where everything is, make yourself right at home and check out what you want to wear for the photo shoot when I come back."

He stopped to fiddle with each of the cameras, "Better get these warmed up for when I return," he said.

I followed my uncle to the door, "Uncle Robert, can I lock this from the inside just so nobody comes in while you're gone?"

"Of course you can sweetie, here you are, close the door behind me and just lock it here."

My uncle left, "See you in about two hours, be good honey," and I closed and locked the door behind me.

I returned to the business end of the studio, going around behind the screen. I was drawn immediately to the chest of drawers. Isn't it a strange quirk of a person's nature that when somebody says 'we better not bother with that, it's the naughty drawer,' then our curiosity instantly attracts us?

I pulled open that forbidden bottom drawer and was greeted with an array of what I guess could politely be generalised as sex toys. Now, I have always been curious... well, no not always, but since I was around fifteen. I had heard from my friends about things like vibrators and dildos, had even seen one in my mom's lingerie drawer once when I was alone in the house and snooping around. Mom came home before I could try it out for myself and next time I went looking for it, it wasn't there. Had my mom moved it so I couldn't find it again, had I somehow left a clue that I'd been snooping?

Some of these items were still in their original packaging so there were names on the packets to identify what they are called. I must remember some so I can tell my bestie. Among the items still in their original packaging were love eggs, butt plugs and this enormous tube that the package identified as a penis pump. I could only wonder at how to use each - no, not the penis pump - but realised that all were intended for achieving the utmost pleasure. Wow, what kind of movies do they make here?

I was very tempted to take one of them out and play with it. 'No, maybe later,' I thought and closed that drawer. Next, I opened the lingerie drawer, began scanning through all of the lovely, mostly sheer panties, checking sizes. I selected a tiny pair, held them against me to see if they looked like they might fit me.

I placed the panties down on the make-up table and began to unbutton and unzip my shorts, letting them drop to around my ankles. I stepped out of them and my hands slipped into the waist of my very conventional panties and slid them down my legs. I moved in front of the full-length mirror and checked myself out, now only wearing the tee - and the bra under that my mom had insisted I should wear. I was naked from my belly down and I cheekily spread my stance wide, looking at my pubis, my fine hairs sparse and what there was neatly trimmed down there... I had started waxing and shaving while going out with Josh. I slipped one hand down and slid two fingers within my labia. I was just a little bit damp... where did that come from?

I grasped my tee and lifted it up over my head and quickly unclasped the bra. Now I was naked in front of the long mirror. I turned so my back was to the mirror, turning my head to look over my shoulder at my butt, satisfied at how smooth and curvy it looked. I went back to the lingerie drawer, took out some black stockings and a black garter belt. I had never owned either but I had seen pictures on the internet so I worked out how to put the garter belt on to sit just below my waist and how to attach the hanging suspenders to the darker stronger band around the stocking tops.

I picked up the sheer tiny pair of panties that I had previously selected and drew them up my legs... they fitted perfectly and I patted the pantie crotch against my pussy. I felt very, very good... and sexy. While my sexual experience has been limited to only one guy, it's been almost three months since we broke up. It had been intense while we lasted, we were doing it about five nights a week at the end, so I do miss it.

In the barren weeks since Josh dumped me, I have resorted to masturbating - often - when I feel the sexual urges. Now, alone in this warehouse and wearing such sexy things, I felt a strong temptation to touch myself so I came around from behind the screen and lay down on the chaise lounge, arranging myself with one foot on the floor and the other on the end of the lounge, thereby spreading my pussy obscenely within the sheer panties.

I looked up at one of the cameras that pointed toward this lounge, pretending it was on and that somebody - possibly even my uncle - was behind it, recording me. No, the thought it might me my uncle filming me like this is too weird, better make it Josh behind the camera.

I slipped a hand down into these sheer panties and began to slide a finger between my parted labia. I was much wetter than when I tested between my lips a minute or so ago... were my juices flowing more freely just from putting on the stockings with garter belt and panties? I was pretending to pose for the camera in a sexy way but that wasn't enough, I needed to see myself looking sexy.

I stood up, returning behind the screen to the full-length mirror again, grasping a hold of it and wheeling it around into the open space, placing it alongside the camera that was pointed at the chaise lounge. Then I lay back down on the lounge... now I could see my whole body reflected in the mirror, able to assess, rather than merely imagine, how sexy it might look as I teased my imaginary man behind the camera, and for the pretend audience who might some day view it on their TV's or laptops.

I returned one hand back into my panties and ran two fingers around my clit. I had learned how good it was to touch myself this way shortly after my mom gave me the first sex-ed talk. At my age, my breasts were not only abundant at 34C but perky too. I used my other hand to cup my left boob and raise it up toward my face. I am quite limber and I bent my head down, sliding my tongue out. I was just able to reach my nipple with my tongue tip.

While Josh had been the first and only guy to fuck me, I had previously let a few other guys on dates suckle my nipples so I was acutely aware how sensitive they can be. My tongue on my left nipple felt really good, nearly as good as when I had lain back to let guys suck on my twin teats. In super quick time, my juices between my lower lips were flowing fresh like a mountain stream.

My moistened two fingers worked my clit furiously, occasionally varying to slip lower and slide inside my pleasure sheath to gently stroke my g spot. I'd say it couldn't have been more than five minutes before I was feeling the throbbing intensify down low in my torso and then an orgasm crashed over me wildly. I closed my eyes and sank my head back into the cushions of the chaise lounge as my hips humped for the camera... if only it was on, recording me soaking up the pulsing beats of my orgasm. I'd like to see that later.

I lay there for a few minutes, coming down from my satisfying climax. When I opened my eyes, I looked in the mirror, checking out the image of the sexy young woman in a wanton lustful pose, one hand still inside my panties... liking what I saw reflected. My mind began to race... I had only used about ten minutes of the minimum ninety that my uncle said he'd be away. I decided that I was only just getting started, I had plenty of time to play with some of the toys from the bottom drawer to entertain and amuse myself while waiting.

I returned behind the screen, going immediately to the bottom drawer and sliding it open. I rummaged around, checking out each item. Where the item was in original packaging, although it had been opened, I read the directions on the pack on how to use or insert. The butt plug fascinated me.

One - and only one - of my friends had told a group of us all one day about how she had dated an older man... he was in his late thirties and he had persuaded her to try anal sex. She related how he had encouraged her to loosen the tightness of her anal ring so he would be able to more easily enter her back passage by having her wear a butt plug for a whole 24 hours before he eventually did her in her bum. She admitted that she had become quite hooked on it, urging us all to give it a try, but none of us expressed a wish to, although I was curious and later searched out some magazine articles to read more about it.

Of course, I wasn't about to experiment with anal sex with anybody, nor was there an opportunity, but I did find myself curious as to what it might feel like to insert and wear - for a short time at least - this butt plug. I found several tubes of lube in that bottom drawer, squeezing out a generous portion to spread all over the plug, then I pulled the tiny pair of sheer panties down around my knees and squatted so as to spread my arse cheeks. I used a finger to lube my anal rim, even pressed that one finger inside to ensure I was adequately lubricated. Then, nervously and tentatively, I pressed the pointy top end of the conical shaped cone to my tiny anal opening.

To my surprise, the apex or pointy tip of it slid in quite easily - at first, but it's shaped like a reverse cone and it began to feel huge the deeper I pushed it up inside my arse. I paused to look down between my spread thighs, checking to see how much my bum had accepted. Disappointingly, only about half of it had made it up inside me. Was I game to press on, could I take it all, pushing more and more of it inside me until I could reach the narrower bit at the bottom before the flange around the base that stops it from being lost inside the rectum?

I let out a painful scream in the quiet of the big warehouse as I managed to squeeze the widest part inside me and, as I peeped again, only the flange could be seen in the middle of the crease of my arse. I stoop upright, feeling the object so incredibly tight inside my arse. I took a few tentative steps, finding that it wasn't too bad, although it seemed to shuffle around in the confined space of my anus/rectum as I moved.

I went back to the mirror, looking over my shoulder to see how the exposed base looked in the middle of the crease formed by my two cheeks. A largish green emerald-like stone gave colour and sparkle to the base. My verdict was that the green gem shining between the pale skin of my arse cheeks looked sexy so I would keep it in for now. I walked - gingerly at first - back to the drawer of goodies, selecting a penis-shaped dildo. I wouldn't need to even lube that, my juices were flowing so freely now. Slowly, tenderly, I inserted the average-sized penis shaped dildo inside me. Now, both of my holes were tightly packed, all of my attention drawn to my pubic region.

I returned to lay in a seductive pose across the chaise lounge, looking at my reflection in the mirror and at the camera, wishing it was really on to record my wicked dalliance with the sex toys. I reached a hand down to switch on the pretend penis that was feeling like it completely filled my pleasure sheath. It whirred into action, instantly feeling wonderful where my body craved it... not just throbbing, but doing a circular rotation that seemed to touch every fibre of my vagina, including my g spot.

I lay my head back and went with the sensations that were quickly overtaking my body from deep down inside. I was able to bring both hands up to play with my nipples this time since the toy took care of working both my clit and g spot. My fingers squeezed and pinched my nipples, hardening them into stiffened nubs that pulsed with pleasure.

I was too out of it at the end to actually time it, but it seemed like only mere minutes for me to again become a humping, pulsing throbbing mess as another intense orgasm washed over me. Usually, if I was only using my fingers on my clit, I would stop there, once I had achieved some satisfaction. But, having this delightful dildo probing deep inside me, and perhaps having my arousal intensified by the density of the plug in my arse, I let it whirr, twist and turn inside me until I came yet again... my third orgasm.

I managed at last to get my hand down to switch the toy off, collapsing back on the lounge to languish in the after-glow of such a penetrating concentration of pleasure. Trouble was I became so relaxed that I dropped asleep. I woke with a start, anxiously looking around to ensure my uncle hadn't returned and managed to get back through the door despite him assuring me that if I locked it from inside, nobody could get in.

No, he wasn't here. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, the penis-shaped dildo still tucked compactly up inside me... artificial ones don't deflate after sex like the real ones. I was tempted for a moment to switch it on and give my body one more go, but then I saw the time, calculating that my uncle had already been gone for more than ninety minutes. He could return at any time now.

I perched on the edge of the lounge in front of the mirror, my legs splayed lewdly apart, and watched my fingers pull gently on the dildo, slowly sliding it out of me. Then I stood and half turned my back to the mirror to see me pull the butt plug from my arse, having to again endure the wide section as it passed out through my tight anal sphincter.