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"You loved it, didn't you? You loved him fucking you?"

She kissed me hard.

"You will have to always wear a condom until I am carrying Baby's child. Sometimes, I will take care of you other ways, Sam. You stupid, stupid man. I do love you so, even after you did this to us."

She stood to leave.

"I asked you a question, Mandy."

She just looked at me. It was not hurtful look, not a loving look. It was... I don't know... I guess, it was a look of exasperation.

"I heard you, Sam. I am not going to answer it. Don't ask it again."

When Baby returned the next evening, I followed them into the bedroom.

"No, Sam. I don't want you to watch me making love with Baby anymore. It is private, just between us. You go away until we are through."

It was a long time before I saw the two of them together again. Always, they made love in our bed. Sometimes, he left early; sometimes, he would stay until the wee hours. I could hear them talking between the sex acts those nights when they fucked more than once. But, when the sex was over he went home. I went immediately to my bed with my wife, feeling the heat and the wetness he left there. Once, when I stayed on the couch after he left, Mandy came to me.

"Sam, I am your wife. You need to be in our bed with me. Come." After I was laying beside her, she said, "Always come to bed as soon as he leaves, Sam. This is your place. You should be in it."

Most often after Baby left, she would cuddle against me, going to sleep in my arms, her breath sweet and soft on me. She would be too tired, too sore from the hard fucking he gave her, to want additional sex with me. I could smell his cum on her breath. And, I could feel it ooze out of her pussy on to my leg. His cum from my wife's pussy.... on my leg, coming from her.

Sunday, our daughters returned from their weekend at the lake with friends. Mandy sat us all down in the den. She carefully and fully explained what was happening in our lives.

"Mother, you mean a black man is impregnating you. We will have a black brother or sister. And, we can not go to college. All because Dad gambled away all our money."

"Honey, it is a sickness. We all need to forgive him. I know that forgiveness will be hard to do, but, we must!"

It was a long family discussion, very heated and very unpleasant, which Mandy started to wind down after checking her watch.

"Baby will be here shortly. I want all of you to be very nice to him. He will visit a few minutes before I take him in the bedroom. He will be here to fuck me every night until I am sure I am pregnant."

Our daughters were stunned, cold, unspeaking when Baby arrived. But, he was warm, happy. The girls moped off to bed when Baby and Mandy went to the bedroom. That night Mandy was vocal, more vocal than I could have remember her being. Our daughters and I could hear her joy, hear her begging him to fuck her, her telling him how big his cock was, how much she was enjoying him fucking her. She was putting on a show to let us all know she was loving it. We even heard Baby telling her to be quieter.

How humiliating it was for me, having my daughters hear their mother tell another man he could fuck better than I could. But, that is what she wanted... my humiliation.

The next three months were surrealistic as he arrived every night to fuck Mandy. Many times he joined us for dinner, sometimes even bringing Chinese or pizza as his contribution. He offered to take her out for dinner and dancing... for a date, he said laughingly. She always refused, restricting their time together to my house. Once, I started to leave before he arrived. Mandy stopped me.

"I am fucking him becasue of you, Sam. You need to be here while I do it." I always was.

No one ever made a scene. Interestingly, Julie and Jenny came to like him very much. He acted like a father to them, giving them lectures about the dangers of men and drugs, buying them clothes and jewelry. He was a positive influence, replacing that influence I lost when he appeared in our lives. Even I began to enjoy his presence. He was an interesting man in many ways, so different than any other friend I ever had. Friend. Huh! That is what he was becoming in some weird way.

In three months, Mandy was pregnant. She made the announcement one evening at dinner as we all sat at our table, eating a prime rib she had lovingly prepared. Baby beamed with pride. The girls were actually excited about it, asking questions, giggling, talking. He was a part of our family now, like a rich, black uncle who came to dinner a lot. The girls felt no fear from him. He had never been anything but polite and kind to them. Mandy had never felt fear, or, if she had, she hid it so well neither Baby nor I recognized it.

But, when Baby took Mandy's hand to lead her to bed, she stopped him.

"I need to be Sam's wife again for a while, Baby."

"Leave that sorry bastard! Come be with me! You and Julie and Jenny! Be my family!"

"No, Baby. That was not our deal. You are part of my family, but, Sam is my husband."

"Dammit, I love you!!"

She threw herself in his arms, wrapping her arms around his massive neck, holding on like a little white barnacle on a black battleship.

"I love you to... in a very special way. But, I love Sam as well and I will not leave him."

"I will kill the bastard! I will do it!"

He reached his hand in his coat to pull out a gun. Mandy grabbed his hand.

"Put it away, Baby. Please. For me," she said very softly, her eyes holding and dominating this giant man. She led him from the table, talking to him as they went towards the door.

"Mother, maybe you should leave Dad for Baby. He seems to be the man in the family."

Baby spun. In an instant, he grabbed Julie under the arms and yanked her up, holding her in midair. She wet the floor as those cold, dead eyes of his made her squirm in his grasp.

"Julie, you have no idea how hard this is for all three of us! You have no concept of what we are going through! I just pray you are half the woman your mother is. She has two men desperately in love with her!"

He lowered her until her toes were on the floor, but, he still supported her weight. She squirmed trying to get down.

"Now, if you ever speak ill of him again, I will spank you until your lily white bottom is bright red. Apologize to your father!" He dropped her. She fell backwards, getting her balance.

"Sorry, daddy," she whispered, but, her eyes never left him.

>From that night forward, Baby would only come by once a week or so, >usually bearing a gift for Mandy and the girls, having dinner, visiting. He would never fuck Mandy but she would warmly and happily kiss him goodbye at the door when he left. I knew she was talking to Baby regularly, keeping him informed of her condition.

In her sixth month, she had our parents... hers and mine... over for dinner. She explained she was having a black baby and how the circumstances came about. Of course, my relationship with both sets of parents changed, never to be the same. I expected nothing else.

When she was ready to deliver, she called Baby on the way to the hospital using the car phone he gave her. There were three of us in the delivery room where a big, healthy baby boy came into the world. He was adorable, the color of coffee with heavy cream. The girls, Mandy's parents and Baby's sister and her husband joined us in the waiting room.

Mandy named the baby: David White Johnson. At first Baby objected to using my name, but, Mandy convinced him it was better for the child since it was I who would be raising him. Of course, Baby was so enamored with her, she could have convinced him to take poison.

Baby was invited over any time to see his baby. He became part of the family again, coming over five or six times a week, often to spend several hours. He brought toys and games, so many I was afraid we would have to add a bedroom just to hold them. Baby and his baby were an integral part of the family. If was as if Mandy had two husbands and we both came home to her at night.

When David White Johnson was about six months old, Baby was on the floor playing with Davy, his giant black body occupying most of the open space area. The girls were with me on the couch. Mandy was in the easy chair. We were happily visiting as a family would until Mandy spoke.

"I want another child."

Tension crackled as we all snapped to attention at her comment.

"Actually, I want two more. I want the next one to be yours, Baby. Sam, I want the last one to be yours."

"We discussed having more. We decided not..."

"You decided not! I always wanted five. Now, I want two more and I want them just like I said! If you do not want to father one, Baby will father both!!"

Baby again came to our house every night to fuck Mandy, to make her pregnant. She made no effort to conceal her joy at being fucked by him. She had missed his big, black cock in her and we all knew it. The first time, when she was getting preganant with Davy, she had sent Baby home each night. This time, he often spent the night with her, not leaving until breakfast the next morning. My time with her, then, was almost eliminated. I had been supplanted as her spouse.

Mandy tried to keep me satisfied during this time, but, it was clear to everyone my satisfaction was secondary to hers and to Baby's. Something else changed. After she became pregnant the first time, Mandy no longer had sex with Baby. This time she asked to see both of us in the bedroom. She sat in a chair, holding both of our hands as she spoke.

"Sam, you asked me a question one time I refused to answer. I would like to answer it now. Yes, I like having sex with Baby. I like his big, black cock in me. I like him fucking me. I like it a lot." She stopped, making sure I understood.

"I like you fucking me, too, Sam. I like it a lot. You and baby are different. I feel differently towards you. And, I like both of you fucking me. From now on, I am going to have sex with both of you."

She stopped again, making sure we understood what she said, giving us non-verbal communications again.

"I will tell which of you I want in my bed at night. I expect you to come if called, no pun intended. I do not want any complaints out of either of you."

Baby started to laugh, throwing back his giant head, guffawing until tears were in his eyes. Mandy giggled, them she, too, broke out in open laughter. I was terribly hurt, but, I knew she really loved me, even if she loved Baby as much. She kissed me, lovingly, tenderly, reassuring me. She wanted me to know I was loved... very loved... by her, but so was Baby, and, she would fuck which of us she chose.

I may have caused this problem but Mandy was enjoying its outcome. She was getting the five children she always wanted. And, she was having two men fuck her as much as she wanted. Most importantly, she knew both of those men loved her with all their heart.

"Who do you want tonight?"

"For the first time in my life, I want two men in my bed."

So, there we stood like two school boys waiting for the principal, except we were naked and standing by her bed, watching as she gracefully and sexually undressed. Both Baby and I were getting hard just from watching her, seeing and thinking about this woman whose love we shared. She opened a bottle of petroleum jelly and lubricated her ass hole which I knew was virgin territory. She had a slutty smile as she lubricated my cock.

"You boys think you can figure out how I want you?" she asked with a grin.

Baby got on his back on the bed. She swung her leg across him, gently, slowly, guiding his cock deep inside her waiting pussy. She asked me to wait. I watched her face as she fucked herself on his black monster. After at least two orgasms, when the sheen of sweat covered her and her eyes were glazed with desire, she whispered, "Okay, Sam. Do me slowly back there."

I got behind her as she bent forward, putting her cheek against Baby's chest. I saw his black hands cover her ass, spreading her ass cheeks, readying my wife for me.

"Oh, ohhhh, ohhhhhhh...." she moaned as I slipped into her, feeling his cock through her thin membranes, fucking her ass for the first time. It was tight, dry compared to her cunt, but, slick with lubricant. Baby and I went slowly, both of us intent of nothing except her pleasure. Strange, isn't it? This giant black man and I both only wanted her pleasure. I could see it in his eyes as he looked at me. And, he could see it in mine.

It was the first, but, not the last, time the three of us were in bed together. Baby and I shared Mandy from that point onward, each of us coming to her at her direction.

Baby maintained a separate place but, for all intents and purposes, he moved in with us.

The second boy by Baby was named Henry Winston Johnson, after Baby's father (Henry) and grandfather (Winston, which was also Baby's middle name). He was born when Davy was seventeem months old. Samuel Arnold Johnson, Jr. was born twelve months after Hank.

By that time, I was totally cured of my gambling. In fact, my career was blossoming from the changes in my life, and, financially, we were better off than we ever had been. Baby had paid for Julie and Jenny's college and established trust funds for all three boys. This freed up the money I paid for other things. We had moved into a larger home which I paid for.

The new home was really designed for a wife, two husbands and five children, which is the way we lived. Baby had moved in after Mandy made her announcement about wanting more children and never moved out. Baby continued to be a part of my family right up until that day four years after Sammy's birth when Baby was shot to death in a crime related incident.

During those four years, I had come to care for and admire Baby almost as much as Mandy had. And, Baby cared for me. Our common love of Mandy and her five children had made us brothers. I no longer felt humiliation or regret when he fucked her or when she curled in his lap to be held. She was a treasure I was sharing with a friend, a damn good friend.

We all attended his funeral where Mandy gave one of the eulogies, telling his family and friends of his two boys she had delivered, telling of her love for him, a love that continued in his sons. His family stared at mine, at the wife man and wife with two older, beautiful white daughters, and three younger boys, two black and one white, all mourning this giant, black man.

It was a month before we mentioned him again, although we all thought of him every day.

"Do you miss him?"

She turned towards me on the bed. Staring into my eyes, she said:

"Yes. I miss him. I loved him, Sam. I loved him a lot. But, that never diminished my love for you. I did not love him like I loved you. He was a good man, a very good man to me and to my family. I am sad those boys will never really get to know him. I am sorry he is gone and sorry he will not get to see his children grow up. Every parent deserves that right, Sam."

She curled up in my arms and cried.

I know she loves me. She loves me more than I deserve. I know she loves all five children equally, which is with all her heart and mind and soul and might.

And, I know each Sunday she places fresh flowers on Baby's grave.

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