Babying Belle back to Health Pt. 02


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"Wahhhh?!" she whispered, surprised by the way the cool soft caress of the zephyr was stimulating her.

Kim looked the lass over. The morning had been a gut-wrenching affair for Mrs. Kaplan. Several times, she had fought back the tears. She needed to show strength and would not allow herself to crack in front of the young woman.

Now, she was glad to see that Belle was letting go of her painful sorrow for a time. As it had the day before, Kim's take-charge attitude had immediately affected Belle. From the first order, she had snapped out of her grief and given control over to Kim. And again, her body had responded with ample sexual arousal to the humiliation of being pliably denuded in front of the Kaplans. There was an undisputable link between this submission and its libidinous repercussion on Belle. But that was ok. If sex was going to be a way to alleviate the pain, then so be it.

In the back of her mind, the motherly figure knew that she would have to figure out how Belle's remedy was affecting Sean, but for now she would limit their interactions to the minimum and would concentrate on tending to Belle.

Kim could see how excited the girl was. Her limbs were taught, her nipples were erect, and an abundant amount of arousal fluid had seeped past her labia.

Belle was on the verge of a climax and Kim was going to make her cum until the girl would collapse from exhaustion.

Again, she started barking a bunch of orders and Belle obeyed her every word.

"Ok, Sweetie pie...

Let's put that diaper on you!

Dig your heels into the mattress and lift up,

Hips in the air,

Higher, let me get the new diaper beneath you,


Now settle your tushy on the nappy,

Raise your knees,

Spread your legs,



Bring them up as far as you can,


Before I finish with the diaper, let's take care of that little pussy of yours.

I am going to push down and lock your feet behind your head.

Now sweetie, do you want me to remove the shirt that you are using to hide?"

Belle shook her head vigorously as she was too embarrassed to show her face.

Her young, lean and supple body was easily bendable and did not resist to Kim's ministrations. The elder bent and shaped Belle's limbs in such a way that the petite brunette was now bent in half with her feet trapped behind her ears. Her engorged vulva and crinkled anus where thus lewdly raised in the air.

"Hhh!" expelled the girl as Kim's hands made contact with her labia.

The older woman gathered the hot juices that had oozed out of Belle's overheated sex with her fingers and began spreading and massaging them around her rectum. Her index was playing with the girl's wrinkled opening and teasing the small woman as her thumb played with her vagina.

Kim started pressing on the crinkly skin of Belle's asshole as her thumb began parting her engorged vaginal lips.

She popped the thumb and the index into their respective holes simultaneously. There, just past the sphincter and the labia, she touched the thin wall that separated the vagina from the rectum. She tightened her grip, pinching that soft innermost intimate flesh. As she rolled the soft lining between her fingers, she could feel her index and her thumb and the thin membrane that separated them. The tissue felt so tight, so stretched, so fragile so hot, so liquid.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" Belle exploded in a thunderous orgasm.

But Kim was not done, and she kept her digits inserted in the tight little holes.

A quiet stillness enveloped the room only disturbed by Belle's panting.

The elder waited and let the young woman come down from her high; waiting for her breathing to slow down some.

As Belle seemed to finally simmer down, she brought up her free hand to the bare sex.

With an extended index, she began to caress and prod the little patch of flesh that was barely covering Belle's puffy clit.

The young woman immediately began thrusting her hips toward this additional stimulation in an attempt to create more friction.

Kim pulled her finger away from the sensitive erogenous zone.

She did not want Belle to cum again so soon.

No, she was going to drive her to the edge of the next orgasm and then deny her the release.

It was sweet torture.

Belle's world was shrinking as the elder woman played with her.

For what felt like an eternity, the young woman's universe was reduced to the small space that resides between her clit and her sphincter.

In that moment, everything else had faltered away.

Several times she was brought to the edge only to be denied the ecstatic relief. It was unnerving and exhausting. She could only feel the pounding of her heart through the wet distended tissues at the core of her being. Her nerves were on edge as she waited for the next touch, the next caress, or the next movements of the fingers that were fucking her.

Finally, she was allowed to reach and burst through the gates of her voluptuous blissful Seventh Heaven, and as her exhausted body convulsed in a shuddering bliss of ecstasy she drifted off to sleep.

Hours later when she woke up, she found herself snugly swaddled in the warm blanket and resting in the caring arms of Mrs. Kaplan.

Before any form of thought entered her mind, the nipple of a large baby bottle was brought to her lips and the soothing voice of the woman urged her to drink the warm liquid.

Again, the humiliation of being treated like a baby took over, and Belle forgot everything else as she concentrated on sucking the nipple as instructed.

She drifted off to sleep once again as the elder had diluted the milk with the mild sedative that had been generously provided by the family friend and practitioner, Dr. Bill.

And so, over the course of the weeks that followed the memorial services, a rhythm was established into the Kaplan households.

The early pre-dawn hours were a time for grieving and bereavement as Belle would invariably wake up to the cutting pain of her dramatic loss and Kim would rush over to help sooth her sorrow.

The young woman was allowed to cry and express her grief.

But as soon as nature called, all the crying would stop. It usually took between an hour to two hours, as the morning light filtered through the shutters, before Belle's bladder would stir the urge to pee.

The demeaning thought of wetting the nappy would take over as soon as the pressing sensation began to take hold of the young woman's body.

Her breathing would slow down, she would stop moving, and she would wait for the torturous moment when she could no longer hold it in.

It was never an easy deed for the young woman to let herself go.

It was an excruciating degradation that would force all her thoughts and her whole consciousness into the single thought of urinating and being changed by Kim.

Her body would tense and contract until she could no longer fight the urge to relieve herself.

Only then, would she finally lose control of her bladder and let Mrs. Kaplan take over for the rest of the day.

There would be a diaper change, some sexual stimulation during which orgasms were denied, a breakfast, a bath, some more carnal teasing with no climax after the bath, a nap, a late lunch, and a variety of activities to keep Belle humiliated and aroused through the course of the afternoon. Then, dinner, another nappy change during which multiple orgasms were finally granted, a bottle filled with the mild sedative, and an early bed time.

It became the daily ritual.

During that time, Belle was denied any form of clothing aside from the diaper and the blanket in which she would be swaddled during parts of the day.

In the afternoons, Kim would remove the nappy and leave the young woman fully nude. A playpen was set up in the family den on the first floor next to Sean's workout equipment. As Kim read a book and Sean went back to his rigorous workout routine, the young woman would sometimes be made to play a variety of games with wooden blocks, toys, or even fill coloring books as she sat on the floor with her legs spread as wide open as possible.

Other times, Belle would be made to straddle and rock her bare-naked sex on a small wooden horse. That game was real sweet torture as Belle was initially always reluctant to play in front of the Kaplans. Yet, she could never escape the erotic stimulation that the small saddle provided to her defenseless clit and would quickly surrender to the need to quicken the pace of her strides. Kim kept a watchful eye and made sure to break Belle's rhythm if the young woman showed any sign of coming close to a climax.

And finally, as the sun began to set, a half hour to an hour of the late afternoon was dedicated to various forms of stretching exercises and yoga poses that would unfailingly force Belle to exhibit and display lewdly her most private parts. She would be made to hold various poses as Kim made sure to comment on the state of Belle's arousal to degrade her further.

And, while Kim had reduced Sean's involvement in caring for Belle to the role of helping her lift and carry the girl around the house, the burly man's lust-filled stares were a constant reminder to Belle of her shameful nudity. Sean would frequently steal glances over to her and that simple act would contribute to the inescapable shame that would burn through the girl's body.

And so it went for several weeks.

But, alas, another incident would soon bring this routine to a screeching halt.

Chapter 10 - In which Sean's point of view is revealed.

Belle was Sean's childhood friend, his best friend, his only friend.

She had cared for him in ways that even his mom had not. Where mom was impatient and easily irritated, Belle had always been patient and serene with him.

So, very selfishly, Sean had been elated to go pick Belle up at the airport that dreary awful day.

His autism had made him callous to unexpected and unplanned events which he would block out as they were happening.

His hypersensitivity to noisy sounds such as the explosion that had shaken him awake a few hours earlier where especially traumatic for him.

He needed time to process such incidents in the safe quiet space of his bedroom.

And thus, as he always did when inadvertent chaos happened around him, he had blocked that loud tragedy and its repercussions from his mind for the time being.

Reuniting with Belle was the only thing that had occupied his mind for the past few days. After so many years, he was happy and looked forward to it and that's all that mattered to him.

When the young woman came through the gate, he recognized her immediately and his heart leapt with joy.

It was short lived.

Only when she collapsed in his arms from the shock of her loss did he realize the extent of the catastrophe.

Upon seeing her sudden change of mood and her instant sadness he began to understand the severe consequences of the blast.

Only then, did he realize that the boom that had perturbed him earlier that day was not just an inconvenience but a dire calamity.

The next few days were awful.

Belle was no longer herself.

She did not speak or smile or act the way that the Belle he remembered acted.

He had not seen her in so many years and, in his mind, Belle had remained the gentle youthful bubbly girl who had played with him as a kid and then protected him all through High School when they grew older.

Now, she cried and slept and barely ate and Sean felt powerless to do anything to help her.

His friend was sad.

All of a sudden, the strict schedule that he had kept so meticulously for years did not seem to matter.

Belle was here next to him. He stood for hours by her bedroom listening. Nothing was happening. It went on for days and he saw her get so skinny, it was scary.

He pleaded with Kim. Something had to be done.

Then everything changed.

Kim walked into Belle's room, she took the girl into the bathroom, and disrobed her and gave her a bath.

Sean was in shock.

He had never seen a naked woman in real life before.

"Belle was a woman!? How could that be? No! She was a girl!" he had some trouble reconciling what he was witnessing with the mental image of the childhood friend he had preserved for so many years.

Sean was a healthy young man. He had discovered masturbation early on. And, along with the years of solitude that followed, had developed a colossal sex drive. Now in his early twenties, he had incorporated a vigorous masturbatory regimen into his strict daily schedule.

His mother was oblivious to that fact.

She had tried to approach the subject of sex to educate him a few times years ago, but the young man had categorically refused to talk to her.

He had been bashfully puritanical when it came to that subject and had refused to make any inquiries with anyone.

No, unfortunately, the internet had been the only source of information that he would consult and while very explicit and pornographic, the web was no place to get a proper education when facing the emotional aspects associated with sexual discovery. Sean understood the mechanics of sex but had no concept of the human connection it engendered.

He had been very curious, and his curiosity had brought him to a variety of kinky websites that helped him satisfy his great physical needs. There was no taboo and no barrier to the things that aroused him.

Sadly, he had never fully integrated his solitary sexual practices with anything or anyone in the real world. In practice, for him, sex was something that you did alone.

In the real world, desirable women of his own age were simply unattainable. They did not talk with him.

For him, sexually attractive naked women only existed within the confine of the computer screen in his bedroom. They never had any real construct in his life.

And all of a sudden there was Belle: even more beautiful than he had remembered, naked, and to top it all being masturbated to orgasm by his own mother?

As if on an acid trip, Sean's reality was altered that day.

In that first instant, he began lusting after Belle, desiring her.

He had never known such a longing. Sexual desire had never been an issue in his life. It was not anything that happened outside of the confines of his bedroom. His arousals were secret, private and very personal. He chose when to get excited and was used to be immediately relieved. There was no lingering desire.

Sexual satisfaction had always been easily controllable for him prior to that day, it was on a schedule like everything else in his life. Like clockwork, three times a day: at six when he woke, at noon before lunch and at ten in the evening before bed, he would jerk-off, "wank-out" a load and be done with it.

Now for the first time, his body was betraying him and swells of lust where unexpectedly coursing through his veins at all hours of the day. He was having his first erections in public and in front of other people! And that fact bothered him. It was so embarrassing. Could people tell? Did they know?

The first one of these erections happened in the bathroom that first day when Kim had washed Belle. Oh, how he had wished to scrub the girl's wet body. It was intoxicating.

Fortunately, mom and Belle had been so occupied that they had not seen the big lump in his pants.

He jerked off so many times that first night.

But then in the morning, Belle was still sad.

She cried so much that day at the funeral parlor.

Sean sought to make her pain go away.

When his mom had asked him to bring the girl up to the room when they returned home after that sad morning, he had wanted to take care of Belle too, he had wanted to change her and feed her. Maybe he could do that too?

He also wanted to make Belle feel good too, maybe he could make her cum the way Kim had made her cum in the bath the day before?

His blood heated to a boil. The same new feverish desire he had felt yesterday overtook him. He was not in control. And the big lump grew in his pants one again. Surely, they had noticed this time?

But then Kim kicked him out of the room.

He felt so ashamed and scared too.

The cool shower had done him some good as well as the copious ejaculation that had preceded it.

After that, he kept his distance.

Belle was no longer the person he remembered.

She had been like a sister to him, but he no longer saw her as such.

He went back to his strict exercise routine and doubled-down on his masturbatory regimen to regain control of his sex drive. But it was almost impossible. Whenever he would see Belle naked for too long, he'd have to run out of the room to go quell his need.

The weeks that followed were a lonely time for him.

Mom was not as involved with him as she used to, but he understood. She needed to take care of the sad girl. Belle still cried every day in the mornings and Sean would have liked to help yet, she only responded to Kim's commands and directions and Sean was kept out of the loop.

He was only involved in doing the heavy lifting; carrying the baby in her swaddle from point a to point b. He was happy to oblige but he wished he could have helped more.

At least, mom knew how to make the pain stop and all the tears would dry up. As soon as Bell peed in her diaper, all the weeping was gone.

The girl would behave like a baby with that diaper for the rest of the day.

But then, she was always naked and there was all the sex too.

Sean had a hard time grasping that part of the daily rituals.

Why did she have to be naked all the time and why was there so much sex?

Why would you want sex when you are so sad?

On the other hand, it seemed to work. When she was naked, she was no longer crying and thinking about her dead mom and dad.

But still, why did it have to be done out in the open? For all to see? In front of mom and in front of him. Sex was supposed to be done in private, not naked in front of everyone. It felt so naughty.

And she always seemed to be aroused: the flush around her neck, the erect nipples, and her sex looked always wet. How dreadful! Sean would never have dared.

Sean also knew that Bell was embarrassed too. He could tell: she would pretend like he was not here, and whenever their eyes crossed, she would turn beet red and turn her head away or her eyes down.

And the last thing that bothered him is that she almost never talked after her long cries in the mornings once she became like a baby, and she definitely would not talk with Sean.

But then maybe she was just too embarrassed. Maybe that was why she was ignoring him so much? She knew that he was here, but she did not want to acknowledge it.

All these various things left Sean confused.

He was not sure what to make of Belle and how to act around her. His desire to see her get better, his impulse to want to help her deal with her pain and sorrow were in conflict with the physical urges that had been brought on by all her nudity and sexuality.

He was glad to see that his mom seemed to know better. At least, Belle was not crying when mom was taking care of her.

So, he left it at that. Resolved to stand aside while mom helped Belle and waiting for things to get better.

Or so he hoped.

Chapter 11 - In which everything changes.

That morning, Belle was again shaken from her sleep by her recurring dreadful nightmare.

She cried into her pillow as she usually did every morning, knowing that soon, Mrs. Kaplan would be walking into the room to start soothing her and comforting her with her feathery caresses.

She was startled to feel a heavy manly hand instead and instantly recognized that it was Sean who was touching her. Sean had been sitting by her side on the bed, watching over her as she slept.

She stopped crying and froze immediately. The feeling of degradation that had chased away all other thoughts these past few weeks jolted to the forefront of her mind. All of a sudden, as had been the case for the past weeks, she was made aware of her state of undress.