Bachiko the Grappler Ch. 01


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The rest of his mind was fully occupied with preventing his body from flailing about wildly in an epileptic paroxysm of pleasure.

His eyes were rolling upwards. He was vaguely aware that he was making gargling noises. Just as Bachiko began to increase the tempo of her blowjob, he came. The jerking and shuddering seemed to go on for an interminable time. He didn't know how long. He wasn't aware of much, except that he was being given oral sex for the first time in his life by an incredibly muscular and beautiful girl who was astoundingly good at it. Rope after rope of thick cum he shot into her mouth, down her throat, and none of it was spilling out.

Finally he was spent. His legs folded, and he collapsed weakly like a slow-motion house of cards. But he felt himself braced by a pair of strong hands, and he opened his eyes to gaze directly into Bachiko's, close up.

A droplet of thick, white, viscous liquid was emerging from the corner of her mouth, and her tongue flicked out to collect it and whip it back inside. She grinned. "Thank you for my post-workout protein shake, Kaito-san."

Her words penetrated the haze clouding his mind, and he mentally shook himself. "I... I... Bachiko... Bachiko-san, I mean, I... we..."

He still basically didn't know up from down. But slowly, a silly grin was plastering itself across his face, though he didn't know it.

"I've finished my workout for today, Kaito-san," she said, rising to her feet. "But I'm a little sore. More so today than usual. I don't suppose you can do me a favor? I would not like to impose on you, Kaito-san. Please forgive me for being rude."

"I... No, no, not at all! Uh... please... how can I help you?"

She had pulled on a sports bra, and was bending over now to strip off her leotard tights. Kaito took one look at what was on display, and gulped. If the manga/anime trope of a man getting a nosebleed when sexually stimulated was true to life in any way, he'd have died of massive blood loss by then, he was sure.

"Could you... give me a full body massage? In my room, if you don't mind. After my shower."

He could only nod.

He walked up the stairs in a daze - the stairs that led down to the basement actually were accessed from a corridor to the side of the house proper, so when he emerged from the stairs he was in a small hallway beside the living room. He crossed said living room still in a daze, heading past the doorway to the kitchen, and went up the flight of steps leading to the bedrooms. He hesitated at Bachiko's door, but as instructed, he opened it and went inside, to wait for her.

Bachiko soon followed, crossing the living room as he had done minutes earlier. But as she walked past the kitchen doorway, Naoko poked her head out.

"Bachiko-chan!" she sang. "You've finished your workout for the evening?"

"Oh! Yes, Ishida-san," Bachiko replied, smiling. "I'm going to take a shower now. I'm so sorry, I'm all sweaty."

"Oh, come in first and help me finish these brown rice cakes I made, wouldn't you? I asked that useless boy Kaito to bring them down to you, but he forgot, so here they are. Please, help yourself to them! I hope they are good for you to eat after your exercise. And have a nice big glass of soy milk as well! You work so hard, you must take good care of your body. And please, call me Naoko-san, that will do, I've told you before!"

Bachiko followed Naoko into the kitchen and ate the rice cakes, along with the kombu seaweed that Naoko had wrapped the cakes in, while making genial small talk with her hostess. She had her own refreshment drink up in her room, but more post-workout nutrition was always good. And Naoko's rice cakes were simply heavenly.

Kaito never learnt of this, nor did he ever discover how it was that the plate of rice cakes he had brought down to the basement had ended up back in the kitchen. He was frantically Googling on his mobile phone for body massage techniques, especially for athletes, while sitting cross-legged beside Bachiko's bedroll.

When she finally stepped in, wrapped only in a large body towel, he simply assumed she'd had a somewhat longer shower than usual.

"Ba-Bachiko-san," he stammered, rising to his feet.

She stood there, smiling at him, but lowering her glance modestly. "You can just call me Bachiko," she said.

"I... I see. Alright then! And, and please, just Kaito will do," he said, beaming widely. "Are... are you ready for your massage?"

She went slowly over to her bedroll, and with a strangely demure gesture let the towel fall from her body, revealing her body in all its naked glory. Once again, Kaito's breath caught in his throat, as he gazed upon Bachiko's physique. She was like some kind of European marble statue, with her pale complexion and divinely sculpted musculature. There seemed, strangely, to be a soft feminine glow about her, even though her upper arms were thicker and more muscular than his skinny thighs.

With feline grace, she stretched herself out prone on her bedroll, and reclined her head on her folded arms. "I'm so sore, Kaito. Please help me out," she murmured, her voice sounding incongruously girlish. It was higher than her natural voice. She was probably doing it on purpose, Kaito thought. It had its appeal, this strong Amazon behaving that way.

He knelt down beside her and began to knead her shoulders, marveling at the crests and valleys on her back. This girl, this 19-year-old girl, was more muscular by far than any high school or university athlete Kaito had ever seen, even the men in the weightlifting club or the track athletes. And he had just received a blowjob from her. It had been so much better than any adult video he had ever rented or downloaded.

He decided there and then that masturbation no longer held any appeal for him. He had tasted the divine food of the kami - how could the dross of the material plane compare?

Did that mean he wasn't a virgin anymore? He supposed that technically he still was, but he certainly felt like a new man.

"Mmm... you have strong fingers..." Bachiko sighed softly.


She opened an eye. "No, I'm just lying to make you feel good. But don't stop."

"O-okay..." he said, and tried to press Bachiko's muscles harder. It was like massaging steel cords.

"There's so much tension!" he exclaimed. "Bachiko-san... err I mean, Bachiko... can I ask you some personal questions?"

"Sure, Kaito, ask away," she mumbled, in a sleepy voice.

"Why... why do you work out so hard? I mean," he tried to backpedal, "I don't mean it's a bad thing, or that I have any right to criticize your lifestyle or interest... but I mean, you seem to push yourself so hard every day. Do you want to take part in some kind of Olympics event? Are you training for that?"

She smiled, and seemed unoffended, even though Kaito could only see part of her face. "Not really. The reason I train... is not for any normal sporting event."

"Ah, but then it's for something, then?" Kaito said. "Is it your job? Your profession? I've never asked you, what is it that you actually do? I assume your training is related to that?"

"Straddle me."


"Straddle me. You can apply more force that way. Your posture is awkward, and you're pressing hard, so I don't want you to twist a muscle by accident."

"Oh... right... one moment..." He straddled her and shortly grew hard again.

"Mmm... I feel that... you're not tired?" she said, teasingly. "Maybe you're one of the lucky guys? You know... not only once a night..."

He blushed. "Um... my question? What are you training for? Is it alright to tell me?"

She was silent for some moments, and he began to fear that he had offended her, but then she spoke. "I fight. I'm a fighter. A grappler, you could say."

"A... a grappler?"

"Yes, a grappler. That's what I do."

"Oh... like, wrestling? Olympic wrestling?" But she'd hardly call that fighting, he berated himself. She wouldn't have said she fought if she were a sportswoman, now would she? Stupid nerd, get a clue!

She confirmed his hunch that he was wrong. "No. Wrestling... is a part of it, yes. But... the kind I do... it includes everything. All styles, all methods."

"Oh, oh I see... so, includes martial arts, like karate, or aikido?"

"Includes them, yes. But a lot more than that too. Boxing. Kickboxing. Styles that don't have names. However... that is not why I train."

"What do you mean?"

She seemed to be speaking not to him, but to herself. "I suppose you couldn't say that the Arena is the reason I train. Of course not. It never was."

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh... oh sorry, Kaito. I was thinking of something. To answer your question..."

She fell silent again. Meanwhile, Kaito had moved down to her trunk, and was pressing on her lower back with his knuckles, and not making much of an impression. Her trunk was as hard as a literal tree trunk.

"Use your elbows," she suggested. Obeying, he moved himself further down her body, and plopped his elbows on top of the twin cords of her lower back muscles. She grunted with satisfaction as he gyrated his arms.


"Hmm? Oh..." After a pause, she said, "I train to become stronger than my mother."

This gave Kaito pause. "What?" He had not expected that at all. "Your mother?"

When Bachiko made no reply, he felt unsure if he should press the question. He resumed his massage.

Then she shifted and said, "Now the front," and she turned herself onto her back, giving him a full frontal view. Her magnificent body, splayed out in front of him.

It hit him. He was now straddling a goddess. The goddess who was a tenant at his house. The goddess who had just given him a blowjob after a hard workout which he had been rudely spying on (which probably made him a pervert).

"Are you some kind of fox spirit?" The question just tumbled out on its own.

She cracked a smile. "I'm here to seduce you. If I'm not careful my nine tails will come out!"

"I'm sorry! It's just that... this is... I mean... what you are doing is..."

She took his hands and guided them to her upper chest muscles. "You saw me working out these muscles," she said. "They need your touch now. Massage them for me. As deeply as you can. Just press your thumbs down... hard... like that... yes... oh yes, just like that... mmmmm..."

"Bachiko," he whispered, as he continued doing something every boy in Japan dreamed of doing (and probably a great number of older men as well, come to that). "Bachiko... why are you letting me do this? You should be angry... I spied on you, I shouldn't have done that, you're our guest... and it's wrong, I wasn't respecting you..."

"I like you," she said, simply. And as he shook his head in mute disbelief she chuckled. "What's so strange about that? I just like you. I liked you from the first time we met."

"But... but I'm not any kind of athlete!" he protested, even as the heels of his palms brushed against her erect nipples.

"And why must you be?" she said, looking genuinely puzzled.

"Well, I mean usually... don't athletes... sort of... get together with each other? I mean... you're so strong, and muscular... wouldn't you want a man who was... also the same?"

She looked at him steadily, but with a strangely sad smile. "Not necessarily. It may be true for some women, whether or not they are athletes, but it's not true for me. Why can't I have a liking for Type B geeks like you? Smart, kind, creative..."

"I'm... I'm actually Type AB," he mumbled, blushing furiously. "I know, I don't fit the type, but I suppose I'm an outlier..."

"Oh... well, whatever, I like your type," she declared. "Actually, I just like you. And... I hope you like me too."

Mentally, he stepped out of the picture and looked back at it from the outside. She was saying that, with a straight face and a sincere steady gaze, while he straddled her, massaging her impressive chest muscles, her hands practically on her breasts and nipples.

Reality really was stranger than fiction, he thought. If the Zentraedi were to launch an invasion of Earth tomorrow and their war machines ravaged Tokyo, it still would not be stranger than what was happening to him right now, what had been happening since earlier.

So he smiled, thought, "Fuck it all," and looked straight back at her and said, "I think you're incredibly beautiful, and I like you very much. I want us to get to know each other better. And I hope you feel the same."

She smiled broadly then, and her eyes seemed to become a little teary. "I'm glad to hear that. Thank you, Kaito-chan," she whispered.

He continued with the massage, moving on to her arms, then her belly, following any instructions she gave. Otherwise, there was a companionable silence. Besides her moans of pleasure, that was to say.

And outside the room, a mother smiled to herself and quietly walked away to turn in for the night.

The next morning, after Bachiko had returned from her morning run and was finishing up breakfast - she ate large quantities of eggs and tofu every morning, along with boxes of some foreign food called "muesli", which was pricey and hard to obtain, so she actually paid for her own food out of her own pocket - she suddenly said to him, "Kaito, I have something to ask you."

"Hmm? Oh, sure, what is it?" His heart jumped at her use of the suffix-less address.

"I have... something to do tomorrow night, Friday night. I'm... taking part in a match. You remember... what I do..."

"Oh! Oh yes," he said. "Wow... okay! So... you're... you're going to be fighting in a match?"

She nodded in affirmation. "It... would mean a lot to me if you were there, watching. Would you... are you keen on... would you like to come?"

She was usually so confident and self-assured, that it truly took him aback to see her so uncertain and tentative. He was not quite sure how to react, but part of him rebelled at the sight. It just didn't fit her, the hesitancy, the vulnerability...

"Yes, of course I will come!" he said firmly. What did he have to do on Friday night anyway? The gang could do without him for one weekend night, all they ever did anyway was go around the same few places in Shinjuku. He saw them day in day out in any case. He could definitely make time for Bachiko, who was, he supposed, now his girlfriend...

His girlfriend!

He now had a girlfriend!

Him! He, Ishida Kaito, age 21, of the Tokyo University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Department of Advanced Robotics, part-time slacker, full-time geek... had a girlfriend!

"I will be there for you, Bachiko!" he shouted. "Your life will be my life as well! Wherever you are, there will I be also! It is my honorable duty as a man to give you moral support for anything you do! I will come and watch your event! Never fear! A real man will not let you down!"

"Kaito! What are you shouting about? Aren't you on your way to classes? Make sure to pack your lunch, you hooligan, stop eating McDonald's all the time, it's bad for you! Why can't you have a healthier lifestyle like our Bachiko-chan?" came his mother's voice from the backyard where she was hanging out the laundry to dry.

Bachiko stared, and then began to laugh.


"So, uh... where's this Tachikawa Arena? I've never heard of it before."

Kaito and Bachiko had just gotten off the train at the Tachikawa station, and were walking in the direction of Showa Memorial Park. She was carrying a duffel bag and was dressed modestly, in a t-shirt and jeans. All the same, though, her build was distinctive enough that she was drawing stares from passersby. Her biceps and triceps were practically bursting through her shirt sleeves, even though it was a stretchy one. Most of Bachiko's clothes were either loose or stretchy, Kaito had noticed, except the summer clothes that were skimpy enough not to stretch easily, like the spaghetti strap top she had worn while moving in her home gym.

Bachiko smiled at him and replied, "Naturally you wouldn't have heard it before, Kaito-san. It's actually a secret location, known only to a few." She was still being formal with him in public, though he fancied that he saw a tenderness in her eyes when she looked at him. With her, though, it could be hard to tell, sometimes. Her face was not easy to read.

"A... secret location? Wow... so how do we get to it? Where are we going?"

Bachiko gestured up ahead. "Showa Memorial."

"In the Park?" He scratched his head. "But I've been to the Park many times... I've never come across anything like the Arena!"

"It's not where normal people can see it," she said. They were approaching the east entrance of the Park. "It's underground."

Kaito gaped. "How... how big is the Arena?"

"Hmm... about... I guess, almost the whole south-eastern bit, you know those paths and grass patches in the middle there?"

"That big?! Wait, wait, Bachiko... you mean to say, under the south-eastern portion of the Park, there's this huge Arena? Just how big is it? I mean, in terms of how many people watching? I assume there's an audience, that is!"

"Certainly, yes. About... maybe... a thousand? Two thousand? I never counted."

Kaito narrowed his eyes. "That's... that's kinda tiny, actually."

"Oh, it's an exclusive audience. Some Japanese, some foreign. The spectators are all regulars, and they're all people who can keep a secret."

"Well, evidently!"

"The actual fighting stage itself isn't big at all. But if you count the medical facilities, the dormitories for the full-time staff, the hotel rooms, the training chambers, the fighters' quarters for some of them who choose to stay there, the kitchens..." Bachiko shrugged. "I don't think about it much."

"Who could've built it? Right under the Showa Memorial Park, no less! How does anyone keep a huge underground complex like that a secret? What does the government say about that?" Kaito yelped, not caring that a few passers-by were giving him strange looks. Bachiko seemed unworried about that as well.

"Well, it's easy. The current owner of the Arena is Tachibana Fujiko. Her family built it a few generations ago."

Kaito stopped short in his tracks. "Of course," he murmured. "Now it all makes sense. Now it all makes sense..."

Tachibana Fujiko was the current Chairwoman of the Board for the Omega Zaibatsu. With her clout and resources, of course such a project could be undertaken, and secrecy maintained all the way from the lowest to the highest levels. It was the nigh-omnipotent Omega Zaibatsu, after all.

So, that explained why Bachiko would suffer no repercussions for letting him in on the secret. If he were to be indiscreet about it, the consequences... he shuddered at the thought, and pursued that line of thinking no further.

"Wait... wait... you know her? You know Tachibana Fujiko??"

"Yes. She's... you might say she's a family friend." They approached the main gate, and at this time of night the Park was closed to the general public. A few bored security guards were standing around at the entrance. Without missing a step, Bachiko waved a plain-looking card over the reader above a turnstile, and walked through.

"Come in," she said, turning around and scanning it again for Kaito.

He followed her in a daze, his mind awhirl. "Just too many surprising things I've just learnt about you in just too short a time," he muttered. "Just... just give me a moment, will you, Bachiko-chan. Sorry."

He made his way carefully to one of the stone benches nearby and sat down carefully. His legs felt weak. Bachiko came to sit beside him.

"We're okay for time, Kaito, but we need to get going in a while. I don't want to be late."

He held his head in his hands. "You might've prepared me for all this! This is... this is just too much... I can hardly believe it!"

Bachiko made no reply.

"Of course I... I'm not calling you a liar! But... phew... ok... so, you know Tachibana Fujiko-sama? And she's a, I quote, family friend to you?"