Back In The Game Ch. 12

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He can't get her, or her friend, off his mind.
4.6k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/20/2022
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I had post-nut clarity of the worst kind.

"You'll want to wash that off sooner rather than later," she said, "'cause of the hair."

I lay on the bed, covered in my own cum, as Lizzie, apparently in no rush to get to college, sat naked on the edge of the bed, licking the space between her thumb and forefinger, cleaning the little that had gotten on her when she finished me off.

I got up and looked around.

"What are you looking for?"

"My clothes."

"Don't worry, no one's here."

I was too tired to argue, so I got up and made my way across the corridor of her parent's house, in nothing but my birthday suit and a hearty serving of jizz.

I went into the bathroom, switched on the light and locked the door. Then, leaning on the sink, took a good, long look in the mirror. My face was tired, my eyes baggy. I was tired and hungover, the adrenalin that came with fucking a debauched twenty-year-old college student was starting to wear off. At least, that's what I kept telling myself.

The truth was I was captivated by her, drawn to her youthful energy as much as her youthful body. That she was sexually promiscuous (what I believe is now known as "sex positive") certainly didn't hurt.

I splashed some water on my face, cooling myself off, washing some of the pussy juice off my face, and then began to pick the cum out of my chest hair.

"Don't forget to use cold water," she yelled.

I turned off the hot water tap and began to splash freezing cold water onto my chest.

Right then, I heard the door slam.


And heavy footsteps across the wooden flooring downstairs.


"Hey sweetie," shouted a deep male voice, "only me."

"Oh hey dad," said Lizzie. From her volume, I was pretty sure she was standing at the top of the stairs, outside the bathroom door. "What are you doing back?"

"I got halfway there when I realised I'd left the file on the kitchen table."

"That's what old age does to you."

"Lizzie, I'm not even forty."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Footsteps up the stairs.

"Where're you going?"

"To the toilet."

"But you don't want to be late."

"I don't want to wet myself on the way to work either. What's that sound?"

"What sound?"

"Did you leave the tap running again?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry. I just forgot."

"What did I tell you? It doesn't just cost your mother and me money, but it also costs you the planet."

"I know, wasting water is ecological terrorism. I'll go turn it off now."

"Don't worry I'll get it when I'm in there."

More ascending footsteps.

"I think I saw a rat!"


"A rat. A big one! Huge."

Her father sighed.


"Outside. This morning, when I was getting a glass of over."

"I'm sure it was probably-"

"Are you mansplaining my own lived experience?"

A heavy sigh.

Light footsteps descending.

"Quick, it might still be there."

"Can't it wait two min-?"

"No! Daddy, it was really scary."

"Alright, let's go take a look."

Two sets of footsteps descended the stairs, then reached the ground floor and faded.

I waited. I could hear them talking, but not what they were saying, but they didn't seem to get further away. It was now or never. I went to turn off the tap but caught myself just in time.

I opened the door, slowly, desperately hoping it wouldn't squeak. The last thing I wanted was for him to think their unwelcome guest was upstairs!

Opening it just wide enough for me to slip out, I stepped onto the landing and quietly closed it.

Louder voices.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I tiptoed quickly across the landing, exaggerated moves like a cartoon character, trying to make as little sound as possible. One loose floorboard and the game was up.

"Where are you going?"

"Still need the bathroom."

I was halfway along the corridor, my speed severely limited by my desperate need to be silent.

But I swear it was out there."

The heavy footsteps were on the stairs now.

"And now it's not."

"Can you just help me with something first?"


Good girl.

"Right after I go pee."

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

They were still ascending and I was nowhere near getting to safety. He was going to see me any second. It was nearly time for a Hail Mary. The top of his head appeared below the bannister.

It was now or never.

I threw myself towards her bedroom, turning to land on my back to avoid leaving an incriminating trail of chest jizz, and landed on the thick carpet with a thud, my back scraping along a few inches, getting carpet burn down my whole back.

"What was that?"

For fuck's sake.

"What was what?"

The footsteps increased and I was nearly out of time. I was lying on my back in his daughter's bedroom, bollock naked, covered in my own jizz. There's no talking your way out of that.

"That banging sound."

I heard him reach the top of the stairs, if he looks this way I'm fucked. Instead, he opens the bathroom door, stepping in to turn off the tap.

I slid under the bed, on my back, exacerbating my carpet burn.

"It was probably just the neighbours, or a bird hitting the window."

Footsteps towards her bedroom.

"Did you know hundreds of birds are falling out of the sky dead and no one knows why? It's an actual pandemic. Are you really going to go into my bedroom uninvited?"

The two size ten shoes I saw step onto the carpet told me yes, he was. They were nice. I wondered where he got them from.

"That's a terrible invasion of privacy."

Her bare feet rushed past.

"See? There's nothing. Everything is fine. Go to work."

I held my breath, the dusty floor bringing me to the verge of a sneezing fit. The shoes turned as he looked around.


The shoes moved further into the room, over to the window.

"See? It was just the bin men. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for college."

He left the room and I listened as his footsteps moved down the corridor, as two small bare feet shuffled across the carpet and the door lock clicked shut.

She bent down and looked under the bed, smiling, her top hanging down so that I had a remarkable view of her cleavage, sans bra.

I started to slide from out under the bed.

"Do you want a lift?"

I froze, half in half out, the newly disturbed dust in my nostrils.

"No thank you, I'm still not quite ready."

"Alright, have a good day, sweetie."

"Thanks, dad, love you."

"Love you too."

I tried to hold it in, rubbing my nose to clear the dust.

The footsteps went down the stairs, and I could feel it building. I inhaled deeply, there was no way to stop it. A giant sneeze burst forth from deep inside, just as the front door slammed shut.

I waited for him to burst back in, banging on the door and forcing a confrontation. But all I heard was the car engine starting and fading away.

I breathed deeply, we'd got away with it, just.

I slid out from under the bed and stood up, covered in dust.

"Here," she said, throwing me a pack of wet wipes, finish yourself off quickly because I'm really going to be late. And we know you can do that."

I wiped the remainder of the jizz off my chest as she packed her bag. She was wearing a light summer dress, with white knee socks. She placed her laptop in her bag and leaned over to get the plug, giving me a perfect view of her ass, spanked pink, and a pair of white panties barely covering her pussy. She looked over her shoulder, catching me staring, just as she'd planned.

"See anything you like?"

"That's a different look for you, isn't it?"

"Well," she said, zipping up her bag, and walking towards me "sometimes I like to be naughty, and sometimes I like to be nice." She pushed her body up against me. "You don't like me when I'm nice?" She said, her eyes wide and sad. "But I'm such a good girl. And I'll do anything to make you happy."

She grabbed my dick and felt it getting hard. She laughed and, stepping across the room, grabbed her bag and headed for the bedroom door.


As we walked down the street I felt like everyone was looking at us together, judging me, like they all knew.

"I said," she said, "what do you do and why aren't you doing it today?"

I'd been in a world of my own, terrified that any moment someone I knew, probably one of the friends I lost in the divorce, would pop up out of the blue and see me, see us, and then stand and listen as I tried to explain who the young lady was, not buying it for a second.

"Nothing at the moment, and it's a long story." I really didn't feel like telling her about my failed marriage and my failed job, and how they were intimately connected. "What about you? What are you studying?"

"Human sexuality and evolution of kink. Like young women with older men, you know?" I looked at her, unsure if she was serious. "That's what last night was all about, research. A bit of cultural anthropological fieldwork. You're going to be the topic of my dissertation."

She looked at me, deadly earnest, as I felt what was left of my soul leave my body. Then she burst into laughter.

"I'm just fucking with you, literally!"

Clearly, this was the funniest thing she had ever experienced. I, however, respectfully disagreed.

"I study psychology, although there is a gender and sexuality module, so I'm planning to ace that. And if not," she added nonchalantly, "I can always fuck the lecturer."

To look at her in that dress, so light and airy, you would never think those sorts of things would come out of her mouth, let alone what goes in there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you jealous?" I didn't react. "You don't want anyone else getting any of this tight, young pussy?"

As she said this an old lady passed and stared daggers at me. I was half expecting her to report me to the cops on me as a sexual predator hanging around the college. I was not amused.

"My god," she said, "you are so uptight. What you need is a good fucking."

"Hey Lizzie," a young blonde woman shouted as she began to cross the street towards us. Her ample tits, contained within a tight-fitting woollen jumper, bounced with grace and elegance, as her short black dress fluttered innocently around the top of her thighs.

The two girls hugged.

"So...," she said, "did you two have fun?"

I felt the fear sink deep into my bones.

"Now, now, he was a perfect gentleman," she said, "until he fucked me in the ass." The girls burst into laughter and I could feel my face flush, not least because that was one of the things we didn't do. "I'm just joking. We haven't done that... yet."

I couldn't tell if she was fucking with me again, or expected to be fucking me again. It would be better if it was the former, but part of me couldn't help but hope it was the latter. I don't have to say which part of me that was.

"Sorry," said Lizzie, "where are my manners? This," she said, placing a hand out towards the girl, as if presenting her to me, "is Jessica."

"Nice to finally meet you," said Jessica, reaching out her hand, which I shook, her thumb caressing the back of my hand as I did so. "Jeremy's told me all about you."

"Jeremy? You mean-" Then it hit me. Lizzie hadn't been secretly texting her girlfriend about last night, this girl was there. She was the blonde with the big tits Jeremy was eye-fucking.

"Your friend that she fucked," said Lizzie, helpfully.

"Excuse me," said Jessica, seemingly taking a great deal of offence at this. "I don't fuck married guys," she said, definitively, "I just sucked his dick." I had no idea how to respond to this girl. "And, maybe let him finger fuck me. Anyway," she said, turning to me, "you're welcome."

"Thank you?" I said, having not the foggiest what she was going on about.

"Without me, you wouldn't have been balls deep in this fine piece of ass," she said, slapping Lizzie's already well-spanked ass.

"I'm not sure I-"

"Come on," said Lizzie, grabbing Jessica by the arm, "we're going to be late."

"Nice to meet you," said Jessica, as they walked off. "And you're welcome."

As they approached the college building, I noticed the place had been suddenly flooded with college students and I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there.


I stripped off and stepped into the shower. I smelt of pussy and cum and sweat and sex, my body covered in the carnal juices of heavy fucking.

The warm water washed over my body as I scrubbed the last traces of last night (and this morning) off me.

I was exhausted, but as I stood there I couldn't stop thinking about Jessica, more precisely, what she'd said.

You're welcome.

Welcome for what?

I wondered, randomly, if that's what she said to Jeremy after she sucked his dick, swallowing his cum down with fervour.

Down on her knees, his freshly-spent cock still hovering in front of her face, her lips wet.

I thought of her as she was this morning, her tight jumper accenting her breasts, braless, her defiant nipples poking proudly out under the fabric. Her smooth, toned legs, her short skirt teasing a flash of ass, of panties.

I wondered how she liked it. Was she dominant or submissive? Did she like to take a dick in her hand and work it rapidly, setting the pressure and pace, owning it? Did she like to take it in her mouth, and, working her head back and forth, decide how fast, how deep, how tight? Did she like to work the shaft with her hand and tease the head with her lips and tongue?

Or did she like to take what she was given? Down on her knees, hands behind her back. A hand in her hair and dick in her mouth, as I thrust back and forth, fucking her butter-wouldn't-melt face. Moaning with pleasure as she takes everything I have to give her, my dirty little whore whose only reason for existence is to please me.

Face fucking her as she looks up at me with those big, desperate eyes, begging for more, begging for it all. I speed up and she moans, her tight little mouth desperate for my cock, her lips wrapped firmly around it.

I keep going until I'm on the verge, then I pull it out and uncurl my fingers from her long blonde hair, she gasps with the breath denied by my throbbing member and looks up at me, ready.

I continue to work my dick, lubricated by her willing mouth, as she continues to kneel, looking up, mouth open, tongue out, desperate for what I have for her.

I moan as I cum, my load shooting out over her beautiful face, her lips, her cheeks, her mouth, every new load accompanied by a high-pitched squeal, so thrilled is she at the prospect of being painted with my jizz.

Finally spent, I watch as she runs her tongue widely across her lips, taking in all the semen within range, before gently taking my dick in her mouth and cleaning it with her tongue.

I gasp for breath, the hot water of the shower having taken the air out of the room, one hand on the glass partition, one hand on my dick, its contents dribbling down the frosted glass.


After I'd cleaned myself up, again, I towelled off and went to bed. I immediately fell into a deep sleep, exhausted.

My dreams were many and varied, threads slipping into one another, crossing over, merging, fusing, pollinating one another with their images and motifs.

I dreamed of Lizzie, dark and gothic, leather corset and thigh-high boots, taunting me, degrading me, on my knees, a worthless deviant, desperate to please, to pleasure her any way I could until I looked up and there she was, angelic and light, her white summer dress floating effortlessly on the wind, pure and virginal, soft, innocent, waiting for me to take her, gazing down at her perfect, pale body, her legs spread waiting for me to enter, a soft hand landed gently on my shoulder as soft red lips brushed against my ear, whispering "you're welcome," Jessica, I turn to see but she is already gone, I hear a moan and turn to Lizzie, angelic and pure, and she is still there, her legs still open, only they're no longer waiting for me, she is there, her long blonde hair flowing down angelic thighs as she works slowly, delicately between them and Lizzie moans as the blonde girl embraces her wetness, with tongue, lips, fingers, slow, relaxed, intimate, luxuriously, all the time in the world, the innocent girl moaning softly as her delicate pussy is treated with the tenderness it deserves, then I'm alone and realise I am at home, my home, my old home, home once again, suitcase in my hand, I've been away I don't know why, then I hear it, the sound, at once so intimately familiar but which fills me with dread, I don't want to go but I have no choice and I begin walking, suitcase still in hand, I try to fight it, to run out of the house, into the darkness, no one knows I was here, I can leave, I'm early, I'm not supposed to be here, I could leave, no one would ever know, I could leave, but I can't stop even though I want to, my feet moving closer to the stairs, if I leave now it is like nothing ever happened, I can come back later and everything will be fine, only I can't and I won't and nothing will ever be fine again, the noises get louder as I walk through the corridor to the stairs, my suitcase still in my hand, I can't put it down, the stairs seemingly going on forever, the sound going on forever, the sounds, mixing, mingling, merging, weaving in and out, a cacophonous orgy of sound carrying constantly down the corridor, the stairs go on forever as if I am trapped, as if this will be my perpetual existence from now on, walking these stairs, suitcase in hand, the sounds whirling around me, enveloping me, telling me what I didn't want to know even though deep down I already knew, forever, then I am at the top of the stairs, which have disappeared the only way out the door at the end of the corridor, a door I have walked through countless times for pain and joy and pleasure and sadness, and now I have to walk through it one more time, I don't know if I can only that I must, I have no choice, no control, my feet take me, the sounds getting louder with each step, becoming more distinct, more pronounced, deeper, guttural, carnal, then my hand is on the door, pushing it open, I don't want to enter but I have no choice, don't want to look but can't look away, my eyes fixed on my hand on the door, pushing, opening, revealing the thing I already knew but didn't want to, revealing my wife...

There she is, on the bed, only she isn't bound, her legs spread but not tied, free, unrestrained, giving herself freely, openly, allowing Lizzie, angelic and pure, to pleasure her, allowing her gentle lips to meet the ones between her legs, and I just stand and watch these two women deep in this intimate act, until a hand rests on my shoulder once again, and guides me to a chair in the corner, where I sit and watch, a perfect view as the two women continue their intimate moment, "you're welcome," whispered in my ear again, her hands sliding up and down my chest, her head propped on my shoulder, watching the show, my suitcase is no longer in my hand, I look down but then it is gone but they are still there, my wife, her legs spread, her pussy caressed by the innocent mouth, I sense Jessica is no longer behind me and suddenly she is on the bed too, as if she had always been there in the background, her long blonde hair flowing over her perfectly pert breasts, her hands running along Lizzie's back, her shoulders, up over my wife's belly, up to her breasts, not nearly as pert, but the ones that had once been just for me, taking them, caressing them, letting her tongue explore her aching nipples, and moaning in pleasure she lets the nipple fall from her mouth and moves further upwards, her hands caressing my wife's face, her eyes closed, thoughts only on the pure bliss that comes from the young woman between her legs, Jessica leans in to kiss her, my wife responds, slow, gentle, lips touching and parting, opening and closing as hints of tongue, eager yet furtive, tentatively explore this unknown world, the suitcase is not in my hand, but something else is and I grip it tight as it grows, grip it like my life depends on it, my hand is there and I begin to move it up and down, slowly, matching the speed of the kisses, relaxed, casual, languid, safe, everything feels safe, but then something changes and the kisses change, becoming faster, harder, greedier, becoming more passionate, more unrestrained, more uncontrolled, and my hand moving in time as if inextricably linked, as if one cannot happen without the other, which I now know to be true, they cannot exist without me and I can't exist without them, and so I continue to jerk faster and faster, all the time Jessica looking at me, never breaking eye contact, every kiss, every caress, every lick every moan, all at me, all for me, "you're welcome," but then she breaks off, but I can't stop, it has gone too far, everything has gone too far, and there is only one way it will end, one way to bring this to a conclusion, so I continue as she turns and facing the bottom of the bed, straddles my wife's face, replacing one set of lips with another and she writhes and moans as she rocks her hips as my wife, still in a blissful fugue of her own, works her tongue effortlessly over these new lips, and Jessica continues to moan, to sigh, as her hands caress her fabulous breasts, slowly, as if exploring them for the first time, she isn't looking at me but this is all for me, this is my show, my punishment or salvation or both, and still I keep jerking it, still playing my part, and she leans forward, pushing her ass back letting my wife's tongue get closer, deeper, finding the one spot she so desperately wants to find, to stimulate, and she finds it and Jessica moans and continues to ride her face as Lizzie, innocently unaware of all of this, continues to work between my life's legs, and I continue to jerk it, separate from all of this but essential, wanting it all but knowing I never can, still I jerk it and I feel I am close, and she knows it for she gives me a little wink before she leans forward, her body fully flat against my wife, the two young women's heads on my wife's lap, Jessica taking Lizzie's earlobe between her soft lips, kissing, licking, sucking, I cannot see from where I am but I know this to be the case and the girl between my wife's legs moans, the first sign she is aware of anything other than my wife's pussy, moaning louder as Jessica's hands slide down her back to her tight ass, gripping a cheek in each hand, massaging them, kneading them as I needed them, but something changes and she removes her hands as a whip comes down on that angelic ass, a crack thundering through the room, Lizzie, her prodigious tits hanging over her tightly-fitted corset, stares at me with contempt before bringing the whip back down, and Angelic Lizzie moans, deep into that pussy in her mouth, and my wife moans into the pussy in her mouth and Jessica moans and the whip comes down again, and again, the moans getting louder, heavier, faster, the bodies rocking and writhing, the actions more pronounced, more uncontrolled, the innocent, angelic Lizzie being punished, submitting to the pain and loving it, and I see it awaken something in her, corrupting her, her soul no longer pure, but awakened to pleasures of the flesh and she begins to eat my wife's pussy with more vigour, more intensity, her tongue flying, no longer content with the slow soft pleasures of the intimate, but now desperate, for the dark, the dirty, the utterly fucking filthy, those deep carnal desires and she licks and moans and raises her ass so as to be better punished and I sit and I watch as the scene unfolds from one of innocent passion to one of pure fucking lust, their bodies turning to one as they are washed out to sea in a wave of desire, their desire, their loins burning, their desire to fuck obliterating all else and they fuck and they fuck and they fuck bringing it all to the brink of the finale, glorious now in its pure unadulterated debauchery, and there are not two Lizzies, but one, for she is both now, sub and dom, yin and yang, pure and debauched and she continues to eat my wife's pussy, driven wild by her own desire, as Jessica, her pussy still occupying the mouth of my wife, her hands returning to that pale ass, the cheeks glowing from the whipping, teasing her with the pain, before slipping a hand down and under, finding her sweet spot and promising release and suddenly she is on the edge, as am I on the edge and as I sit and watch the three women on the brink of ecstasy, Jessica turns to me, "you're welcome," eyes on me as slips a finger deep into Lizzie's ass and she cums and my wife cums and Jessica cums, until they are all cumming and cumming, their pleasure of one escalating the pleasure of all, from pussy to pussy to pussy, an orgasmic feedback loop as they ride fingers and faces and as I continue to sit and watch jerking it as their pleasure becomes my pleasure until ultimately, inevitably, we cum, one and the same but different, connected but separate, in one final glorious release...