Back to You Ch. 08


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The sight of his lover was enough to send him over the edge. He raised his hand to his mouth and, biting down on his fingers, started to shoot his load deep into Oliver's mouth with a strained whimper. The ticking of the old clock above their head that once filled the room was now replaced by Matt's muffled screams and the strong sounds of cum blasting into Ollie. The boy pulled back so he could rest Matt's slit along his tongue, lapping up all of the his juice as it shot into him. Oliver kept the boy's cum in his mouth, making a show as it trickled all along his tongue, nearly dripping out the sides of his lips. He waited for Matt to compose himself as his body stopped shaking. Still a trembling and frazzled mess, Matty looked down to see Oliver swallow all of his load in one shot.

Unable to hold back, Matt pulled Oliver up and pressed his lips against his. Their tongues clashed with Matt fighting for control. He could taste his cum on Ollie's tongue- a fact so erotic, he could feel himself desperately trying to get hard once more. It was Oliver who broke the kiss, pulling away enough so he could speak, "You don't know how good you taste Stevens."

Matt stuck out his tongue and ran it along the boy's wet lips, "Actually, I do", he said with a chuckle.

After a few pecks along Ollie's cheeks, Matt moaned as he slowly sunk down to his knees. He'd wanted to give the boy as much pleasure as he received. At this point, he didn't even care if Mrs. Emily Porter herself were to walk through the door. He felt the cold floor through his jeans, "Now it's your turn to cum for me."

Oliver scratched his back and replied, "Uh, Matty you kinda did already."

Matt shot back with a confused look, "What do you mean?" He looked to see Oliver's crotch still hard before him.

Ollie shrugged his shoulders, trying to hide the ten shades of red that swept across his milky face, "When you shot in my mouth, it was so intense that I came without touching myself." Ollie reached to scratch his back, masking the embarrassment that oozed out his pores- soaking his skin the soiled boxers he wore.

A huge grin came over Matt's face as he pulled Ollie's hands out from his back pockets, "Wait are you serious?"

Choosing to show rather than tell, Oliver undid the button of his jeans and pulled them down. Matty bit down on his bottom lip as he caught sight of the pronounced wet spot that nearly covered half the boy's thin boxers. He beamed with pride, knowing he was able to make Oliver Morrison cum without even touching him. Matty licked his lips, anticipating the taste of his boy as he pulled the wet boxers down, trying not to wipe up any more of Ollie's cum.

Oliver breathed out, "Wha-what are you doing?

Matt raised an eyebrow, responding simply, "Cleaning you up." He looked up to Ollie and winked, "We can't have you going the rest of the day like this, can we?"

Oliver's eyes widened as Matty leaned forward and licked the drops of wet cum still clinging to his skin, "No we can't."

He watched as his boy swept his tongue across his crotch, lapping up every ounce of cum as it collected on his tongue. He felt his cock stir being so close to Matt's puckering lips, his bright pink head flaring out of his foreskin as it grazed Matty's cheeks. The boy grabbed at the shaft and gently slapped the head along his tongue to get every last bit out. Oliver let out a long moan as he felt his head being wrapped by Matt's lips as the boy sucked him for good measure.

After a few minutes of clean-up, Oliver eased back into the chalkboard just as Matty resorted to sucking the residual moisture from the boy's boxers. He looked up, satisfied yet still hungry- a combination that Oliver knew he'd never go tired of trying to fill. Ollie reached for the boy's shoulders and pulled him up for a series of soft and passionate kisses.

Matty smirked, "Not even a whole day as an official couple and we've already swapped cum."

Oliver shot back, "Can you blame me? You look so good today and I wanted to show you how much I wanted you." He leaned into Matt's ear, "Tasted good too."

Leaning in for one last kiss, Matty looked down at his watch to see they only had a few minutes before the classroom would soon be full of students. He stuck his unwavering hard cock back into his jeans, "Let's get dressed before everyone finds out just how much of a couple we are." Oliver nodded, dusting the chalk off Matt's back as he zipped up his pants.

Matt could resist reaching out and squeezing the boy's crotch once more, "Just three more hours and we can go for round two."


Oliver knocked on the bright red door of Matt's house a little after three. The two boys had only been separated for a half hour since school got out- essentially the time it took for them to drive home and Ollie to drop his stuff off and get changed. Still, Oliver felt the same butterflies filling his gut as the door slowly opened. He hoped those feelings for Matty would never go away.

Matt let out a laugh as he opened the door to find Oliver clothed in a white tee shirt and khaki shorts- an outfit nearly identical to his own, right down to the pure white shoes Matty had in his bedroom.

Giving him a once over, Ollie crooked his neck. "Okay, one of us has to change, and it's not going to be me", he said as he stepped inside and slipped off his shoes.

Matt raised his hands, "Why does it have to be me?"

Oliver rolled his eyes, "Because you're the one with clothes upstairs, genius." He smirked as the boy crossed his arms and feigned irritation.

Leaning in towards the shorter boy, Matt added, "I swear, you're always trying to get me out of my clothes." His breath so warm that Oliver could feel it traveling down his spine, like a wash of humidity over his body. If given different circumstances, he'd be unable to hold himself back from pushing Matt over towards the couch and devouring him with reckless abandon.

But instead he sighed, lowering his voice to match, "Looks like you're a genius after all." His mouth was so close to Matt's ear that he could feel the sweet nothings slip off his tongue with every quiver of his breath. He made a laundry list of all dirty things he could whisper into Matt's ear.

All of that came to a crashing holt at the sound of a high pitched, "Ollieeeee!", followed by a stampede of tiny feet. He loved that little girl, but she sure had the worst timing. Katie came crashing through in under two seconds flat, running towards Oliver who stretched out his arms, ready to pick her up in a move that would make the cast of Dirty Dancing jealous.

"Hey there Katie! How's my favorite soon to be seven year old?" Oliver asked as he tossed her into the air a few times.

Katie managed to control her giggling enough to answer, "Good! Mommy's just about to take me to dance practice, we have a big recital coming up!"

Oliver's eyes grew big as he put on his best excited tone, "Wow! Do I get to come?"

Katie nodded as she fixed the loose hair that came undone in the jump, "Sure! You can go with Matty so he has someone to sit with."

Matt laughed first, unable to handle the cuteness that his little sister exuded. Oliver put Katie down and squatted so they were eye to eye. "And then after the show, Matty and I can take you for ice cream like we did after the park."

Raising her hands in excitement, Katie let out a scream so high it could break glass, "Yay! I'm gonna tell Mommy that you're coming!" She started to run off, but not before looking back at the tall teens looking back at her, "I love having two big brothers!"

Matt swore he could see Oliver choke up in that moment. He blinked a few times, trying to remove any tears that may have formed under his brown eyes. Just as he cleared his throat, Matt swung his arm over the boy's muscled shoulder, pulling him into a one armed hug.

He turned to Ollie, trying to ease the boy's emotions. Oliver had always been a rock for everyone around him, even when they were just kids. Matt knew that life had hit that poor boy hard these past few years, leaving him with no choice but to be strong. But every now and then, Ollie gave in to weakness, cracking at the surface of the composed exterior he worked so hard to build. This was one of those times.

"You know, if you keep this up, she'll start liking you better than me." He looked up to see a smile forming at Oliver's mouth, "And we can't have that."

Oliver breathed out any lasting remnants of melancholy and changed his tone. "Too late, Stevens. I'm clearly Katie's favorite," he said as he stuck out his tongue.

Matt squeezed the boy's body against his, "Mine too."


After Matt's mom and Katie left for dance practice, the boys forced themselves to actually do some work before each of them could play. The two worked like a well-oiled machine for the next hour and a half. Matty rested at the headboard of his bed with Ollie lying next to him on his stomach. They were just now starting the project Trevino assigned to them three weeks ago and while everyone else was knee deep in research, Matt and Oliver had just decided on a topic.

After fumbling through chapters of their History book, Matt stumbled on one about Japanese Internment Camps in World War II- a topic he'd known very little about. Ollie was immediately hooked, reflecting back on his own experiences as a second generation immigrant, and everything his mother had to go through when she moved to the States for college. Soon the boys were reduced to Google Chrome tabs and Post-It Notes that bookmarked every relevant chapter on Asian assimilation into Western Culture.

Sometime later, Matt let out a deep breath as he jotted down one last online source onto his growing stack of flashcards. He closed his laptop, setting it down on the nightstand, "I think it's time for a break, don't you?"

Ollie nodded as he carefully closed the book and all it's contents. He moved up towards Matt and rested his head along the boy's chest. Even clothed, he could feel the small hairs of Matt's pecs on the back of his neck. He eased in as Matt threw an arm over the boy, gently rubbing against Ollie's flat stomach and feeling the dips in his fingers as they moved between abs.

Choosing this moment, Matt asked out in a soft voice that matched the muted intensity in the room, "This afternoon when Katie called you her big brother, what made you choke up?" Ollie moved slightly, keeping Matt's outstretched arm over his body as he looked back, "I didn't think you noticed that." He paused for a second, "I guess it was just a lot to take in."

Matt looked back at him, trying to decipher the boy's eyes for some indication of emotion. Was he distraught? Was he upset? He could feel all of the possible responses flooding his mind as if trying to find some way to salvage the situation. Maybe Katie was too young to understand, or she didn't know what she was talking about. Maybe Oliver was freaking out because everything was moving so fast, too fast. That last one scared Matty to death- hoping it was anything but that. He stopped himself before getting too deep into his thoughts and remembered what Ollie had told him about opening up.

"What do you mean by that?", the boy asked as he cautiously waited for a response.

Ollie chose action, squeezing the boy's hand tight as he rolled over so they were facing each other. He opened his mouth, letting the hard exterior crack before Matt's eyes, "When my dad died and you still weren't talking to me, I felt like I lost everything." Matt gulped down, tasting the bitterness as it slid down his throat. Ollie went on, "My mom chose to let herself feel. At night, I could hear her sobbing from my room until eventually I'd fall asleep. Then the next morning, she'd cook breakfast like everything was fine. I didn't think I had that choice. I needed to be strong. Eventually, mom dove herself back into work to keep her mind off things."

"And what did you dive into?", Matt asked softly.

Oliver made a face, "My thoughts mostly. I thought a lot about you. And what happened between us."

The silence surrounding the room was deafening that Matt could hear his integrity shatter into a million jagged little pieces. He'd always felt an internalized guilt for abandoning Ollie, but this was the first time he understood the full gravity of what he did. He pulled Oliver in, beyond relieved that the boy didn't recoil in his arms. He waited until Oliver looked at him, "Ollie, I am so deeply and truly sorry that I wasn't there for you. I just didn't know how to suddenly be a part of your life again after I completely shut you out." Matt's voice cracked as he pushed on, "Your dad was a great man who loved you with every fiber in his being, and I can't imagine what you went through in losing him. I just need you to know if I could go back, I would never have shut you out."

Oliver refrained from talking immediately. He eased into Matt's body, feeling the boy's warmth despite the cold and frigid emotions that ate through his flesh like frostbite. After letting those words sink into his core and warm his bones, he looked over to Matty. The boy was petrified, wearing a red-eyed expression with quivering lips that seemed to be searching for the words to say. He spoke instead, offering, "We both went through our own version of Hell. We were just too stupid to think we could do it without each other."

Matt squeezed Oliver's frame tight against his, and with those reassuring words, the ice between them started to melt. "Never again", he promised, keeping his eyes fixed on the boy as if trying to penetrate into his body.

Ollie shivered in that moment, knowing it to be true, "Being with you was like a second chance at that old life. And god knows how badly I've wanted it back. This family- with you, your parents, my mom and Katie, it doesn't feel incomplete anymore."

Crawling back up towards the headboard, Oliver and Matt rested their heads on the pillows. Matt came up from behind, encircling Oliver's body in his arms before locking his fingers tight. This was different from their usual configurations, yet Matt knew it was just what the moment called for. As Oliver's jet black hair moved closer, he could smell the boy just under his nose. A clean scent washed over him as Matt left small kisses along the boy's hair, so gentle that they were barely felt at the scalp. Oliver crossed his arms over Matt's, adding an extra layer of protection and security as he rubbed against the boy's furred biceps.

That afternoon, Oliver felt a wave of vulnerability crash through the tough exterior he erected all those years ago. Slowly, he watched it erode under Matt's touch. That boy was a catalyst for some of the hardest moments in his life, yet now as they lie intertwined with no ability to discern one body from the other, Oliver truly started to let all of those transgressions blow away with every bated breath. Matt may have been the one to tear him down, but he's the only person who could lift him back up again; a bridge rebuilt after being burned down to the core.

He listened intently to the taller boy's heartbeat, gently pounding against his ears like a drumroll. He spoke softly, wanting the intensity of his words to make up for the volume. "I love you, you know that?" He said as he gripped the boy's wrists.

Matt muffled a gasp as he woke up from the dreamlike state he was in. He asked out, "What did you just say?", blinking several times to ensure he was conscious.

Oliver turned so they were face to face, "I love you, Matt Stevens. I have for weeks now and I was just too scared to be that vulnerable again with anybody. But I'm not scared anymore." The boy's dark brown eyes melted into two pools of warmth and sincerity.

Matt choked up, sniffling as he tried to find the words. He breathed out, shaking the inner demons that once haunted his self-deprecated mind. He looked at Ollie with a child-like smile, "You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say those words."

Needing to close the gap between them, Matt pressed his forehead against Ollie's, "I've loved you for most of my life, Oliver- probably before I could even understand who I was. You don't know how happy you've made me in just these past weeks alone."

Ollie cradled the boy's jaw, "It's like free-falling out of the sky, but knowing you'll never have to touch the ground."

Matt nodded, feeling the butterflies in his stomach as their bodies cut through the winds like paper airplanes. He'd never been able to put his love for Ollie into words, yet the other knew exactly how he felt. The boys leaned in at the same exact moment, twisting their heads at their respective angles. Their noses brushed together with eyes fixed on the other. A pair of cold blues and warm browns, mixing into each other like paint. Lips quivering without so much as an ounce of hesitation. They kissed. Their lips pressed against each other, spilling out 'I love you' with every motion. And it was perfect.

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mfa607mfa607over 5 years ago

Wow! Perfect! Thank you.

GybbsGybbsalmost 6 years ago
love never fails

Ollie and Matt take my breath away. Thank you, alphamale, for giving them Life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Love is so amazing when it is true and freely given. Matt and Ollie's expressions of love are perfect. They know where they have been and they have learned from their past mistakes. Long may they be together! They belong together! Matt's lovely hairy chest and body given to Ollie and Ollie's body so total in loving Matt. Keep this going!

I love your characters and your characterization. Great writing!

AKA983AKA983almost 6 years ago
Thank you

Amazing story i love it

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