Bad Girl Pt. 06


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I can only chuckle at that.

What else can you do? I look at my watch; it's time to move on; I need to stay on script. We say goodbye to everyone, and our limo picks us up.

I put down the driver's partition and asked, "Is there a drive-thru where we can get ice cream?"

Chip laughs at me, "Not a chance in hell. However, there is one near our destination where I can run in quick. Medium vanilla butterscotch dipped with nuts?"

I laugh, "You know me so well. Juanita, what would you like?"

She looks at me dreamily, "Make that two, Chip; I've never tried butterscotch. We always got chocolate."

I can see she's thinking about her husband. She has a sad look on her face.

I comment, "I miss him as well. He was a good soldier and a better friend. I'm sorry."

She holds me hard, "You've obviously taken his passing much harder than I have. I still love him very much. How do I move on? How did you move on?"

I half-laugh, "First, you never do truly move on. There will always be a hold in you, and things will remind you of him forever. I try to focus on the good time when that happens. Like right now, I knew your sadness, and it triggered mine as well. It made me remember a day long before you when he ran past me, almost knocking me down.

"Half his clothes are on along with just one shoe. An Army guy is running after him. You husband yells am me, 'I didn't know she was married. I promise.' You know him; there was no way he touched a married woman. The husband had a knife out. I close line the husband as he runs past me. Now he's pissed at me. I tell him to stand down; I'm an officer. He lunges at me, and ... well ... it didn't go well for him. We started missions with one shoe for months and screamed, 'I didn't know she was married,' as we boarded the transports. That sure got a lot of laughs."

Juanita is in tears; she hugs me hard.

Juanita is still tearing as she says, "My husband tried to describe you many times. It's only now that I understand him. He described you as their mother, father, psychiatrist, and best friend. I couldn't understand how you could be all those things. I see it now; it's the same at work. You adapt to what's needed. You loved them like a mother, were strict like a father, and partied with them as a friend. That's amazing."

I sit back with her, still holding me, "Oh, I don't know. A lot of that is our training. They drill a lot of that into us. I think I did better than many, but the armed forces have a LOT of very talented leaders in all areas. For over 200 years, they've been practicing how to make soldiers and leaders. If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else.

"At work, I have a lot of leeway and deep pockets to make me successful. Mom watches over me and will change course when needed. I am far from perfect. I'm no superman. I had great training, a great group of guys, and an incredibly wealthy family that have allowed me to succeed. With my upbringing and training, I bet half of the men in America would do as good as I do."

We pull to a stop; depending on the line, it won't be too long before I get ice cream. Yummy. I am giving my family time to get in position.

Juanita replies, "I don't know. You're different. Look at Vickie and NSA."

I'm shocked, "You know about that?"

Juanita smiles at me with a sinister look, "I know everything. I wanted to know all about you. I wanted to know if you were the type of man to waste my husband's life. I know you didn't, don't worry. I'm not here to kill you."

I look sadly at her, "There are days where I wish someone would. I carry a lot of guilt."

I turn away from looking at her. I'm trembling with my admission. The door opens with our ice cream. I take mine and sit back. I do love my butterscotch.

Juanita tastes her, "Mmmmm, it's OK. However, chocolate is a girl's best friend, though. Yes, diamonds are nice as well."

We are on our way again.

Juanita continues between licks, "Not many men would have taken Vickie back. Not many men have a family that loves you unconditionally and without limits. That's something you earn and cultivate over the years. You may not be superman, but you sure do seem like him at times."

I laugh at her, "Wait until you see my body; I'm not so bulletproof like he is."

Juanita sighs, "I guess that's how it is in the armed forces, huh? You train with men, risk your lives, and then risk them again to save your friends when all logic says you shouldn't."

I somberly reply, "We went through a lot of shit during training. Then the shit gets much deeper on duty. You can't let your friends down. You can't." I giggle, "There's a lot that never made it to the reports. They don't like us risking our lives to save another. They say that often that means that both die.

"We were close. We didn't give a fuck about what some report says. If one of us went down, we moved heaven and earth to bring them back."

Juanita's looking out the window, "You're taking me to an adult bookstore?"

We stop, park the limo across the front of the building, and get out. I see a few cars, but none that look familiar. We go inside, and Juanita is glued to my hip with her arm around me.

A young, cute-looking girl with no breasts, probably a college girl is behind the front counter. The older woman next to her looks worn out. She is overweight with huge breasts; she smells like smoke, which is a huge turn-off for me. There's also a tall, think, and lanky guy with a small mustache and zero strength in his arms further down and near a door to the back room.

He looks pissed at me immediately. The guy is full of tattoos, all skulls, and crossbones. He is freaky.

There is a middle-aged couple there. She has a collar and a leash on. Otherwise, they look like a couple I would see at dinner. She is sexy and elegant. The other guy has two college-age girls. He looks like an alpha male jock from some college. He has muscles but acts immaturely. To round out the customers, there are two older and sleazy-looking guys.

I take Juanita over to the three washroom doors. They were marked that way. Male on left and right, with females in the middle. There are four guys on the left, a larger room with up to eight women, and then four guys on the right. Classic glory hole setup. There are nice holes in the wall with thin rubber grommets to protect the holes rather than duct tape. The grommets can come out to be cleaned, the tape that most have, gets gross. The women have baby wipes to clean the rubber grommets after each use.

This is an amazingly clean and healthy environment. My instructions were clear, use the first stall, then the second, then the third, and I am done. I then wait for Juanita.

I go to the first hole, and immediately a mouth attacks my cock. They have music playing; I can't hear what the woman said nor make out who it was. I just know that she is savoring her treat. She isn't rushing this; she is taking her time and loving it. She uses a lot of tongue and teases me with her tongue.

Well past ten minutes of slurping, she turns on the suction pump. Never have I experienced suction like that. I had goosebumps on my arms and lightning bolts zinging through my body.

This is truly amazing. I knock hard twice on the wall only to get more suction.

I can't hold back. I then scare the crap out of myself; I shoot ten good ropes of cum at high velocity into this remarkable woman. Where the hell did that come from?

TEN ropes? I hear crackling behind the door. I have had enough blowjobs that I know my four anywhere. That may have been Juanita. I move to the second stall.

I say stall because it's like a washroom; there are walls on the side preventing another guy from looking. I could see where that would be creepy; I like this. This time, it's a few seconds before Vickie takes me into her mouth. Her style is unique; I could easily spot her from 1000 blow jobs. It isn't long before I knock twice, then soon after, I shoot eight ropes of cum into her body.

She certainly wasn't ready for that. I NEVER cum that much.

It's funny; I hear a lot of laughing behind the wall. I am amazed that Vickie is here.

One of the gross old men is in the third stall. HOLY SHIT!

That might be one of my women. I am freaking out. I walk back and forth, making the man nervous. I am sick to my stomach knowing THAT guy got a blow job from one of my women.

Reluctantly, I push through the hole in the wall. Immediately, my cock is grabbed. I hear muffled talking. Slowly, my cock is drawn into her mouth. She is tentative in her actions. This is a woman without much experience. Why is she doing this? I am positive this is Juanita. I don't see why she wants to be used and shown off. No way her husband did that to her. It dawns on me, that's why. He never let her do these things. This is on her fantasy list. She wants to try these things.

I can understand that.

She wants to experience either new things or things she did before she married. I feel better now. She's in a good rhythm. She's bobbing her mouth, swirling her tongue, using light suction, and has her hands stroking my cock.

She can't get deep throat me, but she tries. Each try fails with a gag reflex. I appreciate her trying. I don't hear any coaching anymore. Juanita is doing just fine. Her speed and suction have increased. She may not have the skills Vickie does, but she does match her energy. I last seven minutes before knocking twice, followed by shooting ten ropes of cum into the anonymous mouth. The poor girl is overwhelmed by the cum and gags. A second mouth assists immediately after the first must pull off me. That is Vickie, meaning this was definitely Juanita. Who was first? Who got the old man?

I did my three, and I go out into the store. I am watching the door. I ask the cute for some items we need, tell her I used three holes, and the younger woman goes to fetch the items. No way I let any man into that center section. Twenty minutes later and Juanita comes out of the center room with a dreamy look on her face. She is ready to go, but I won't.

Juanita tells me, "We can go now."

I smile at her, "I know that at least Vickie is in there. I'm not leaving her unprotected. We will wait for her."

She's frustrated with me, "There are two of your men in the back room and a third security woman is in the room with her and her mother. Their waiting for you to leave. Let's go."

In the car, I ask our driver, "Was it you?"

He smiles at me, "Sorry. My script said to add a pill to your ice cream. I don't know what it did, but they said if you ask, it only lasts thirty minutes."

I put up the partition.

I ask Juanita, "I'm sorry you had to blow that old guy. Do you need mouth wash?"

She laughs at me. I didn't think it was that funny.

Juanita explains, "I walk in and see Connie and Vickie there. Then I am introduced to our bodyguard, Lin ... I think. Anyways, while that's going on, the cute elegant older lady rushes in and takes the first hole. I'm like damn, that's my hole. Vickie and I move to the second hole."

I chuckle, "OK, that makes sense. I knew Vickie was in the second hole. Some guy takes the third stall right as I'm finishing. Sorry, you got stuck with him."

A laughing Junita excitedly says, "Ha, ha, ha. While Vickie kneels for you, she tells me that she will show me what she does, and then she can get you at the next stall. Well. The bright, cute girl hears that and wants you again. She rushes to the third hole. I'm thinking, what a fucking bitch. I don't think she really looked at it. I was near, and she took him immediately.

"When the guy finishes, she runs to the sink and spits it out. She looked sick. I kneel, and Vickie gives me pointers as I'm sucking you off. That was so cool. I might need to try that again."

I inquire, "You were in there for a while. How did Vickie do?"

She sneers at me, "You know damn well she was only there to help me. She wouldn't even look at the others. Now, Sophia, she took a while. On the other side were some college boys. She had fun getting them off. I was surprised; I expected Vickie to try one out. I did. Oh my! I felt so slutty! After having you, they were easy. One was a bit sour while the other was sweet, like fruit. Thank you so much for taking me."

She reaches up for a kiss, and I pull back.

Juanita laughs hard, then explains, "They have juice, mouth wash, and a sink in there. I cleaned up for you. I'm safe."

I kiss her passionately.

She's still excited and explaining how slutty she felt with the college boys as we pull up to a dark rest stop on the highway. The limo parks on the left side of the empty parking lot, opposite of the restrooms. Juanita and I get out. She's nervous. I bet this wasn't on her script.

Juanita asks me, "I don't need the washroom."

Her grip on my arm is firm; she is not cool with this. She's looking at everything like someone's going to pop out and scare her.

I tell her, "We're the only ones here."

She relaxes but still looks around nervously. Honestly, I'm nervous as well. I have directions and know what I'm supposed to do. There was even a map to show me exactly where to stand. That tells me that there will be more to this. That's what makes me nervous. My butterflies are back.

I take her past the washroom, making her more curious now. About twenty feet away is a picnic table. I stand at the far end of the table, looking back at the limo and parking lot. I take off my shirt.

Juanita screams, "NO WAY! REALLY! Bill. You don't have to do this. They said you hate this."

As I take off my belt and pants, "Yup. I owe you this. After what I've taken from you, I will do anything you want. Lose the dress."

Before I finish with my pants, her dress is on the table, folded twice. No bra or panties. I already knew that from dancing, so I'm not surprised.

I give her orders after taking off my boxers, "Hands on the table, looking at the parking lot. Spread your legs."

Juanita is in lust mode, "God, I need this sooooo bad. Sucking cock revs my motor. I am so fucking horny right now. I'm leaking down my legs. Don't bother eating me. FUCK ME NOW!"

I'm literally shaking with fear. What the hell am I doing here? What if someone pulls up? I need to speed this along. I drop my boxers and place them on the table. As I look down at Juanita to align my cock, a 1924 Silver Ghost pulls into the parking lot.

My exact words are, "Fuck me."

Juanita laughs, "NOOOOOOO! Fuck me!"

I slowly push into Juanita. She's tight and feels fabulous. Oh damn, she is terrific. I don't mind this at all.

The car pulls into a parking spot directly in front of us. I can only see a silhouette of the driver. I have no idea who it is from here. The car is still running, and they keep the LIGHTS ON! Fuck me. Juanita screams excitedly.

She yells out, "FUCK YEA! This is just like our honeymoon!"

I was about ready to use my safeword. Not now.

I'm using a slow fucking speed. This is too good; I want this to last forever. I moan. A '57 Bel-Air pulls into the parking lot and slowly rolls towards us. This car also pulls in ahead of us and points at us, car running and lights on. I continue fucking.

Juanita is screaming, "Fuck YEA! Awesome! I want more!"

I giggle; no way they allow more. They want me. No way they share me often. She might get some Saturdays, but no way she gets me very often.

I am starting to get comfortable. That ended with a '53 Corvette pulling into the parking lot and pointing at us from the parking lot, lights on. Fuck, are they all going to watch me?

I pick up some speed, and Juanita screams, "OH MY! I've never been this full!"

I spank her ass, and she shutters. Her pussy clamps down on my cock. I pound right on through her orgasm. She can't hold up her body, her arms collapse, her chest slams into the table.

Her ass is still up in the air because I'm holding on to her hips. I did NOT expect that; I was holding her just so I stay in place. My orgasm is creeping up; I must remember to keep it at bay.

Next to pull up is a '65 Shelby GT350. Yes, the lights are angled to make a spotlight on me. I can't look at them; it's too bright. Well, they're all here now. I could speed this along, but she's an excellent fuck; I want to continue this for a while.

A '76 Porsche pulls up, shines their lights on me. I don't own a '76 Porsche. I don't own any Porsche; they're too small!

Who the hell is that?

A woman gets out of the passenger side, arms up as she runs, and sprints to the washrooms. I speed up. I don't know those people. What if the guy gets out of his car? I have no security here.

He, he, as I think that, a black van pulls out, and four men I know are walking up to the Porsche. No hands-on guns that means we're safe. They already ran the plates.

While my security is talking to the driver, one guy pulls out a taser gun. It's at his side, ready if needed. Probably just being safe as the guy is animated. I can hear that it's a guy, but not what he's saying.

I say between sharp breaths, "Juanita, you need to remarry. You're too good a fuck to not be married."

She orgasms again. Fuck, now it will take too long for her to orgasm. I will need to cum soon.

My prayers are answered as the woman can see the four guys by her car. She seems much more interested in us. She walks closer. She can see US naked. I am visibly shaking now and thinking of my safeword again.

The lady is shy and says to us, "Hi. How are you doing? That looks like fun. Is he any good?"

Juanita is having trouble communicating, "HI. GREAT! IT. IS! MY! BEST! EVER! BY! FAR!"

I do slightly better, "So fucking tight. Two. Orgasms. Need! Help! ME! SOON! HER! NOT!!"

I speed up. The girl is like a guided missile; she sprints to us and then down to her knees. What the fuck is she doing?

Immediately, Juanita is screaming, "DIRTY! BITCH! SOOOOOOO! GOOD! SOOOOOO! GOOOOOOD! FUCK YEA!"

Oh shit, she's rubbing her clit. I am now at the fastest fucking I have ever done. I'm not going to last long. I can't believe this. I am sweating, straining to breathe, my back is sore, my stomach is fluttering, my arms are sore from nerves, the lights are on us, and I have my cock deep into an amazing woman.

That's it, I blow up.

As I scream out my orgasm, everyone by the car looks at us. I thrust in hard and shoot my weapon deep into her pussy, loading it up with cum.

I repeat that same event eleven times more.

The lady by us is freaking out as I continue to cum and cum, and cum. She's excited and laughing hard. As Juanita's pussy fills up, it starts leaking down her legs. It slowly weaves down her long legs. It never reaches the grass. The stranger bends over and slurps up my cum as it trails down her legs. No scream from Juanita.

She is just like Jell-O. She is somewhat firm yet can't support anything but whipped cream, and even that might be hard now. The stranger is laughing hard at all the cum running down her legs. She's having a blast licking the cum up.

I lock my knees so I don't fall over. I pull out and stagger. The stranger reaches out a hand to catch the cum that falls out of Juanita's pussy.

So, fucking hot. Like drinking water, she uses two hands to cup the precious life-giving elixir, then brings it to her lips to slurp the treat. She cleans her hands, then goes back to clean Juanita, me, and then more Juanita.

While she has her lips on Juanita's pussy, I hear a guy call out, "I'm leaving!"

Our Olympic sprinter pops up and sprints back to her car. All five vehicles are gone in quick order. It's dark now as we pick up our clothes. Juanita starts to put her dress on. I stop her.

I look at her in the eyes, "A dozen people just saw us fuck. Now that they're all gone, you're in a rush to get dressed? I bet we find water and towels in the trunk. No way the driver wants to clean my cum from the seats."