Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 02 - The New Batch Ch. 04


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"Relax fucker man, I was in the jacuzzi, okay dude? Don't call the pigs on me, man; don't get it twisted or nothing, homie. Me and mom were chilling in there; it's the only jacuzzi in this room. Don't spaz out on me fucker man; no conspiracy here brother!! Take a chill pill and come on down for a swim." Her expression was almost indecipherable along with her stoner talk.

"Miss me with that fucker man shit!"

"Whatever you say, calm the fuck down already, geez fucker man." She stepped into the swim suit pulling it over her curves.

"Why do you keep calling me that?!"

"Ask my grandma; look, there's an extra key on the bedside table here. I'm ghost before you start criminalizing my big ass like you did my mom."

"What bitch?"

"I'm outta here man; do us both a favor and fuck off back to your dinky, little apartment." Courtney was checking herself out in the mirror, finally deciding to pull the one piece higher on her hips before exiting the room behind Carry Anne. Her own big, meaty cheeks jiggling in the forced thong as she slammed the door behind herself.

I was left behind with the board shorts in my hand feeling stupid and insulted Courtney got the last word in getting the best of me. I stood there in my birthday suit bristling at the eighteen year old's words. I felt exposed, embarrassed and in the mood to give a little back. I slid into the shorts tossing my clothing on the mattress. I stared real hard at the room key on the bedside table, before snatching it up to leave the room. Carry Anne had thought ahead leaving some flip flops at the foot of her bed. I wondered if I were playing into her hands as the suite door closed behind me. There were a few people in the corridor along with some occupied housekeeping carts. I checked my phone as I strolled to the elevators finding the battery had died during the night. The hotel was immense, almost a world unto itself as I traversed the lobby to the poolside area. I was struck by visual of the large rectangular, outdoor pool in relation to the surrounding skyscrapers. Kind of an urban canyon for the affluent visitors to this five star hotel. The pool was sparsely populated none the less with a few guests, but more were arriving even as I found Carry Anne sitting at the far end of the pool in one of the cabañas. She appeared to have a full table to herself, sitting there reading a magazine. This weird feeling crept over me the moment she came into view.

I felt like creeping away, escaping back to my life unwilling to concede the unspeakable in the morning sunlight. I was overly anxious struggling to contain myself as a familiar jolt danced about my loins involuntarily. Carry Anne's blue eyes were hidden behind some vintage Horn-Rimmed shades as she reclined in the seat resting her chin on her fist. My heart was thumping like crazy filling like it would burst from my chest as I walked towards her. The table before her was its own mini-buffet, stocked with possibly everything you could want for breakfast. I fumbled with my inert phone as I approached the beautiful mature, wholly intimidated.

"Have a seat darling." Carry Anne said without looking up from her magazine. The lingering odor of marijuana hung around the table. There was a half smoked joint in an ashtray on the table as I noted numerous "Do Not Smoke" signs within view of the cabana as I sat across from her. I expected her to say something, be her usual snarky self, but she continued reading.

"Part of the process-I uhm, mean about the joint?" I felt like I had to break the ice.


"Feeling better; I uhm, I mean after last night? You were out of it, just concerned is all ma'am." Carry Anne closed the magazine rolling it into a tube as she regarded me. The stark look on her face gave me pause as she slowly removed her shades placing them on the table.

"Thanks for helping me out last night, I really appreciated it darling. I'm hitting the pool, you can do whatever you like."

Carry Anne stood undoing the sash on the sheer robe covering her bikini. I watched her casually fold and place the garment over the back of her chair without regarding me at all. There were other patrons at the pool caught up in the decadent reveal as Carry Anne walked to the pool edge dipping a foot in testing the water temperature. She cut an impressive figure in the form fitting bikini which caught the sunlight. Her back was to me giving me an unobstructed view of her spectacular butt as she waded into the glistening water which worked wonders in tandem with the metallic sheen of her suit. She submerged as a few male onlookers seemed to edge closer for a better look. Carry Anne did several laps back and forth with athletic grace that spoke to a past on her school's swim team before her more prurient interests took hold. I was as entranced as the other spectators noticing one large, rotund woman leading her teenage son away from the pool in a headlock. At the adjacent side of the pool, this hulking, roided out brother was shedding his t-shirt in anticipation of joining Carry Anne. The dreadlocked monstrosity gave me pause as I involuntarily shifted in my seat.

"Looks like you missed your chance; how does it feel to be outclassed." Courtney's head dipped into my field of vision blocking my view.

"Excuse you?!" I feigned ignorance watching the buff lothario wade over to Carry Anne with this shit eating grin on his face. The guy looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. Courtney was standing a little closer than I was comfortable with as the stud took Carry Anne's hand gingerly shaking it.

"Yeah, looks like you're forgotten fucker man; Mom's gonna tear that guy's cock off for sure. Guess you go in the bargain bin, homie." Her stoner like speaking voice was grating as she stole a piece of toast off my plate.

"You're talking to me, right?"

"Yeah, I think you OWE ME an apology babe; you need to be REALLY SINCERE too. I'm in a MOOD and you don't want to take me there."

"Huh, what?" I feigned ignorance looking away from her as Courtney's irritating half giggle snort filled the air. Carry Anne and the guy were floating in the center of the pool getting along famously. She was floating in place kicking her legs while he held onto her midsection pretending to give her pointers on swimming. Anyone watching could see the way he was hungrily eyeing the swell of her huge ass.

"I'm TALKING to YOU fucker man." Courtney interjected, angrily obscuring my view again.

"Uhm, where do I know you from again, hon?" I punctuated my disrespect by making it a point to look everywhere but her face. I was hit in the face with a handful of home fries from one of the plates on the table. Courtney scurried away quickly with a sort of shuffling gait before I'd even recovered. Her own, prominently huge backside getting its fair share of attention as she went. I was glad she was gone turning my attention back to the pool. Carry Anne and her admirer were on the far side. She was sitting on the edge with her shapely legs in the water. He was floating in the pool between her outstretched thighs. I was filled with the urge to walk over and stomp on his head while he was still in the water, but common sense prevailed. The stud could probably take me down with ease and there was no way I was adding to Carry Anne's inflated ego. I noticed his hands on her inner thighs and she didn't seem to mind one bit. I figured I'd seen enough when she leaned in giving him a light peck on the lips.

"Fuck it."

"Huh?" My phone was missing from the table, the culprit obvious by her absence.

There was no way Courtney could get into my phone, but I was compelled to attempt to stop her from reaching the elevator. I found familiar faces in the crowded lobby in the form of a couple of the security guards from last night. A guest services agent was already picking up a phone at the front desk. I instinctively slowed my power walking pursuit to a crawl panicking as I caught sight of Courtney in front of the opening elevator double doors. Our eyes met for a second as she entered the car turning to face me with a middle finger extended. She waved goodbye with an annoying cutesy smile as the doors closed in my face. My panic increased tenfold as I realized Courtney would have access to my clothing and wallet. I glanced across the lobby spotting Courtney's mother already being led away to another elevator by her own prince charming. The shit eating grin on his face would almost make you think he'd won the lottery. The manager at the front desk and some subordinates were also watching Carry Anne's progress. The security guards' eyes were also glued to Carry Anne, who'd left her robe poolside.

"Bro, you see the fucking ass on that lady?" One asked the other who nodded in silent agreement as the elevator doors closed. I was familiar with the wishful expressions on their faces.

The elevator ride seemed to take forever as I worried, wondering what Courtney was trying to accomplish by taking my phone. The last time I'd seen her, the nineteen-year-old seemed contrite about trashing my home among other things, begging to be allowed into my bed alongside her grandmother, Catherine Brennan. I hurried along the corridor to the presidential suite fumbling for access card in my pocket. A few guests walked by giving me the side eye as I dropped the card a few times before I managed to press it against the door lock.

"Shit." I was greeted with a red light trying it over and over realizing I was locked out of the room containing my clothes.

"Who is it?!" Courtney's voice sung from the opposite side of the door.

"YOU-You know who it is; let me in!!"

The sound of shifting locks greeted my ears as Courtney cracked the door smiling up at me with this impish aura about her person. She looked me over with a mischievous grin revealing the gap in her teeth. I jerked at the door, but she had a deadbolt in place. Again, I was undated with her weird stoner's laugh as she thoroughly enjoyed herself. I lost it trying to reach into the narrow space between the door, but Courtney was too nimble jumping back from the door.

"What the fuck you want?" She taunted.

"MY STUFF!" I futilely tried the door again.

"Is that right? Well, you gotta pay the cost to be the boss, fucker man."


"Boardshorts please."

"Excuse me?"

"Lose the shorts, fucker man." My heart leapt into my throat at the thought of her suggestion. I pounced on the door shaking it with more force than before as Courtney giggled uncontrollably half snorting. The curvy teen figured she had me right where she wanted me, and she was correct in that assumption as an elderly woman peered out into the hallway a few seconds later. We exchanged glances for a few minutes. The elderly woman's mouth was agape in silent horror before she dipped back inside her room slamming her door loudly. I was sure a call was being placed to security.

"Courtney!" I whispered into the slight space between the door.

"Get NAKED or KICK ROCKS, fucker man!!" She shouted with authority, her words reverberating into the corridor. I could hear the elevator approaching and Carry Anne was even now, somewhere getting stuffed. There would be no one to stop me from being tossed on the street by security. Getting home miles away would be a daunting task in only boardshorts and flipflops with no money or identification.

"You heinous, bitch." I mumbled, defeated.

Her tone-deaf zombie giggled assailed my ears as I dug my thumbs into the elastic waistband of my shorts slipping them down slowly. I stopped quickly as a family suddenly appeared walking by with a muted greeting. My heart was pounding in my chest so hard, it felt like I would have a coronary. Courtney kept laughing through it all as I reacted yanking at the door knob to no avail as she wisely kept out of arm's reach. I looked around gritting my teeth as I went into a squatting position shedding my board shorts. Through the narrow space in the door, Courtney motioned for me to stand up snapping her fingers in quick succession until I complied standing up with my hands over my junk. She motioned for me to toss my shorts inside the suite using this hand gesture like she was going to catch a football with this incredulous smile on her face. I nodded in the negative vigorously.

"I'll call security."

"FUCKING BITCH!" I tossed her the shorts in total defeat, desperately pressing my covered groin against the suite door. Courtney was definitely taking the victory lap in this situation.

"What?" Courtney kicked the door shut in my face without warning, leaving me high and dry in the corridor with my ass exposed to the world. I tried the door panicking as I heard an adjacent door at my back opening. I bolted to the opposite end of the corridor losing a flipflop in the process. An east Indian couple emerged from their room in heated conversation before entering the elevator. Something was poking me in the back which turned out to be a housekeeping cart. In short order, I found myself staring into the shocked face of a room attendant.

"Uhm, sorry about this ma'am." The short, pimply faced young woman had her radio up to her lips speaking in Spanish. I didn't speak the language but made out the word security. I retreated back to the suite, scared I was seconds from being arrested. I was a fool for tossing my shorts to Courtney in the first place.

"Courtney, please-COURTNEY?!!" The elevator bell sounding in the distance signaled the arrival of security. I tried the door knob, shaking it in a mad frenzy as the double doors of the elevator opened. The suite door opened unexpectedly causing me to topple onto my face as I fell inside the suite. The heavy door closed behind me with a loud thud as I looked up finding Courtney's one piece swimsuit on the plush carpeting. I stood up gathering myself realizing I was holding the nineteen year old's suit before flinging it away in disgust. I power walked to Carry Anne's bedroom finding Courtney waiting there for me. She was nude.

She was lying prone on her belly spread eagle like some mythical sphinx with this lazy smile on her face. There was a bit of the whimsical in her demeanor as she regarded me resting her chin on her fists. My clothing that had been left on the bed was missing. My phone was resting directly in front of her facing me. I snatched it up finding it out of service even though I'd been charging it when she stole it.

"Where's my clothes?" Courtney shrugged without a word. I ignored her opening the closet finding only women's clothing inside while she barely stifled her stoner's giggle.

"Okay you've had your fun, where are my clothes?"

"How should I know, fucker man?"

"BECAUSE YOU TOOK THEM, COURTNEY!" She was unfazed at my outburst, casually regarding me.

"Oh yeah, I did, didn't I fucker man; sorry, but I'm having some trouble with my short term memory lately." I walked over to the dresser tossing clothing from the drawers, finding nothing. My phone felt lighter than it should, so I peeled off the back finding the battery missing.

"Where's my fucking battery?"

"Where's your sim card; oops?" Courtney facepalmed at her little joke as I figured it was time for her to make her play.

"What the fuck are you on, Courtney? What's going on bitch; mad I didn't fuck you the last time we saw each other? Sorry but your grandma wore me out, babe." I laid it out on the table, tired of games and intent on sticking it to her once again. I noticed a quick flush of emotion when I mentioned Catherine.

"See, that mouth is what got you into trouble fucker man; you should have been humble and apologized for what you did to Grams, but NOOOOO; you just keep making it worse!!" There was this sarcastic smile on her face, but she was talking through gritted teeth.

"I fucked your grandmother, your mother and your older sister; you think you're next, huh? In case you forgot, I had your weak ass, too Courtney."

"Weak?!" She rolled on her side giving me a glimpse of her naked torso, semi-flat abdomen and puffy looking muff. I noticed some tiny tattooed writing etched above her womanhood.


"Motherfucker..." She grinned through gritted teeth averting her yes elsewhere unwilling to further acknowledge the blow to her ego. I remembered myself looking around the floor of the bedroom.

"Where's those boardshorts?"

Courtney nodded towards a half opened, sliding window. I followed her gaze peering out of the window already knowing the outcome of my query. The swim shorts were some stories down on the lawn in front of the hotel. There was a landscaper mowing the lush grass with one of those tractor like lawnmowers. He was wearing some large headset failing to realize that his mower was ripping my boardshorts to shreds and littering the lawn.

"That is really FUCKED UP Courtney; you throw the rest of my clothes down there too?"

"If I did something like that, there would be nothing to barter with; now would there, fucker man?"

"Stop calling me that."

"But that's ALL YOU DO; all you've EVER DONE TO MY just FUCK US!! Well, I'm done waiting in line asshole; I want what's COMING TO ME, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!! I want that same shit you did to Grams, and I want it NOW!! That's right asshat; pay the COST to be the BOSS; do me right, FUCKER MAN!!"

"Fuck you."

"That's right, or would you rather leave without shit?"

"Fuck you, Courtney; I'll tell your mother. I'll tell Carry Anne." She was sitting in the bed on her haunches running a hand through her bicentennial hued locks. Courtney guffawed at my threat loud and unevenly with the weird, decidedly sinister meaning behind it clear as day.

"Mom don't give a fuck; she hates you now, or hadn't you picked up on that? Right now, she's somewhere screwing that jock guy's brains out or did you miss that memo too, dumbass?!"

"Bitch." Courtney shook her head mouthing something to herself in anger as she leaned over picking up the room phone.

"Want security to come up and get this "crazy black guy" out of my room? You're NAKED as FUCK and probably under the influence of DRUGS or something, too. Those armed rent-a-cops will understand things, right fucker man?"

"Okay, Courtney."


"O-kay." Her expression softened as the curvy sociopath hung up the receiver. It was always about getting what she wanted at all costs as I witnessed another slice of the McIntyre women psyche. They had all been raised spoiled to the max and entitled. My alleged defiance and the stark revelation of her grandmother as a sexual being had sent her over the edge. Courtney was almost chanting as she crawled about on the bed. She was still facing away from me on all fours, slightly shaking her own huge butt in my face. I glared at the dog print tattoos on the back of her thighs. It seemed all of the women of the Brennan / McIntyre had a basic, pear shaped body type, but you just had to look really close to find the minute physical differences in each one. Courtney was the youngest and possessed more of a doughy, youthful quality to her figure, distinctly flat-chested over a slightly, sloping abdomen which terminated abruptly at her rounded hips. She was only slightly smaller than Chrystal and her mother Carry Anne with matching cheeks that seemed to drift at a forty-five degree angle allowing her prominent peach to appear unfettered. She seemed to be getting off on some perceived power over me, arching her back low to the bed raising her thick ass even higher. There were visible goosebumps from her shoulders down her freckled back to the immense swell of her huge, rubbery looking buttocks.

Courtney's resultant gasp was low initially turning into a shrill whine of shock and surprise as I slowly slid inside up to the hilt until my crotch was wedged against the curve of her rear end. Her nails dug into the bedding while her knees went rubbery as she collapsed on her stomach taking the full brunt of my weight with her. I remained embedded there inside her as she cried out, mostly breathing through the mouth. I raised up assuming a kneeling position with my knees planted firmly on either side of her wide arching hips. Her soft, fleshy thighs were mashed against my knees due to her inherent thickness. I planted my palms on the back of her shoulders unmoving as Courtney tensed up around my girth instinctively adjusting to the intrusion. Her narrow waist twisted a bit causing the deep channel cradling my girth to shift a bit, sliding a little deeper. She was breathing hoarsely, ratcheting up the gasping and whining exhaling through her mouth. Courtney's head was resting on its side, hair hiding her features. I uncovered her round, juvenile looking face noting its flushed, crimson hue. Her own charms, that inherited overly large rear had been forced together by my positioning assuming an oddly erotic shape. The entirety of my endowment was completely hidden by her cheeks. I looked back up at her face zeroing in on her left eye as it rotated looked up into my face, dilated pupil and all.