Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 02 - The New Batch


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"That was so fucking awesome."

"I think I'm going to be sick." My nausea spiked as my stomach turned upside down forcing a double cheeseburger and fries up from my depths hours after I'd eaten them while driving home. Courtney's face came into view inches away from mine adding to the irritation as some of her hair touched my nostrils. She quickly rolled me onto my stomach with my head off the edge of the bed. She bounced off the bed positioning a wastebasket under my open maw just in time. I yacked in the small metal can before blacking out again.


I realized that I was looking up at the ceiling of my bedroom along with Courtney's round, cherubic face gap tooth and all. My clothing was missing, having been stripped off during my drug trip as her fist continuously pumped my erection taking me to the precipice. Courtney's small breasts hung inches from my lips with thick, erect nipples that made my mouth water. She seemed to sense that I was going to tell her to stop and get off me placing her palm flat over my mouth as another spoke.

"You don't mind if I have a little of that, do you?" The other person, a female sounded harsh and agitated.

"I don't know, we just met three hours ago; wouldn't be right to let some stranger sit on his cock."

"You already fucked him; who cares if I sit on that log for a few minutes. I mean it's not like I'd rat you out if the cops get you later." The threat in the other person's voice was clear.

"Well we're kind of like, friends and maybe you should ask 'em before you commit a potential crime." Someone else's hand came into view right over my face snapping their fingers so close to my face that I blinked continuously.

"Well, he blinked and that's kind of like saying "Yeah, you can fuck me", right Courtney Anne McIntyre?" Her hand withdrew from my cock leaving it pointing at the ceiling.

"Whatever Mikayla." She sounded defeated as my body shook as the other girl stepped up onto the bed.

"Wait." I tried to move but my limbs had no strength. My bed continued to shake and rock as Mikayla shimmied out of her underwear.

She stepped over my torso facing the doorway to obscure her face from my view as she hiked up what appeared to be a one piece, two toned black and white dress. Her skin was tan, and her lower half revealed made it look as if she were an athlete, gymnast, or figure skater in muscular tone. Mikayla had a tight, rounded muscular butt that was no match for any of the McIntyre women I'd previously been involved with over the last three days. I found myself noticing that she had no tan lines wondering if she went commando most of the time.

"Here, you hold the camera; no filming." Her thin fingers were handling me just below the head of my cock as she took care lowering herself against me.

"Camera?" I panicked as Mikayla managed to get me inside her opening. Her calves were covered with knee length socks and Maryjane's adorned her feet.

"Relax bro; you're coming into your truth, man. It's all part of something bigger than all of us in this fucking room." Courtney's flighty minutia was making me ill as I slid into her associate's unnaturally tight, box.

"Ito ay kaya malaki, ito ay ikahati sa akin sa dalawa!!" Whatever she said sounded like Tagalog or some other Asian language as she went from 0 to 500, bucking her hips wildly against my pelvis. Her back arched as she leaned forward gasping. She had long, silky black hair braided in twin tails on either side of her head as she bounced on her haunches. Her fitness, bubble butt slammed hard into me as she came squirting all over my pelvis. Courtney stood off to the side watching her associate work her hips back and forth until she was satisfied.

"So, we're cool now, right?" Courtney asked as Mikayla slowly gathered herself while pushing painfully against my thigh to roll off the bed.

"It was just a fuck, Courtney." I caught a side view of the bespectacled Asian girl as she shimmied back into her underwear before checking her watch. My unsatisfied tumescence was still pointing at the ceiling as I watched both girls fist bump.

"I'd say we have another forty-five minutes; before we have to go." Mikayla reminded Courtney staring at me over her shoulder.

"I'll be ready." I saw Mikayla stealing quick glances at my cock before being shoved outside into the hallway.

"Look, I didn't mean for that to happen but she's just a necessary evil; a tool for justice. I really don't like making bad karma, but you'll understand what it's all about in the end, brother. Everywhere she goes, trouble follows. I'll make it up to you, okay?" I was still reeling from the effects of that bong hit and whatever else had been done to me as Courtney backed away towards the door never taking her eyes off me until she hit the light switch bathing me in darkness. In the darkness, I could hear what sounded like a loud party in my living room while loud, thumping electronica filled the air before I finally dozed off.


I awoke nude and ragged feeling like a two dollar whore after a night with a room full of horny truckers. My head felt full of broken glass, vibrating and throbbing as the smell of nasty sex and regurgitation assaulted my nostrils. Courtney at least had the decency to cover me up in some comforters and make herself scarce as I reflected on the events of the night prior. It felt like some sort of weird, erotic nightmare as I tried to figure out if the strange, Asian girl who'd also assaulted me was even real. The entire ordeal had taken on some odd, sexual fantasia that didn't seem to want to end with me being its focal point relegated to little more than a living sex toy for these women. I thought about my ex-girlfriend Chrystal's free-spirited nature in tandem with her mother's mature, domineering cougar aura. Both women had manipulated me into several embarrassing situations that any body would've probably killed for given the women's considerable sexual appeal and appetites. Shit, Carry Anne's own husband had been exposed as a willing cuckhold right before I'd escaped the whole insane situation.

I subtly became aware of some light music wafting through my apartment which I recognized as an old eighties song "I'm Falling" by this band called Comsat Angels. It appeared Courtney was foraging around through my music collection as her immeasurable sense of entitlement struck me dumb after all she'd put me through. I slid over to the edge of my bed testing my legs to make sure they could support my weight. I looked around my bedroom finding some warmup pants to slide into along with a white t-shirt to cover my chest feeling a little better covered up. The sight of the soiled wastebasket nearly made me retch as I gathered it up in shame exiting the room to find my apartment in a state of complete disarray. Everything was tossed about as if a hurricane had hit the place. There were signs of a party spiking my clouded memory with half empty glasses of liquor and some discarded pizza boxes. There was no sign of Courtney and I was grateful because I didn't know if I could trust myself alone with her.

I sat the soiled waste basket outside my door because of the smell finding a large red "Anarchy A" spray painted on the oak facing the street. Some students passing by were looking at me sideways and it felt like they knew more than I did. Back inside, I found a strange manifesto written on one of the pizza boxes that had me considering phoning campus police. Courtney's bag was still on my couch indicating the curvy misanthrope was intent on returning to my place from wherever she currently was. I double locked the door before shoving her things into her bag to toss out on the front stoop. The soft music wafting through my home suddenly changed to a selection by "Strawberry Alarm Clock".

"Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow" filled my ears as I realized I was not alone; if it was Courtney, she was gonna fly through the air to the street outside my apartment no matter what her state of dress. This little bitch was on some other shit having the nerve to hang out after vandalizing my place. I put on my best "Angry Black Guy Face" as I entered the kitchen to confront her.

"Who are you?"

I found myself looking at a very large, plus sized woman faced away from me pouring herself a glass of juice from one of Chrystal's expensive decanters. I want to reiterate just how large this woman was in my kitchen; a good portion of the countertop was obscured from view along with my kitchen sink. This was a much older woman with long strawberry blonde, flowing hair interspersed with streaks of silvery grey. She possessed a massive pear shaped figured with possibly, no definitely the biggest ass I'd ever seen in my life including all of the McIntyre women I'd slept with in the last few days. A long-sleeved jean blouse covered her torso straining to contain her huge breasts looking as if it would shred if she made a quick move. A matching floor length denim maxi skirt covered her lower half with a little ruffled portion hiding her feet from view. This woman had been enjoying my eclectic collection of music lightly bouncing her derriere unaware I was standing behind her at the kitchen entrance. Even though her movements were minor, the motion ripple was this awesome, massive jiggle.

"Oh, Excuse me good sir; I guess you've caught me in a candid moment. I'm Catherine; Catherine Brennan." I got a look at her face internally comparing it to the late actress Shirley Jones From this lost show called The Partridge Family that I used to watch when I was a kid. She had a kind, heartwarming smile on her face. There were prominent crows feet at the corners of her blue eyes and lips.


"My, this is awkward; I'm Chrystal and Courtney's grandmother." She smiled warmly as I face-palmed.

Catherine appeared confused by my reaction handing me the glass of juice she poured for herself. I hesitated peering into the glass at what appeared to be apple juice.

"You put something in this, lady?"

"Of course, not young man, I do realize that we find ourselves in an awkward moment and uh, I am aware that you have parted ways with my granddaughter, but it hasn't come to poisoning one another, I hope." She appeared concerned and taken aback at my demeanor.

"Yeah, well maybe you should tell that to Courtney, lady." I was snarky and rightfully so after my experiences over the past few days.

"Oh no, is she still experimenting with drugs; after all I've done for that little troublemaker. I knew it'd be problematic having her here on campus, but her Chrystal said you'd be out at my daughter's home for a few days."

"Yeah, well plans obviously changed, lady."

"My name is Catherine Brennan, young man and I understand there may have been some mischief afoot with my granddaughter, but can't we find some civil recourse in dealing with one another?" she spoke like an English teacher with this sort of dignified aire, but I was already out on a rail with the McIntyre family.

"Are you kidding; see what she did to my apartment?"

"Oh, it wasn't like this before?"

"NO-despite your other grandkid's best efforts; I keep my place clean and-WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?!!"

"Well I would like to formerly apologize for wrong doing on the behalf of my grandchildren and uh, I'll have a cleaning service take care of your place. I was troubled when I learned of Courtney's presence here on campus earlier than I would have expected. It was late when I received the call from Chrystal; obviously I should have come last night." I was half listening to her going into my fridge to retrieve a homemade danish prepared by my former girlfriend. I didn't trust the old woman in front of me pouring a separate glass of milk for myself.

"Sir, you appear quite traumatized from the efforts of Courtney; my apologies again."

"What about the rest of your girls, lady?"

"Well, I believe those problems are "strictly" your affair with my lovely Chrystal."

"You mean Chrystal and Carrie Anne, right Mrs. Brennan?" That statement seemed to get to the older woman whose eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms over her immense chest. I took it all in estimating her height at five-foot-eleven.

"What are you referring to, young man; I'll broker no slander against my family."

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about; your "precious granddaughter" palmed me off on her horndog mother, lady! She mind-fucked me all weekend before I realized your "lovely" Chrystal was in on the whole damn thing!!"

"Watch your step; I will not be disrespected like this!! How dare you infer the fine women of this family are of lower stock!! The McIntyre family is one of the most prestigious on the eastern coast, I tell you and perhaps it was for the better that your association with dear Chrystal was ended!!"

"I dumped her." Catherine's cheeks were flushed with anger as she snatched a matching denim handbag from the countertop.

"I find that very hard to believe."

"You know what kind of daughter you have and for that matter your precious little Chrystal; fucking whores for black cock!!" Catherine gasped loudly, almost manly as her palm collided with my cheek.

"Thank you for doing the McIntyre family a great service; I'll take my leave, now." The large woman walked towards me expecting me to make way, but I stood my ground. My head was swimming with white noise and frustration at the repeated invasions recalling the challenge this woman's granddaughter made the night prior. It was a challenge I failed; perhaps this was another mind game by another warped member of the McIntyre family.

"Oh, so you not hear for this, huh?" I'd fished out my cock holding it in my palm in front of the astonished mature.

"MY WORD; PUT THAT AWAY YOUNG MAN!!" Catherine backed away, her wide blue, eyes never leaving my half-mast tumescence.

"You can't take your eyes off of it; just like your girls, lady." I began to stroke my length slowly in front of her panicked eyes.

"Shut your mouth."

"You're still looking at my dick, Mrs. Brennan." My endowment began to fatten and lengthen right before her eyes.

"You-you are a base degenerate; I'll have you dealt with for this indignity!!"

"Who the fuck talks like that these days? You still haven't taken your eyes off of my junk Mrs. Brennan; your granddaughter sucked me off the first night we met, right outside the front door on the stoop. I gotta be honest, because I fucked her silly that whole night with this." My cock had attained its full length and thick girth veins on the shaft. I felt like I was sticking it to one of the women of the McIntyre family and it was giving me a high.

"You're filth; irredeemable filth!!" She bellowed clutching a hand to her chest.

"Carry Anne like this so much that she blackmailed me into fucking her the night we arrived; of course, I didn't know her daughter was in on the whole thing. She's an animal and somewhat of an entitled snob like yourself, but I gotta admit that she turned me out."


"Oh, your daughter didn't lose her practice fucking around with a basketball player, huh? Carry Anne loves this, Mrs. Brennan." I continued stroking myself in front of her as she processed everything I said.

"She-she retired and sold her half of the practice." The doubt in her voice was apparent.

"They paid her off baby; your daughter is a sexual deviant; it's the fucking truth and you know it!! I was happy with Chrystal, but she lied to me the whole time because of this!!" I motioned towards my erection as my heart began to thump in my chest.

"I-I don't want to hear this, fabrication of affairs!!"

"You don't wanna hear the truth?"

"I don't want to hear your lies; you are lying about my girls. They are fine young ladies who've had the best upbringing with everything the world could provide at their fingertips!! PUT THAT AWAY-IT'S NOT FUCKING TRUE!!"

"You're still looking and we both know what that means."

"What-What does it mean?"

"That I'm tired of talking, bitch."

Catherine's face was frozen in surprise as my hands went to her wide hips quickly spinning her to face the counter. My tumescence ground into her denim skirt easily finding the hidden crack of her enormous butt. Catherine Brennan's hands went flat on the countertop as she whimpered under my attention, her breath ushering forth in short gasps. My pulse raced as my fingers dug into her fleshy hips bouncing her massive bottom against my exposed crotch. I dipped at the hip driving my erection in a scooping upward motion into her clothed ass luxuriating in the rough feel of denim. The humidity in the small kitchen rose several notches as one of my hands tore at the front of her blouse trying to free her equally huge breasts. Catherine looked over her shoulder in my direction mouthing something inaudible as the first two buttons popped free of the material landing on the countertop. My left hand suddenly full of her brassiere covered breast was slightly tickled by her thick, prominent nipple.

My hand savaged the reinforced cup hiding its prize ripping and tearing until her flesh melted into my fingers. Catherine sounded distressed and confused arching her back uncontrollably into me when her nipple was pinched. I didn't know what had come over me as my right hand yanked violently at the other side of her blouse until her other breast found freedom. Her large breasts were large enough in that they found rest on the beige countertop. Animalistic intent led the charge as I began yanking and tugging on her skirt until it was halfway up her thighs. I didn't know if it was intent of accident as Catherine rolled her hips against me shivering. She shuddered loudly as I took her left earlobe between my teeth nibbling. My tongue traced the crease behind her ear tasting the tart residue left from her perfume and sweat. The frenzied actions of my fists, full of weathered denim contrasted with the suction from my full lips on her neck. Catherine gasped, breathing irregularly as she braced her hands against the counter pushing back with some strength. I managed to get the skirt up to the bottom of her mature ass cheeks feeling them against my length rather than seeing them. She was sweaty below allowing me to slip into her impossibly deep gluteal cleft.


I backed off, arms at my sides as if I were repelled with my hard, throbbing erection pointing directly at the embattled matriarch of the McIntyre family. Precum was leaking from the fat head of my cock at the first sight of Catherine Brennan's monstrous ass. The upper half of it was still hidden away by the mangled mess I'd left her skirt in despite my best efforts to rip it from her body. The sight of this gargantuan monstrosity was enough to make me nearly blow my load. Catherine Brennan was most definitely atop the booty hierarchy amongst the women of the family with an ass that dwarfed her daughter and granddaughter's respectively. The sun soaked tan quality of her skin contrasted with parts of her inner thighs that appeared pale form lack of sun. Her big legs were shapely with a slight bit of kankle above her sandaled feet. Little pockets of cellulite only added to the allure of Catherine's cheeks and oak-like thighs. It was easy to see where the lineage of these Irish PAWGS began. She rubbed her hand over her mouth before pushing the hair out of her face as she leant down on an elbow looking back at me with her mouth agape.

"Are you-INSANE?!!" She bellowed as my common sense returned telling me that a jail cell was in my future.

"Muh-Ma'am I'm-uh, I'm sorry." Catherine gnashed her teeth looking as if she would pummel me senseless.

"FUCK ME!!" She screamed so loud that my ears rang.

Her large hands shot down completing my actions pulling the denim skirt up to reveal the shocking fact that she was wearing panties. Her monstrous backside humbled me in that I realized I'd only been looking at the bottom third of her butt. A pair of lacy fullback panties were wedged into the cavernous crack of her bottom making it almost appear as a thong. Catherine Brennan's ass was bigger than my torso looking sexually menacing. She bent over pushing her butt in my direction spreading her legs apart as best she could. I lost my bottoms never taking my eyes off of her.