Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 04 - The New Batch Ch. 03


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"Check it out." Steve pointed out that Chrystal removed the initial photo, an hour after they'd begun posting.

"She's so predictable." Several dueling photos appeared on her page with diminishing results.

"You have call." I hadn't realized my phone was missing until Daniela handed it to me.

"Fuck are you doing?" Malaya sounded more tense than usual. There was some muted electronica playing in the background. I think it was "Groove is in the Heart" by a long retired group called Delight.

"Having a little fun with this whole agent of chaos thing; you don't get to have all the fun."


"Where are you?" Daniela, Steve and Pete looked on as I received the address.


I found myself looking across the street at a Brownstone apartment in one of the swankier neighborhoods west of the city. Somehow, I was supposed to get inside and meet up with Malaya, but I didn't know what lie inside. She'd informed me that it was some sort of elite men's only establishment and that she was on the second floor of the building before her phone cut out. I walked the block on the opposite side of the street finding that it seemed to go on forever. It felt like the equivalent of two and a half airport blocks which compelled me to go back the other way. The message I'd received from Malaya had been brief, all too brief as I strolled down the block running into an elderly woman out walking her purse dog. The whole thing stunk to high heaven and I was more than a little paranoid after the stunt Malaya and friends pulled during that television taping. Ms. Frakkes called almost immediately but I hung up on her just wanting a win after she'd forced me to submit to Carry Anne. It felt good sticking it to that platinum bitch, but part of me wondered if maybe I should've waited to hear what she had to say. I didn't know what to make of the situation from end to end, only knowing that I would find the answer inside that brownstone.

"Sir?" I found the elderly woman standing at my back with her small dog which happened to be sniffing my pants leg.

"Excuse me, yes?"

"We call police in this neighborhood. You've been watching that brownstone for over twenty minutes and I didn't see a for sale sign on the lawn."

"I'm not a criminal, ma'am; its complicated."

"I don't think its complicated at all, you are casing that condo because you want to break in later. Its just like those procedural shows I watch on cable."

"I can assure you I am not a criminal, ma'am. I'm looking for somebody."

"Well, who you looking for." She asked sounding irritated by my answers and staggeringly entitled. I guess it didn't occur to her that I was capable of harming her if I were actually a criminal.

"My wife, she uhm, cheated on me with this guy who's into some weird shit." It was the first lie that came into my head.

"What kind of weird shit?"

"It's really bad, you don't want to know; trust me."



"Why should I trust you, criminal?"

"I'm not a criminal, my wife really did leave me for this sick guy, and I think she's in trouble!" I motioned towards the Brownstone knowing how full of shit I sounded.

"Why didn't you call the police?"

"Look, it happened kind of quick and I didn't think ma'am; I just kind of reacted. I'm sorry for scaring you and your dog, but I swear I'm not a criminal." I was just digging the hole deeper, but I'd committed to the lie.

"Well, sounds like bullshit to me sonny; you'd better come with me so we can figure this thing out. I'll make you some tea; I'm captain of the neighborhood watch you know." The small purse dog barked a little bit as she tugged at his leash, motioning towards the house directly in behind us. I didn't know what to do following the old woman as she led her pet up the stairs. She didn't seem to care about her own safety ushering me into her abode.

The interior of her home led into a narrow hallway with a long stairwell that was adjacent to an almost two story wall covered with two many photos and probably antique paintings. The interior just inside the door gave way to an overheated environment that reeked of an old folks home. I almost ran back outside as the elderly woman led me into her living room which had a view of the building I was interested in from the large framed window. I noticed an antique chair and telescope in front of the window which spoke to the woman's voyeuristic habits.

"Have yourself a seat on the love seat while I get the tea ready." The elderly woman released her pet which went yelping off down the elongated corridor with her shuffling behind it. I chuckled inwardly a little noticing the animal seemed to want to get away from the nosey woman.

"I'm Meg." She offered as she went into the kitchen while I struggled to cope with the stringent odor. She returned minutes later with an ornate tray filled with treats along with the tea. She smiled warmly pouring me a cup.

"Thanks Meg." I took a sip finding the brew, extremely bitter, unceremoniously spitting it out in a choking cough.

"Oh dear, seems I may have poured salt in your cup instead. Now look at the mess on my coffee table; I'll have to get a rag." I felt genuinely bad as she fretted.

"Oh, let me get it; I'm so sorry about the mess!" Meg motioned towards the corridor presumably leading back to her kitchen as she sat down visibly tired.

I made it halfway down the hall before I was captured in a rear chokehold. When I entered Meg's condo, I was staring straight down the long corridor which left a side basement door on the right, undetected. Now I was struggling with an unseen assailant feeling the strength rapidly leaving my body as my legs went rubbery. I was losing consciousness in an enhanced state as the adjacent wall's framed photos began to warp in a circle linear pattern. Meg shuffled down the hall with this serene, insane smile on her face which broke as she made the V-sign with two fingers flicking her tongue between them.

"MEG?!!" I gasped in recognition of the disgusting old woman from the sex club. She had a black bag in hand which she placed over my head as I finally lost conscious.



"Wake up." The bag was snatched off my head.

My heart leapt into my throat at the site before me. I craned my head around at the sparsely furnished room unable to move anything below my shoulders. My hands were cuffed tightly behind me with some different kind of restraints that seemed covered with a layer of plush feeling material. My chest and abdomen were restrained with a series of intricately tied ropes. My ankles were similarly restrained independently with two separate cuffs of similar design from what I could tell even unable to visually confirm. Off to my left side was some piece of furniture, some device that looked like a sinister version of a saw horse upholstered and affixed with restraints. I noticed with mounting horror some metal constructs, little more than pipes bolted to the floor with uniform hand restraints. These were positioned strategically around the room with familiar looking love seat placed adjacent. The chair I was presently secured to was of terrifyingly similar design with no real seat, only a metal frame digging into my flesh. I had been stripped nude and was now sitting in front of April. Faint musical strains of "Groove is in the Heart" wafted through the air.

"Hey beautiful; look how you've come back to me."

"April, what's-What is this? This place?" I was feeling disoriented and bruised from the scuffle with Meg's accomplice. My throat felt like someone pushed down on it with a metal bar or something.

"Didn't that little bitch, tell you?"

"No, the phone cut off." She was sitting on an antique looking chair with the back facing me as she straddled it. There was no disguise this time, but little difference in her appearance with the wet, looking blonde locks that terminated just above her shoulders framing a face that resembled a horrid cupie doll. Her glaring, malevolent countenance reminded me of Tiffany Valentine; the female Chucky doll. Her immense bust was covered with a worn Misfits wifebeater that pressed against the back of the chair bulging through the open spaces. A pair of jean capri pants covered her lower half.

"It didn't cut off, babe." April's posture was relaxed, her roundish head resting on her folded arms.

"Where is she?"

"Around somewhere, but that's not what you should be worried about, hon. Man, just sitting here looking at you has my panties wet. I knew I should've put you out, but if I knew what you were really on; I would've cracked your ass just for starters. Man brother, I'm the last person you should've lied to and look at you now. Look how you had to come, baby. They tell me you were behind that shit with the talk show, too. So, how about it cutie; suppose you tell me all about it before we play." I had been continually struggling with no success while she spoke in that irritatingly childish sounding voice.

"Didn't Ms. Frakkes tell you?"

"Hey fuck stick; I don't do the henchman thing; you've offended me, personally. Karen is a total power tripping cunt. My club and client list have been nationally frozen until I make amends by uh, maybe turning you over in one form or another, babe. She really didn't specify what condition, so I'd be a little more inclined to answer my questions if I were you. Please babe, check your tone before you answer." She reared back resting a single arm on the top of the chair.

"Shit, I'm really sorry about all of this, April." She giggled girlishly for a few seconds.

"I know you are honey; you're sitting on a drop chair waiting for your ass cherry to be totally busted. You're gonna thank me when this "life experience" is over and be more than willing to "take a few for the team" bitch meat.


"I asked you a question."

"I pissed off her mother enough that Ms. Frakkes was brought in from Germany to take me down. They were planning to frame me with some Cosby shit, but the television stunt supposedly stalled Frakkes. I wasn't responsible, I was just there to watch."

"Did you do that face fuck thing to her mom, too?"

"No, I was dating Chrystal McIntyre, she loaned me to her fucking horndog mother, but didn't tell me shit, and that bitch treated me like her property. Pimped me out to her neighbor, before the whole thing came out during a threesome with Chrystal!! I was humiliated, my ego wouldn't let the shit go even after fucking her sister and Dean Brennan, Chrystal's grandmother!! They were still treating me like trash and fuck, maybe they were right!! Not signing their shitty non-disclosure agreement was the last holdout on my manhood, but they threatened my parents, too." I rambled pathetically telling April what she wanted to know figuring that nothing was going to save me anyway. As far as I knew, Malaya Padilla was already dead.

"Wow, I'm bored; I'm really fucking bored and this is why my event was shut down? This is why I had to let my dogs off the leash for some kiddy shit like this?"

"It's the truth."

"I know, but that wasn't what I meant, dick boy. Who is Malaya Padilla and who is she working for?"

"She's Dean Brennan's personal assistant."

"She is not, idiot."


"Hold that thought, baby; I have a little something to show you before Q&A resumes." She motioned in my direction to someone behind me. Moments later, I heard what sounded like a metal shutter or something metallic sliding across the unfinished floors. This really huge, muscular guy wheeled in a modified carcass trolley. It was the kind they used in slaughter houses to transport sides of beef around, but there was a large leathery looking bag hanging from a short reinforced chain on this one. It looked like a really large punching bag. More accurately it was one of those bags used for martial arts training as April stood with an impish smile on her face. She walked out of my field of vision for a few seconds returning with a softball bat. There was a foam cover on it as she regarded me with a mischievous smile before whaling on the bag in a vicious series of blows. Each blow reverberated off the brick walls. April was sweaty in moments before resting the bat over a shoulder.

"Dean Brennan's assistant "Corinne" is on vacay in fucking Cancun; the girl who you've been obviously stuffing played her, too. Told her she was sent to cover her spot because the Dean felt bad about having to cut her vacation. Little shit stain had a really good bullshit game until she hacked into my security cam feed. Hell, I was looking for her before you guys pulled that shit at the tv station."

April's immense bosom was heaving as she wiped the blonde hair matted to her brow. She motioned to her silent associate who walked around to the other side of the punching bag upending it. Malaya Padilla tumbled out of it in a heap on the floor. She was nude and miraculously, still breathing. April nudged the wheezing girl onto her back with a bare foot using the end of the softball bat to roll her battered face in my direction.

"Malaya Padilla at your service."

"OH FUCK!!" I knew I was dead.

"Fuck is right homeboy, because this "person" got into my shit like a termite and cost me a whole lot of fucking money, babe. I like a life of leisure, can't do the 9 to 5 for obvious reasons. I put on these "events" for the rich, powerful and connected of the elite feme set; four time a year. I make enough cash to not particularly care about what going on around me. You and this cunt fucked up my cashflow on a serious level. Who's gonna show up to an unsecure event after "Malaya" here, hacked my cam feed and sent footage to their fucking leader, Ms. Frakkes?"

"I-didn't know that what she was doing. I didn't know she was there."

"HELL-LOOOOO; I know that bitch meat, she used you as a distraction. She played you too and now you're all sorts of fucked."

"I didn't mean it, April; I was just looking for some payback." I was glistening all over with sweat. April motioned towards her associate who immediately clocked me on the left side of my face. It felt like someone hit me with a cinderblock. It had the desired effect, silencing me.

"Ran her prints-nothing; sent a photo out-nothing; this cunt won't tell us nothing no matter how hard we beat on her scrawny little ass. You homie; you're an innocent." My left eye was swiftly swelling up while my nose ran freely as April handed the bat to the henchman. I noticed that Malaya's hands and ankles were tightly bound together in bondage cuffs. April stared at me for a few seconds before walking over resting her hand on my head.

"Man, given everything that's happened since I let you into my club; I'm considering giving you a Maplewood special." I didn't know what she was talking about and I didn't want to find out. Two other guys who looked like tatted up biker refugees or something wheeled a large dog kennel into the room, placing Malaya inside. They wheeled the kennel back further against the wall directly in front of me. I was doing my best not to bawl outright, considering that something extremely bad was about to happen. There was a Glock visible in the waistband of one of the guys who looked like a Duck dynasty reject.

"Aw man, sorry but you fucked up. If its any consolation, you were a really good lay and I mean that from the heart." She patted her enormous bosom before flashing her bare breasts at me for a second.

"...please let me go." One of the henchmen was talking on a phone, before they wheeled the crated Malaya out of the room passing right by me. I managed to see her face pressed against the metal mesh of the grate on the door. She was glaring at me, but I didn't care because we were both going to die.

"No. Oh well, looks like it's magic time." April still sounded glib about the whole affair placing the bag back over my head shrouding me in complete darkness. Once my head was covered, April cradled my head hugging me against her breasts. A cord was tied about my neck tightened off in a knot as I panicked using up my limited air supply.

"Relax, calm down in that infinite darkness or wont see all of the stars."

The first blow came out of nowhere lighting up the inside of that bag bringing acute understanding and meaning to her words. Several others followed as I somehow managed to retain consciousness. I was mentally shot back in time to that kitchen in Carry Anne's home so long ago. I went further back to my first meeting with her daughter Chrystal at that oh so fateful party. I'd always tried to live and let live but the rules had been changed without me knowing it. Malaya Padilla had coerced me into antagonizing a powerful, old money family for her own gain whatever that was. I'd ultimately played myself instead of taking the pieces of silver offered by the McIntyre's and retreating to the remnants of my shattered life. All of the women I'd slept with after leaving the McIntyre home had served to fatten me up as some sacrificial calf. The bag was almost form fitted to my head from a mixture of perspiration, mucus, saliva and blood. One last impact exploded across my temple so hard that the chair I was sitting on was damaged allowing my body to slump forward in a sitting fetal position. Suddenly the bag was literally torn from my head allowing life giving air to rush inward. I drooled a syrupy crimson mixture on the floor as I was pushed back into an upright position.

"LOOK!!" There was a palpable echo in the room or the inside of my head. I could barely see anything as the tip of the softball bat was used to keep me sitting up in the half destroyed chair. One of my hands was hanging limply at my side.

"Look at me now, bitch." The end of the bat nudged under my chin raising my head to regard its owner. My mouth hung, gaped open as I gasped and coughed taking it all in as my eyes focused.

Chrystal was standing there with an expression on her face that left little doubt that her sanity had left the room. Her beautiful face was a crazed mask of overwhelming happiness mixed with rage. She was laughing so hard that tears had caused the mascara to run down her face in darkened streaks. She was the current owner of the softball bat that April had used to tee off on Malaya before she'd been carted away to her doom. April was standing off to the side watching, arms folded across her massive chest as she looked over at the third member of their little trio, Ms. Frakkes. She rolled her eyes as they settled on Chrystal still laughing like a jackal, before looking over at the elder McIntyre.

"She took the fucking bag off." April commented salty.

"My sister loses a million braincells every time she gets around this asshole." Ms. Frakkes was covered in a raincoat with her satchel bag slung across a shoulder.

"Your obvious legal problem; so, what now? I already gave you that Malaya bitch; what about my considerable monetary loss, Karen?"

"Considering it was your security leak; you're on probation with access from the Midwest to the east coast. Stay out of my lane and you can have the west coast and your full client list back by summer."

"That's it; after all the work I did?"

"Would you like to reappear on the feds radar, April? Trust was given and you betrayed us, recording our actions. That is unacceptable on many levels along with the sloppy vetting that allowed this fuck to humiliate me. Now, would you like to share a seat beside this asshole on a one way ticket to Dubai, bitch?

"That supposed to scare me or something?" April didn't flinch.

Ms. Frakkes pulled at least four stacks of cash from her satchel handing them to April who begrudgingly took the offering. The power radiating between the two women was palpable even as Chrystal continued laughing like a jackal. Something was missing that struck me odd considering my situation.