Badass Ch. 04


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"Well, it's kind of a mixture. I worked out while in my AE form, so when I deactivated my power, it's form was permanently a heavily muscled one. Somehow, it also influenced my normal form, and now I'm permanently like this. I no longer work out, but I haven't lost any mass or definition."

"Ohhhh, that's pretty fucking cool. How long ago was that?"

"Oh, probably when I was 15."

"How long have you and the rest of the guys been friends?"

"Oh, we're all childhood friends. We've all known each other for close to 15 years."

"Oh, that must be nice; having the same friends for that long."

"Yeah, it is nice. They're the best you know. They've stuck with me through thick and thin, and I really appreciate them."

"That sounds great." he said, placing a plate of pancakes in front of her, covered in melting butter. She took the syrup, and doused the pancakes with it. They spoke four hours, and she finally asked him.

"Tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know? Ask a specific question, and I'll tell you."

"How long have you been in the city?"

"A few days actually. I just recently got accepted into the college."

"Where did you come from?"

"A tiny little village, in a tiny country. You wouldn't know it."

"Oh, ok. Why'd you leave it?"

"Well, I didn't really have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the people of the village just couldn't handle my entity."

"What do you mean? What is your animal entity?"

"It isn—" just then, Erykahs' phone went off. It was Amy.

"Hey. Steph and I are about to reach your place, and Steve and Don have already gathered every member of Aegis. We'll see you there." And with that, Amy hung up.

"That was Amy. They—"

"I heard her." Zdenek said, getting up and putting on his coat. "Let's go." Erykah nodded, and they ran to her car, which was parked outside. She drove and they got there just after Amy and Stephanie arrived.

They headed for the door together, and when they got there, Zdenek opened the door for Erykah. She walked through the open door, and all the Aegis members saw her. They stood there, and started to bow their heads for her. Zdenek then entered after her, and as they all caught sight of him, they immediately stood at attention, shoulders rigid, fists clenched at their sides, feet together, but with their heads lowered.

"Alpha!" They all said in unison.

"Where are rest of The Hand?" Erykah asked

"Yes Alpha. They are in the kitchen, waiting for you."

"Thank you." She said, and led the way to the kitchen, with Zdenek in tow. When they got into the kitchen, they were all waiting for Zdenek and Erykah.

"Steve, Don, well done in gathering everyone on such short notice. You guys are pretty strong when it comes to mobilizing." Zdenek said with a slight smile and a nod.

"Thanks Zdenek. Appreciate it." Replied Steve, with Don nodding.

"So, Amy, Stephanie, how'd it go? How large is the territory?"

"Ok, our territory is between 25-30 km in total, and Steph worked out that each team will cover 2.5-3 km each."

"Ok. Well done both of you. Although the division part was easy, you still did a good job."

"Of course we did!" Amy said, arrogance dripping from her voice.

"Yeah, thanks Zdenek." Stephanie said with a smile.

"Now that that's settled, how will we find our 10 captains and vice captains?" Erykah asked.

"Simple. I gave it some thought on the trip here, and came up with a solution. "

Everyone paid attention instantly, and focused on Zdenek.

"Erykah, you will address the gathering, telling them to just activate their AE powers. We're not looking for them to tap into their powers, and draw them out, just activate them. I will be able to sense which of them are the strongest from standing close to them. Tell the 1st 10 that I touch to assemble in front of you guys in a straight line. Then tell the next 10 I touch to stand behind the 1st 10. The 1st 10 will be the captains, and the 2nd 10 will be their vice captains. Steve and Don will then be in charge of arranging the squads; which VC will be assigned to which C, and then the members of the group will be part of which teams. After the teams have been assembled, Erykah you will continue with the explanation of why the teams have been formed, and the duties that they will be expected to perform. Stephanie, while this is happening, I'll need you to draw up roster, stating which teams will be in charge or the day shift, and the night shift, and tell each team, before printing it, and handing a copy to each of the captains."

"That sounds really good!" Amy said "Damn Zdenek, you're good when it comes to this planning shit!"

"Yeah well, it was kind of part of my training. Anyway, let's get started. The sooner we can organise and assemble the teams, the quicker your borders can be protected."

'What? Training? What does that mean?' Erykah thought to herself as they all exited the kitchen.

Everyone stood at attention again, and The Hand stood on the raised platform, while Zdenek stood on front of the group. Erykah cleared her throat, and spoke.

"Ok guys, we are going to be conducting an exercise that will change the way our group is currently set up. However, there is a reason for this. We will tell you everything later. But for now, when this man tells you to, I need you to activate your AE powers, but do not draw them out, just activate them. When this man touches you, I will need you to form a horizontal line in front of us. He will only be touching 10 of you at the moment. Zdenek."

"Ok listen; I need you guys to form 10 lines of 10, right now, standing a meter apart. Got that? Now let's start."

They did as they were told, and after they had arranged themselves, Zdenek spoke again.

"Now, activate your AE powers."

They did this, and the room temperature increased, as 80 or so people activated their powers. Zdenek then walked in front of the 1st line, and in between each of the lines, touching people as he went past them. Once he had touched all 10, and they had formed a line, Erykah spoke again.

"Now, don't deactivate them. He'll be touching 10 more of you right now."

And with that, Zdenek started the exercise again, touching 10 more people, before joining The Hand on the platform. They all examined the front row; 7 men and 3 women.

"Everyone, look at the 1st row. These 7 men and 3 women are now captains of Aegis. Other than The Hand, no one else has a higher rank than these 10 people. These 10 are the elite amongst you, and you will all follow their lead." Erykah said.

All of the group members, including the captains were shocked at this announcement, and at the drastic changes happening to Aegis. Zdenek and the others then examined the 10 VCs, who were standing behind the Cs. 5 men and 5 women, and even number. Erykah then spoke again.

"Take a good look at the 10 standing behind you captains, as those are your vice captains. Steve and Don will organise and assemble the teams, but now you know who the captains and vice captains are. The reason why we have undergone such changes is because we will now be guarding the borders of our territory. We have worked it out, and there will be two 5 main teams, each handling an area of about 2.5 km. Each mini team will either be led by a captain, or a vice captain. There will be day and night shifts, so that is why we have split the teams into 5 man teams. At any given time, there will be 5 captains and 5 vice captains on patrol. Steve and Don will assign the teams, and Stephanie will let you know which teams will patrol which area, as well as who will handle the day shift, and the night shift. Are there any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads. Zdenek then moved forward, and stood just behind Erykah, looked at everyone and smiled at them, giving them all a nod of acknowledgement, and said.

"Do you understand what this means? Erykah is giving you all the responsibility of ensuring that Aegis continues to grow, and becomes the best power group. That means you are all responsible for your own destinies. Erykah is giving you the opportunity help make Aegis the best. This shows the trust and faith she has in you. Don't let her down, ok?"

"Yes Alpha! Thank you Alpha!"

"Alright Captains, assemble on this side of the lobby, and Vice Captains, assemble in a group next to them. The rest of you, wait until we call you by name. Ok everybody, let's go. We want to have the 1st patrol out by tonight, so let's get a move on." Steve said and there was excitement buzzing around the lobby, as Steve and Don did their thing. Stephanie stayed, as Zdenek, Amy and Erykah went back into the kitchen.

"That went well. You did good Erykah." Zdenek said with a nod. "Those guys really respect you. It must've been hard to get them to that stage. It was very impressive."

"Really? Something felt different though, I just can't put my finger on it. I won—"

"Hey Zdenek!"

"Hmmm?" Zdenek replied, looking at Amy.

"Why haven't I got a role in this current situation?" Zdenek walked up to Amy, and put both hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that you're an awful example of a person in a position of power? That's why." Then he smiled slightly. This caused Amy to burst out laughing, any annoyance that was in her melting away, as she laughed.

"You really are a bastard Zdenek, you know that?" At that, Zdenek gave her a quick grin.

"Nah, look Amy. I'll need you to show each team to their respective patrol locations, as you were the one who checked them all out earlier today while measuring how large the territory was. I'll also need you to structure it in such a way, that he groups alternate at each location. Like Captain, Vice Captain. Captain, Vice Captain. Captain, Vice Captain. Can you do that?

"You bet I can! Leave it to me!"

"Good, when that is done, I'll need you to meet us on the roof of my apartment building. Ok? Also, give everyone else the same message."

"Sure thing Zdenek. See you later then." And with that, she went back into the lobby to give everyone else the message.

"Well Erykah, appears that our roles are done here. I'll be heading back to my apartment now. Can you give me a ride?"

"Sure Zdenek, let's go."

As they left the kitchen and entered the lobby, everyone once again stood at attention, with their heads bowed.

"Alpha! Have a safe trip! We will not betray your trust and disappoint you! We will protect our territory! Your faith will be repaid, Alpha!" They all said, and every member of The Hand stood there, stunned and speechless. This was the 1st time they had ever shown this much passion for any orders given. Erykah just nodded, but she had been moved by their show of loyalty and respect. They then left, and got into Erykahs' car. The car trip was mostly made in silence. Erykah knew that what had happened in the house was because of Zdenek. She wanted to thank him, but didn't know how. Then they reached Zdeneks' apartment.

"Hey Zdenek?"

"Yeah? What you need Erykah?"

"Can I come inside, and hang with you until the others arrive?"

"Of course, you didn't have to ask. I'll make us some dinner while we wait."

They went in the lift, got to his floor, and went to his apartment. He opened the door, and waited for her to walk in. Once there, he took off his coat and gloves, and headed into the kitchen. Erykah sat on a stool in the kitchen, and watched as he whipped up some pasta. Linguini, tossed in a white sauce, which was mixed with parmesan cheese. He threw in some parsley. At the same time as he prepared the pasta, he had pulled some sausage meat out of the skin, and made mini meatballs out of it. He then fried it, and added the meatballs to the linguini at the end. He put a plate in front of her.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Some water thanks."

He poured some water into a glass, and placed it in front of her. When she looked carefully, she noticed just how massive his portion was.

"Are you going to eat all that?"

"Of course. Didn't you notice how many pancakes I ate this morning?"

"Shit. I don't know who's worse; you or Steve and Don."

Zdenek laughed softly at this, and started eating.

"Perhaps I should have an 'eat off' with them, show them who's boss."

"Oh God..." She said, rolling her eyes as she imagined it. As Zdenek chuckled, she realised something.

'Whoa, wait a minute. I'm making small talk with someone, while eating dinner. This...this hasn't happened since...' Her phone rang, and it was Amy.

"Hey Amy, what's up?"

"We're on the roof waiting for you guys."

"Ok. See you now." She looked at Zdenek. "That was Amy—"

"I heard her." He said putting on his gloves and coat. "Let's go."

And with that, they made their way up to the roof, where they were greeted by the rest of the crew.

"Hey guys, how'd the assembly and shit go? The teams out at their various points?"

"Oh yeah! They were so amped, it wasn't even funny. Damn, I don't know what happened, but whatever it was, it lit a fire under their asses; almost like they suddenly were proud to be Aegis members." Amy said.

"That's exactly it. The fact that Erykah showed them that she had faith in them, made them want to repay her confidence in them. Now, all of us are going to go on patrol, and meet them at their various posts, to show them that The Hand of Aegis is willing to slum it out with the lower level members. This'll also give them a feeling of familiarity, that'll ensure that if they have any problems, they won't have issues approaching any of you guys. Now, Let's—"

"Why?" Erykah asked.


"Why are you doing this? Why are you coming up with plans? Why ar—"

"In the cafe yesterday, didn't you tell me that you wanted to be at the top of the summit? Didn't you say that the satisfaction you get from looking down from the top is more fulfilling? Oh, I haven't answered your question yet have I? Look Erykah, what you have accomplished with this Aegis in just one year has been incredible. I know all about it. I know how you grabbed the role of Alpha alone. I know how you have been working hard to ensure that Aegis break into the Top 3. I know how you have been working hard to manage and organise this group. I know how you have carried this group, and all of the responsibilities that come with it on your shoulders, and have been walking alone with that burden; however, you don't have to do that. You have 4 people with you, who have known you for 15 years, and are here for you. Four people who have stood by you, and will continue to, four people who will happily share the burden that you carry. You have closed your heart off to so many people, that you have inadvertently closed it off to them as well. When was the last time you relaxed, hmmm? Stop trying to do everything yourself Erykah. You have four people here willing to take some of the load. Rather than carrying them up Everest; lead them up. Rather than pulling them up the path; walk alongside them. When you reach the summit of Everest, don't look down on them and tell them what a wonderful feeling you're experiencing, stand up there with them, and share that feeling with them. That's what they're here for Ery—"


"Because I'm an outsider, I can see how much these four long for you to completely let your guard down around them. They want to be there for you, but you won't let, and I can see how much that hurts them, just by looking in their eyes. But if you don't believe me, ask them yourself."

"Is-is what he said true guys?"

She looked at them, and saw the emotion in their eyes, as they each nodded, and Amy spoke.

"We had to watch Erykah. Each of us was forced to watch, as you buried your heart deeper in concrete. We watched as you shut yourself off, and refused to let anyone else near your heart. We've known you since we were all kids. We all played at each others' houses, went on adventures together, and discovered our AE powers together. We were closer than friends, and we were all siblings. We used to wipe each others' tears when we all cried. We all jumped in when some tried to pick Steph, or when Steve and Don struggled with their studies, forming study groups and stuff. We used to have so much fun, and you used to smile all the time. That was before....Look; it breaks our hearts to know that we are the only people who know what your smile looks like, even though it's something we haven't seen for quite some time. We haven't heard you laugh in almost as long either, and it breaks our hearts that there is nothing we can do about it. We decided that we would stay by your side, and would try our best to help you succeed, thinking that success would lead to happiness, and happiness would lead to a smile, but you haven't trusted us, or let us help you. You haven't let us; YOUR FAMILY help you, and it's been killing us. We love you Erykah, and we always will, just please; LET US IN!"

Erykah looked down after hearing everything Amy said. She could feel her eyes beginning to burn, and her vision becoming blurry.

'What is this? What's happening? Why are my eyes hot? Why can't I see properly? What is this warmth running down my cheeks?'

Erykah looked up at her friends, who saw tears escaping from her eyes for the 1st time than longer they care to remember. As two droplets of tears fell from her jaw, the four friends rushed to her, and wrapped her up in a group hug. They stood there holding her, as she wept softly, for a very long time. When they finally released her, and looked at her, they had tears of their own streaming down all of their cheeks. They all reached their hands up, and started drying each others' tears.

"Just like when we were kids huh?" Amy asked, and they just nodded, with the four of them smiling.

Erykah just exhaled, recovering from her first crying session in years. Then they all heard footsteps approach, and walk past them. Zdenek stood at the ledge he always stood at, the wind, causing his coat to start flailing in the wind. His hood was down, and his hair, which was in a pony tail, was also flailing about, blowing in the direction of the wind. He didn't look back at them as he spoke.

"We'll hit the furthest border post first. That should give your eyes sufficient time to go back normal."

"Zdenek; why are you doing so much for me?" Erykah asked. He didn't face her, and before he jumped off the roof, he said.

"I heard you. You might not have heard yourself, but I heard you; loud and clear. That's why I came."

To be continued.....


So guys that was Chapter 4 of the Badass series. Lemme know how you felt about it in the comments section. I hope you liked it, and even if you didn't, thank you for taking the time and reading it.

To the guy who requested longer chapters, I hope this was long enough for you. As you guys can see, I'm an author who considers requests, so ladies, if any of you want to 'request' my hand in marriage, then by all means, please do! (LOL!)


Anyway, thanks for reading, and look forward to the next one.



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JC_The_ContinuerJC_The_Continueralmost 8 years ago
Too fast!

That was way to fast.

Its the first poor chapter so far, and it was very very rushed. it's clear that you wanted to make this longer, but the way you did it was the hard way. You skipped chunks of time in 4 or 5 utterances. I mean, they went from started cooking through to moving to the roof in under 80 words!

Keep it slow, let the plot flow and we still enjoy it


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
@ anon comment

If you paid attention to the last chapter when Zdeneck walked into Eryckah's house, his power level was such that it was as if he was already an alpha. Do you understand? or did i not explain it well enough?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Anon comment

Was reading this chapter and you completely lost me as to what Z's role is. How is it that a gang that doesn't know him come to follow his every word without thinking or asking their boss what's up? This sounds a lot like something two people role playing would come up with where you have two different opinions of the characters in the story. Out of respect and hope I'm going to keep reading but I hope things get clarified.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
ur awesome!

keep writing! i love ur stories! it makes me wanna b a badass lol!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
nit pickers

I enjoy reading a good story.this is a very good one.I get pissed of when some assholes critisize a story for minor detailes . if they are so damn good let them write something thats deceint. I doubt they shut the fuck and let the writer continue

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