Badass Ch. 07


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The members of The Hand all nodded in agreement at various times, and then all looked up at Zdenek and waited.

"Well, I'm fairly certain that you all figured it was a Demon Entity, and you would be correct. I have the Corruption Demon Entity, and I've been able to use and manipulate the Corruption Flame from the day I was born; literally. So far, I have not encountered anybody with a similar Entity, or with flames that have a similar attribute to mine. Do any of you have any other questions about it?"

"Y-Yeah, I do."

"Alright Amy, go ahead."

"We saw 40% of the transformation in that fight, and that shit was already ridiculously intense. What happens when you go past 40?"

Zdenek took a deep breath before relaxing into his seat and looked at Amy.

"Well Amy, the more power I draw out, the more intense the flames become. That means that the corruption attribute becomes strong as well, and it gets to a point where even I can't quite handle it, and suffer the same effects as other people who are touched by the flames. I'm not able to call on more than a certain percentage of Entity power, because then I too get damaged."

Amy just nodded as she listened, and shook her head in disbelief as he finished speaking.

"Fuck me Zdenek, that's so unbelievable, yet believable at the same time."

"How do you mean Amy?"

"I mean like, it's unbelievable that you can have so much power that it even damages you, yet at the same time, it's totally believable because like, having known you in this brief period of time, you just... you seem like you have no limits to your ability, and it feels like you can almost do anything. When I look at it like that, having so much power that you even hurt yourself is totally believable."

Everybody else nodded as they seemed to agree with that statement, but Zdenek didn't, and shook his head slightly.

"You know, it may seem that way, but we all have our limits. We're just lucky that as things stand, I won't have to reach those limits in order to help Aegis."

"But Zdenek; doesn't drawing on such an inherently evil looking Entity affect your personality in any way? Like of you draw out more and more power, do you not become as sinister as that second voice that seems to come with it?" Enquired Steph, a spoonful of curry in hand.

Zdenek looked at Steph and shook his head slightly.

"Not at all Stephanie, in fact, it's probably the opposite. When I draw out more power, I become calmer and more analytical. I tend to think a lot more, because not only do I have Corruption Vision permanently on, but I am also able to move and react a lot quicker, and that affords me an extra half a second or so to think and formulate plans on the go."

"Ahhhhhhh..." was the reply from Steph.

"Of course, all that only applies to the first level of transformation, if I may call it that. But that is honestly a discussion for another time."

The seriousness of the expression on Zdenek's face when he said that last sentence not only served to pique the interest of the group, but also encouraged them not to ask. The Q&A session continued though, with the members of The Hand asking all manner of random questions that Zdenek surprisingly didn't mind answering. It surprised him too how he was so willing to answer their questions and it didn't take long for the session to end however, which led to the conversation eventually turning back to the events of the day. Amy, who had consumed more wine than anybody else, yet was nowhere near as tipsy, was busy giving a play-by-play account of what happened during her fight, Zdenek was sitting in the chair, still nursing his first glass of wine, and listening intently as if he wasn't there, and as if he didn't know that she was embellishing certain parts to make herself seem epic. Erykah looked at Zdenek and then nudged him gently.

"Zdenek, you do know that most of this is bullshit right? I mean, you were right there, you know exactly how the fight went."

"Yeah, I know, but the way she's telling it as amazing. She's adding the right amount of spice so that she doesn't sound as lame as she actually was."

"HEY!" Amy barked, "I heard that Zdenek!"

Everybody started laughing again, and Amy continued with her tale. After she was done, Don started a topic of his own.

"How fucking bad ass was the attack Zdenek unleashed on Boris?! What was it called again... oh yeah, 'Corruption Combination Number One: Laceration!' fuuuck, that shit was so fast, I could barely even keep up with his movements!"

There was a chorus of grunts of agreement and such from all around the table, before Steve looked at Zdenek.

"Hey Zdenek, what is that combo? What did you do?"

"Well Steve, a laceration is a cut, so that's precisely what I did; I cut Boris with my claws repeatedly, before kicking his face through the ceiling. The kick didn't cut anything, but when I first developed that combo, I was thinking that I needed a cool way to finish it off, not necessarily an effective and pertinent one."

Steve and Don then both looked at Steph at the same time, who was rather tipsy herself, and she answered immediately.

"Related guys; it means r-related. Zdenek means that he wanted a cool ending, not one that anything to do with cutting."

Zdenek looked at Steph with a slight look of surprise, before looking at Amy.

"How can she be this... 'happy', when you've had more wine than any of us here, and have barely been affected?"

"Well Zdenek, it's a gift. It's a talent. Steph can manipulate computers and nerds, and I can hold my liquor. Impressive huh? Go ahead and praise me Zdenek, it's alright!"

As Amy looked at Zdenek with a smug look on her face, he was already looking and Steve and Don, asking them about their alcohol tolerance.

"Hey Zdenek! What the fuck?! Listen to somebody until they finish speaking!"

The banter went on well into the early hours of the morning, and considering how they had just finished a taxing battle, Zdenek was rather surprised by this.

'It's likely this stamina that allows these people to party all night long and still be unbelievably hyperactive the whole day.'

He then looked at Erykah, and could tell that she was pretty tired, and looked like she could really do with the sleep. He then looked over at everybody else and tapped his glass to get their attention.

"Okay Hand of Aegis, listen up. It has gotten late, the amount of food left has gotten low, and Stephanie has gotten pretty drunk, so I think it's about time that we called it a night. We all need to get some rest, and get ready for the clean up tomorrow morning."

They all begrudgingly agreed, acting as though they didn't want to go to bed, yet they all yawned as they stood up. Zdenek hadn't actually planned on spending the night, but there was no way any of them would allow him to leave. He also stood up, and looked around, and then at Erykah.

"Hey Rica, does everybody have a designated room that they are going to sleep in?"

"Yeah, they do, why do you ask?"

"No, I was just asking so I don't accidentally crash in somebody else's bed."

He then walked out from the dining room and saw that there was a sunken lounge in the den which had this massive round couch type thing that had no back. He came back into the dining room as everybody was about to leave.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep on that round thing in that sunken lounge, so if you need me, you know where I'll be snoring. Oh, and Amy, tomorrow morning, care to take me back to my apartment?"

Amy looked at him with her droopy half asleep eyes and smiled, before nodding and sleepily saluting.

"Aye aye Boss man..."

Zdenek nodded in appreciation and looked towards everybody.

"Well, goodnight all. It's been a good, productive day for Aegis. I'll be seeing you all in the morning."

He then nodded at everybody, before looking at Erykah who was now able to walk by herself normally. He gently placed his hand on the top of her head and smiled a little.

"Goodnight Rica."

Erykah looked at Zdenek and nodded at him slightly.

"Goodnight Zdenek. Are you sure you don't want to find a bed upstairs or something?"

Zdenek just shook his head slightly to show he was perfectly content with what he'd chosen. As he removed his hand from Erykah's head and started walking towards the den, he felt something small hug him. He looked down to see drunken Steph leaning against him with her face buried in his upper midriff. She mumbled something in his shirt before walking off. Amy was next, and she hugged him too, then the twins too. They then all did the same to Erykah, even though the girls were going to be sleeping in her bed. Zdenek felt an unfamiliar warmth from all that, and he certainly found it to be nice. He then made his way over to the round thing, took the shirt off and plopped onto it, made his way towards the middle, and lay with his arms and legs spread, flat on his back. It didn't take long for Zdenek to pass into his state of near death that called sleep, and thus did not notice anything that happened.

In the morning, Zdenek opened his eyes slowly and groggily as he came to. His body was feeling rather weird and numb in certain places, and he then proceeded to look around as his eyes properly adjusted to the light. He looked to his left to see Erykah curled up in a ball with her head right on his shoulder. He then looked to his right to see Amy and Steph both sleeping on his right side, also curled up into balls facing each other. They were both using his arm as a pillow. He then looked down to see both Steve and Don asleep, each brother using a shin as a pillow themselves. He had absolutely no idea how or when any of them had gotten there, but he certainly was taken by surprise. He didn't move or try to get them off though, and as numb as he may have felt, he just closed his eyes and let them lay there. Almost all the physical contact he had experienced with other people was fake or disingenuous somehow, yet just this simple act of sleeping in the same bed/couch as the people who were for all intents and purposes, his friends was by far and away the most intimate and genuine thing he had ever experienced. It wasn't long however before everybody started stirring however, and soon enough they all started getting up. One by one, they would look at Zdenek and see that he was wide awake, and had let them sleep in. The Hand all greeted him with a slightly guilty look and got off while Erykah just got up, looked at Zdenek as though nothing happened and got off the round thing as well. After a few minutes, Zdenek himself got up, put the t-shirt on and made his way off the round thing. He went into the kitchen where everybody else was and just looked at them all, waiting for an explanation as to what the fuck was going on. Amy scratched the back of her head as she looked at him and then shrugged.

"Yeah... We all came to check on you to see if you wanted a blanket or something, but you just looked so... warm and snug and comfy. In the end, not one of us said a word, and we just kinda fell asleep on you. You're fucking comfy man."

Everybody else offered up their support with various grunts and nods and such, agreeing completely with what Amy said.

Zdenek just shrugged and rubbed his eyes as he approached them all, his braid now coming loose.

"I see. Well, I'm not particularly irked by that. Now anyway, we have to get started on the cleanup of all this pretty soon—"

"Nah, don't sweat it Zdenek, we'll call a cleaning company to take care of this real quick. So just have some coffee with us, and then I'll take you back to your place, that sound cool?"

"Yeah, that sounds fucking amazing, thanks Amy."

Zdenek then sat on one of the stools in the kitchen, waiting for his coffee. He looked at Erykah, who was looking right as rain.

"It appears that you're pretty much recovered, huh Rica?"

"Yeah, I feel much much better, thanks for asking. So anyway, what's the plan for now?"

Erykah got a cup of coffee and brought it over to Zdenek before handing it to him. He accepted gratefully and started pouring an ungodly amount of sugar into it. Everybody watched in horror, but nobody dared to say even a single word as they just pretended that it was normal as he started drinking it.

"Well, as things stand, the plan is do nothing for an entire day or two, just recuperate. Stephanie is to keep in touch with Boris to see how he is doing. In two or so days, we meet with Boris, and we discuss the next move, the merger, and everything else. For now though, enjoy a well-earned rest, okay?"

They all nodded in acknowledgement, and drank their coffee whilst have light morning conversation. After that was done, Amy walked over to Zdenek and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"I'm ready to go when you are Boss man."

Zdenek looked at her nodded before getting up and starting to walk with her.

"You go get my coat, I'll get my clothes from outside, and I'll meet you by the car okay?"

Amy nodded and disappeared up the stairs as Zdenek went and got his jeans and shirt, before making his way out front where to his slight surprise, everybody was waiting.

"Well okay then, later everybody. Remember, nothing strenuous is to be done for at least two days! All of you just chill and relax; we'll start making our next move then."

"You got it!" was the call that came from Steph and the twins.

Erykah just walked up to Zdenek, and her scowl indicated that she wanted to say thank you and such, but couldn't find the words. Zdenek just reached out and gently stroked her shoulder.

"I know Rica, I know. Take it easy, and I'll see you soon okay?"

With that, he walked over to the passenger side of the car and got in. He looked over at Amy who had already gotten in and tossed the coat on him.

"Well let's get out of here."

With that, Amy drove out of the property and towards the campus. The conversation between the two was light hearted, as Amy and Zdenek always had good chemistry. As the approached Zees', Zdenek pointed to it.

"Could you just drop me off here? I'll order something for later and then head on home."

"Sure thing Boss man, no problem. I bet it feels like forever since you were last here huh?"

"Nah, not really. It's just that it's kind of my spot, just like it's kind of your guys' spot as well."

"Tru dat." Amy said as she pulled into the lot.

She then undid her seatbelt, leaned across and squeezed Zdenek so tightly he thought he was going to pop. She even nuzzled his neck for good measure before pulling back slightly, looking into his eyes and smiling.

"You're the fucking man Zdenek. It hasn't taken long to get me to this point, but I'll follow you straight to hell, even with little to no chance of return, and no lunch; all you need do is ask. I know for certain that the others feel the same way, even without having asked them. So wherever you decide to take Aegis, we'll stupidly follow, no questions asked."

Amy then flashed an absolutely brilliant smile, before starting to shove Zdenek playfully.

"Now get the fuck out my car before you reply, because I know you'll just make me cry. Besides, I'm suddenly painfully aware that I'm only dressed in PJs!"

Zdenek chuckled and got out the car as Amy had said, but before he shut the door, he looked at her, and was deadly serious for a second.

"Amy, you don't have to worry about where I'll be taking you guys, because after the top of Everest, we'll be going to heaven, and taking over that fucking place as well; you can fucking count on it."

Zdenek then shut the door before opening the back door and taking his coat and shutting the door. He wrapped it all up into a ball before waving at Amy and running off. He then walked in through the door front door of Zees', and was greeted a familiar smile and bubbly personality.

"Gooood morning, and welcome to— Zdenek!!"

Jen was rather happy to see Zdenek and bounded over to him.

"Oh my God, how have you been? It feels like forever since we last saw each other!"

It took Jen a second to notice how shabbily Zdenek was dressed before she started giggling. She tried to stop, but she just couldn't. Zdenek just chuckled himself.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. We were involved in a fight and my clothes got ruined, so I'm wearing fucking drapes as clothes. Anyway, could you get me my usual to go?"

"Sure thing Zdenek!" she chimed in a sort of song, and disappeared for a good few minutes before coming back and just making random small talk with him. The other customers in the café be damned, this was a rare opportunity for Jen to talk to Zdenek, so she took it. After his order was ready, went to go fetch it. As Zdenek received the parcel, he spoke.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot; do you happen to know a good tailor? The sleeves of my coat were completely ruined, so I'm looking for somebody to replace them real quick."

Jen's eyes lit up at the opportunity, but she managed to hide her excitement as she answered.

"Well, I do happen to know one further in the city. Tomorrow is my day off, so why don't we just meet up and go together?"

"Sure, that sounds perfect. Why don't we meet here tomorrow morning at around 8, have some breakfast and head on to the tailor?"

Jen enthusiastically clapped her hands twice before beaming at Zdenek in agreement.

"You got it! I'll see you tomorrow! Oh, and don't worry about the meal, it's on me. You've given me large enough tips that I can afford it.

Zdenek nodded in appreciation and walked off with his parcel and clothes in hand, before leaving the café and heading back to his place. Amy, who hadn't actually left, was hiding close by, and had activated her AE powers to heighten her hearing, which allowed her to listen in on the conversation. She shook her head as she watched Zdenek walk towards his building.

"Ooohhhhh, this can't be good..."

To be continued.


So hello there to those who have read this chapter, it's been a while since I last posted here. To new readers, I say welcome. To old readers, I say holy shit; I can't believe I still have old readers to read my shit. I've been fucking awful with regards to posting; however life truly has been fucking me up the ass, and not in a good way. I will not promise anything with regards posting because I don't want to disappoint again, but I will say that for all intents and purposes, I'm pretty much back.

Anyway, I shall be updating my profile thingy when I can, but for now, I'd like to thank you for maintaining an interest in my shit. Your reading this is greatly appreciated by the author.



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

to the commentors, no it won't be continued the author abandoned literotica back in 2017

Fubar484Fubar484over 2 years ago

Fucking come back

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

its been several years. are you going to finish? I hope so.

SavageGod12SavageGod12about 5 years ago
Great story, but WE GOT A PROBLEM

It’s been to many years since you bothered to add another story to anything and all you stuff is good even if you went to a different site you should at least let us know

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Will this story ever be continued or finished?

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