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"Yea," she smiled, understanding.

"Listen. If you want... You could stay in my guestroom tonight. Unless you have somewhere else to go, that is." He offered with his usual helpful tone.

"Let me put a bag together." Accepting the offer without thinking, she stood up and heading toward her room.

"You want me to wait for you?"

"Please." She knew where he lived, yet she would feel better following him there with the storm.

Even though she hurried from the house to her car, then from the car into Tom's house, Bailey was drenched by the rain when she got inside. Asking her to wait in the kitchen, he retrieved them both towels.

"I can use a hot shower right now," he chuckled as they partially dried off.

"That does sound good." Bailey agreed as she started to shiver.

"The guestroom and bath are that way," he said pointing toward one end of the house. "There's fresh towels in the linen closet." Opening a set of bifold doors at the kitchen's edge, he peeled his soaked t-shirt off and tossed it into the washing machine. "If you bring your wet clothes out afterward, I can toss them in too."

"Thanks." Watching him walk in the opposite direction, she picked up her bag and headed for the guestroom.

Under the shower's cascading hot water, the soapy washcloth stirring a deep-seated ache as she ran it over her lithe body, she suddenly realized the situation's potential. Until then, the fright from the transformer's explosion and then having to drive through the storm had kept her from putting it together. But now the thought that she would be spending the night with Tom in his house echoed through her. And with it, an excited tingle of possibility ran along her nerves.

At first, remembering the conversation with her mother and the possible implications, she tried telling herself that nothing would happen. Afterall, she hadn't seen anything in his expression when he had made the offer to make her think he had any ulterior motives. Plus, he had pointedly steered her toward the guestroom and not even hinted for her to join him in his shower.

Still, that doesn't mean things can't happen. Her mind pointed out, creating an unexpected surge of hope.

Getting out of the shower, she was glad she had thought to bring her hairdryer. Using it, she reflexively inspected her body in the mirror. Thin tan lines swooped down from her shoulders to the flesh-toned triangles covering the front of her firm breasts. At the center of these triangles, her dark nipples stood semi-hard from the air conditioning. Similar tan lines reached around her hips with another flesh-tone triangle diving down across her crotch where a small tuft of neatly trimmed dark hair sat atop her carefully shaved sex.

With her mother's words about being bold joining the unexpected hope and excited tingle, she wrapped a towel around her and slipped across the hall into the bedroom. Digging into her overnight bag she wondered what to wear and whether or not to put on any make-up.

Both decisions proved fairly easy.

Given the circumstances, putting on make-up would seem weird and unnatural. Besides, Tom had made several comments about her natural beauty and how she looked better without it. As for what to wear, she hadn't exactly packed a lot of options in her rush and mindset at the time. Briefly considering going with just the towel, she knew she didn't have the nerve for such a brazen act. Slipping into a pair of sexy, pink panties, she then considered going with just them and maybe a baggy t-shirt. But again, she didn't have the nerve. So she slid on a pair of tiny shorts and a better fitting t-shirt.

Walking out, she found Tom in the kitchen, pouring himself a drink. He had his hair pulled back in a ponytail and was wearing a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt.

"I've got it ready. Just toss those in and hit start." He indicated the washer.

Through her peripheral vision, she thought she saw him checking her out as she walked past the island. Dropping her clothes into the washer, she shut the lid and hit the button, then walked back to stand across the island from him.

"Can I have one of those?" She asked.

"I never supported the 21 law," he shrugged, his gaze briefly lingering on her. "How strong you like it?"

"Make me one and I'll add soda if I need to."

"Ok," he shrugged.

When he turned around to grab a fresh can of soda, she quickly glanced down to see what had made his gaze linger. Her nipples were still semi-hard and clearly poking at her t-shirt. Smiling with the belief that this was what he had been noticing, she felt the hope being stoked.

"I thought we'd watch a movie." He said, making her drink.

"Sounds good."

Handing her the drink, he set the half-used can of soda on the island. Taking a sip, she couldn't stop the grimace that its sharp taste caused.

"You do like them strong." She turned the grimace into a sheepish smile in response to his chuckle.

"Yeap." Holding his own glass up in toast, he took a sip of it. "You wanna find a movie?"

"Sure." Taking the can of soda with her, she moved over to the couch and sat at one end. "What do you like?" she asked, picking up the remote.

"Action and comedy mainly. But, believe it or not, there's a handful of rom-coms I like. As a compromise." Following her, he plopped onto the opposite end of the couch.

"Let me guess." Quickly chastising herself for not waiting for him to sit so she could conveniently sit closer to him, she thought about some of the movies they had discussed, then queued up one of them. "This one?"

"Yea. That's good. If it's ok with you."

"Me and mom checked it out after you told us about it. I like it."

"Great. Then you won't be bored and have your nose stuck in your phone."

"Oh, I'm leaving that on the charger in case your power goes out too." She said, thinking of the excuse in the moment. Although she had left her phone in the bedroom, she had really done so because of the thing she was hoping for.

"Good idea." Plugging his own phone into a charger next to him, he dropped it on the end table.

As they watched the movie, Bailey's hope waned. With the entire couch between them, Tom showed no signs of doing anything other than watching the movie and there were no scenes that gave her an excuse to move closer. Nor did their limited conversation seem to be leading anywhere. She kept looking at him through her peripheral vision, hoping to catch him looking at her. But she never did. Waning hope and growing disappointment led her to sipping at her drink more frequently than she normally would have, adding soda to it to each one time.

Although the storm had weakened, thunder continued rumbling and flashes of lightning split the darkness outside the big front window near the TV. About halfway through the movie the rain began pounding on the roof loud enough that they had to turn the volume up. Moments later, the entire house shook as a brilliant flash of light momentarily filled it.

Yelping in surprise, Bailey nearly jumped off the couch.

"I jumped too," Tom chuckled, standing up and walking over to the window. "That was close."

Maybe it was the alcohol that gave Bailey the courage to let him know she would be okay with certain things happening. Maybe it was the lingering hope that made her hit pause on the remote. Maybe it was her mother's words echoing in her mind that drove her to walk over and join him. Maybe it was the fright caused by the lightning strike and the ensuing wish to be comforted that made her slip partially in front of him, resting her left asscheek against the front of his right thigh. Maybe it was simply the nine-plus months without a man's touch or a combination of all these things.

Whatever it was that made her do it, she was glad she did.

As another bolt of lightning split the darkness outside, Tom's hand came to rest on her hip, providing both the comfort and touch she desired. Then, as his hand slid up and down to caress her through her shorts, the tingle along her nerves morphed into anticipated excitement, stirring the embers within her loins. Quietly sighing, she leaned back against his chest as lightning once more split the darkness.

Standing there for a minute, his hand cuffed her hip, its fingers stretching across her upper thigh and pulling her back against him firmer. Believing she was seeing yet another crack in his chivalry, she molded her body against his as anticipated excitement intensely crackled along her nerves.

When he took a step back a few moments later, she let him turn her around. As she lifted her face to look into his eyes, she saw the crack was real. And a lot more than just a crack.

His one hand remaining on her hip, his other came up to brush loose strands of her hair away. Then he cupped her cheek and leaned down. Lifting up onto her toes to meet him, she brought her hands up to lightly grip his biceps. Their lips connected. Their first kiss soft, yet determined. Electrical sparks shot along Bailey's nerves. As their lips briefly parted and reconnected a couple of times, waves of warmth flowed through her, making the lightning and thunder fade into the distant background.

When he locked his lips against hers, guiding them open and slid his tongue past them, she eagerly raised hers in greeting. As their two appendages swiped and swirled against one another in a long, passionate kiss, the hand on her hip pulled her to him. Her breasts being gently pressed against him, an ache awakened within the twin mounds that fueled the warmth flowing through her. Both sensations grew as the kiss was followed by another. Then another. And another.

Eventually breaking their connection, he pulled back and, as she dropped off her toes, they stared into one another's eyes.

"Let's go to the bedroom," he whispered.

Although it was framed as a statement, Bailey knew that it was his way of giving her the chance to say "No." A word she had no intention of uttering as she let him take her hand and start leading her across the living room. Between her lengthy celibacy and the sensations created by their limited kissing, her body was simmering with a desire for him that wouldn't have allowed her to, even if she had been so inclined.

Leading her into the dark bedroom, he let go of her hand and told her to wait a second, then walked away. When a light cracked through a set of bi-fold doors, she saw that she was standing next to a king-sized bed. Watching him walk back to her, peeling his t-shirt off and tossing it aside, she again took in the image of his strong torso.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered when he was standing in front of her, gazing down into her eyes.

As he caught the hem of her t-shirt and slowly drew it upward, she didn't feel the patience he showed. But she forced herself to be and raised her arms. Pulling the shirt off her, he tossed it aside then gazed down at her firm breasts with their stiffening, dark nipples while she brushed her hair back away from her face. Then his hands cupped her ass. Hers settled on his bare chest. His muscles tensed, lifting her off the floor and to him. Her hands slid up, her arms wrapping around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. This time, as they kissed, their lips opened together so that their tongues could duel.

Her bare breasts being semi-smooshed against his flesh, her nipples rubbing against his firm pecs, the ache within them pulsed with new life and she pressed herself against him more.

After a few kisses, he again broke their connection. Moving to the bed, he lifted his knees onto it, then carefully laid her back, guiding her head onto a pillow. Lying on his side next to her, his body supported on an elbow and lightly pressing against hers, his free hand came to rest on her flat tummy. The fingers stretching to cuff her side, its heat simmered against her flesh.

Gazing into her eyes, he waited while she pulled her hair out from under her and tossed it across the pillow. Then he leaned down to kiss her, his tongue once more delving past their lips. Kissing her moved his body to lightly mash her one breast under it while his hand caressed slid around, caressing her tummy and slipping up near her other breast. Again and again its fingers danced along the flesh just below and along the side of the mound, but never actually touched it.

Her own hands exploring his biceps, shoulders, and upper back, she felt the teasing touch make the ache within her breasts pulse with a building need that strengthened the flowing warmth. Turning into tropical breezes wafting through her, this fanned the embers within her loins. Soon the smoldering briquettes of desire had her legs shifting upon the bed, her feet skidding a few inches this way and that across the bedspread.

She had just started thinking about grabbing his hand and guiding it to her breast when he cupped the aching mound. His palm covering her nipple, his fingers stretched out and gave it a tender squeeze. A sigh rattling in her throat, she reflexively arched her back to push her breast into his hand in offering.

Their lips pressing together, their tongues dueling, he fondled her breast. His fingers squeezed the luscious mound one moment, caressed and tweaked her nipple the next. Electricity sparking through the dark bud, it stiffened into a hard spire, as did the one atop her breast being semi-flattened by his body. The tropical breezes wafting through her grew hotter as they fanned her smoldering embers, making them sizzle and snap with desire.

"Ooh," she sighed when he eventually broke their kiss.

Shifting, he kissed her cheek a couple of times as he lowered his lips to her ear. Between kissing and gently nipping her earlobe, he whispered how beautiful and desirable she was while continuing to fondle her breast. His warmth breath swirling inside her ear, fueling the tropical gusts, her embers crackled into glowing briquettes of desire. Her hands exploring his torso, she couldn't stop one from reaching down between them, intending to grasp the bulge she had seen in his jeans.

Before it could, his own hand left her breast and grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

No guy had ever stopped her from doing this before. Surprised, she wondered why as he gently guided the hand above her head and gripped it with his other hand to hold it in place. But then his hand returned to her breast and gave it another gentle squeeze just as his teeth nipped at her earlobe, making her sigh and forget the question.

Moments later he pulled up to gaze into her eyes for a second. The desire rolling through her made her lids heavy as she stared up at him, caused her shallow breaths to slip past her slightly open lips.

After softly kissing her a couple of times, he leaned down to lightly brush his lips against her neck... her shoulder... her upper chest. Shifting his body downward, moving it off her one breast, he left a delicate trail of kisses on her flesh as his lips traveled along a slow, deliberate path toward the twin mounds. Anticipation made her quietly mewl as the ache within her breasts pulsed stronger... needier. Still fondling the one breast, his lips crawled up the swell of the other one... brushed its swollen nipple once... twice... three times before locking his lips around it and gently suckling.

"Ooh," she sighed, jolts of electricity shooting through the bud. Her back arching to offer herself to him, her free grabbed onto the back of his head.

After sucking on the one nipple for a few moments, he moved his mouth to the one he still cupped. Again his lips brushed the hard nipple bud a few times then locked around it and suckled.

"Ooh." Electricity jolting through this nipple, her back arched again. Her hand slipped down to his back where her nails lightly scratched back and forth a little. When they came into contact with his ponytail, a flood of imagined images flashed through her mind, driving her to grab the rubber band holding it and pulling it free. Tossing the band away, her hand returned to the back of his head, her fingers now twining into his hair.

With it cascading off his back and over his shoulders to brush at her bare flesh, he moved his mouth back to suckle at the first nipple and his fingers tweaked the vacated one.

The tropical gusts fanning her glowing embers, their heat caused Bailey's legs to scissor upon the bed. When her thigh bumped against his crotch, she felt his semi-erect manhood pushing at his shorts and she reflexively pressed her leg against it. And, while she had seen the bulge, she hadn't seen it in its current state. It only took a moment for her desire to make her try reaching for it with her free hand.

"Ooh," she whimpered with startled disappointment when he again grabbed her wrist.

"Not yet." He whispered with a devious smile, raising up to gaze into her eyes as he guided this one above her head and locked its wrist in place as well.

Gazing up from under her heavy lids, she saw that he was enjoying giving her pleasure and had no intention of hurrying things. Feeling a mixture of appreciation and impatience, she lifted up to give him a gentle kiss, then let her head settle back onto the pillow in resignation.

Lowering back down, he again kissed a trail to her breasts, albeit faster this time. Then his hand was once more fondling one while his mouth alternated between suckling on their nipples.

The pulsing ache within the mounds being simultaneously answered and fueled by this, Bailey laid there reveling in the sensations and quietly mewling.

Where other guys had obsessively played with her breasts, Tom's attentions were lovingly intentional. Gently suckling, licking, and fondling her mounds, they gradually grew hungrier, yet remained unaggressive. And while she wanted him to move on to those things that would follow, she couldn't deny how this was fueling her desire for them... for him. How they were making her press her thigh firmer against his manhood even as she wished her hands were free to explore it.

As if sensing he was about to start pushing the limit, his lips pulled away from the nipple he was suckling and slowly crawled down its breast. His body shifting with him, he kissed his way down across her tummy, his lips lingering as they brushed across her delicately quivering abs. His one hand leaving her breast, it caressed her side before slipping down to cuff her waist as his other one released her wrists.

Her heightened arousal meant that the one's heat now sizzled against her flesh as it radiated through her shorts. It also made her freed hands jump to his shoulders, her fingers lightly scratch at his flesh.

Reaching her shorts' waistband, his lips brushed back and forth over the flesh at its edge as his fingers hooked the waistband and started working them down, catching the waistband of her panties on the way. Bringing her legs together, Bailey lifted her ass off the bed. Once again, she didn't feel the patience he showed as he slowly drew the clothing down her legs, moving down the bed simultaneously. When he slid them off her feet, she lifted her head to watch him slip off the bed and stand up, tossing her clothing aside.

Her eyes being drawn to his crotch, her nerves tingled excitedly at the sight of the bulge there. Fresh waves of desire coursed through her as she watched him hook the waistband of his shorts and push them down, revealing his nearly erect, sizable manhood.

He then took a moment to absorb the image of her laying there with her dark hair splayed out around her head resting on the pillow, gazing back at him from under heavy lids. The desire rolling through her made her bottom lip tremble slightly, made her hands tense and relax at the ends of her arms thrown out to her sides. Here shallow breaths caused her pert, untanned breasts to delicately rise and fall and her swollen, dark nipples softly shimmered in the limited lighting. Beneath the tanned flesh of her tummy, her abs daintily quivered with anticipation. Her legs had fallen open, her knees partially bent, and at their center her sex glistened with her juices. Her puffy labia were flowering open slightly in invitation and need and, at the top, her clit peeked out from under its hood.