Ball Games Ch. 14: Work Colleagues

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Marc comes out to his colleagues.
4.2k words

Part 14 of the 26 part series

Updated 02/13/2024
Created 01/18/2024
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Many years ago, I wrote "Winners and Losers" that I never finished. I subsequently rewrote it in 2016, but never published the 27 chapters to Literotica.

This is the complete 70,000 word story from eight years ago.

* * * * *

My "coming out" to my team mates went a lot better than I expected. There was some changing room humour the following training session when I came into the dressing room to find a pink tutu on my peg. I wasn't bothered about it but the Captain was, and he made the perpetrator, Ben, wear it for the entire evening as we practised our distribution around the pitch.

I owed our Captain a lot. He held the team together through his strong leadership and his rejection of Ben's misguided actions was firm and decisive. As he demanded in his forceful tone, "there'll be no homophobia on my watch."

Our next match was our first live television broadcast, and the cup quarter-final. We had been drawn to play Elvedon Bridge Warriors at home. The league winners from the previous season had already played us twice, beating us at home and drawing with us away, and they were one of the toughest teams to play against.

Our pitch had suffered greatly from a handful of downpours, and the slippery grass was almost bog-like. The league and the referee surveyed the playing surface before kick-off and despite the opposition complaining that it was "unplayable," the referee disagreed.

I was interviewed before the match by GaySportsTV; I was the "midfield general" of the team and the muscular ex-professional was as interested in my thoughts of the opposition as much as my views on the obvious sexual content post-game. There was humour as my answers were woven with double entendres. I said we were looking to "penetrate their back line" and this caused a raucous display of laughter from my interviewer.

Their team line-up lacked balance; their pacy forward runners were being fed long, aimless punts and our stocky defenders easily gathered the long-balls as they towered over the diminutive but agile strikers. Dmitri opened the scoring from a clever turn and Lee doubled our advantage before half-time after some clever interplay between our attackers.

The partisan crowd were delighted, the cameras were filming a one-sided game of football. Although the opposition pulled one back after the restart when Ben sliced a clearance into our goal, our right winger restored a two goal advantage moments later. Despite twenty minutes of non-stop pressure they could only force a consolation goal seconds from full-time.

We had won 3-2, but that told only a fraction of the story. We had outplayed and outfought them for most of the match. We had dominated them and their makeshift team were lucky we didn't score more than three. The league representative skidded onto the pitch, clipboard in hand and with a microphone for the PA system; it was a cup game so slightly different rules applied.

"The losing team will each run from one side of the pitch to the other. The slowest player will be gang-banged by the victorious team."

We sat back and watched, eyeing the players and making wagers as to which one would lose. There were a few wheezing players towards the end of full-time.

The losing player was a young, fit, agile and nimble striker. He raced into a small lead, was tripped from behind and the rest of his team pushed him back to the mud as they ran past him; he swore at them, they laughed sadistically.

It was a great example of their failure as a team: the teamwork and camaraderie was non-existent. His team had intentionally chosen him to be slaughtered because he was faster than them. I felt somewhat sorry for the loser, and continued to do so until I heard his arrogance in our dressing room. His over-confident demeanour was unwelcome, unrequired and very ill-advised. He was being fucked moments later as we took turns in plowing the young man's hole. His grunts filled the room, as he coughed on the dicks rammed down his throat.

His eyes streamed as cock after cock came in his mouth and his hole became well fucked. All captured from three angles by GaySportsTV in glorious High Definition and streamed live onto the Internet.

It was a complete humiliation; the plundering of his masculinity being so public. We all knew men and women across the world were masturbating to the sight of him being taken so overwhelmingly. They would be loving the desperate grunts and groans from us all. They would be adoring the sweaty sheen and muddy bodies of the seventeen men fucking the helpless loser. But most of all, they would be wanking to the expressions of utter debauchery and strained submission plastered onto the strained face of the arrogant boy.

I smacked his buttocks before I plundered his booty, pushing my sheathed cock into his lubricated hole and filling his arse with my erect manhood. He grunted into Dmitri's cock stuffing his mouth. We worked a good rhythm with each other, pushing against his wriggling body with deep, passionate thrusts at the same time.

I laughed with Dmitri; we high-fived each other, as was becoming a common trait in the League's new rules after-match parties. It was captured by the cameras, and it showed the contempt the victorious team had for the losing players; it objectified them. It highlighted our dominance.

And our bitch was wriggling underneath us, squealing as I felt my orgasm approach. I grabbed his hips, drawing myself deep into his rectum with my thrusts into his backside until I came with a desperate pant.

It was fantastic, and as I slid away from the man, another of my colleagues took my place. The young loser was being well fucked; no doubt it was addictive viewing and a desperately erotic experience.

* * * * *

"You were fantastic!" Emit's summation of my weekend performance in the office on Monday morning was limited in as much as its praising overtones. "And the commentators said you were the engine of the team!"

"Yeah well ..." I blushed; I had recorded and watched the GaySportsTV analysis of the game more than once since the match. Having an ex-professional describe my performance in positive terms was Oxygen to the ego.

Emit waited for the lull in the conversation to invite me to his birthday celebrations. "We are just going for a few beers on Friday," he promised and then shrugged. "And then onto a strip bar in Manchester. I've got a couple of hotel rooms booked."

"I can't get pissed." He pouted forlornly at me, begging me to reconsider. "If I do, then I'll be tired for the match, and then we'll lose and I'll be buggered by a giant brute called Jason or Tyler or something ..."

After all, I was the midfield general. My team needed me!

But Emit was a colleague and a friend, and I agreed to go for the evening and leave first thing in the morning. He gave me a knowing glance and I guessed what he wanted from me.

Emit's birthday booze-up started at lunchtime with the smuggling of beer into the office. Our manager turned a blind eye to obvious rowdiness around Emit's desk and the celebrations continued at a local bar. The train to Manchester caused a small interrupt in the alcohol consumption, before the dozen boozy blokes checked into one of Emit's four rooms in a motel-like establishment to dump their belongings.

The meal was loud and bawdy; the alcohol flowed and the food was unhealthy. I had to be careful what I ate and drank, or else I knew I would feel the effects on my legs the following day; I wasn't 21 any more. I was recognised too: several men and women squinted and stared at me as their minds whirred and they desperately tried to remember where they had seen me before.

I approached one such group; several of them had cast glances our way and my ego tickled with delight at the thought of fame. Or infamy, which was probably more accurate. In truth, I got buggered and fucked to arouse others, which was a scandalously scintillating thought. "I play for Woodford Wanderers," I explained to one of the women when I introduced myself.

Her expression changed instantly. "Your trip to Italy. That was sooooooo sexy! Oh My God!" It felt good to be admired and liked in that way; I signed dozens of autographs, posed half-naked for more selfies and completely naked for a few more in restaurant's toilets. It was fun, I was drunk.

The strip club was fun too. We watched the dancers sliding and gyrating their pelvises into our laps while dressed in seductive clothing. I felt a pang of excitement that only increased as they became very much undressed. I felt a cool breeze in the club and instantly sympathised with the naked dancer: we had the same problems in some of the changing rooms.

One of the dancers kept looking my way and she left the floor as I walked towards the bar to get a round of drinks in. We made eye contact: she was no more than twenty with long, blonde hair and impressively large breasts that looked natural.

Her body had delicate curves; she was thin but not devoid of a shapely figure that was a sweetness on the eyes and caused further engorgement considerably further South.

"Hi." My voice wavered, hers purred in response.

"Sorry." The words slid seductively from her mouth sexily. "I thought ..."

"You recognised me?" I stared at her expression change but retain her alluring glances. She stopped walking and squinted for a moment. "I guess you watch some GaySportsTV."

Her eyes sparkled. "No, but my flatmate does." She giggled. "He'd do anything to meet you!" I took a beer mat from the bar and scribbled my email address onto it.

"Tell him to drop me a line. I might be able to get him down for training!"

She smiled, thanked me, but the barman cut short our conversation with an angry look at the stripper wasting time and then me. I struggled to remember the drinks order.

An hour later we walked back to the motel and, as expected, Emit was horny. And he obviously hadn't brought his girlfriend. Indeed all of our colleagues were horny; two hours of sexy strippers, sensually and seductively casting their magical spells of sweet lust and temptation engorged many cocks. I could feel the desire building. The desperation seeping from their pores as they watched open-mouthed at the sinful display in front of them. They wanted to fuck something.

Emit didn't have to ask; we fell into the crowded motel rooms with expectation and I knew what he wanted to happen. A couple of our colleagues left to find the local massage parlour, but I had half-a-dozen men eager to have their cocks sated but too embarrassed to ask me. They looked at each other, hoping someone else would suggest to me that I could offer my orifices to continue the party.

But deep down I wanted to do it. I loved the idea of satisfying a group of men. I wanted to have them seize their sexual satisfaction from my body and toss me around for their gratification. I wanted to have several thick, hard cocks pounding into me and bringing me to untold feelings of sexual submission. I wanted it, but it could come with a catch. "I'll do a party if someone does it with me."

Emit looked horrified, but I wasn't going to back down. I wanted the fun too, but I was not going to get a reputation as being an easy receptacle for cum. One of our ex-secretaries slept her way through the management team and Kelly was hounded out of the company by sly whispers and rumours; I wasn't being another Kelly. "Ummm ..."

"I'll show them what to do, but I am not the only one being sodomised tonight. Either someone else is, or I don't get fucked. And neither do you lot." There was deep discomfort from the drunken men in the room; Paul swore at me, Emit pleaded. "Emit, why don't you do it?" I teased. "Let your colleagues give you a present!"

I got called something unmentionable and I was tempted to walk to the station to go home until Ryan squeaked. "I'll do it," I muttered. All eyes looked at the young engineer; we had hardly heard him speak all night and the quiet man's hands trembled as he felt the focus of six gazes.

"Awesome ..." Paul squealed.

"Ummm ... you sure?" I asked; I was expecting to coerce Emit into playing his own game and never expected anyone else to volunteer. Ryan just looked unsure and worried at the prospect of fulfilling his promise. He nodded, unable to muster the words he needed to communicate. He grunted as my eyes read his anxious body language. "You won't regret it?"

He shook his head; Paul told me to "stop being a baby and get on with it." I snapped at the obnoxious man and demanded that he back off; he hadn't offered his orifices for mutual enjoyment!

"Go next door," I demanded, snapping at my impatient colleagues. "We'll be in, in a minute." They grumbled as they left Ryan alone with me.

"I'm fine," he muttered, smiling after they left. "I saw your match at the weekend. It looks fun and I just thought it'd be different and if you can do it, so can I and ..." He blurted, pre-empting my question.

"Hey kid, sure. Shall we get ready then?" I wasn't about to dictate someone else's sex life to them. We stripped naked, folding our clothes next to our rucksacks, and I took out a small bag of condoms as I described the basics of giving a blow-job. His eyes widened as I passed him a small bottle of ManLube. "For the back-door. It's the best ..." I promised.

I had too: I was a product advocate!

Walking naked in the budget hotel corridor felt so normal for me; Ryan panicked and then smiled as I closed the door behind us. I could feel the excitement in his body language. His golden mop of unruly gossamer was the only hair on his glabrous body. The feint ridges of his muscles barely visible underneath his boyish youthful exterior and his cock looked enticing and delicious.

I wanted to take him at that moment; pushing him up against the 1970's textured wallpaper and sink my lips over his circumsized head. To bring the smooth, hairless shaft into my mouth and inhale the delicious scent of masculinity through my nostrils as his young cock bobbed against the back of my throat.

He was sexy. Incredibly sexy. Hot. His smile was boyishly sanguine, his eyes naïve. Youthfully innocent and yet full of filthy promise. I wanted him, but I had a promise to keep, fantasies to indulge.

We had other men to satisfy; my knocking loudly on the door made him startle. "Who is it?" A voice needlessly answered.

"Two naked sluts," I replied, a little too loudly but the corridor was deserted.

They teased us; they told us to kiss before we were allowed in, and in all my experiences with bisexuality, a kiss was the last thing I had been asked to do.

It felt, weird. Far weirder than allowing grunting, rutting men to plow my backside, but to kiss another man had my stomach flickering. My cock rose as my hands held his hips, facing the young man with excitement. He licked his lips as we stared at each other in the eyes, watching for the other one to make the first move. Our cocks touched as I pulled on his smooth skin, our lips glanced for a fleeting moment.

My hands snaked around his body, holding him into my frame and pawed at his delicate buttocks; they were gorgeously pliant and delightfully soft. He gave a mild grunt as our lips melted again, pressing our kisses together as I squeezed his lithe, sexy body against my hairy skin.

"What a pair of homos," Paul cried from behind me, but he could not spoil an intimate moment. Ryan's body was warm and sensual, an incredible feeling of lust and contentment surged through me as I held him against my body and I wasn't prepared to have a drunken letch spoil that. "After you," I gestured as we parted, stepping aside to allow Ryan into the room of clothed, drunken men.

It was a powerful psychological statement. Their fun for the evening were naked. Sluts, submissives, worthless, mere holes for their entertainment. And not needing clothing and dressed in nothingness to underline our worth. They, the dominants and the penetrators, were clothed. They may have removed their trousers, but they were clothed. Superior, alpha men ready to debase and defile the beta boys offering their bodies to them.

They shouted and grunted obscene comments; Ryan shrank under their excitement. It was intense; more intense than a dressing room as the drink had caused confidence to surge and expectations to rise; there was too much energy to expend.

I saw Ryan checking out the packages in front of him. I saw a tinge of doubt in his eyes and fleeting grasp of fear. "Emit," I called, gesturing our colleague to the front of the room. "And ... Oliver." I had picked the two calmest men in the room. I had to show Ryan what to do; I had given broad instructions as we got undressed but it was different now.

Oliver's cock quivered under my touch; his check shirt hanging over his member as I removed his thin, long dick from his brightly coloured boxer shorts and flicked my warm tongue over the tip. He tasted of excited man; a musky, deep flavour of pre-cum that oozed sinfulness and fizzed on the tastebuds. Of nastiness and of lust. Of passion. Of intense fire, and a million other things that sounded wrong but felt so fucking right.

Ryan eyed me as I sank my lips over the erect cock impatiently waiting in front of me. I sucked the tip, swept my lips over his shaft and delighted his foreskin. I wanted to make him squeal and cry, passionately shrieking as my lips took him to orgasm. His cum on my lips, that was all I wanted at that moment; man after man to come to orgasm and offer me the gift of their cum.

And the slut was getting what he wanted and didn't deserve. He was getting the smooth cock of his colleague, rutting into his mouth as his hips bucked to the rhythm of sin.

They watched; all of my colleagues did. I didn't care what they saw or thought, I wanted more cock. I threw a condom between the legs of Oliver towards another pair of legs. I wasn't sure who. Oliver groaned loudly as my mouth sucked him towards his climax. His cock quivered as my hands gripped his muscular thighs, pulling the grunting man closer towards me. I wanted his cum, I needed it. My head was awash with submissive needs, and sexual wants, and I sucked harder, slid faster and expected more.

As another of my colleagues waited behind me, Oliver grunted and squealed, filling my mouth with a piston squirt of his cum. He panted as my lips sucked the rest of his salty, musky seed from his cock, pulsing with a dozen sprays of my treat.

I glanced behind me, Paul was waiting. I said nothing as I took my lubricant and squirted it onto my fingers to lubricate my anus. I glanced at Ryan smoothly fellating my colleague and smiled: he was a natural.

I flung my body over the nearest single bed and told Paul to be "gentle." I had another cock thrust into my mouth although I never saw who it was; it didn't matter. I would sate anything put inside me that needed satisfying.

I was in that space.

Paul was surprisingly gentle as he parted my buttocks; his body weight leaning on me as his cock slid between my buttcheeks and against my anus. I felt helpless, feeling the weight of him pushing my body into the mattress as his dick slowly penetrated me. It was a new feeling of submission; an intimate feeling of dominance as my colleague pressed his body against my back.

The cock was thrust into my mouth; this was no blowjob but I was being face-fucked. I was having a thick, erect cock rammed into my mouth and against my gag reflex, and I was powerless to stop it. And I loved it. I loved the passionate grunting and energetic disgusting lust of it all. I loved the pace of Paul's cock bobbing against my hole, thrusting deeper and deeper into my inner sanctum. I loved the pure passion of the two men and I adored the lack of control that I had.

I loved being a slut.

Paul grunted and filled the condom moments before the cock in my mouth spewed several streaks of cum into my throat and then onto my face. His seed, his warm goo, oozing down my face had my cock leaking pre-cum copiously. My backside was impaled by another sheathed cock: the owner of the impressive member parted my buttcheeks with their impatient fingers and slid their manhood into my butt.