Ballerina Tryst on Tour: Act 01


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Ryan's hands were practically at her waist, his thumbs pressing into that tender area between her belly and her pubic region. Brittany's mouth was open, her breath ragged as she allowed him to continue controlling her. He made a swift move and swung a leg over both of hers, mounting her by kneeling over her body. They were face to face. Brittany cried out quietly as Ryan's forehead connected with her own. He leaned in and now their noses aligned side by side, pressed together firmly but gently. She melted into his face as that tiny spot between her nose and upper lip connected with the same spot on his face. She was expectant, anticipating what came next. But Ryan had stopped. They remained this way for an extended moment, quivering, both their mouths open, heaving great, raspy breaths into each other. It was hot and sweaty, and loud. Both felt as if their own heartbeats were audible drums filling the room with their pulsing.


But before she could even finish his name his mouth was on her. Her mind was screaming, but her mouth wasn't listening. She devoured him, sucking his tongue deep into her throat as far as it would go. She loved the texture of it, the taste of it, the immediacy and intimacy of his kiss. Brittany had experienced intense kisses before, but this was different. This was sex distilled down to a kiss. She breathed deep as he continued his attack. Their lips met and parted again and again. At times her tongue painted his lips, forgoing not a single corner of his mouth. She bit and she felt him growl into her mouth. It was animalistic, and it scared her.

She put the flats of her hands onto his chest and pushed. She had to push hard, he was so ravenous. Finally she was able to part their bodies, their lips separating last. Great heaving breaths overtook them both. It was as if they'd just sprinted a mile together. They breathed hotly into each other's face as their foreheads reconnected and they rested against one another. Ryan couldn't tell if it was tears or sweat that streaked Brittany's face. He didn't care. He brought a hand to her cheek and brushed it away. He held her face in his hands and looked deeply into her. Brittany was mesmerized. She felt like she was falling. Falling further and further into the depths his cavernous eyes, and further and further into her lust for him. She began to object once more, but he surprised her.

"See, Brittany. I know when to stop. I know what lines cannot be crossed." The girl beneath him couldn't stifle her incredulous laugh. "What?" He asked seriously.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked, calmly but firmly. "I just had to pry you off of me. I was the one who stopped us. There's no telling what would have happened if I hadn't pushed you away!"

"Yes, but I let you." Ryan answered. "I wasn't going to take things any further than I know we can. I know the guilt that lives deep down inside us. In you especially. I would not let passion and lust override logic and reason and destroy us both. I don't just want you physically. I am wholeheartedly in love with you. I want what's best for you. And right now I think what's best for you is to take a piece of what I am offering. Indulge. Take a piece of what makes you happy, and in the future you will look back without regret. It's better to have lived, Brittany."

Her first instinct was to scoff at him. What a speech. Its only goal was trying to convince her to sleep with him... but then she looked in his eyes again. It was really all there, the lust, the love, his simultaneous desire to make her happy and protect her from pain... She felt enveloped by him. The depth of his passion cocooned around her like a comforting wave. And all at once she was a puddle.

Ryan remained on top of her, straddling her midsection. His hands still gently held her face, stroking her cheeks and absentmindedly caressing her ears. Through the silence Brittany gave in. Slowly, so slowly, she melted up into him. Her lips found his and they shared the most tender kiss either had ever experienced. Brittany's lips were soft and pillowy, dragging against Ryan's and allowing him to explore her mouth in whatever way he wanted. Ryan's sexual hunger was overshadowed by his undying affection for the girl beneath him and he discovered her mouth softly and slowly. He felt like a surgeon performing an operation on his best friend. The care he took, the deliberate slowness with which he touched her, it radiated love and joy and understanding.

And it was warm. Instead of the fiery, sweaty heat of their earlier passion, this touch was full of the glowing embers of trust and comfort. Their cheeks met and pressed to one another and it had the effect of a warm blanket on an especially cool Fall evening. It was delicious. Ryan allowed his hands to roam from her face down her body. Gently he caressed her neck, found her collarbone and her shoulders. He continued to kiss her deeply as both his hands slid down the outsides of her torso, one wrapping to the small of her back, the other thumbing up the bottom of her pink t-shirt to find the smooth, delicate skin of her stomach.

And with that contact the engines began to rev again. Brittany's stomach reeled at his touch. She felt his fingers at the small of her back, inching down under the elastic of her shorts. She knew he would find the band of her underwear... would he venture beneath it? Her tummy flinched slightly at the feeling of his thumb at her front. It was so good to have his hands beneath her clothes. She allowed him to find her center, his thumb grazing her belly button and the soft, slight peach fuzz surrounding it. She had no idea how intoxicating he found this. Brittany allowed him to explore her further. She continued to drink in his lips and his tongue while his hands traveled up and gripped her rib cage. The tiny box of her torso was so immaculate, Ryan treasured the ridgeline of every bone as his hands disappeared further and further under her shirt.

Ryan left her mouth and nuzzled his way across her cheek, forcing Brittany's head to the side where she let it loll in pleasure, her eyes rolled back. He bit down her neckline to the top of her t-shirt where his mouth and nose dug into the base of her throat. Brittany's breathing was heavy, and Ryan realized her body had slid down considerably, still propped on pillows, but much closer to lying down than sitting up. While maintaining her rib cage in his protective grip he let his face travel further down, kissing the base of her throat, then letting his nose find her sternum. Brittany's hands jump to Ryan's head and she found her fingers digging through his short brown hair just in time to clutch at it with a gasp.

Ryan's nose had found her nipple through her t-shirt. It stood erect through the thin, pink material and Ryan coaxed it to become harder and harder as he gently nuzzled it. He wanted so desperately to close his mouth over it, to bite it and please it, but he resisted. Instead he allowed his hot breath to wash over it, through the t-shirt, titillating Brittany even more. Ryan's lips formed a kiss over the little nub, still resisting the desire to suck and bite through the clothing. Suddenly Brittany was jolted with another shock of pleasure as she felt Ryan's right thumb on her left nipple under her t-shirt. She'd been so focused on his mouth playing with her right side, she hadn't even noticed his hand finding its way up on her left.

If feeling his lips on her body through the t-shirt was thrilling, feeling the skin of his fingers actually stimulating her nipple flesh-to-flesh was positively mind blowing. She arched her back, possessed, and drove as much of her body up into him as possible. Sensing her reaction under him Ryan finally gave in and let his tongue drag against her t-shirt, wetting the material and pleasing the nipple beneath it. Simultaneously his entire right hand covered her left breast, his thumb and forefinger meeting around her areola and squeezing it tight. Brittany had never felt her nipples so unbelievably hard and erect. She wanted more... she wanted his teeth on her, his tongue on her, unhindered by any article of clothing. She sensed the hem of her t-shirt rising, felt the air of the room on her stomach as her belly was exposed. In a moment Ryan would have the shirt either bunched under her chin, or whipped over her head entirely.

She stopped him.

Grabbing his face and pulling him eye to eye she said firmly, "Ryan."

"I know," he replied evenly, completely in control despite being rebuffed. He kissed her mouth again, allowing his hand to slide out from under her shirt after giving her nipple one last electric twist. The fire had returned and Ryan plunged his tongue into Brittany's mouth, knowing that almost any kiss could possibly be the last he would ever share with this beautiful woman. Reaching down he opened her legs slightly. Just enough room so he could wedge one of his knees between them. He remained on top of her, but now instead of straddling her, their legs were staggered, one of his knees on the bed between hers, one of her legs lying between his.

Brittany felt Ryan's skin everywhere. His hand was at her brow, caressing it as a lover. His lips were locked on hers, she could now feel his chest pressing down onto her own, and with a gulp she felt the pressure of his knee between her legs. It hit her just how many fucking ways this man could find to please her as a flood of heat rushed into her nether regions. With his mouth and his hands still busy, Ryan began a steadily increasing pressure of his knee up into the V between Brittany's legs. He could feel the heat radiating from her sex. And he could sense all of her. His skin felt hyperaware, and even through clothing he could feel everything: the layer of her shorts, thin and cotton, wrinkled now from their activity. Then the taut, tight band of the crotch of her panties. He hadn't seen them. He didn't know what color they were, or what material. But he could feel them encasing her cunt, holding it back from his skin. And finally, he could sense her pussy. He could feel her bulging lips, the slit at her center, aching to be spread, and the steaming heat pouring out from her opening.

Brittany was losing the battle and she found herself starting to hump his leg. Her juices were flowing from her open lips, and Ryan was right, they ached to be opened, split, penetrated by something thick and hard. Brittany wanted something inside her so badly: fingers, a tongue, a toy... but she had to settle for the itching pressure she could find against Ryan's leg. In retaliation she raised her own leg, forcing her thigh up into the undercarriage of Ryan's crotch above her. Almost immediately she regretted it. She could feel him. All of him. He was so hard, seemingly about to explode. She allowed him to hump down into her, and she could feel his entire length against her thigh. She was completely torn between the undeniable pleasure she felt in her pussy and clit and the erotic discovery of Ryan's erect dick pressed against her. She couldn't decide where to focus. Each was just as good as the other. Flashes of dirty thoughts blazed through her mind: seeing Ryan's cock, wrapping her hand around it, wrapping her lips around it, sucking the head into her mouth, stroking him to completion... having it inside her.

It was too much.

"Ryan," she said as she escaped from beneath him, "you have to go. I have to get off right now." He looked at her from across the bed, breathing deep and analyzing her. "I'm serious," she said. "I need you to leave so I can use my vibrator for about the next hour." He couldn't tell if she was for real. Was this her way of teasing him? Sending him off with an erotic image in his mind so she could feel like she'd won in some way? "I'm not kidding. I can't let you touch me anymore, but I need to cum really badly."

"It's a shame," was Ryan's only response.

"I know," she said with an exasperated sigh. "But it is what it is. I'm really wet and really horny. And I'm probably going to end up with hip problems tomorrow from playing with myself for so long."

"Hip problems?" Ryan asked, confused.

"Yes, when I use my vibrator I usually end up like this for an hour or two." She flopped her legs open into a diamond shape, illustrating how she was used to getting herself off. "I spend so long doing it that it fucks up my hips, makes them hurt the next day."

Ryan couldn't take his eyes off her crotch. By demonstrating the position she had opened herself up, the shorts still billowing slightly at the top of her legs. And through one leg opening Ryan could see her panties. Not fully exposed, but a flash of red, and the elastic leg band. He wasted no time. "Do it," he said.

"What?" Brittany was uncomprehending.

"Do it. Get yourself off. Use your vibrator. Make yourself cum. Feel that release."

"I'm going to!" she shouted. "So get out!"

"No," he said firmly. "Do it now."

She could see the bold seriousness in his eyes, but she was still incredulous. She was lying on her bed, her legs still splayed open, and he was kneeling on the far corner of the mattress, his hands braced on his thighs. She could still see the obvious bulge of his erection through his shorts. It pointed straight upward. "No!" she exclaimed. "I'm obviously not doing that for you! You said you knew what lines we couldn't cross!"

"Do it, Brittany. I'm not going to touch you, or see you." He began absentmindedly stroking his cock through his shorts while he spoke, alternating between rubbing and squeezing. "I'm going to be a part of one of your orgasms," he said, "even if it means just sitting over here." He got off the bed and took two steps to an armchair in the corner of the room that faced the bed. He sat down and laid his arms on the armrests. Brittany had never seen him look so commanding or demanding.


"Brittany, I'm not leaving. Get out your vibrator, get under the covers, and get off. I'm going to watch you."

She was speechless. She didn't know what to do. This was insane! But fuck, she also had to admit the idea was exciting. A thousand thoughts flew through her head. What had they done already? They had felt each other, he'd had his hands under her shirt, she knew what the entire length of his dick felt like, his tongue had been so far down her throat it was like he owned her... Would this be any worse? Especially if he kept his word and didn't touch her. She could stay out of sight, under the covers...

Her focus returned to the room and she saw his hand in his lap again, stroking himself. And that did it. Seeing this man she believed and trusted and wanted so badly just sitting there and pleasing himself while she watched... yes, this would be intense. And it would give her just the kind of overwhelming orgasm she needed right now.

With an almost frightened look on her face Brittany finally closed her legs and drew them up beneath her. She flicked the switch on the light next to her bed, plunging the room into semi-darkness.

"No," his voice said boldly. "I don't think so." Rather than argue Brittany slowly reached back up and flicked the light back on. She felt odd and vulnerable to be controlled like this from across the room. But when she looked at Ryan the ever-present trust and compassion she felt was still there. And the heat. Jesus Christ, the heat. She needed something against her clit now.

She got off the bed and Ryan watched as she crossed the room to one of her suitcases. She leaned down to rifle through them, and Ryan was treated to a spectacular view of her ass. Her pink shorts were askew and had ridden up so high. From behind Brittany was all muscular thighs and creamy skin. The shorts were tight enough that Ryan could see the entire outline of her full-backed panties. They shaped her ass so nicely. It was so small and firm... Ryan was already having trouble staying in his chair.

Brittany knew exactly what she was doing. She obviously didn't keep her sex toy in the nightstand beside the bed, but it's not like it was buried deep in her luggage either. She lingered at the suitcase, bending over for far longer than necessary, but finally retrieved what she was after. She hid it in her hands, behind her forearm, so that he couldn't see it. She hustled into the bed, sitting up and arranging the covers over her legs and waist so that only her top half was visible.

"Really?" Ryan asked quietly.

"What?" Brittany asked coyly, ready to play the game now that she'd decided to go through with this. "You said you weren't going to see anything. I'm making sure that's true." Ryan's only response was an arched eyebrow. "Oh, I guess you thought you'd at least be seeing my toy..." she bunched the covers at her waist, creating a pocket behind which she could hide things from him. "Well..." she said deliberately, "This has been my best friend since we've been on tour." She lifted her hands from behind the comforter and displayed her source of pleasure to him. It was hot pink, several inches long, surprisingly thick, and had a bit of a wave at the end, which Ryan knew was designed for g-spot stimulation. Brittany smirked when she saw Ryan's eyes locked on it, feeling power in the knowledge that she was brazenly showing him something that she'd been so intimate with so many times in the past. This thing had been inside her... and now she was displaying it for him.

Though the speed of his stroking didn't change, Brittany sensed Ryan was pressing more firmly against his dick. She liked what she saw, liked that despite the fact that she was doing what he told her to do she still had some form of control over the situation as well. The balance of power flowed so evenly back and forth. It turned her on to no end. "Well, here we go," she said nonchalantly.

And with that, she lifted the covers higher up over her waist, and her hands disappeared beneath it. Brittany stared seriously at Ryan from across the room. Her hands maneuvered beneath the sheets and Ryan could only imagine what was happening. He continued to lightly stroke himself out in the open while he imagined what she was doing under the covers. He thought of her tiny fingers pulling the elastic of her shorts and her underwear away from her stomach, her hand sliding down inside the tight fabric, and that pink toy slipping between her lips...

"Oh fuck," Brittany whispered at him, "I'm so fucking wet..." Ryan couldn't tell if she was genuinely shocked or if she was exaggerating for his sake. He didn't care. "Ahh, oh fuck." She said again. "I'm so slippery. I may not even need my toy for this. I could probably just use my—" but she was cut off as she gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head. She had found her clit. Inside her drenched underwear and between her slippery lips the tip of Brittany's finger had grazed her little button and it sent a shockwave of pleasure down to her toes. Usually she'd start slowly and gently, but thanks to the torturous foreplay she'd engaged in with Ryan she couldn't control herself now. She used four fingers of her right hand to create a hard, flat surface and she began rubbing a firm, slow circle over and around her clit. She was so wet that everything slid nice and smoothly, pleasure radiating outward in every direction.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," she continued. "God I need this..." She let the circles change into a deliberate back and forth massaging at the top of her slit. The tips of her fingers delved into the folds of her labia and each time one came in contact with her clit she smiled in triumph, able to surprise herself with pleasure over and over again. Eventually she opened her eyes and her consciousness returned to the hotel room. Ryan was vigilant as ever, sitting back in his chair, his eyes locked on Brittany's moving sheets with a laser focus. Brittany smiled. It felt undeniably good to please this man. And she really knew she was pleasing him.