Banging Cousin Becky in Blackpool


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Putting my face into my cousin's bum, the smell of her vagina very clear, I plunged my tongue into her pussy, tasting her vagina and licking her nice and deep, traversing her twat and going deeper inside to circle my cousin's clitoris. Becky moaned and squirmed, and I drank up her sticky pussy juice as it flowed from her vulva and into my mouth and over my lips.

With my actual lips and my cousin's lower lips stuck together Becky for one of the few times in her life had nothing to say, but soon Becky's sexy scouse accent and loud voice cut through the room. "Hey Ian, I never had you pegged for a bloke who done things by half."

I extricated my face from Becky's genitals to reply. "How's that Becky?'

"Don't know if you noticed or what, but I've got two openings down there. Me pussy is loving this, but me bum feels left out."

I was a bit shocked as I looked at Becky's opening. "You want me to lick your bum?"

"Yeah, it's dead sexy when a lad does that."

I didn't think that having the entrance to her bowels licked would be something Becky would like. "Are you sure?"

"Course I'm bloody sure, I've done it before," Becky assured me. She again laughed Ian. "Come Ian, what are you a square or a scaredy cat? I promise that the last time I went to the loo I wiped me bum properly with plenty of toilet paper, front to back like a good girl does. Now come on, lick me bum nice and proper like."

Who was I to argue with this? I lowered my face down into Becky's bum and extended my tongue until it touched Becky's anus. My cousin tasted salty around her rear opening, although not bad. Becky squealed as my tongue lingered on her arsehole, the teenager twitching and the toes on her bare feet clenching on the carpet. I licked her harder and harder, going back to her vagina, sometimes licking the inside of her buttocks, other times going to the sensitive skin separating Becky's vulva from her anus. By the female smells of arousal between her legs and her moaning, clearly my kinky cousin liked this.

I took my face out of Becky's arse and we lay together on the bed, knowing that the moment was upon us - we would be having proper sex. My penis would be going into Becky's vagina. Even though we had done so many sexy things with each other, I could hardly believe it.

"Now just a couple of things," said Becky. "Now, I finished me last period on day before we came up here - I'm sure you really wanted to hear about me having the curse - so that's a week ago. I'm probably not gonna get pregnant, but there's always that chance. So when we have sex and you feel yourself about to climax, then pull out and shoot all over me tits. It's real sexy."

"Yeah, we don't want you to get pregnant Becky," I said, imagining ejaculating over Becky's bare breasts.

Becky laughed. "We're cousins, not just first cousins, but double first cousins. Imagine if we had to get married because you knocked me up? And the kid would probably have asthma and real bad eyesight. So remember, just don't blow it when you're up inside me."

With that, Becky opened her legs wide, showing off her vagina to me. I climbed on top of Becky and mounted her in the missionary position, then pushed my erection up into Becky's pussy. My cousin gasped as my cock slid deep up into her, and I could feel how hot my cousin was inside her vagina.

We got comfortable, Becky's blonde pubic hair intertwining with my dark brown pubic hair as I pushed deeper into her. Becky kissed me and we began to make love, quickly finding that despite or maybe because we were double first cousins, we had natural sexual chemistry. Sometimes we had sex slow and sensually, me grinding my cock against Becky's pussy, both of us kissing and the hair on my chest tickling her boobs.

Other times we went faster and harder, Becky writhing on the mattress and thrusting her pussy forward as I pushed deep up inside her. Sweat dripped from my brow so intense was Becky in bed, her legs flying around, her bare toes clenching and un-clenching. She squealed and screamed like a banshee, her face contorted with pleasure as she screamed and swore like a sailor in her broad Liverpool accent.

"Go on Ian fuck me, fuck me harder, fuck the shit out of me!" Becky yelled so loud at one stage that I had to try and remind her other people were around who could hear this.

"Becky what about the other guests, what if they hear you?"

"Oh fuck the other guests, they should be fucking each other not listening to us fuck!" yelled Becky in response, before pulling my head down so we could make out.

The smell of Becky's vagina was very evident in the room, and it was certainly an aphrodisiac as we continued to have sex. Then Becky cried out in pleasure, her legs kicked out and she squealed in delight as she reached her orgasm, my cousin saturating my groin with her sticky, feminine scented pussy juice.

"Yes!" my sweaty and sticky cousin squealed as her toes clenched and unclenched and she ground her bum against the bed, writhing underneath me.

Becky reaching her climax sent me over the edge and remembering what Becky had said, I withdrew my throbbing cock from my cousin's pussy and ejaculated all over her, my sticky white semen splattering on Becky's big boobs to the delight of both her and me.

Seeing my ejaculate all over my cousin's tits was great, and not blowing my load inside Becky had prevented my semen going up her cervix, swimming up her birth canal and into her uterus, and possibly finding an ova in one of her fallopian tubes. Then Becky would be leaving Blackpool at the end of the holiday and going back to Liverpool with an interesting souvenir in her womb.

"Wow, that's a lot of semen, more seamen than what they got in the Navy," Becky quipped as she admired her cum-covered tits, then dipped her fingers into the sticky white substance, licking it up with delight, me feeling myself getting hard again at watching Becky do this.

"Down boy, you need a smoke to calm you down," said Becky. She leaped her naked body off the bed, retrieved her cigarettes, matches and an ashtray, and we lay together to enjoy a smoke together.

We shared two cigarettes, passing them between us. Becky, like me totally naked was lying in a most unladylike position with her legs far apart shamelessly showing off her vagina. Seeing my beautiful barefoot cousin smoking was as usual a turn on, and the smell of the cigarettes soon concealed the smell of Becky's vagina, which had it lingered might have had my sister wondering why the room smelled so female when she got back.

"We got to take a shower," said Becky as she ground out the butt of the second cigarette in the ash tray. Getting off the bed, Becky covered her nudity with a white bath robe that came down to just above her knees. She momentarily sat on Jenny's bed, opening and closing her legs with a cheeky and teasing look on her face, showing her pubic hair and pussy to me. She then looked at me again and said, "Guess what Ian? We're going to shower together."

None of the bedrooms had their own bathrooms, there were only ladies and gents' showers and toilets for guests to use. "But we can't ..." I said, much as the thought of showering with Becky appealed to me.

Becky smiled at me. "Yes we are, just stick with me and we'll be right."

I watched as Becky got her nightdress, some clean white knickers and a towel, and she handed me a second towel to wrap around my waist. Opening the bedroom door, Becky checked for other people and with nobody else in sight, we dashed into my bedroom where I got my pajamas.

With nobody else around, we made our way to the bathrooms, where Becky opened the door to the ladies' room and we stepped inside. It felt weird to be in a place where only women and girls were allowed to go.

"I've never been in the ladies' before," I commented.

Becky rolled her eyes and laughed her good natured laugh. "Seriously Ian, you just fucked your cousin, and you're worried about being in the ladies' loo?"

"Good point," I agreed.

In the ladies' room, the showers were to one side and the toilets - or lavatories as Aunt Agatha insisted on calling them were on the other, sinks and mirrors on the adjacent wall.

"I need to go to the toilet, after I get fucked I always need to pee," said Becky. "Go and wait in a shower, and then I'll come in."

I watched as Becky went into a toilet cubicle and closed the door behind herself. As Becky had said, I went and waited in a shower cubicle as the sound of Becky urinating into the toilet filled the ladies loo. Evidently Becky had quite a full bladder given how long she was peeing, then finally her urine abated and stopped. I heard Becky unwinding and rustling toilet paper to wipe her pussy, then my cousin flushed the toilet and emerged from the stall, joining me in the shower after washing her hands.

Showering with my cousin was nearly as sexy as screwing her. Becky and I kissed and caressed under the warm water, embracing our naked bodies. Becky's breasts, bare bottom and pussy were covered in soap, me loving seeing the suds and bubbles in her pubic hair. Becky took delight in washing my dick and balls, and she let me wash between her legs, me really enjoying washing her vaginal and anal areas. All the time I was worried another woman would come in to shower or use the toilet, but nobody did and Becky and I dried off, me watching Becky pull up and adjust her new knickers then put on her nightdress.

Again, Becky checked that the coast was clear before we exited the ladies room. Now there was no need to hide anything, with Becky wearing a nightdress and me my pajamas, just two cousins walking back to their rooms with nothing suspicious at all.

Becky stopped me as she got into bed. "That was fun tonight Ian," she said.

"Best fun ever," I agreed.

Becky put her seductive look back on her face. "And the good news is we are going to have loads more fun tomorrow, and the next day and the rest of the holiday. And when we get back to Liverpool too."

I went to bed very excited at this prospect, and a few minutes later everyone got back. Danny came into my room and got into his bed, and I heard Jenny returning to the room she was sharing with Becky. Danny had no clue what his cousin had done with his older sister, and Jenny had no idea what her cousin had done with her twin brother. Nor did our parents, aunts and uncles. Becky and I had timed it to perfection.


The next morning, Becky was wearing a white blouse and her yellow pedal-pusher pants and she was behind the closed and locked door of a toilet cubicle in the ladies room, sitting on the toilet. Well, she wasn't really sitting on the toilet to go to the loo, the toilet lid was down and Becky still had her pedal pusher pants and her knickers up. How did I know these intimate details about my cousin's toilet habits? I was in the toilet cubicle with Becky, my cousin sucking my cock.

I felt a bit nervous about being caught in the ladies' toilets but Becky said it added to the excitement, like going on one of the rides at Pleasure Beach. I was enjoying my cousin fellating me when I heard the dreaded sound of the external door open and somebody enter. Becky quickly took my cock out of her mouth.

Soon, I heard the voice of a young female who like Becky and I had a Liverpool accent. I knew her voice very well as I should - it was my twin sister Jenny.

"Becky, is that you in there?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah Jenny, it's me," Becky replied.

"You okay in here? You've been in here ages," my sister said.

"Yeah fine, just a bit of a funny tummy," said Becky. "Think it was something I ate."

"Oh that's no good, hope you're not getting sick," said Jenny. "By the way, have you seen Ian? I haven't seen him all morning."

"I saw him earlier, said he was going out for a walk on the beach," said Becky, lying perfectly even though I was right there. Fuck, was she good at telling fibs.

"How you come for a walk on the pier with me and Phil?" Jenny suggested. "The fresh air might do you good."

"Ta Jenny, but you'd better go without me," said Becky. "I'm about to have diarrhea, you know how it is, so it might be better to leave without me."

This was game, set and match to Becky in getting Jenny out of the way. Nobody wanted to hang around if somebody was about to have diarrhea.

"Oh!" exclaimed Jenny. "I um, guess, I'd better leave you to have some privacy."

"Thanks Jenny," Becky replied.

"You okay for toilet paper?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, got over half a roll," said Becky. "See you later, Jenny."

"Yeah, catch you later Becky," said Jenny. I heard my sister scurrying out of the ladies, unable to get out fast enough.

"Now where were we?" Becky mused, as she again took my cock and put it in her mouth, blowing me until I ejaculated in her mouth, Becky drinking the semen with great delight.

Becky then stood up and lowered her pedal pushers and knickers, not to sit on the loo for real but to allow me to finger her vagina and her anus, which I did until Becky reached her sticky feminine orgasm, the teenager's pussy leaving me with very sticky fingers. I watched as Becky got a big wad of toilet paper, put it between her legs and use it to clean her post-orgasmic vagina, ensuring she would not be spending Sunday with sticky knickers. Becky disposed of the toilet paper in the sanitary disposal bin with the feminine hygiene products, and after washing our hands we exited the ladies room, Becky cool as a cucumber in making sure I got out of the female toilets and showers without attracting any attention from other guests, staff and especially not Aunt Agatha!


On Monday I visited a local barber shop, but not to have a haircut. Instead, it was to buy a certain product that Becky and I would need to use if we were to have sex and I was to ejaculate inside her, and prevent any possibility of Becky getting pregnant and making our parents grandparents by spring 1956.

I returned to the hotel with Becky, my cousin looking gorgeous as always, dressed in a pretty pink summer frock and a matching headband. She led me around the back to a small storage area behind the kitchens.

"You sure nobody's about?" I asked.

Becky smiled. "Yeah, I'm sure. Our parents are at the beach, Danny's gone off with his mates, Jenny's out with Phil, Katie's having a driving lesson which needs her father, brother, uncle and boyfriend to supervise and Aunt Agatha's doing the books so she'll be in the office all afternoon. Didn't you notice Aunt Agatha was in a real bad mood today, worse than usual?"

"Yeah, she had a real cob on," I commented.

"So there you are, everyone else is occupied, other guests aren't going to come out here and we can relax and enjoy ourselves."

After giving me a kiss, Becky bent over a storage crate, thrust her bum high in the air and hitched up her frock. The pink full-brief knickers Becky was wearing matched her frock, and it was pretty great watching Becky pull them down to her ankles and bend over.

I pulled down my trousers and underpants, put the condom onto my cock, then thrust my erection deep up into my cousin's moist pink vagina, Becky gasping as I went deep into her. It felt real good fucking my cousin standing up, Becky moaning in pleasure until both of us reached orgasm at the same time.

Becky's pussy soaked my groin like the other night, and I ejaculated deep inside Becky, but this time as I was wearing a condom the contraceptive captured my semen, preventing any of it finding its way into Becky's womb.

I withdrew from Becky and removed the condom, while Becky took a clean handkerchief out of her bag and used it to wash her pussy, before we kissed and Becky pulled up her knickers, smoothing down her frock, and I pulled up my underpants and trousers.

"That was real fun Ian," Becky commented. "And we are going to have a lot more fun before this holiday is over."

"How much fun?" I asked.

"So much fun you'll never want this holiday to end," my cousin promised me.

"I never want our holidays to Blackpool to end anyway," I said.

"Yeah, but look on the bright side. Back home in Liverpool, there's just a wall separating your bedroom and my bedroom. When you're alone and I'm alone, we are going to make it like a holiday every day."

Becky and I went for a walk along the promenade, me looking at my beautiful cousin and the sights, sounds and smells of the seaside. True, I would be very sad when the holiday came to an end we headed back home to Liverpool and our normal lives on Friday afternoon, especially as summer 1955 had been the best of my life thanks to Becky and I becoming romantic lovers.

But as Becky had said, our fun wouldn't end when we stepped on the Liverpool-bound train at Blackpool Central Station. Our Blackpool holiday 1955 would be just the beginning of lots of forbidden fun my cousin Becky and I would enjoy when we were alone together in the future.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I was there mate so more sex, less historical and social inaccuracies - hence the3 stars.

Time4LuvTime4Luvalmost 2 years ago

You redeemed my past disappointment. The beginning was long but when the sex started I was hooked. I'm in love with Becky except the smoking is a stinky bummer and I wish Ian had som anal action with Becky. I hope they get married. I could read this story forever...

Richard1940Richard1940about 2 years ago

That's the way. Keep it in the family

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
An interesting read

A good story nicely put together. While a bit of a lead up, it put everything into context of the time period and about life back then. A couple of nice salutes to coming events/people as well. Well done.

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