Banished Pt. 04


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"Oh, shut the fuck up," Jeannie shot. "We already ended up 'there' following Vanessa."

"Vanessa put a spear in your hand," she replied. "What has Nathan done?"

"Oh, I dunno. Fed us, clothed us. Given us shelter, and today, relaxing baths, without whoring us to pay for it."

Candace grimaced, and shot a dirty look at Jeannie.

"To be dumb enough to fall for such idiotic, small comforts. I hope you utter an apology to me when you realize how wrong you were."

"Ugh, can we just skip to the sentencing?" Jeannie asked, and I nodded.

"To make sure everyone is heard, a room has been prepared. Every member of our group will come in, one by one, and give their verdict on what should be done."

Casey nodded, gesturing to the nearby room that we'd used for the earlier meeting, and as the girls came in, one at a time, we listened to their rulings, until only our original group was left.

I was about to call them in, but first, I asked Casey to call in Cameron.

As she entered the room, she smiled, and as soon as the door closed shut, I pounced.

She gasped as I kissed her, and she blushed, but after shooting Casey a quick look, and getting a quick nod from the girl, she returned my enthusiasm, and attacked me, kissing me quite hungrily.

Our lips met again and again, but as Casey let out a loud sigh, we broke apart, though quite reluctantly.

"Can't you get away from him?" I chided, and she frowned.

"Every time I did today, you were busy, Mr. popular," she replied, shoving me playfully, before letting out a wistful sigh.

"I'll try to sneak off tonight."

"You better. My room is-"

"I know where it is," she said, her tone suggestive, and Casey rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get this over with," she groaned, and I nodded, as we invited the rest of the group into the room.

"Aren't we doing the same thing?" Nolan asked, shooting a questioning look at Cameron, and I shook my head.

"Sorry, we just had a council matter to address first," I lied, which seemed to annoy Francesca a bit.

"So, what are we doing?" Jordan asked.

"That's a good question. All five girls voiced the opinion to execute her."

"Fuck. Is that really where we're at?" Jordan asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm firmly against it," I said, and everyone nodded in agreement, except Casey.

"I dunno. What if she tries to pull some crap again?"

"Then we'll deal with it," I replied. "I doubt she's even capable of doing anything to us if we exile her now, but even in the unlikely event that she does, I'd rather handle that, than the long-term repercussions of carrying out an execution."

Everyone again nodded, but this time, Cameron interjected.

"They were unanimous though. Won't this piss them off?"

I nodded.

"It's possible. Although... Casey, call Jeannie in," I said, as I turned to the rest of the group. "Maybe we can pacify them, if we let their 'leader' into the loop a little."

As Jeannie entered the room, she looked around, nervously.

"Hey," she said.

We all greeted her, and she took a seat next to Francesca.

"All of your girls opted for an execution," I noted, and she frowned.

"I figured they would. Candace was particularly nasty towards us, and she was the only one who wasn't raped," Jeannie noted.

I shot Jeannie a sympathetic glance, and she quickly looked away.

"To be honest, we don't want to take the group in the direction of executions," I said, and Jeannie nodded.

"I don't think anyone really wants to see an execution. Maybe that was just our resentment and anger coming out," she said.

"My suggestion is banishing her; although I do admit, it is probable that the end result will be the same."

Jeannie shrugged.

"I don't see how it can be helped without bending over backwards to accommodate her, and putting ourselves in danger. Speaking of which, are we doing the same to Bianca?"

I shook my head.

"Unless it can't be helped, I'd rather work with her for a bit. I offered to vouch for her, so I will take responsibility for anything that happens as a result of keeping her around."

"I'm not sure if that's for the best, but we're in your care right now, so I doubt anyone will object much."

"That's good enough," I said. "Well then, shall we?"

We left the room, and announced the result of our deliberation to the rest of the group as well as Candace, but as we led Candace back to her tree-prison, Francesca frowned.

"We're tying her? I thought we were cutting her loose?"

"If we sent her out this close to night, she'd be dead by morning. We'll send her off at first light," I explained.

Francesca seemed about to settle down into place to keep watch on the two, and I frowned.

"Hey. There's three guards, and those two are tied up," I chided her. "Come relax, or something."

She shook her head, a look of determination on her face, and I smiled, as I noted that it was a particularly cute look.

"What?" she said, noticing my expression, and I smiled.

"Oh nothing. Just wake me, if you need to take off your armor to sleep."

"Doubt it. This thing is really comfortable," she said, hugging her armor, and I snickered again.

"I'm sure I'll find some way to take that off of you," I said, and she smiled as I winked, then headed back to the grove tree.

"Auslander," Gisela called, spotting me as I neared the tree. "Are your needs met for the night?"

"I think so," I replied.

"If you have any need, my room is open to you."

She described the way to her room, and I nodded.

"Uh, Gisela?"

"Yes, Auslander?"

"Can we use the baths at any time?" I asked, and she quickly nodded.

"For the Gods. Any time is correct," she said, and as I thanked her, she headed off, though I noted that she looked back several times before disappearing into the entryway.

I headed in after her, but as I walked past my room, someone called to me.

"Hey, uh Nate?" the girl said, and I turned to find Emily waving at me.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Do you have a minute?" she asked, glancing at my room, and I quickly opened the door, and invited her in.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, and she bit her lip.

"I was wondering about the thing with the weapons. Are you really keeping them from us?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"No, not at all. I just thought it was safer for everyone if we limited the number of weapons in circulation."

"But, isn't it safer if we can defend ourselves?" she asked, and I frowned.

"Actually, statistics show that people are at greater risk when carrying a weapon, and if they aren't trained properly in the use of the weapon, it actually increases the chance that that weapon will be used against them by an assailant," I replied.


"Yeah; plus, I really don't want one of our weapons falling into Raul's hands. He is terrifying," I added.

"So... we'll never be able to use them?"

"I mean, eventually, everyone will have to; and we'll definitely adjust if an imminent threat spurs us into action. But I think our current set-up of two armed fighters is the best way to go for the time being."

"Oh... I see. Are those two going to be you and Francesca?"

"Well, the princess basically demands that I'm armed, and Francesca is the second because she's a kickass fighter. But no, eventually we will rotate."

"Okay! Well, I'm just letting you know, you can count on me for that kind of thing too. And if we're learning how to fight, keep me in mind, okay?"

"Sure thing," I said, but as I opened the door, Emily suddenly wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You know, you really saved us. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everything you've done. Taking us in, and all."

"It's no problem, really," I said, however as I hung on the door, which was partially open, I noticed that she made no move to leave, and just as it seemed on the verge of becoming awkward, Casey suddenly popped up.

"Oh, you have company," she began, as soon as she spotted Emily, but the girl shook her head, and quickly headed through the door.

"We were just done talking, actually," she said, and Casey shot a curious look after her, as she vanished down the corridor towards her own room.

"Expect more visits like that," she said, and I frowned.


"Oh, I dunno. Between Jordan and Nolan being supposedly gay, and Raul being an imprisoned psychopath..."

Her words trailed off as she caught herself.

"I- uh, I mean, lunatic... not that I think psychopaths are lunatics," she began, suddenly seeming flustered.

"It's fine. I'm accustomed to being lumped in with the crazies," I said, and she frowned.

"I really didn't mean that," she said, again, before continuing. "Anyway... you're basically the only eligible male, more so since no-one knows about... you know."

"Well, as enticing as that sounds, we're gonna have to do something about that eventually... you don't suppose any of them might settle for one of the Kobalt men, do you?"

"Maybe, in time. Although... those girls, maybe not."

As we spoke, I made for the doorway, and Casey shot me a look.

"You're heading out?"

"Yeah. Gonna check on Bianca."

"Ugh. What is she, a new candidate for procreation?" she asked, and I frowned.

"Hey, I'm trying to rehabilitate her into not being a Vanessa puppet... and also, she's pretty to look at," I explained, and as she shook her head disapprovingly, I shrugged.

"By the way... there's something we need to talk about, but... not here," I said, dropping my voice down to a whisper.


I pointed to my ear, and she shot me a questioning look.

Is someone listening? She asked, and as I nodded, she rubbed her chin, thoughtfully. One of ours?

"No. When can we?"

Tonight. Just come to my room later and we'll talk about it.

"Further away," I said, and she raised an eyebrow.

Fine, come to my room and we'll go for a walk. Actually, you know what. I'll just sleep here. When you're done 'playing' with Bianca, just wake me up and we'll take that walk, she said, and I shrugged.

I nodded, then headed out the door and towards Bianca's room.

The guard stationed outside appeared to be a different Kobalt, and as I offered him a greeting in German, he nodded in response, and I headed inside.

Bianca was sitting down, cross-legged on the bed, and she turned and looked over at me as I stepped into the room.

"Hey," I said. "Did they send you something to eat?"

"Yeah," she replied, gesturing to a little wooden platter on the table to left of the bed. "How did our 'hearing' go?"

"We're exiling Candace tomorrow," I answered, and she shot me a scared look.

"And me?"

"I asked for you to be left in my care. I don't think anyone objects," I explained, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

As she stared out the window, her hand went to the bruised area on her neck, and she grimaced.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Burns like hell," she said, her eyes tearing up a little.

I spotted a small cup next to the plate on the bedside table, and I quickly retrieved the item and headed to the bathroom attached to her room, then disconnecting the bamboo-like stalk from the water network, I washed out the cup, and filled it with water.

The water felt cool, and I quickly took it to Bianca.

"What is that?" she asked, looking at the cup.

"Water? It's cool, so let's see if it'll help."

I dabbed a little bit of it against my cotton shirt, then touched one of the bruised areas at the back of her neck as gently as I could.

"Is that helping?" I asked, and she nodded.

"A little... but it really burns."

I took a look at the springs below, outside of her window, and she followed my gaze.

"A little soak in there might do wonders," I noted, and she nodded.

"Can we?" she asked, and I thought about it.

"As long as you don't run," I said, and she frowned.

"I have nowhere to run to," she replied, and I nodded, as she teared up again.

"Come on. I'll take you," I said, and she nodded.

As we stepped out of the room, the guard shot me a questioning look, and I tried to explain to him in German that he should remain there, and that she'd be back.

He nodded, and while I wasn't really sure that he understood, he remained in place, so we headed down the corridor, and to the stairs which led to the passageway out of the tree and to the springs.

"Are they warm?" she asked, studying the water, and as I shook my head, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at the pool however, then at her own clothes.

"I have nothing to wear," she began, and I nodded.

"There's a little changing area up ahead. I think some robes were left there."

She nodded, and followed me, but as we neared the room, I suddenly heard the sounds of someone there, and I instinctively pulled Bianca with me off of the path, and into the shadow of a nearby panel.

"Molly, we can do this in our room, you know!" one girl said.

"I know~," the other girl sang in reply, before adding, "this is more fun, though."

"What if someone catches us," the girl replied.

"Then they can watch... you like being watched, don't you?"

"It can be fun, but..."


"Mmm," the other girl moaned, and as I peeked out from behind the panel, I saw them in one of the changing stations.

One girl, whose name I couldn't recall, was standing, leaning against the panel of her changing station, her robe opened down the front, to reveal a sizeable pair of breasts.

She stood with one leg raised and draped over the other girl, who I recognized as Molly, who was kneeling in front of her, as she licked and kissed along the inner parts of her leg.

Bianca shot me an uncomfortable look, and I bit my lip, as I considered the situation.

On one hand, I had no desire to cause the girls any embarrassment, not to mention, I really didn't want to be seen with Bianca; but on the other, I also didn't really want to hide there while they fooled around.

I looked around, then spotting a rock, I quietly leaned down to pick it up, and I threw it into the bushes on the other side of the path.

"Fuck! What was that!" the unnamed girl asked, and Molly giggled.

I pulled Bianca into the shadows as we heard the rustling sounds of clothes being hurriedly gathered up, and the two girls, their robes haphazardly fastened, dashed past us.

I waited until the sounds of their footsteps and laughter faded into the distance, before we stepped tentatively out of the shadows.

"Do you know who the other girl was?" I asked.

"Evie," Bianca said. "Will they be in trouble?"

I shook my head.

"Maybe they could benefit from a little more caution, but I see no real harm done," I answered, and she studied me.

As we checked the changing stations, however, we found no more robes, and Bianca sighed.

"There's a clean pair up in my room. If you want, you can bathe in your regular clothes, and change into a clean robe to sleep?" I offered, and she nodded.

As we headed to the baths, I took a quick look around to confirm that we were alone, before gesturing to Bianca to step into one of the springs.

She slipped off her wooden slippers, then stuck a toe in, tentatively, to test the water, before stepping slowly into the pool.

"It's cold," she said, frowning, and I chuckled a little.

"That's the point, though, isn't it?" I asked, though I did note that the night was a bit chillier than the warm temperature that we had during the day.

Bianca nodded, but as she lowered herself, slowly into the water, a little breeze blew across the pool, and she shivered.

"You adapt to it pretty quickly, and the wind isn't so bad once you're under water," I offered, but she still seemed a bit bothered.

"Aren't you coming in?" she asked.

"I didn't really come prepared," I replied, and as she shot me a pleading look, I raised an eyebrow. "Really?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I'm cold," she complained, and I rubbed the back of my head as I looked around.

I slipped off my own footwear, then rolled my pants up, and stepped onto the stones of the inner ring, while sitting on a rock on the outer rim.

She moved to the spot between my legs, then slowly, she sank into the water, and sat down there.

I scooped a little bit of water up, then let it trickle slowly over her bruise, and she cooed appreciatively in response.

"That feels good," she said, but as she shivered again, she looked over her shoulder, and frowned.

"You know, guys would usually be climbing over each other by now to come keep me warm," she began, and I frowned.

"Is that the type you're really interested in?" I asked, and she looked away.

"Sorry... it's a habit, I guess. I really am cold though. I promise I'm not trying anything, but just... come warm me up a little? The water is soothing my bruises, but I'm freezing."

I studied her for a bit, before finally relenting, and she smiled happily as I stripped off my shirt, then tossed it aside as I stepped off of the stone seat, and into the pool, sitting beside her and wrapping my arms around her as I did.

She brought her knees up to her chest, as she had when we'd spoken the first time in her room, and she huddled close to me, as I continued to drizzle bits of water over the affected areas around her neck.

We sat in silence for a bit, until eventually, Bianca seemed to have adjusted to the temperature, and I leaned back, removing my arms from around her, while she splashed water on her neck, and began to really enjoy the bath.

Eventually, as she got a bit more comfortable, she waded into the pool a bit, before turning around and shooting me a curious look.

"What?" I asked.

"This feels weird. I mean, you haven't tried to cop a feel, or get me out of my clothes all night. I'm not sure I know what to do here."

"Maybe just enjoy your bath?" I suggested, and she frowned.

"I am... but I'm starting to feel a little slighted. Is my scar that hideous?"


"Then... you just don't like me?"

"I barely know you," I said, and she frowned.

"You know I was married," she said... as her face got a little serious. "Were you?"

I shook my head.

"Never?" she asked again, and as I shook my head, she studied me. "How old are you?"


"Hn~. So you were a playboy then," she teased, smiling, and I scoffed.

"Hardly," I said, and she eyed me, curiously.

"Then why are you that old and still not married?"

"I pursued a girl for my entire life, and she just never said yes," I answered, and she frowned.

"One girl?"


"You must have really loved her," she said, as a new look appeared in her eyes. "I'm not sure I've ever really loved anyone, but there was someone who loved me... I think."

She stood up, and lifted her hands over her head, letting water fall all over her, before sinking back beneath the surface.

"Who was it? The husband?" I asked, and she quickly shook her head.

"A kid from back in high school. His name was 'Bashir'. He was middle eastern, but not the rich kind... more like the 'refugee seeking asylum' kind."

"Did he ever ask you out?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"He'd never dare talk to me... I think his life actually depended on it. This one time, the kids I used to hang out with found out where he lived, and we drove there and the guys threw rocks at his house. Tiny, little place, it was, in a slummy neighborhood too. This woman was there; head scarf, and everything; and she screamed... I swear, the terror in her eyes... I laughed at her that day, but I never forgot that look. Like she was literally terrified for her life."

"Hm. So was that the end of Bashir's longing looks?"
