Barbarian Bound Ch. 07


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"Did you mean it?" Oro's voice was on the verge of cracking as he spoke. "I am yours and you are mine..."

"Yes." I whispered, bringing my hands to his head. "It was a careless act, Eş, but it showed me how deeply I care for you."

"She is right, she cannot be trusted with your care any longer." Oro declared. "Any other master would have her killed."

My heart thudded loudly in my chest, "What can I do? How can I prove that this will never happen again?" I choked, as tears fell freely.

He rest his head in my lap. "This cannot be answered tonight, let me think until morning, I would submit my judgment with a clear mind."

"Thank you." I whispered, leaning forward to kiss the top of his head.

As I tossed restlessly that night, Oro seemed so cold beside me, offering no warmth to my waiting arms. I had hurt him, after he bared his tender soul to me, after he trusted me to return his love, I hurt him.

Eventually, my mind stopped racing, and I was able to drift into a fitful slumber, though within hours I would be wide awake once more.


I was jostled awake by Oro's strong hands. "We have overslept, it is time to get ready."

I rubbed my bleary eyes, and sat up in the bed, where I had been sprawled out trying to reach the far corners. "The time?"

"Late, as I stated." Oro's demeanor was still as cold as last night, and I felt a ping of worry that his judgment would not be any kinder, despite his rested mind.

"How did you sleep?" I asked tentatively, swinging my legs off of the bed, and standing slowly as my muscle and bones seemed quite slow.

"About the same as you." Oro went to the wash basin near the bed, and splashed cool water against his face. "We do not have long before we expected, please be quick."

Oro wiped away the drops of water that splashed against his chest with a stiff cloth, and rummaged through a clothes rack for a suitable outfit.

I washed my face at the basin as well, and found the cool water to be refreshing, and dashed away any sleep I still felt in my eyes. The parcel from yesterday was just inside the door, and as I undid the tie, I wondered when it had be brought to our bedchamber.

Oro was finished dressing long before me, and sat on the stool to watch me as I wrapped the soft red and gold material around my small frame.

"Gorum, Our Lord in Iron, was merciful in bringing you to me when he did. I may have spent the rest of my life in conflict, waiting for the next fight to take me. Perhaps it was Sarenrae too that helped converge our paths. Regardless of which of the Gods brought us together, I am grateful to have you now, and forever, Eş." Oro commented as he watched me finish securing the cloth under breast.

I walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders, "My previous tryst with Jora is over, you asked for my devotion, what seems like ages ago, and I am prepared to give it to you. Will you allow us to put this behind us?" I asked softly, sitting in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "It is over."

"I have not made my decision, but when I do, my intention will not be to punish you, or hurt you." Oro asserted, and kissed me on the cheek chastely before standing us up, and walking me to the door.

When Jora met up with us, Oro's tension bubbled forth and his muscles strained beneath his shirt.

"Majohr-." Jora acknowledged but was cut off by the stern look on Oro's face.

Why did she have to say anything? Damn her! I thought, biting my lip to help distract myself from looking at her much longer, and potentially angering Oro even further.

Jora followed us in silence on her horse, as we made our way by travel cart to the palace. My palms were clammy from stress and my stomach was full of knots.

The palace was entirely made of white stone, that was marbled with flecks of grey. The roof was pitched and rounded in some places, and seemed to shine as if encased in gold. I had the impression that at night it might glow with all the braziers nearby.

Oro took me by the waist and lifted me down from the cart, wrapping my shaky hand in his. I tried to take a long slow breath to calm myself, but I could not fight the urge that I was going to be sick.

"O-oro." I stammered, my eyebrows pinched together as I swayed close to the cart.

Palace guards were stepping forward to greet us with a burly white robed older man. He had a pleasant smile on his face, and raised a hand to hail our arrival.

The familiar tremor and thick saliva was the only warning I had before I turned to wretch at the side of the cart.

I felt Oro's strong arm around my back, and his hand still holding mine to help support me. I heard him growl under breath "Stay," which must have been directed towards Jora.

Suddenly this open space was much more crowded as the white robed man and his guards rushed forward. "şifacı getir!" The man commanded, "Our healer is coming, bayan." The man said to me.

"Emin, benim teşekkür." Oro replied, rubbing my back as I wretched once more. My body felt quite shakey, and I relied heavily on Oro's support to keep myself upright.

I had managed to avoid marking my beautiful new dress, and once it seemed that I would no longer become sick, Oro picked me up into his arms, and carried me towards the palace.

"J-just nerves." I mumbled.

"Shh." Oro replied and we walked up the white steps, along with the surrounding party. Just as we entered the number of people increased twofold as I counted four other men lined two to each side of the hallway, mixed in with serveral more guards and a petite older female with a small satchel.

I felt the room closing in, and I started to pant as I begged my body not to betray me in front of all of these people.

"Buraya." The old healer ushered us into an adjoining chamber that was much more spacious. Oro lay me down onto a tall table, which was cleared quickly by the surrounding men.

She placed her cool fingers on my forehead, and then my two cheeks. "Sık sık hasta mısın?" She asked.

"She does not know our language, healer." Oro said.

"Are you sick often?" She restated.

"No, I apologize for all of this effort, it is only nerves." I said trying to sit up.

She placed a hand to my shoulder, asking that I remain laying back. She looked to the other men, "Leave us a moment."

"Maeva-." One of the guards started in protest.

"I will be quite fine. Our Majohr may stay to assist, but privacy is needed. Only a moment." Maeva requested softly, before returning her warm eyes to me.

The room cleared out with the exception of Maeva, Oro, Jora and myself, and I felt much better and less faint. She simulated for me to take long deep breaths and asked Oro in their tongue, "O normalde bu kadar ürkek?"

Oro shook his head, "Uzun bir gece oldu." I could see Oro's stern expression and Jora stepped forward and whispered, "It is my fault, I am sorry to have caused this trouble."

"Sessiz olun!" Oro growled and meekly Jora nodded and stepped back. "Do you feel better now, Eş?"

I nodded, and once more tried to sit up, and rubbed at a cramp that formed in my lower back. "I am embarrased with the attention."

"Sık sık onu yatak musunuz?" Maeva asked, once more motioning for me to lay back.

"Evet. Endişe olduğunu?" Oro asked with concern bleeding into his tone.

"Yok." Maeva laughed. "Hamile olabilir." Maeva's smiled wide and her eyes sparkled with excitement. Oro took a shaky step towards the table, and placed a hand upon my belly.

"Are you sure?" Oro asked in common.

I felt panic begin to rise up again, and I looked to Jora's face which did nothing to comfort me as she gazed upon me with worry. "W-what is wrong."

"Nothing child." Maeva replied with a warm smile. "You will feel my touch, try to breathe deep and calm."

I felt Maeva's fingers probe my belly, "When was your last bleed, child?"

I felt white hot realization shoot through me as I contemplated her quesiton, "Many weeks."

Maeva smiled warmly, "Too soon to be sure, but there are some clear signs."

Oro gripped my hand firmly, and I thought for a moment, that he might also be feeling faint. "Do you mean I may be with child?" I asked timidly.

"It is my belief, yes." Maeva stated happily. "I will send with you some wheat and barley, I will leave instructions as to its use, but I believe it will give us our answer." Maeva extended her hand, "Do you feel well enough to stand?"

"Y-yes." I said shakily, clutching to Oro's hand as he helped me stand. My mind was racing, I had known eventually with my prolonged contact with Oro, and our numerous intimacies that pregnancy was a possibility. I had not planned that it would have happened so suddenly. Rampant fertility was not common among my people, I still remember the smell of incense burning through the streets for prayers to Erastil, asking for a bountiful harvest of the land and body.

*I am not ready.* I thought. Perhaps Jora would keep her word and help me if I decided not to keep-, no. I struck the thought from my head, that would never be an option. I unconsciously rubbed a hand over my belly, and felt nothing but the soft cloth against my fingertips.

Back in the hallway came the prying glances of many eyes. Oro carefully guided me through them and into a very large room, with a long table at the center of it.

The white robed men had already taken a seat at the table, Emin sitting beside the King, in his glorious gold embelished robe. All the men stood, and the King gave a slight nod. "All is well now?" He asked.

"Yes, King Mazhar, benim teşekkür." Oro replied and bowed deeply.

I felt a little tug at my fingers, and I also bowed, which brought a slight chuckle from the King. It revealed a caring aspect of his persona.

"Come, sit, we will talk and feast." King Mazhar motioned to the two chairs to his left, opposite Emin.

He tapped the chair closest to him and smiled, "Bayan, here please."

It did not seem very common that I should be sitting to near the King, despite my low status, but I did as he bid me, and sat down, joining my hand with Oro's beneath the cover of the table.

I felt like my pulse was darting out of control. "Thank you, King Mazhar." I uttered softly.

As I smelled the food being brought in, my belly growled with anticipation, making my cheeks flush brightly, and I brought a hand to cover my agape mouth.

Oro stiffled a laugh, as did a few of the other men, and addressed the King, "Biz hamile olduğunu sanıyorum."

There were several enthusiastic nods and appraising grunts, and I felt my unease grow slightly. "I am sorry, I did not mean to be rude."

"It must be a boy, for such an appetite to manifest." The King joked and raised a glass of water up, "Tebrikler! Iyi yaşamak."

Glasses were raised in salute, and sips were taken round the table. Servants brought in the morning meal, which consisted of a water fowl of some sort, boiled eggs, goats milk, rye bread and a bowls of lushly colored fruit.

King Mazhar filled his plate first, before directing the servants from left to right around the table. Despite my growling stomach, we waited to eat until Enim, who was last to be met with food, had filled his plate. I am not sure what I expected as I looked around the table at my eating companions, there was no slob among them, though maybe a couple were quite boisterous.

I smiled as I looked around the table, enjoying the succulent fruits and savory fowl. "Your home is very beautiful." I offered in polite praise to the King.

"It is, though it has little to do with my effort. My Eşim has an eye for these things." King Mazhar mused. "She wanted to meet you, but she is full with child, and Maeva insists on bedrest."

"I shall have to come by again, it would be an honor to meet your Eşim." I encouraged, and when there was a break in our chatter, I supplied my mouth with another bite of rye.

"Do you feel better now?" Oro whispered to my ear, a hand resting on my thigh.

I nodded, "Yes, thank you." I brought a few grapes to my mouth, and popped them in one at a time, with a large grin as the last one burst deliciously in my mouth.

"Tell me, bayan, how do you like life in Barbos?" The King asked directly, folding his hand over the other, on top of the table, pushing his plate forward, to signify that he was finished.

Around the room you could hear similar motions of plates being moved, as the rest of the men followed suit. Though I was not quite finished, I understand that this must be another custom, so I too pushed my plate forward, choosing to rest my hands in my lap. This seemed to please the King, and even more so when I answered, "It is very nice here, very different from Lamoria, but pleasant."

"Very different indeed. Do you miss Lamoria?" King Mazhar queried, eyes intently reading my own.

"Miss Lamoria? No. I miss my father, who I presume remains in that region. Have you ever lived in Lamoria King Mazhar?" I countered, showing enough grace to avoid seeming to forward.

"No. I have lived in Barbos all my life. My father's father, once ruled in Lamoria, but when he was overcome fled our people to Barbos. You are young, bayan, but for many of us the fight is still fresh in memory." The King rubbed a hand against his black mustache and continued, "I was handed the divine torch to reclaim our homeland, by my father in his last days."

"Did you ever wish the war to end?" I asked meekly, rubbing my hands together underneath the table.

"No leader wants to witness the death and toil of his people." He replied. "I was quite suprised to hear that Majohr Oro decided to return home, to serve on my council, and train our veteran elite. I heard rumor of a pale woman at the heart of it, I felt a strong hope for the future of our people." King Mazrah stated, looking to Oro next to me, with a guarded smile.

"I am not sure I understand your meaning." I demurred.

"The old way is one fought in the footsteps of Gorum, Lord of Iron, forever to battle against a known enemy. Are you my enemy?" King Mazrah asked.

"N-no." I protested, bringing my hands to the table, my fingers fanning out in display.

"I agree. The new way requires peace among old foes, after this much history it is not easy to come by. Governor Aryn was to be my mouthpiece in Lamoria, to help reign in the north, and bring about peace once rebellion had been laid to rest." My heart sped up at the mention of my rapist's name. "When he was found mutilated, in a Gaul burrow, I thought there may be no turning the tides of this fight."

"What?" I asked. "He was f-found in a *Gaul* burrow? What does that mean?" I looked to Oro with piercing eyes.

Oro swallowed audibly, and took a deep breath, "My King, may I answer that for you?" There was a non-verbal queue that prompted Oro to continue. "Governor Aryn was found in a Gaul slave burrow, often used for pleasure. It is our belief that he was brought there by the rebellion-."

My lips formed a thin line, it was no rebellion that took the Governor's life. It was me, and in so doing I placed my people at great risk of retribution. "Did you find the men responsible?"

A young strong man with dark skin, and red hair spoke up, "Aye."

I felt as though I might be sick. "What became of them?"

"Cenk." Oro said, looking to red beard, and shook his head. This was not something he wanted me to hear, but in the same moment it was all I needed to know.

"Y-you believe you can still turn the tides?" I choked, fighting tears back from my eyes.

"I believe so, but not without great cost. Since Sarin's temporary status as Governor of Lamoria, uprisings have increased two-fold, and without proper structure the city may be torn apart. Sarin must be replaced, and rather soon, as the conditions he has cultivated have made Lamoria unsafe for our people, and yours-."

"What conditions?" I interrupted the King.

"Reinstitution of slavery, old punishment rites and public executions. It is not my will, to have us return to the dark ages." King Mazhar described.

I remembered Sarin as a slimy man, not one to make a large production of force. I thought of the countless people that lived in Lamoria that could be impacted by his brutality, and my thoughts flashed to my father, a stubborn owl of a man.

"So what will you do?" I questioned with a hint of exasperation.

"It is not what I will do, bayan, it is what Majohr Oro, and you will do." The King explained and I heard Oro's deep inhale before he spoke.

"What would you have us do, my King?"

"I would have you lead a party in Lamoria, control the rebellion, and depose Sarin by my decree. Lamorian guards will fall to your command, and you will have the support of Kaptan Jakob, and Kaptan Plemons." King Mazhar, rubbed a thumb and forefinger at the bridge of his nose. "Your Eş will accompany you on this journey, I believe her presense will help the transition of her people."

"I am not known among my people, I am no one." I doubted, and Oro placed a hand on my thigh, to dissuade me from interrupting the King further.

"You are Gaul, and you will become the figure they need to see. As the both of you come in to restore order, removing Sarin, they will be grateful to you, and with your unity you will be able to encourage peace among the people. It may take many years, but time can remove pain from the past." The King finished.

I could not stand idly by in this life, while injustice was invoked upon my people. Would I sell my people a dream to save them? Yes, I would. "It will be done, King Mazhar." My words were full of fire for Sarin, I had killed one Governor, what was one more?

The King smiled with praise, "Very well. I shall make the arrangements."

"My King." Oro spoke up.


Oro cleared his throat and spoke clearly, "I would send Jora, Esyld's Bekçi in advance. She would provide support to Kaptan Jakob to help subdue any radicals, and gain the loyalty of Sarin."

My heart fell into my stomach, so this was his judgment, to send her away. I did not dwell on it long, for I knew that we too would be heading to Lamoria, and that time between would seem short in comparison to our bond.

"Very well. I would suggest sending your men along with her, so that your support is already in play by the time you take a swift vessel back to Lamoria." King Mazhar proposed.

"Agreed." Oro declared, he turned to Jora standing at the corner of the room, her expression a mystery and said, "Gather a pack, join the men at the barracks, and await orders from your King."

"Aye, Majohr Oro. It has been my pleasure to serve you and your Eş." Jora choked, and I thought for a moment I witnessed a tear roll down her eyes before she left the dining hall.

King Mazhar tapped his chin, "That is another piece we must address. Your Eş, is part of your house, she bares your sigil, but it must be made official, otherwise she may look no better than a slave to her people." He paused a moment and looked from Oro to me, "You shall carry his name, as you carry his child."

Though it was not spoken as a question, the King provided me a clear choice in his tone, I could accept this title, this life, if I wanted. The thought of being heavy with child was overwhelming, and brought on a protective nature of my personality that was hidden before. By becoming Oro's life mate, and traveling to Lamoria to sell the King's dream, I could remain with Oro, and truly help protect my people. I was happy to comply and nodded gently in response. "Yes, my King."


Postscript: This Chapter is the last of this section, though I plan to continue on with the storyline. However it will take me longer to write the second half of this story, so please be patient. So yes, in short I'm leaving you with a major cliffhanger, I hope you have enjoyed the story thus far and when the last portions of this story are completed, I hope it will have been worth the wait! - Lys

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LangeannLangeann5 months ago

So … another story left unfinished.

This is a major problem with this website. It looks like all these writers are incapable of finishing what they start!!

This website should never allow this to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Really good!

I hope you continue to write and flesh out the characters even more.

Love this series!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
More Please!!!!!!!

This is an incredible story, I hope that you continue soon.

nancnancalmost 7 years ago

This story more please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good stuff

Please continue!!!!! One of the best series I've read on here

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