Barefoot Girls Love Playing Games Ch. 05


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Bitch! I was somehow still deeply embarrassed to find out that I had been caught back in the day. I could not even think of a good response to that either, but the talk and her hands are making my body crave more. I stop my foreplay between her legs and reach around her to grab hold of her ass, my way of letting her know that she wins that round. She grins wide knowing she got to me, but she does seem disappointed to let my cock go as I pull her closer to me. As much of her beautiful ass as I can get in my hands give a hearty squeeze. With a moan and a giggle, all seems to be forgiven. I look her deep in the eyes, letting my craving pour out, I can tell that my point comes across when I feel my sister shift yet again. When she sees my need her blush returns. I am thinking about how best to word 'I want to fuck the shit out of you' without sounding like a weirdo when Madison reaches past me to turn the water off. Her eyes, they have as much lust in them as mine do!

"Want to come to my room for a wile?" I say with a little play in my voice. My sister's eyebrows raise, as if asking if I was for real. I smile at the situation. She could not make up her mind if she wanted to take charge, or have me take it instead. "Sounded like a yes to me." I say, and deftly sweep my naked sister into my arms. She was very light after all. She gives a high pitched 'eep' sort of sound, which makes me laugh. Without so much as drying off, I carry my sister to my bedroom.

I have no idea what either of our parents would say if they would have come home early to see their naked 21 year old son, complete with raging boner, carrying their also naked 18 year old daughter to his bedroom. Questions for later.

I walk into my room and place Madison on her feet on the carpet. I smile, her blush and shock still on her face from being scooped up. I decide it's time to do a little teasing myself.

"What's wrong? Never had a naked guy carry you around on any of your million dates you always bragged about?" I say with a smirk. It gets her, she blushes hard and frowns at me.

"Obviously not! Unless you did it to one of my friends I bet they have not either!" She adds, punching my arm.

"Well those dry spell comments seem a bit hypocritical at the moment," I say giving her nose a poke in response. It was crazy how we could still give each other shit while being naked directly after playing with one another. Madison sulks and glares at me, her face inches from mine.

"I, well it - arrggh!" she says, stomping her foot. Like I said before Madison could be intimidating, just not so much to me. I do sense danger, and right as she finally seems to have a response that might have started some real fighting I lean in and kiss her. Her eyes bug out a few moments before impact, the shock on her face is honestly priceless. My lips hit her full force and right away I feel her lips kissing back feverishly. My eyes may be closed but I know where my bed is, and I start slowly pushing Madison toward it. Her breasts are pressed firmly to my chest and her arms have been flung around my neck. I grab hold of her hips and her waist, grabbing and touching as much of her body as I can. We suddenly find the bed and in our enthusiasm Maddie topples right over on her back and I nearly fall right on top of her. She giggles and scoots herself back on the bed to give me room to climb on with her, but I suddenly have another Idea.

I quickly wrap my arms around her legs, right around the knees so she can't squirm any farther away. She giggles some more and swats at me, thinking I must want to wrestle. I easily pull her back toward me and she laughs more as her long red hair comes trailing behind her. I have her at this point, and she knows it. She smiles at me, still wiggling slightly. Her eyes get very wide as I start planting kisses on her inner thigh, much like I did when I was undressing her. Her mind seems to be following my own, and she instinctively cups her hands between her legs, slightly embarrassed at having read my intentions. I am now smiling wide as my kisses start moving up and I start lightly kissing her hands, begging permission for the prize inside. Her breath has quickened, and as I look up I can see she is bright red again.

"God Mac, no one has ever, like I've never had a guy go down on me..." she says bashfully. I grin and keep up my kisses.

"Don't feel bad, I had not done it until recently." I say with a cocky grin. My sisters eyes bug out in frustration.

"Oh my god! Is my brother really about to eat my pussy out in his own bed?!" she says in a tone that says quite clearly she has no doubt we are alone. I start to nibble lightly at her hands.

"I plan to the moment you let me." I say with a laugh. And my sister turns even redder, if that's possible.

"Agghh ok, ok just be nice ok?" she says, and I can feel some real hard nerves coming from her, but she does slowly uncup her hands, and even more slowly she unveils her pretty virgin pussy to me. Her hands go straight up to cover her mouth, and her big brown eyes watch in calm horror at what her big brother is going to do. I wait for her to take a breath finally. Sheesh I am nervous too after all! But as per usual, once I am riled up my body knows what it wants, I just need to make sure her body is ready for mine.

I lean down and start planting small kisses all around my sister's pussy. She is very soft, freshly showered and shaven not long before. The moment my lips finally come down on her clitoris is when she lets out her first moan into her hands. Her moan dances in my ears, and I immediately want her to do it again, and again as my kisses get longer, and longer as I start sucking on her lips and clit, each time getting a wiggle from her body. I have her legs locked firmly in my arms, her feet planted on the bed, so the most she can do is shift a little. I may be new at this, but I know I like eating my sister out a lot more then I did Erica. Maybe it was something about eating her out when I know I really should not be, maybe because it was just me and her, I don't know but each moan and twitch is sending my body's urges higher and higher. I want- her to cum for me, I need her to. This must be what Kelly felt when I was licking her feet. She just knew what it was doing to me, just like I knew Madison was in a bubble of ecstasy right now, and I was going to pop it hard! I knew it was coming, her feet dug into the bed, and she arched her back hard showing off her flexibility. Both hands came crashing down, one to the bed to grip wildly at the sheets, and the other to my short cropped hair trying desperately to find something to latch onto.

"MAC...oh Mac Mac Mac MAAc... Fuuuck." She whines, and holds my lips firmly to her pussy. I can feel her pussy flexing and twitching as she presses my face as hard as she can between her legs. As she slowly calms down after staying flexed for some time she flops to the bed as if she had run a mile. I, of course, am very proud of that. I pull my face away to grin triumphantly at her; my dick is rock hard at this point.

"Fuck, Mac like holy shit. I don't think I have ever done that before. Like I have done it to myself before but oh man that was sooo much better..." She says, opening her legs and looking down at herself as if something will have changed. I smile, well she is dripping wet now and that brings up my next question. I stand up a little straighter letting my full hardness show on display. Madison looks over at it, her eyes wide. She bites her lips and I see goose flesh rise on her legs. "Oh fuck, oohh it look so much bigger all of a sudden..." she says, and her tongue darts over her lips. But even before I can ask if she needs time to think about it, she scoots back farther on the bed, to rest her back on the pillows, and after one last look at my package, beckons me to come closer.

I crawl slowly up onto the bed, and knee my way over to where she is laying. My sister, her legs wide open, her hands come out to meet my cock the moment I am close enough, and she strokes me slowly with both hands still looking nervous.

"Sis? You ok with this?" I ask. I know what I want, but is this going to destroy our relationship as brother and sister? I wonder all this with my dick in mid massage, locked tight in my Madison's hands. She looks up and smiles at me.

"I wanted this so badly all week, it's...well it's crazy that this is happening, but I am on the pill. I am super horny. I am with the guy I wanted it to be with. And my loving brother just got done bringing me to my first real orgasm so I am nice and wet." She says with false bravado. It's odd to hear my sister say such slutty things but it's also really fucking hot. My dick throbs in her hands and I look down at her tight little pussy, I wanted this so badly right now. "And I am not sure but -" she says stroking me harder and grinning "I think If we wait too much longer your just going to hold me down and take me anyways huh?" She says running both of her hands along the full length of my shaft. I try not to think it, but the idea of holding my sister down and fucking her is getting very real right about now.

"Sis, please..." I manage, meaning that I can't take her teasing any longer, but she takes it as a request for her to make up her mind. She smiles wide, the dirty look she hits me with is so over the top I nearly go off right there in her hands.

"Oh man, the idea of my big sexy brother holding me down and taking my virginity when I just can't get away...fuck that sounds so hot right now." She says and the end of her sentence is nearly cut off, both by her over exciting herself and me finally losing control.

I let myself fall down lower and my hands find hers. Not to hold them, but so that I can consolidate them with one of my own and hold them over her head. Just like before, but this time I need my other hand to direct. Her two arms strain on my one, but I can easily hold her in place. Even her hips are trying to dodge me, our hot bodies rubbing all over one another I feel the head of my dick run over her pussy lips several times, and honestly if it were not for her eyes and her occasional 'yes' it really might feel like I was raping her. After a minute or so of playing hard to get, even Madison can't take it any more. Her feet plant to the bed and I can hear her begging for me to enter her.

My body is so revved up that it takes all my self control and more not to thrust inside of her all at once, I need to remind myself that this is her first time and I don't want to hurt her. Still in a half daze I press the head of my cock directly against her lips, letting her natural lubricant coat my tip. I press forward and back several times before Madison's groans coincide with her pussy lips finally opening enough for my head to push inside her body.

"Oh oh oh, slow, slow Mac. Oh GOD that feels good." She manages. And presses her hands on my chest in a weak attempt to slow me down. I was not even aware of letting her hands go, but my arms were now planted firmly on the bed barely letting my body weight press on my sister's body at all. "Oh thank you, oh slow. God Mac it's so good but it, it's tight." She says, out of breath. My protective instincts towards my sister must have kicked in when she cried out and now I am slowly, very slowly pumping just a few inches at a time out, and back inside of her. Her hands on my chest ease away slightly and I push deeper inside of her. She is incredibly tight, tighter even the Erica had been, but the feeling is outstanding. My body wants so badly to go faster, moving so slowly is torture! At this pace though I can savor the feeling of myself sinking deeper and deeper into her body. Once I am about half way in Madison removes her hands from my chest and instead wraps them around me and clings to my back. "Faster, faster Mac. Oh faster, oh my GOD, Mackie FUCK ME!" She begs, and I am more than happy to oblige! I start pulling all the way out and plunging an inch or so farther each time, and suddenly I have my sister's body flat to the bed and I can't control myself. My cock plunges deep inside my own sister and all I can think is that I never want it to stop. Her nails in my back beg me to go faster. I feel her body rock underneath mine time and time again.

Finally I can't stand it anymore, I grab Madison's legs and bring them together as I get closer. Her cold feet come to rest on my chest. As I pull her legs together she manages to get even tighter! I pull my full length out of her before plunging back inside. Her face is a mask of pure ecstasy. I can't take it for very long, I hold tight to her thighs and press her legs back, keeping them together but pushing her limits of flexibility. I kiss at her legs and as I start pulling back to my full pumps in and out of her. Madison grabs for the bed again, and this time I can feel it building up, I am going to be joining her this time. Her body tightens before mine does, and from this angle her legs have no place to go. She does curl her toes right in front of my face, her soles wrinkling as her pussy tightens around my cock. I press my face against her soles and squeeze her legs as I cum harder than I have in my life. I must coat the inside of my sister's vagina as it takes so long for me to finish pumping. My whole body is flexed as it happens and all at once I fall limp, laying down next to my sister's body, covered in sweat, her legs still draped dramatically over my body. Her pussy still gripping tight to my erection.

As my cock shrinks back to its stowage size, my sister's body slowly pushes my now flaccid penis out. We end up just lying there, not necessarily romantic it's true. Me on my back and my sister's bare legs laying over me, both of us letting our heart rates come back down to a calm pace.

After what feels like a half hour Madison slowly pulls herself up to a sitting position. Her legs next to me we just kind of stare at one another, red hair and brown eyes the same shade, pale naked bodies still covered in a sheen of sweat, and we smile.

"Hey Mac."


"You just had sex with your sister." The blunt simplicity of how she says it was not like anything I had ever read on my porn sites. It had been easy, and it had been really, really great. I had not just had sex with my sister, I had held her down and fucked the shit out of her. I look over at her face and see she is back to smiling in her normal devilish ways.

"Yes, yes I did. And It was fucking amazing Mads," I say with a grin. She sidles closer to me. And suddenly looks curious.

"What about Amy?" She asks sweetly. I smile at her; I was bad.

"I have a date with her tomorrow, she is my girlfriend after all." I say simply, still grinning. But Madison suddenly looks sulky.

"Are we ever going to do this again?" she asks. Trying to look as if it's not big deal if we don't, and failing I might add. Her face is in full blown pout again. I sit up slightly, and hold my hand out to her. She looks a bit confused, but takes my hand. I pull her lightly, until she gets the hint and sits right on top, straddling me, my semi hard dick squished between her pussy lips. She coos as my dick flexes in response.

"My dear sweet sister, if you have no problem fucking your brother behind your friend's, his girlfriend's, back, and me licking your feet from time to time, then I will fuck you any -

way you want, and any time you want." I say over dramatically. She breaks into a smile at my directness. "I have an obligation now that I have your V card after all." I say as an after thought. She glares at me, but ruins it by smiling wide. The relief is visible on her face, and I feel her start to rock her hips on my slowly growing hardness.

"Well then." She days, mocking my dramatic voice. She lifts her foot off of the bed and plants it softly on my mouth. "Open," she says, and I run my tongue lovingly from her heel to her toes which she pushes in and out of my mouth a few times. "I think I can keep my brother fucking me a secret" she says as she lets her sole run over my kissing lips. "Although for right now," she says, planting her foot back on the bed and bracing on my chest to make room for my now full hardness to point toward the sky, she positions herself over me and presses her pussy on my hardness. "I think I am going to fuck you," she whispers, and slides slowly, lovingly all the way to the base of my shaft.

My life was going to ROCK from here on out...

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Olioli11Olioli11over 1 year ago

Ive readed this story a couple of times over the years and its still my favorite!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of the best stories I've read yet. Thank you!

1958willyboy1958willyboyabout 3 years ago

nice story. good ending, even tho it could have kept going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Best ever

Best foot story I’ve read. Bravo. More please!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great series! You need to do a story about Kelly. She sounds like the perfect woman: horny and hot!

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