Barefoot Girls With A Father Fetish Ch. 04


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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dad. Softer?" She says and she waves her hands around like swatting at bad facts. "I mean, I think we both know you have never touched either of our feet so how could you know if they actually -are- softer?" I am about to correct her that I had said -looked- softer, when Kara speaks, it is so quite that I barely catch all the words.

"We could let him touch them..." I spin my head to look at her, she looks very embarrassed, but as I look over at her, I can tell she is serious, mostly because she is looking right at me, her blue eyes boring heavily into my own.. "Side by side comparison... you know." She says, just as quiet. On my other side, Heather breaks into a huge smile, and beams at Kara like she could kiss her. My heart is beating so hard that I can feel it in my neck. Heather claps her hands together.

"That's a great idea! Although I don't want him getting off easy with this one, mostly because I honestly think our dear father might not be putting enough effort into the comparison! So, we can do a best of three! What do you think?" She asks, glancing to the side at her sister. Kara is actually biting her nails, openly looking as nervous about all this as I feel. What has her so on edge? If this was all not sitting well with her, what was it that was motivating her to keep this going? Just when I think she might say something of reason, she proves me wrong yet again.

"Well... then we need three categories for him to...judge... um... how about...Looks, touch, taste." She says quietly, and with a bashful face. My jaw drops again, and my mind starts to churn with question, but Heather steals the words from my mouth.

"Oh? And when did you become some kind of feet expert?" She says, reaching right over me so she can poke Kara in the side. Kara bats her hand away, looking calm again, if a bit red.

"It just... sounded like a good way to rate any part of a girl." She says simply, avoiding looking at her father. There is a small silence while the three of us think about what comes next. I can't seem to find a single thing to add to this conversation. I mean, the truth is that being a judge for the two beautiful girls on either side of me is not something I want to argue very hard to put a stop to. Heather smiles wide and looks across me to lock eyes with her sister, who is flustered, but her face is set. I watch as both of the girls nod, and begin to start removing more clothing, this time from the bottom up. I watch diligently as Kara reaches down and pops off one of her flats to place it on the ground, her black socks are quite thin, and the outline of her toes are very visible. Heather on the other hand, places the toes of her sneaker on the heel of the other and pops her shoe off quickly, letting it fall to the side. I have almost forgotten that a game was being played. Now I might as well be strapped to a chair in the back room of a club, this, was a strip tease! Next I watch Kara hook her fingers into her socks and pull them down, not quite in a sexual way, but slow enough for me to feel my dick jump in my pants by the time my youngest pulls her sock off her toes. She is pointedly avoiding making eye contact with me.

Seeing as I have already have admitted my weakness to the two of them... it seems unnecessary to look away, or act like I am uninterested. So as my youngest starts to pick away some of the black fluff left behind from her sock, I watch with as much interest as I feel I can get away with. She still seems to be feeling very awkward to this whole situation, but perhaps, like me, she is just relying on the drink to calm her nerves. I glance over to see Heather, slowly and pointedly dragging her sock down the sole of her foot. My eldest has this down to an art form, showing her heel, then her sole, and lastly her toes. Her pink sock pops off with her giggling away, and she tosses it to the side. I have a hard time as the two girls continue to strip their feet until both of them are left with bare toes to stretch and flex on either side of me. But honestly, what do I have to complain about? The small coffee table becomes the platform for the two of them to rest their feet on, and Heather takes the situation into her hands.

"Well then! I guess we are ready to begin! What did we say was first? Touch right?" She says and places one of her feet on my leg. I might not be able to feel her skin through my pants, but it definitely makes my blood move quicker. Kara blushes and frowns at Heather.

"Hey, at least make it fair!" She says, actually sounding upset that her sister might not be playing fair. "Dad..dy. Daddy why don't you sit on the table, that way you can face the both of us." She says, actually reaching across and pushing Heathers foot off of my leg. "And it was looks first, not touch." She says matter-of-factly. Heather giggles at my apparent loss of ability to function. With my half empty beer in my hand, I feel what I would imagine a zombie would feel like when they move about. I get right up and sit on the coffee table in the middle of both of my daughters' feet. Kara's black toes are all set in a row. She has them laid out side by side, her soles resting on the side of the table closest to the girls, her knees bent and her hands resting on her thighs. Heather had one ankle crossed over the other, giving me a great view of one of her soles. She flexes her feet at me, a strong air of confidence in her eyes. I try to keep my breathing easy, but its getting harder and harder the longer I let the girls have their ways. Heather again become impatient.

"Ok then, Dad, lets here it... just looking at our feet, who's look more like you want to kiss them?" she asks, no awkwardness about the situation at all. Both me and Kara blush, and honestly, the fact that Kara feels the same way I do, I think it alone is what helps me to keep playing along. I look both of their feet over. Heather's, of course I know only too well. Her soft and toned looking feet are tools of pure foot fetish fantasy, well honed tools, that are becoming more so with each event. Her toes are still painted like candies, and my want to suck them into my mouth is just as strong as they were last night around this time. I shift my gaze to Kara's feet. A sight I had seen from afar almost every day since she had been back, but now being so close to me, I can really enjoy the black tattoos tracing around both her ankles and tops of her feet all the more. They are really quite beautiful. Kara's feet are smaller, to match her body, but they are even cuter! I know right away who's feet I would like to kiss more. It might be because they are the set I have had the least time with, but either way, I say it out loud.

"Kara. Kara wins the looks portion." I say confidently. Heather sucks her lip in, openly annoyed at still having lost the first of three categories; her fierce eyes do almost force me to explain myself. "It's the tattoos... something about them just... It's undeniably sexy." I say honestly, trying very hard not to lick my lips. Kara still blushes, but this time, for once, she has a smile to go along with it. I can tell she was not expecting me to choose her for the win... but she is pleased none the less. I glance at Heather, and hurriedly decide to move on, her grumpy side was going to be the death of me.

"SO... that means on to... touch," I say, residing what I was saying. Not really sure how I was supposed to go around this, I drain my drink and then place it on the table. I then hold my hands out to my side so they can place their feet in them. Surly this was what they meant. Heather brings her smile back.

"Close your eyes, Dad, really try and let yourself enjoy this," she says. I am almost afraid of what the means, but after glancing at the two of them, Kara giving me a shrug and a nod, I close my eyes. Almost right after, I feel two feet, one on either side of me, lay gently in my hands. On my left, my eldest, her feet so firm, strong, lovely really! On my right, my youngest, soft, gentle, almost scared to be in my hands. I let my thumbs run slowly on the tops of their feet, and my palms press firmly on their soles, its hard to convince myself with my eyes closed of whose feet I am touching. I had made up my mind right away, simple, right before I felt another soft but strong sole come to rest on my face. Heather had placed her foot on my right cheek, letting her toes drag lovingly down to my neck and back up again. I hear her giggle. This was not fair at all, she really was playing to win here, however, Kara is not to be outdone. A moment later, a smooth and gentle sensation on my left cheek, tells me that Kara had mimicked her sisters action.

In my mind, I could see it, my two daughters, letting their feet rest and press on the sides of my face, but with my eyes closed, it seems to me that it must be some kind of dream. I feel my dick pressing very hard on my pants. And after a few seconds of just enjoying the feeling, the foot on my left side pulls out of my hand, and rests right in my lap, touching the tip of my manhood! I am shocked she would have so much gall right in front of her sister!

"Heather!" I nearly yell. "Heather wins touch." I say, and Heather actually gives a cry of victory. She really was getting competitive about this! I by contrast was getting less and less controlled. The two girls pull their feet away from me and I snap open my eyes. Kara has crossed her arms and is giving her sister a dirty look.

"You're terrible!" she says with calm honestly, making Heather giggle more and hope up and skip over to the kitchen.

"Oh fuck off, Care Bear," she says happily. "I just did what needed to be done to win the game!" she says, grabbing two more beers and mixing one of her own. I glance over at Kara, she is looking grumpy, but glances up at me. When we lock eyes, I see her face soften quite a bit. She pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear and gives me a small smile.

"Well I guess I will just have to try harder in round three... right, Daddy?" She says. The words have the strongest effect when she is looking right at me. I shiver when she speaks and my dick nearly jumps.

Heather comes back and hands me another beer, places her own on the table, and hands one of the beers I have been drinking to Kara. Kara takes the beer still looking at me, but then looks down at it as she opens it. Her eyes show a bit of shock, and she glances sideways at her sister. Heather is staring at Kara like a mouse in a trap, and she was playing the part of cat. Heather sips her drink and smiles at her sister wide again.

"You finished off your drinks... I'm sure dad will like it... I mean... won't mind, if you have one of his." She says, and I let my eyes move between the two of them. I was missing something. Kara's breathing has increased slightly, and she is looking at the beer like, some kind of hurdle she must overcome. And Heather, she looked like a teacher, who was moving to the final and most interesting lesson.

I of course am still distracted by what I know is coming next. I watch with forced calm as Kara takes a small sip of the beer that they have both been feeding me. She shivers slightly and sticks her tongue out in apparent dislike. I can't help myself I laugh a little bit. Its louder then I mean it to be, I do have quite a few drinks in me in a short amount of time. They both look at me, Heather also giving a small laugh and Kara frowning at me. I poke her leg and grin at her.

"Oh come on Kara, they are not too bad." I say, trying to let the good feeling that the alcohol is giving off to calm my nerves. I do find it is a little easier to calm my heartbeat now. Kara still glares at me, but then she tips the drink up, and takes a big drag. I find it odd that both me and my eldest give a little cheer, I feel like I could be at a house party if there were more people. I take a drink myself, and as I do, I feel Heather place her foot back up on my knee. I look past my drink as she grins at me. I try my cards at playing bold, and place my hand right on top of her foot, brushing it with my fingers lightly. Heather gives a small giggle, then rubs the sole of her foot on my leg.

"One more category to judge, Dad," She says, keeping her tones low and her eyes on my face. I give a small awkward laugh, not being able to look right back at her. Kara looks over at her sister. If I did not know any better, I would day she was getting jealous of how easily myself and Heather were interacting. My youngest scoots her butt closer to me, and lifts both her legs to place her feet on my thigh. I look over at her. She is very red in the face, either from the drinks, or her embarrassment. She can't quite look at me when she speaks.

"This is going to be interesting... I have never... had someone lick my feet before." She says. I actually smile. That was not quite true. She had just never been awake when someone had licked her feet. Heather giggles. That laugh could be for a whole bunch of reasons really, but I decide to play fair. I take my other hand, and place it on top of one of my youngest's feet as well. Her face goes even redder, if possible. I think the fact that Kara was getting more bashful, was actually making it easier for me to relax. For the first time, I try taking the initiative. I move both of my hands, gently to each of the girls' ankles. Kara seems to hold her breath as I bring her foot closer to my face, and Heather confidently sips her drink. My oldest looks like a queen, waiting for her loyal servant to kiss her foot and declare his everlasting loyalty. Both girls end up with the soles of their feet next to my face. Heather has a much more pronounced arch to her foot, and she flexes her toes back, smoothening out her sole for me. I smile Heather was demanding me to lick her feet first. Heather looks at my face.

"We will say... ten seconds per contestant?" She says with a hint of a question. At first I feel some disappointment. But, perhaps it's a good idea to put a limit on this, with this much drink in me, I might try to spend about ten minutes on each of their feet, and that might not look so good when we all regret this in the morning. I am about to agree when I hear Kara speak, at first it's a whisper, then she coughs and speaks louder.

"Twenty...Twenty seconds should be...fine."

I blink and look over at my youngest, so does Heather. Heather raises her eyebrows and tilts her head, but then gives a nod and a smile.

"Ok, I mean, if you want Dad's tongue on you for longer, that's fine..." She says in an offhanded way. Kara nearly chokes on her drink, and I actually bite my tongue. Heather giggles hard and, perhaps even more shocking, Kara decides to finish off her beer instead of denying Heather claim. Heather then wriggles her foot in my hand. "Speaking of, chop-chop, Dad, I have a competition to win here," she says pointedly.

I turn my face to the left and position my eldest's foot close to my nose. I can feel Kara's eyes widening as my tongue comes out of my mouth and makes contact with the sole of Heathers foot. My dick jumps a little as the sound of my eldest daughter's moan reaches my ears. It's not over exaggerated, and a part of me is convinced that she does enjoy it when I lick her feet. But as I start dragging my lips over the bottom of her foot, I do feel her other foot start rubbing on my leg. It's not hard to forget that we are being watched right now. This could have been just the two of us out here, just more foreplay before the main event. I mean, I had already pretty much concluded that if Heather wanted it, we were going to have sex again. Hell in my thoughts all day today I had run over multiple scenarios that would end up with my eldest daughters body, sweating underneath mine. Heathers voice breaks the quite; I am surprised to hear that her tone sounds very turned on.

"Ok, ok, ok... Twenty. That's twenty seconds dad." She says nearly out of breath. I open my eyes and look down at her. Her fingers are dug into the couch and she is biting her lip. Her nipples are hard and very visible through her shirt. In fact, the whole outline of her breasts a visible, and her eyes are just begging for me to lose control. As I fight for control of my limbs again, Heather pulls her foot away from my lips, and clears her throat. As she sits up, she downs her drink, grinning and running the back of her hand across her forehead. I keep my eyes locked on her, and I am proud to say that it is Heather that finally looks away, her face getting red. I actually jump when I hear a whine come from my other side! I had completely forgotten about Kara. I turn to look down at her, and my mind jumps again. Kara has drained her drink and looks even more turned on then Heather did. She still has her feet up in the air, her small soft soles waiting to be kissed, and has crossed her ankles to let her calves rest on her thighs... in this position, her skirt has pulled up, showing me all of her beautiful pale legs, tattoos and all. I can't help myself, I tilt my head slightly to the side, and get a great view of her panties. Black and tight, definitely a thong. Kara's voice brings me back to earth.

"Are you looking at my underwear daddy?" She says frowning innocently. Her face is red and embarrassed, and the little grumpy accusation in her voice is screaming to be corrupted. I shake my head and reach to drain my drink as well.

"What? No! No, of course not." I say and try hard to smile naturally. Heather continues to giggle at me and Kara continues to look at me through narrowed eyes. Then she makes a sad face at me and extends one her legs. I actually have to turn my face slightly as she plants the sole of her foot right on my face, almost lightly smacking me and keeping her foot pressed on my face. She whines at me again.

"Come on Daddy, it's my turn." She begs. I am shocked by her sudden brazen actions. She of all people knows exactly what a beautiful girls feet can do to a person, but her shyness was being replaced with an almost childishness, that I had only seen once before. With my memories of that interesting night in mind, I lightly kiss Kara's foot as I turn my head, and pull her foot off my face to hover over my lips. The tattoos all over her legs and feet are like targets to kiss, and it talks a lot of self control to not overstep my boundaries, however few of them remain. This was so far from a game of questions between daughters and father that I had nearly given up. When my lips start kissing her foot, I hear her start to lightly giggle. I press my nose between her toes and inhale. Her feet have just a slight smell to them, and it's intoxicating.

"God... this is so embarrassing, Daddy..." I hear her say... Its crazy, her innocent talk is just as effective as Heathers dirty talk was at bringing my body into a tailspin. I lift her foot up, and lick her sole from heel to toes. She giggles as I drag my tongue between her toes. This was unreal, and outstanding.

"Twenty!" Heather calls out. And I feel my disappointment as I open my eyes again, and pull my lips away from Kara's foot. I lean back and look over at Heather. She has a huge grin on her face as I let Kara's leg go. I grin back, knowing why she thinks this is so funny. I go to look back at Kara, and before I can even realize what is happening, Kara is face to face with me, and her lips are pressed on mine!

I am shocked of course, but after perhaps a second of being a statue, I let my lips start kissing back. Before it can move from passionate kiss to lovers kiss, Kara breaks it off, and stands right up.

"I'm off to bed! Super tired. Love you, Daddy, night sis." She says, and leaves me with a face of open shock. I shake myself and stand, turning around to watch her walk down the hallway hurriedly. She presses into her room and shuts the door. I notice that my jaw has dropped. What in the world was that? I find myself thinking. She had kissed me! And that was no daddy daughter kiss. Where was her mind at? I wonder. As I am thinking about all of this, a firm hand reaches around my body and grips at my cock. My body reacts and I try to turn around to face Heather. This girl was going to have to deal with the monster she has created. Heather however keeps a strong hold on my manhood, and presses her breasts into my back. I growl at her. She was going to get it once she let me go. She hugs tightly to me, and I feel her teeth nibble hungrily into my back just below my neck. I can't help myself, I reach behind my back and press my fingers between her legs. She jumps, and moves up onto her toes, trying to evade me, but I follow and start pressing my fingers into her mound. She bites her lips to try and keep from screaming. She speaks with a slowly weakening voice