Batman: Arkham City Chronicles Ch. 08


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Hawkgirl and Vixen exchange looks between each other, because while Hawkgirl supports Superman's Pro-Galaxy faction, Vixen supports Batman's Pro-Earth faction, but this is Batman, so Hawkgirl says, "Alright, I will keep quiet. If you tell me why?"

Batman just gives Hawkgirl his best 'Batman stare' before saying, "The one Superman has contained all the information on Krypton. This one contains valuable information regarding other Earths."

"How can you possibly know that?" asks Vixen, before Batman answers, "Because, I learned to read Kryptonian many years ago."

Hawkgirl and Vixen exchange looks again when Night Echo says, "We should be going soon, because we have the ice to worry about."

"Correct, but Hawkgirl and Vixen, regardless of the politics," replies Batman, "You should have enough trust in me to know that I know what I'm doing. Plus, we just had an amazing experience!"

Hawkgirl and Vixen look at each other again since both women really enjoyed the sexual encounter with Batman and he is right about one thing. There is no reason Batman had given Hawkgirl or Vixen not to trust him or at least trust that, he knows what he is doing. Hawkgirl and Vixen both nod, before Hawkgirl says, "For the time being I won't tell anyone, but I will ask for a favor."

"What's the favor?" asks Batman, wondering what Hawkgirl wants in return, but Hawkgirl simply answers, "When the time comes I'm going to ask you for assistance and you will assist me, regardless of what the matter is and without a single question."

"Vixen, do you want the same deal?" asks Batman, figuring Vixen will say yes but Vixen had a different desire and asks, "No Batman, but I do have need your detective skills and vast knowledge, regarding a matter of urgent importance to my nation."

"I will help in any way I can," voices Batman, before the four depart on the Batboat. Night Echo is at the pilot seat with Batman in the co-pilot seat already studying the memory orb. Hawkgirl and Vixen are in the back, when Hawkgirl asks, "When, I get back to the Watchtower, I think we should talk about things."

"That won't be necessary," voices Mari McCabe, leaning over and kissing Hawkgirl on the lips. After the kissing is over Hawkgirl whispers, "I like really you, Vixen, but I also like men too."

"Oh, I like men too," says Vixen, gently kissing Hawkgirl's lips again before continuing, "But that is what we have Batman for, while we are figuring this out. Then together we can make a decision."

"I heard that!" replies Batman, but neither Hawkgirl or Vixen reply as the Batboat races into the darkness of the Arctic night.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ruined Cathedral,

Gotham Wastelands,

Gotham City

The Batwing gently lands near the ruined Cathedral in Gotham Wastelands. The stretch of lands had been ruined by pollution, illegal dumping, and other human activities which had damaged the environment. Batman had only brought one other with him, Batwoman who he had learned is more like him than anyone else he had ever met and while only knowing her for three days now he had come to trust her, like trusting himself. Helena after stepping down from the Batwing asks, "So what're we doing here?"

"I came to test a theory," replies Batman, as he picked the Gotham Wastelands because it is abandoned and had a population of zero, "Batwoman, you said that you're from Earth-11K, right?"

"That is the designation given to my Earth by the Arkham Knight's database, yes," answers Batwoman, who doesn't think of her Earth as 'Earth-11.' Batman then replies, "Then there must be other Earths, which means on some of them I must exist too. I am here..."

All of a sudden, a purple raven lands near Batman, before a puff of purple smoke and standing right where the raven was, is a blue skinned, barely dress, smoking hot vixen. Batman turns to Batwoman, Bruce says, "This is Raven. I asked for her help."

"Raven," says Batwoman, who didn't have a female Raven on her Earth, instead she had a male Raven, who was friends with her Robin. He was killed along with several other heroes of Earth-11K. Batman is looking around, when another woman appeared. Batman voices, "Zatanna, you are late! What kept you?"

"Sorry, I was finishing up researching some dark magic for this mission," replies Zatanna Zatara, whose white shirt can barely contain her breasts, as she shows enormous amounts of cleavage.

"Zatara?" asks Batwoman, "How? My Zatara on my Earth was a man."

"Giovanni Zatara is my father, but I guess that means I didn't exist on your Earth," responds Zatanna, who like Raven came to aid Batman, as Batwoman replies, "No, he never had a daughter."

"Alright, since we are all here. Batwoman, Raven, Zatanna, and I are going to try and travel to another dimension and back. You're in charge until I get back and don't let my Batwoman give you any attitude," explains Batman, as he turning to Zatanna and Raven and asks, "Are you sure you can get us to another Earth?"

"Yes, but we don't know what Earth or if we can get back," voices Zatanna, who doesn't think this is a wise idea, but Batman is determined. Batman just replies, "That is why you're coming with me, and we must know if we can find allies out there."

"Batman, I don't think this is a very good idea," voices Batwoman, grabbing Batman by his arm, "Or at least, let me go in your place. This is your Earth that we are defending after all."

"With all due respect Batwoman, I'm aware of that but the reality is that this isn't your Earth and you lost your war against the Arkham Knight. I don't plan on making the same mistakes," voices Batman, but he knows Batwoman's previous experience will be invaluable in the coming war with the Knight.

"Alright," says Batwoman, while her feelings were hurt by the comment, she can't argue that Batman is wrong. She did lose the war for her Earth to the Arkham Knight. A few minutes later, Zatanna announces, "We are ready whenever you give the command."

"Let's do this," voices Batman, and just a few seconds later, Batman, Zatanna, and Raven disappear from where they were standing. Batwoman watching this, can only climb back into the Batwing, before flying away while hoping she sees them again.

Abandoned Cathedral,

Gotham City,


Batman, Zatanna, and Raven appear in the same spot that they were but immediately it becomes clear that this isn't their Earth. Gone is the Gotham Wastelands, being replaced by a Megacity that itself is in ruins. Batman hears a battle raging on in the distance and says, "Alright, let's stick together and find out what Earth we are on, and what the situation is here."

"That won't be necessary," voices a woman, after decloaking, the woman is dressed in a very futuristic Batsuit, "I was sent to bring you to Resistance HQ. It is nice to meet all of you, I'm Robin of this Earth but it isn't safe here and we need to move."

"Alright," replies Batman, wondering if this woman is also his sister, before he, Raven, and Zatanna climbs into the Batmobile. The Batmobile gently lifts off from where is landed and fly off into the night sky, over the ruined city. It only takes a brief time for the craft to travel to Resistance Headquarters...

Resistance Headquarters,

Gotham City,


Batman, Zatanna, and Raven follow Robin into Resistance Headquarters, which Batman realizes is the Batcave and asks, "If this is the Wayne Manor, where is Alfred and who're you, Robin?"

"Alfred died long ago..." replies an elderly man, sitting at the main computer. Batman can't believe what he is seeing. The elderly man continues, "...I haven't seen that Batsuit in decades."

"You're Bruce Wayne," says Zatanna, but the elderly man must be in his 80s. Robin takes off her mask and says, "Father, you didn't tell me it would be a younger version of you arriving."

"I didn't honestly believe it myself until just now," replies the elderly Bruce Wayne. Seeing the look on Batman's face, the elderly Bruce Wayne replies, "This is my daughter, Helena. Welcome to Earth-2KH. I'm...I used to be the Batman of the world, but I'm too old to do the fighting anymore. However, I'm sure that you have questions, so let me begin. 20 years ago, this Earth was invaded by a species known as the Drej, they are living energy with a thirst for conquest. They reduced the Earth to collections of ruined cities, with Gotham being the last surviving human stronghold. The resistance members are the last survivors of humanity. So, we need your help, Batman."

"How can I possibly help you?" asks Batman, thinking he had his own problems back on his Earth but the elderly Bruce Wayne says, "Follow me, please. Helena take Raven and Zatanna to get food."

Batman quietly follows the elderly gentlemen and when it is just the two of them, he voices, "What happened to the other heroes?"

"They were hunted down and eliminated one-by-one," replies the elderly Bruce, "What we can figure in my world male heroes developed decades before the female heroes. When Superman and I founded the Justice League, the other five male heroes were the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and the Major."

"Wait a minute, I met the Major," voices Batman, but this doesn't surprise the elderly Bruce who replies, "I know, he was the one who told me you were coming. Well the Major warned us but none of the other heroes listened and they paid. I still remember the day, when the Drej ripped Superman apart. Torn the Man of Steel's arms from his body, like he was just a doll."

"What do you need from me?" asks Batman, still wondering how he can possibly help but the elderly Bruce explains, "We created a weapon to destroy the Drej. It breaks down the bond that hold the Drej together. I named it the Sangraal. The location where we built the weapon was captured by the Drej. Our intelligence shows that they hadn't activated nor destroyed it. They seem to be unaware of the weapon, since they hadn't captured anyone with knowledge of the device. It can only be activated by a DNA match from Bruce Wayne but I'm too old to lead the group."

"So, you want me to lead the group and activate the device?" asks Batman, knowing he would be killing every Drej on the planet. The elderly Bruce nods his head yes and comments, "I abandoned my rule of not killing years ago. The war changed me..."

"And not for the better," says Batman, finishing the elderly man's sentence but adding, "Alright, I will do it, but I have two questions. First, what happened to Alfred? Second, have you been to any other Earths and can I find allies?"

"I'm going to answer the second question first, yes I have been to one other Earth," replies the elderly Bruce, before picking up a device and explaining, "The Major gave this to me long ago. It allows the user to travel across dimension and it is coded to only our DNA but can only allow one person to travel, meaning you go alone. The Earth I went to, is known as Earth-75LI and your Earth is 3022. Earth-75LI was in the middle of fighting the Second World War but on this Earth the Nazis were the 'good guys' fighting for the values of freedom and democracy against the Allied power of Great Britain, France, and Russia. It's the strangest place I had ever visited..."

"Damn!" replies Batman, as the elderly Bruce continues, " for Alfred. Several years, after the death of most of the Superheroes, the Drej were fighting a war against the nations of this Earth's military. So, they released a biological weapon that killed 99.9% of male on this planet. That is when we started recruiting women into the hero business. I survived by a stroke of luck but Alfred, Dick, Commissioner Gordon, and so many others wasn't so lucky. That was basically the beginning of the end of my Earth. I'm the last living male on this planet, or was until you stepped foot on this Earth, just a little while ago."

"If that is the case, then what is the point of deploying the device?" asks Batman, but the elderly Bruce seem like he had anticipated the question, and explain, "Because the Drej are a threat not only to other planets within this dimension but to other dimensions, if they learn about the existence of other realities they will not stop until they can travel between them."

"What do you know of someone known as the Arkham Knight?" asks Batman, seeing the look on the elderly Bruce's face making his stomach drop. The elderly Bruce answers, "I know what I have been told. I never met him before, probably didn't bother with the Earth because of the Drej but I met a hero once who fought him."

"I thought you said you had only been to one other Earth?" asks Batman, but the elderly Bruce grins before explaining, "I had only been to one Earth, yes but the hero, the Flash, I met on my Earth, he was sneaking support, much like you're doing now. He was from Earth-2016A and never heard of Batman, Bruce Wayne or any Wayne for that matter. We soon discovered to my horror that the Waynes don't exist any longer on any of the Earth-2016s. It would seem that the Wayne family never made the trip across the pond and were eliminated by the Nazis during World War 2."

"What happened to this version of the Flash?" asks Batman, wondering what version of the Flash it was. The elderly Bruce gets misty-eyed before answering, "He and his entire world, fell to the Arkham Knight. Barry was one of the last heroes to fall, but like so many others, he was no match for the Arkham Knight."

"But the Flash had superpowers, his speed," replies Batman, but even he knows that he has a plan to defeat each and every hero that he had encountered. The elderly Bruce just stares off at nothing and comments, "I will tell you everything else, but I want you to take the other survivors back to your Earth. There is no future on this Earth anymore. Please take them with you."

"What about you?" asks Batman, wondering what his counterpart is planning but the elderly Bruce answers, "I'm dying and no one else knows. I ask that you not tell anyone, but I will finally get to see my parents. In a place where there are no villains."

"Can I ask what you're dying from?" asks Batman, but the elderly Bruce simply voices, "Let me offer you this piece of advice, from one Bruce to another. Be the leader your planet needs you to be, regardless of what Clark thinks. Last, you must find happiness and love because it'll be a lonely life without them."

Earth-3022's Bruce Wayne doesn't know how to respond, but the elderly Bruce Wayne says, "Why don't you go, and get some rest."

Batman walks away wondering if the elderly version of himself is right but also knowing that he is different since Joker's death.

Several Hours Later:

Resistance Headquarters,

Wayne Manor,

Gotham City, Earth-2KH

Bruce is standing in what would be his master bedroom, but it would seem that the elderly Bruce Wayne had long ago stopped using it. Bruce is looking over the shield-dome city of Gotham. The shield-dome doesn't extend as far as Gotham does, so Bruce can also see the ruined building that were destroyed by the war that is waging on this Earth. There is a knock at the door, and in step Raven and Starfire but this isn't his Earth version of Raven or Starfire but this Earth's version of those heroines. This Raven, aka Rachel Roth, had orange-skin, whereas Bruce's Earth Raven had blue skin. More surprisingly is Starfire, unlike his Earth's version, this Starfire is fully-dressed, with almost no skin showing. Even this Raven had her hips and thighs covered. Though both of them had orange-skin which Bruce find to be odd but very normal in Starfire case. It is Raven who speaks first, "You're the Bruce Wayne from Earth-3022?"

"I am, and you must be this Earth's Rachel Roth..." replies Bruce, before turning to Starfire, and voices, "...and you're Koriand'r."

"It is nice to meet you!" replies Starfire, who fled to Earth with her sister, Komand'r after the destruction of her planet at the hands of the Drej. Starfire is so happy she asks, "It is correct that you're going to help us and take us to your Earth?"

"I hadn't decided yet but I'm leaning toward at least helping you defeat the Drej but taking you back to my reality could very well upset the balance of power within my Justice League," explains Bruce, seeing the women's body language change in an instant. Raven voices, "We could be useful to you in your coming war with the Arkham Knight. You will need allies."

"I came looking for allies, but this isn't what I had in mind," replies Bruce, knowing that he is going to need to make some tough decisions moving forward. Starfire offers, "Maybe we can convince you otherwise," before unzipping her blouse, revealing...

"Whatever, I'll start," Raven kneels down in front of him and fishes out his cock. Without another word, she takes hold and polishes the tip. Starfire watches in amazement and grasps the shaft while Raven plays with the head. Batman, not wanting to remain passive, buries his face in Starfire's ample breasts and moans deeply. The vibrations against her sternum shake Starfire to her core and she hugs his head to keep him there.

"Hey Starfire. Help me out here," Raven orders, which seems strange to Bruce since his Starfire usually prefers to take the lead. Reluctantly, the Tamarian lets go of his head and kneels down beside the other Teen Titan. While Raven licks his head, Starfire presses her nose against his nutsack. Her breath tickles his taint and his balls as she absorbs the new smell of male musk. Then she takes nervous, tentative licks to his massive balls while Raven boldly takes in more of his length down her throat. Deeper and deeper, she clogs her mouth with his cock and exhales out of her nose. She then pulls away with a strand of spittle connecting his cockhead with her lips as she gasps for air before diving down again. She pulls back up again and joins Starfire gobbling his nutsack. The two titans slather his balls in worship as they prepare the next generation of superheroes, but surely the first batch must be tested first. So, Raven aims his shaft at Starfire's mouth and feverishly strokes him by running her hands along the entire length. Understanding her intent, Starfire opens up her mouth to drink his load. Raven's aim is poor, as the first load hits her right in the forehead and then her cheek before some of it lands in her mouth. The Tamarian swallows it but gives a sour face. Then the half demon scoops up the stuff on her cheek with her tongue. Raven's face remains impassive except for her slightly widened eyes as the flavor of semen touches her tongue.

Batman lifts Raven's petite body and tosses her on the bed. He then takes hold of her ankles and spreads her legs open. He then slides his length inside her and fills up her insides. She gasps and holds her sucked-in breath as his girth spreads her wide. Failing that, Raven moans deeply as he plunges her depths over and over again. As he drives deep into her womb, the pressure of her dainty vagina proves too much and he cums deep inside. As he pulls out, Raven's creampie spills out onto the sheets while she regains her breath.

"Please let me commence with the cleaning of you up," Starfire says as she wraps her tits around his slimy manmeat. As her soft mammaries engulf his length, she lowers her head to suckle on the tip.

"Is this okay? I am not sure," she shyly says as she sucks him off. Unlike this Raven or even Bruce's Starfire, this woman makes cautious laps and only has the tip in her mouth. Frustrated with her lackluster head, he takes hold of the back of her head and drives more of his length deeper into her gullet. Her eyes go wide as she struggles to breathe from the sudden force of his cock fucking her mouth. He then cums deep, straight down her throat before pulling out of her mouth. She hacks up this load as she fails to swallow it like the other Starfire normally would with a wide grin. Still, he puts his hands on her shoulders to push her down on the bed. Now that Starfire is on her back, he then proceeds to fuck her tits in earnest, his large hands cover hers as he presses the tit flesh even closer. The bed creaks as he humps her chest as if it were her cunt and he cums again, splattering Starfire chin and neck.