Battle of Wills Ch. 02


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The other three agreed. As the vampires gathered for their round table the next day, Gus and Radu stood in the back. Silas was not supposed to be here so he agreed to return home and be there for Fifi and the kids. Valkyre was furious.

Her brothers were welcomed, though their presence caused concern. Anton took his seat, Val and Owen sitting on either side of him. Matthias knew everyone was waiting for him to enter. He knew she would be there. He and Griffin entered and were not surprised to see her brothers. Gustiban stopped him. "Hello Matthias, we need to talk." He stated.

Matthias smiled. "Glad to see you Gustiban. I look forward to catching up. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I must present."

Gus stepped aside and let him pass. As he approached his table, he could not help but see Valkyre. She was talking with Owen, so he stopped at their table. "Owen, after this meeting, I'd love to have a word. Val you look ravishing as always. Anton, good to see you." Matthias and Griffin took their seat.

Valkyre was clearly distracted. More of his team joined him and Owen became annoyed. Ana was sitting with him. He could not believe she was a part of Matthias's coven. Well, that was another mistake he had to rectify. Anton noticed his son's reaction as the young woman sat next to Griffin. She reached cross and touched Matthias and Valkyre hissed. It seemed that his two children had to set boundaries where their mates were concerned.

The moderator stood, and the meeting started. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen," he finished his spiel. Matthias stood at the podium ready to question his elder. He grilled the elder vampire about his covens involvement in destroying the Briar demon. Anton explained and justified their actions.

Matthias was not satisfied, he asked about King Alfendae and the fairy kingdom. Since Gus had ingested the blood of a fairy, was he still vampire.

Gus growled. "How did the vampire blood change the fairy princess?" Matthias asked one more set of questions that forced the meeting to be halted as Gustiban was escorted out. "Out of all of the mixed matings, your son and this fairy produced offspring. We know they adopted three orphan boys, but a little girl was born of their union, right? She's fairy, he's vampire are you sure it's Gustiban's child?

Valkyre stood and glared at him hissing. Gus flew from the back, grabbing Matthias by the throat. Griffin and two of his group members pulled him off. Matthias looked around. Everyone hated him, but he had to see her. She stared at him with such disdain, that he knew he had blown whatever chance he had with her, The podiums were reset, Anton was talking with his son and Matthias did something he had never done before.

"Gustiban, I was out of line. I apologize." He looked at Valkyre, she looked annoyed. He continued, much to the surprise of the vampires in attendance. "Actually, I owe everyone here an apology. For the past few years I have questioned the cross matings. The reason I question them is personal. Most creatures are the sworn enemy of the vampire, yet they have found their mates amongst us."

He sighed, "My mother was not the woman my father fell in love with. She was selected for him by his parents. The first five years of my life was spent in complete ignorance, and then Grandfather departed this life. For the next fifteen years, I listened to the fights, the bickering. My mother would look at me with disdain, and my father looked at me with contempt. As an only child, I had no one to confide in until..."

He stopped, "Well, anyway, father told me the truth if their union after mother left. Curious, I searched for a woman he mentioned. It was obvious that he had strong feelings for her. I found her and told him of my quest. He went to her and she came home with him. Ankira, a female shifter, was more of a mother to me than my own had been. His last few days on this earth were pure bliss because his true love had returned.

My mother was not so lucky; she died alone in her bed to be found by me the next day. So when I question, it's not to hurt you, but to keep your children from experiencing what I experienced." Matthias thought of Stork. His brother had been treated horribly, so he stayed hidden. Ankira feared Stork, and it broke his heart. She grew to accept him, but could not get past his demon appearance. "Sadly, Ankira followed father in death and no children were born from their union."

Valkyre spoke, "I'm sorry you were treated so poorly, but that does not give you the right to accost my brother. Felicity and the children are not up for discussion."

Matthias stood, and Valkyre stared him down. "Again, Gustiban, I apologize. I have no further thoughts."

Everyone was stunned as he stepped down. He walked out and his team followed. Anton stopped. Valkyre, he needs you, he sent. Val left their table and followed the group.

As she approached, several members of his group stood between him and her. "Are you afraid to talk to me, Matthias?" She asked.

"Please go. I'm fine." He told his group. They stepped aside.

Valkyre walked up to him. Her eyes full of confusion. "Was last night a ploy to set my brothers up and attack them?"

"Last night had nothing to do with your brothers. It was about us. Today was about how the vampire nation is being changed." Matthias explained,

"Felicity loves him. She would never do as you accuse. Nyx is his little girl. She looks just like him and she is vampire. You hurt him and I don't know how to deal with that." She stepped away.

Matthias was frozen. He had just found her, just recognized who she was. Would his insensitivity cost him the one woman he always dreamed of?

"Moving behind her, he caressed her shoulders, "Val, listen."

"Explain." She demanded. Matthias took a deep breath and he did.

"My family has secrets. we kept them hidden." She was surprised to learn that his mother had a second child. Matthias did not talk about his sibling much at all. But she knew, his questions went deeper than mere curiosity.

Valkyre listened, and when he finished she whispered, "I have to walk away from them. They won't accept you. "

"I know. I need to talk with your father." Matthias moved close, taking her in his rms. "I lied last night. You were not mine for only a moment. You are mine for a lifetime." They kissed.

People gasped. Never did they think they would ever see any man, let alone a Caspian conquer the heart of Valkyre Svennick. Applause erupted and the couple separated. Anton watched. "You two walk with me. The three went for stroll. Anton looked at them, and he had to admit they mead a handsome couple. "My daughter, is he the one?"

Valkyre smiled and said yes.

"Then I can never deny you your happiness. We will miss you, but you are joining a new and powerful coven." Anton stated.

"Wait, sir. I don't belong to a coven," Matthias explained.

"Son, you are the leader of your coven. You see them as friends, but each vampire that follows you would lay down his or her life in a heartbeat. A coven, son is not made of vampires you sire or that are born. It can be made of people who simply care about each other and have the same goals at heart. You, son, have that type of coven." Anton explained. Matthias looked and his friends nodded in agreement with the elder.

"Wow, I had no clue. He faced Valkyre, are you sure?" He asked.

She laughed, "I'll miss my family and it will hurt to not see my nephews or niece again, but I need you Matthias. It's insane. But true."

Matthias sighed, He had to talk to Gustiban. Valkyre needed her family as much as he needed her with him. "Let me talk to your brothers.'

The three returned. Gus was still upset and both Radu and Owen were ready to rip Matthias apart. Matthias walked over to all three men and said, "Gentlemen we need to talk."

Gus was ready to explode when Val gasped. Something about his sister being afraid calmed him. It did not get past him that she was afraid for the one guy she claimed she hated a few years back.

The four men vanished. Soon, Anton and Valkyre bid good day to their friends and he had to distract his daughter. "You know, I promised the boys a gift. Why don't you come with me and help find them something."

Val knew what her father was doing. She needed to think about something else.

Meanwhile, the three brothers faced Matthias. Gus was ready to rip into him when he felt a hug from his mate. Fifi, is everything OK? He sent. She laughed. I'm sensing anger. Is father alright? Val?

Gus smiled and got his emotions in check. She's fine. She has met her soul mate love.

Felicity laughed, Let me guess you guys don't approve? She is my sister, hurt her husband and you will pay, love,.

Gus smiled, and Owen and Radu were confused. Bye sweetness. I'll be home soon. He faced Matthias.

"Radu, Owen, give us a minute." Gus requested. Owen and Radu looked at each other. They stepped out and Owen found himself face to face with Ana . She was worried. Matthias was her friend, the first real friend she had and she would not stand aside and let them bully him.

She lit into Owen and he faced her wearing a goofy smile. Radu was shocked. Then mid-rant, he kissed her. She fought at first, and then returned his kiss with a passion. Radu was stunned. It seemed that Owen had met his one as well.

"Ana, walk with me?" Owen asked. His heart raced. She had every reason to refuse his request. What would he do if she did?

"Sure." She answered. Owen sighed. The rest of the team were surprised. First, Matthias found someone and now little Ana. Hope shined brightly before them all.

"You are a part of Matthias's coven. That is a problem for me. I don't like him." Owen sighed. Ana listened. Matthias was her friend and as much as she liked Owen, she was not going to let him talk about someone she cared bout.

"I want you Ana. I want a chance to get to know you." Owen stated. Will you consider changing covens?" He asked and waited.

"What exactly are you saying, Owen?" Ana asked. She was feeling a sense of dread. His next answer would make or break them.

Owen took a deep breath. The look in her eyes, and the fact that she had not said a single word told him his next words would make or break them.

"I'm saying I want to explore this connection that we have. I'm saying that as much as I dislike Matthias, if accepting him means you'll give me a chance I will accept him as a part of your life." Owen exhaled as Ana stepped away.

"He likes her. He likes your sister. He is easily hurt and you don't know how your actions and words hurt him. You care about me, want me, then accept my friend." Ana whispered.

The fire, the passion in her eyes drew him close. Stroking her cheek, Owen whispered her name. "Ana, give me a chance."

She smiled, "I have always liked you Owen. When I was eighteen, I wanted you to come for me, but you were off on your adventures. Last night, it was a dream come true."

Owen leaned forward and kissed her. Ana returned his kiss as her friends hooted. They pulled apart and Owen knew. She was it for him. He had to choose. He loved felicity, but now he understood the stress Gus felt when Roedan was after Felicity. If someone threatened Ana, he'd destroy any and all in his path.

Owen smiled, "You're mine Ana. You belong with me." She smiled and whispered, yes.

Owen held her then and knew that no matter what his life was at her side.

Radu watched and was happy for his brother. It seemed that he and Silas were the only ones not mated now. He liked this girl, and after listening to Matthias today, he was having a hard time disliking him as well. Radu vanished to Valkyre's room. She was lying across her bed, reading.

"He better treat you like the Goddess you are, or I'm coming after him." Radu whispered. Valkyre smiled and he swore she was even more beautiful than she had ever been.

"Thank you, Radu. He is everything I've ever wanted. When you get to know him, you'll see he is a great guy." Valkyre whispered.

Radu frowned. "Well, I can see that. He makes you happy, right?"

Valkyre nodded, and Radu whispered, "Then I will be proud to call him brother."

Valkyre cried and hugged her brother. "Owen will be along later. Right now, he is begging Ana to give him a chance. It seems that we have acquired a new brother and a new sister. Valkyre was shocked.

"Wait, he's been giving me a hard time and he met someone. Oh, I'm going to make him pay." She laughed.

Owen and Ana vanished to his room. He spent the next few hours showing her how much he loved her.


Thank you for reading. I hope you are enjoying Val and Matt's story.

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Fefe1969Fefe1969over 8 years ago

Where is chapter 3?

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