Bay City


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That kind of forthrightness startled me. My mind was in a muddle and I hadn't been really thinking things through. His blunt statement and the thought of actually fucking this hot bodied man in bed with me turned me on like crazy. I groaned aloud at his touch on my prick as his warm hand stroked me up and down. "Oh shit, Michael." I groaned. "That feels so good." He shifted his weight and pushed the pillow between my knees further down and said "Then maybe this will feel even better." He lowered his head to my crotch and ran his soft warm lips up and down the shaft of my prick. I could feel his tongue darting out against the shaft and it felt like a candle flame on my skin. One of my hands went to the back of his head and the other wandered down his smooth muscled back as he stroked and licked me. I felt him pull back the foreskin of my prick and I saw him raise his head. He licked the head of my cock and smacked his lips and murmured "Mmmmm.." as he opened his mouth and took me inside him.

Can I accurately describe in words what it was like? Probably not. That first time Michael took my cock in his mouth was like heaven. Sure, he was a little clumsy at it, being his first time and all. But what he lacked in technique he more than made up for with passion. I'd had a few lovers in my life. Not a whole lot, but a few. And I had had my share of blowjobs before. But that first time with Michael was like the first time ever all over again. I groaned aloud and my hips rose up of their own accord. He couldn't get more than the head and the first few inches into his mouth, but those were the ones that counted the most. His hand wrapped around the shaft of my cock and moved up and down as he began to bob his head in my lap. I groaned and my hips rolled and my fingers clutched at his hair.

It seemed like no time at all before I could feel an orgasm rapidly building. I was so wound up physically and emotionally that I was ready to pop at any moment. Even though I didn't want to say it, I groaned "Michael. You better stop."

His mouth came off my prick with a little pop and he said "Why?"

"If you don't stop I'm going to come. Like, any second now."

He shrugged. "Okay" and lowered his head back to my prick and started sucking away again.

Who am I to argue?

I lay back and surrendered to the pleasure of this wonderful young man sucking my cock. And like I thought, it didn't take very long. My eyes squeezed shut and little lights started bursting behind my eyelids. My hands grabbed the bedclothes and I pulled at them like I was going to tear the sheets off. I groaned loudly and began shooting come into Michaels hot sucking mouth. He twitched a little and then I could feel him rapidly swallowing as I shot off into his mouth. The extra suction that created made me groan even louder and it felt like he was going to suck my whole body down his throat. Stream after stream of come spewed out of my prick. I didn't think I had ever come that much before and he swallowed down every drop.

Michael kept me in his mouth gently sucking on me until the flow of come stopped and my body began to relax a little. Every little movement of his lips and tongue make little electric sparks run up and down my nervous system. I was still twitching and moaning like my finger was stuck in a light socket. Finally, with one last kiss on the head, he took my prick out of his mouth and crawled back up to lay his head on my chest. I was panting like a long distance runner and the pounding of my heart was making his head bounce up and down. He rose up on one elbow and laid a hand on my chest as he looked at me.

"Dex, are you okay?" he almost sounded worried.

My hand came up behind his head and gently stroked the back of his neck. I tried to speak but my mouth didn't seem to be working correctly. All I could do was wave my other hand in what I hoped was a reassuring gesture.

Finally I managed to croak "If I'm dead, then this must be heaven." and after a second or two I managed to say "Holy shit."

Michael laughed and reached across me for a glass of water. He took a drink and then held it up to my lips so I could wet my parched mouth. I took the glass from him and swallowed about half of it down and set the glass back on the night stand.

I looked at him and said "I thought you said you'd never done this before."

He shook his head and said "My first time. Cross my heart." And he did.

I leaned over and pushed him over on his back and rolled towards him, my face inches away from his. I looked him in the eyes and said "Then you are a natural genius. A prodigy. That was the..... I have never...... You made me......" I couldn't think of the right words so I just leaned down and mashed my lips into his and kissed him long and hard, my tongue snaking past his lips into his mouth. I could taste the slightly salty aftertaste of my come in his mouth and it didn't bother me a bit. The contrast just made him taste that much sweeter. Michaels arms came up around my back and he pulled me on top of him, my legs going in between his. The casted leg bumped against my calf and the other one came up around my lower back, pulling me to his body hard. I could feel his hard cock trapped between us and twitching against my hip. It felt huge, like a boa constrictor trapped between our bodies.

I kissed my way down from his lips and across his throat, biting gently at the skin of his neck. I could feel his pulse hammering against my lips and I suddenly understood why the vampire thing was so sexy. His life and desire were spelled out there against my mouth and I wanted to taste it so very badly. I ran my tongue down into the hollow of his throat and the notch of his collar bone. I slid further down across his chest and sucked one of his nipples into my mouth and nipped at the hard little bud with my teeth. Michael groaned and clutched at my hair with his fingers. I traced my way across and gave the other one the same treatment. As my teeth nipped at his nipple, my hand slid down and wrapped round his hard cock and squeezed it. Michael arched his back off of the bed and moaned, his hands twining in my hair and clutching at my back. I slid further down, my lips and tongue working their way down his hard taut belly. Michael tugged weakly at my hair, trying to pull me back up.

As I neared his prick Michael said "Dex, wait..." But I just opened my mouth and sucked the head of his prick in past my lips. He said "Oooohhh... wait" again but I wasn't really listening. His prick felt huge in my mouth but it wasn't a bad thing. In truth it was maybe a little smaller than mine, but having it in my mouth for the first time made him feel like he was hung like a horse. Kneeling between his legs, I tried my best to give Michael as good as he had given me. He'd been circumcised, which didn't matter to me either way and his cock was big and clean and smooth and hard in my mouth. I used my lips and tongue and hollowed out my cheeks for suction as my hand stroked up and down his shaft. Like Michael, I couldn't get too much of him into my mouth so I used what I could to make it feel good. My other hand slid down beneath him to cup his balls in my palm and tug and squeeze them gently.

I watched him toss his head from side to side and roll his hips back and forth as he muttered inarticulately and moaned. Michaels legs thrashed on either side of me and his face and chest went bright red as he alternately held his breath and panted. His breathing got harder and harder and suddenly he arched his back and cried out and started shooting his come into my mouth. Even though I was pretty much ready for it, the force of his orgasm and the volume caught me a little by surprise. I had just a split second to savor the salty slick taste before I had to start swallowing it down. He came what seemed like gallons into my mouth and I was desperately sucking air in through my nose to keep up with the flow as I swallowed him down.

As Michael had done to me, I held him in my mouth and kept stroking him and swallowing as his orgasm ebbed and slowed and finally stopped. Every time I moved my hands or lips he would say "Ohhh...." and I kept going until he finally grabbed me by the hair and pulled my lips away from his cock. "Ohhhhh... god damn it.... stop." he moaned. I lay my cheek on his hip and looked up at him as he panted and gasped for breath. I leaned over and planted another kiss on the shaft of his cock, just below the head and he jerked and said "Oh shit" and pulled me up his body. He pushed me back over onto my back and curled up next to me again, laying his head on my chest. That seemed to be his favorite position. I didn't argue. It was nice. I helped him rearrange his leg back on the pillow and wrapped my arm around his shoulders and held him tight. He lay there and panted and finally said "I wanted you to fuck me." I chuckled and tousled his hair.

"We'll get there." I said. "I wanted to check out that fantastic cock of yours first, though. Besides, " I added "I still need a little time to recover. You about wore me out!"

Michael nodded slowly against my chest and murmured "That was wonderful...." and a few seconds later he was asleep. I lay there and looked at the back of his head for a few minutes as it rose and fell on my chest. Then I reached over and pulled the covers over us both. Not long after that, with this beautiful man blissfully asleep in my arms, I drifted off myself.

I awoke the next morning feeling a warm body pressed against my side. Michael had turned over in his sleep and was curled up with his back to me, snoring gently, with his head still laying on my right arm. I carefully extracted myself from beneath his head and slipped him back down on the pillow. He muttered sleepily and curled back up and started snoring again. I slid out of the bed quietly and started trying to shake the pins and needles out of my arm. Pulling my old sweat pants from the dresser, I stepped out and shut the bedroom door softly behind me.

Fortunately, my coffee pot shut itself off after two hours. I shook my head at myself, remembering the nervous mess I was when we first got home last night. What a dope! I dumped out the old coffee and started another pot brewing. I really needed a shower, but all of my soap and stuff was in the master bathroom and I didn't want to wake Michael just yet. I went and looked in the hall bathroom and sure enough, there wasn't even a roll of toilet paper in there. I had never once used it, so I never put any supplies in there. I resolved to remedy that situation first chance I got.

In the meantime, I had to take a good look at this situation I had gotten myself into. What was I doing? Before last night I had never even really had a sexual thought about another man yet two hours after I had met Michael I had let him come in my mouth. Granted, I came in his first..... But still. Then I looked down at the front of my sweats as I stood there in my kitchen. Just thinking about him made my prick get hard as a rock. Okay. I was sexually attracted to him. There just wasn't any doubt about that.

So now what?

Hell, I had no idea.

I picked up my watch from the kitchen counter and looked at the date. It was Saturday morning. Nine o'clock. Nobody was expecting me anywhere until Monday morning. I still had to type up my report for that guys wife, but it could wait. I'm just glad it wasn't the other guys wife who had hired us. I wouldn't want to be the one to give her that kind of news.

I had nothing better to do and couldn't think of anything better to do, so I filled two cups with coffee and headed back down to the bedroom. As I neared the door I heard the toilet flush and the soft thumping of crutches across my bedroom carpet. I opened the door carefully and Michael stood there in only his boxers. I smiled and said "Good morning." He smiled back and leaned over to kiss me. I held the coffee cups away from us so as not to spill anything on skin if we got carried away.

We sat on the couch for a few minutes in silence, just sipping our coffee. I could tell that we both wanted to talk about last night, but neither one of us could breach the subject. Michael would just look at me and blush and look down into his coffee cup. Although we had pretty much the same amount of experience when it came to the subject (which was little to none except for last night), I decided that since I was the older one, I should take charge of the situation.

"Do you need to be anywhere today?" I asked.

Michael started. "What? Uh..... Saturday..... no. No, I don't have anywhere I need to be. Why?"

"We need to go to town. Or at least one of us does."


"Lubricant." I said. Michael furrowed up his brow.

"You said you wanted me to fuck you. It would be a nicer for both of us if we had some lubricant and I don't have any here. I have to go get some."

He blushed so easily. But he also very nearly ran down the hall to get dressed so we could go to town.

There was actually an 'Adult Toy Store' in Bay City. I don't remember the name of it, but it was something sleazy. Tucked away off the main highway back where anybody who might be offended wouldn't see it except by accident. A little place adjoining our one strip club. I had been to the club a couple of times on tailing jobs and the place was pretty pathetic. You know the type. It was the only way I knew the store was there and I remembered that the place boasted it was open 24 hours. I couldn't see them making enough money at 9 am on a Saturday morning to justify staying open, but then I wasn't running their books.

Michael and I were the only customers in the place that time of the morning. The clerk looked bored and almost comatose behind the counter as he sipped his double mocha latte something or another and watched CNN on the teevee. We wandered through the place looking at the books and magazines and movies. None of them looked very appealing. We goggled at the assortment of toys and vibrators. I had no idea there were so many available. Plastic and silicone and.... glass? Who ever thought a glass dildo was a good idea? No thanks. And look at the size of some of those things! They made me feel quite inadequate.

Michael had discovered something called the 'Romantic Evening' kit with an assortment of scented candles and massage oils and other things. He squeaked at the price but I told him not to worry about it. I had nothing better to spend my money on anyway.

When we got to their selection of lubes, we were both a bit startled and put off. There were so many different kinds! Sensitizing and desensitizing and warming and cooling and... good grief. I finally found one that was just a plain lubricant. Claimed it was clean and washed up with water and came in a pump bottle like hand lotion. I figured that might come in handy, not having to fumble with a tube and cap in the middle of the action. When I picked up the biggest bottle they had on hand, Michaels eyes went wide.

"Do we need that much?"

"How often do you want to get fucked?" He flushed.

"Maybe we should get two!" I laughed and piled our finds on the counter.

It was an expensive little trip. Set me back well over a hundred bucks just for the few things we had bought. I guess I paid the clerks salary for the morning after all. But, I thought, it was worth it. We had fun in the store and it got us both pretty excited just thinking about having sex. Even if nothing happened, the trip would have been worth it just for the fun we had. In the car Michael opened up the box of stuff he had bought and was reading aloud some of their 'romance tips' in a little pamphlet included in the kit. Some of their ideas weren't half bad.

We stopped at a little diner that I knew on the way home and had breakfast. Most of the morning crowd had already come and gone so we got pretty good service. The food was good and the portions large but sitting across from Michael and thinking about fucking him I barely noticed what I was eating at all. It could have been horrible and I wouldn't have noticed. I left the waitress a five dollar tip without even thinking as we left.

We also stopped by Michaels dorm so he could pick up some clean clothes. In the elevator on the way up to the third floor I leaned over and ran my lips over the back of his neck and squeezed one ass cheek in my hand. He squeaked and shivered and almost fell over. Chuckling, I had to hold him up until the elevator stopped.

Michaels room-mate was still asleep on the other side of the room when we got there. All I could see of him was a mop of tousled blonde hair and one arm hanging off the side of the bed. Michael put one finger to his lips and slipped quietly into the room. He grabbed up a gym bag and began stuffing clothes into it. When the bag was full he handed it to me and grabbed a backpack off of the floor and slipped a few books and a laptop computer into it and slung it over his shoulder. When I raised an eyebrow he whispered "I have homework to do. But I'm not coming back here until Monday morning!" It was good thinking. Then I realized with dismay that sometime this weekend I was going to have to keep my hands off of him long enough to get his homework done. That was probably going to be difficult.

When we got back to the house, Michael carried his backpack and I carried the gym bag and our purchases inside and dumped the stuff on the couch. As he was lowering his backpack onto the couch, I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him from behind, my crotch pressing into his backside. I ran one hand up his chest and pulled him into me until I buried my nose in his hair and kissed the back of his neck. Michael put one hand over mine, shivered, and pressed his ass back into my crotch. We could both feel my prick getting hard and twitching between us. Even though he smelled good and tasted good to me, I could tell that he needed a shower just as bad as I did. I figured it would be a fun and relaxing way to get into the mood and I said so.

Michael said "I can't get my cast wet."

I raised an eyebrow. "I guess you've never done that before either, eh? We just tape a trash bag over the cast. Then we hop in the shower and get clean. Simple."

Michael just stared at me. Then he cried "How come I never thought of that? I've been taking bird baths in the sink for a week!"

Hey, it's a learning process.

So I taped a trash bag over his cast and we had our first shower together. Luckily Mom had paid for the deluxe shower kit. It had a little seat molded into one side and a big grab bar down the back wall and the shower head was removable on a hose for those hard to reach places. Before that day, I'd always just used it as a shower and never even considered the other amenities. We made use of all of them. It was slippery and fun and we got clean and extremely horny. Hell, even toweling off was fun. I just couldn't get enough of touching and exploring his hot little body. And he seemed to be having trouble keeping his hands off of me as well. When we were clean and dry I flipped the lid down on the toilet so he could sit and I carefully removed the tape and the plastic bag. It only cost him a little hair and he said it was well worth the price.

I had picked him up again and was going to carry him to bed when he suddenly squirmed around in my arms and said "Wait, Dex! Our stuff!"

"What stuff?"

He had me set him down and he picked up his crutches and stuck them under his arms and headed for the hallway. "The stuff we bought this morning! The toys and things!" He stopped and waggled his eyebrows at me and added "The lubricant, remember?"

How could I have forgotten?

If you have never seen a well built guy naked on crutches from the back, I'll have to say it's quite a sight. I just stopped and watched for a second. I was entranced by the way the muscles of his arms and back rippled and the way his cute tight ass wiggled every time he took a step. All I could do watch watch until he turned the corner. By the time I caught up, Michael had all of our purchases from the morning in one bag and had turned to head back to the bedroom.