Beach Camping Pt. 01

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Amy's husband wants to watch her have sex. Will she do it?
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/07/2021
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The ranger at the gate checked his list and without blinking an eye, gave us a site number and a pass. I had been sweating it since the guy we rented the trailer from had made all the arrangements. Amy looked at me and flashed one of her killer smiles. My wife hadn't worried. Somehow she knew it would be fine. After all, the beach vacation had been her idea.

We pulled into the site and got to work unhooking my truck and setting up the trailer. Rex, the guy we rented from, had done a pretty good job of explaining things. It went without a hitch, no pun intended. In no time at all, we had changed into our swimsuits and headed for the beach.

It was a short walk. Amy quickly decided on a nice spot near the bluffs. It would give us some protection from the afternoon breeze. There were also fewer people there. Perfect for her, she's what I would call a conservative exhibitionist. She comes alive on the seashore, with the sun on her body, the warmth of the sand under her feet, but mostly it is her near nakedness, coupled with the glimpses she occasionally gives men of her breasts.

We spread our blanket on the sand and set the cooler next to it. We were ready for the day.

"Do you think you could put some lotion on me?" She asked.

I smiled. It was my job. "Sure can", I said. I spotted a couple of men nearby. One kept glancing our way. Perfect.

I started by untying her bikini top, then spread the lotion on her back and legs. She rolled over and I went to work on her chest. When her skimpy bikini top got in the way I brushed it aside, exposing her firm, beautiful breasts. I noticed her admirer couldn't take his eyes off of her. If Amy was aware of his gaze, it would only heighten her excitement. Moving on I replaced her top, leaving just enough skin exposed to hold our friend's interest.

I finished her legs and said, "All done."

"Thank you, baby," she said sleepily.

After three hours of laying on the beach and swimming in the cool Pacific water, we were ready to return to the campsite. We took turns showering then hurried to bed, a vacation tradition.

I was surprised at how fast my erection grew. It seems Amy is not the only one that gets excited by the beach. We made love in our usual way, and that's not bad. When we are getting close to the end, I whisper things about her being fucked by some handsome guy on the beach, or maybe one of her coworkers she thinks is hot. That always puts her over the top. We collapsed and lay next to each other. Soon we fell asleep.

When we awoke it is dark. I sat up and said, "I can't believe how long we slept."

Amy stretched and said. "That was wonderful."

"It was." I kissed her. "Instead of making dinner why don't I just drive down the road and grab something."

Amy smiled. "You are such a stud."

I laughed, "Thank you. Your not so bad yourself."

She slid a white beach cover up over her naked body.

"My dinner plan sounds good?"

"Perfect, I'll straighten up around here." She walked into the kitchen, looked out the window, and said. "Looks like we have company."

A motor home had pulled into the spot next to us. It felt a little confining to have people so close. "I'll be back soon."

I pulled into a Stop 'n Go and grabbed two bottles of wine. I noticed they had Trojans at the register. Thinking of our fantasy and our new neighbors, I grabbed a box.

When I got back to camp, Amy was talking to the people next door. I introduced myself. They were a nice couple in their early fifties. Amy pointed to the bags I carried and said, "We are off to have our gourmet Carl's Junior."

They laughed and bid us goodnight.

Over dinner, the conversation turned to our neighbors. Amy said, "They seemed very nice.

I jokingly said, "I think Henry was interested in you. That cover up is very sexy when you're naked underneath."

"Do you think he noticed?"

"Maybe, too bad he's a little old for our fantasy."

"He is nice looking." she smiled. "I bet his son is also."

"Their son is with them?"

"No, he's coming tomorrow."

"Really, just for the day?"

"I didn't ask."

How old is he?"

"Oh, I don't know," she said with a smile. "I think they said twenty-three."

"Wow, could be interesting."

We slept in the next morning. It must have been around eight when I got up. I quietly left the bed and headed for the coffeepot.

Amy followed a few minutes later. Over coffee and toast, she looked out the window and said, "Is that their son? My my."

I turned my attention to the fellow outside. He was around six feet tall, carried himself well, had curly brown hair, and was handsome. I felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Come on, let's be good neighbors and meet him," Amy said.

"Are you sure we should?"

"What happened to oh baby, I want you to see him fuck you."

I laughed. "Ok, let's go." I hoped he didn't notice she was naked beneath her coverup.

His name was Tim. He was a graduate student at UCSD. I had gone there for two semesters so it turns out we had something in common. I liked him, and it was obvious Amy did also. She engaged him in friendly conversation, smiling and laughing. I watched his eyes. There was no doubt he liked her and the view she offered.

I found myself saying, "We are heading to the beach in a while. Care to join us?"

"Sure. I have some things to do first. Save me a spot."

"Great," I said. I turned to Amy. "I'll grab our stuff," and left them alone to talk.

So that was how our big adventure began. Amy and I talked about Tim while we waited on the sand. She was twenty-seven years old that year. She assured me he wouldn't be interested in an old lady like her, so not to worry. I knew better.

Amy was quiet for a moment then said, "Are we serious about this?

"He could be the one we're looking for," I answered.

She shrugged and said, "I like the game but I'm not sure I can actually do it. I know you want me to, but I've only slept with two guys in my life. I'm not the kind of girl that has a lot of lovers.

"I know baby, but he's young, good looking, tall, strong. I'm sure you'll like him. It will be a one time adventure, and you only have to go as far as you want with him. You guys might just make out a little, and that's fine. Do it for me, please."

Amy pondered for a few minutes. "This is a huge step for me. I know it's wrong but I get very excited just thinking about it. All right, I'll try but only with Tim, no one else. What do I have to do?"

"Just flirt with him, maybe show him a little skin if you get the chance. You are a beautiful, sexy woman. He'll get the idea."

"How far should I take it today?"

"We don't know how long he'll be in town. I say go as far and fast as you want to. If things work out set up a get together at our place."

I could see Amy thinking it over. She said, "What if he doesn't want to do it with another guy around?

"Then you can give me the details later."

"Oh no. I won't do it without you there. It's just, it will seem like I'm cheating on you. I'd never do that."

My turn to think. "Ok, let's just see how things develop. It's really up to you and him, but I would love to see it happen."

Amy nodded. "I'm only doing it because you want me to. Who knows?" She shrugged. "He may have a girlfriend."

That may be true but I doubted he could walk away that easily. Amy is very attractive. She has the kind of looks and personality that draw men to her.

"We'll know soon enough," I said while we waited for Tim.

I had dozed off when I heard Amy's voice, "Oh, hi. Glad you made it."

A man's voice answered, "Me too. This is beautiful."

I was pretty sure he wasn't talking about the beach. "Hi Tim, how you doing? There is water and sodas in the cooler, help yourself," I said in my friendliest voice.

"Thanks. This is going to be fun."

You have no idea, I thought.

Tim laid his towel next to Amy and propped his backpack up in the sand. Amy sat up and looked out at the beach. "Anyone up for a swim?"

Soon we were playing in the surf like three kids, neither Tim nor I venturing far from my wife. Tim effortlessly followed her when she swam beyond the breakers. I lagged behind. I swore it was back to the gym when we got home. Tim swam past her, stopped, and waited. She caught up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. They floated in the gentle water, her hand still on his shoulder. She waved at me. I waved back while making my way toward shore.

I sat at the water's edge and watched them splash each other talk, and laugh. Amy swam up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck once more. In shallower water now, he reached down, grabbed her behind the knees, and scooped her into his arms. He began turning in circles. She gave him a lingering kiss as they spun, withdrew, then kissed him again. She pushed off from him as they dodged a wave together. They swam a little then returned to splashing each other. Tim came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. After a few minutes, she turned her head and kissed him. They stayed that way for several minutes longer, then they swam toward shore. Soon they were on the sand next to me. We walked together back to our little beach camp.

We lie on our blankets and dried off. Amy and Tim were full of conversation. I could think of nothing to say so I put my sunglasses on, faked tiredness, and pretended to fall asleep. Before long, I did drift off.

When I awoke, Tim was on his knees next to her while she laid on her stomach. The strings to her top had been undone and laid on the blanket next to her. Tim was slowly rubbing lotion on her back. I pretended to be asleep but I continued to watch as best I could.

He moved out of my view but I sensed he was working his way up her legs. When he came into view his hands were spreading lotion on her thighs. He seemed to linger there. I was wondering what I should do when Tim said, "Turn over. Let's do the front."

Amy rolled over, grabbing her top to keep her breasts covered. Tim spread lotion on her chest and stomach, careful to avoid her bikini.

As he began to move down her body, she said, "A little more here please," pulling her top away. He stared at her lovely breasts then spread lotion over them, using both hands to rub it in.

"Thank you," she said and replaced her top.

He regained his composure and finished the job. Amy smiled at him then rolled onto her stomach.

She seemed to doze off, but I don't know about Tim.

Once back in our trailer I said, "How do you feel?"

"Scared, excited, I don't know. I can't believe this is really happening."

"I am pretty excited myself."

"So you saw what happened?"

"Not really, but yeah, some of it. Tell me the rest."

"Did you see me show him my breasts?"

"I did."

"You told me to do it so I did, but I admit I liked him looking at me. You also saw me kiss him in the water?"


"Ok." She hesitated. "Do you really want to hear this?'

I guessed this was going to be more than I expected. "Yes I do. Whatever happened it's fine."

"That kiss started it but there was more."


"Later, while we were swimming, he came up behind me and put his arms around me." She looked at me then continued, "I could feel his erection on my back. Before I realized what was happening he put his hand on my breast. My first reaction was to move away from him but then I remembered why I was there. The water was almost up to my neck so I don't think anyone could see. Do you know what I did? I told him his hand felt good on me."

"That's pretty exciting. Go on."

"I said it because it was true." She hesitated, "I can't believe this. It's going to shock you." She paused again. "I took his other hand and put it between my legs."

"Wow, that is so hot."

She nodded. "You have no idea. I had his erection pushing into me, one hand on my breast, the other between my legs, and he is so good looking. Not to mention there were people all around. It was very exciting."

"Talking about erections, you're giving me one."

"That's not all. I shouldn't tell you this but I raised my leg so he could feel me better. His hand went right inside my bikini. I'm sorry but I was so turned on." Amy frowned. "Do you hate me?"

"Never, that is so damn sexy."

"Really? I was afraid you'd be mad at me."

"No baby. That's what I wanted you to do."

"What if I like him? Is that bad?"

"It's okay. I like him."

"Good, if I didn't I'd never let him do that."

"I know, it's kind of confusing. All I'm saying is I want you to like him and I want you to want sex with him. I'd really love to see him give you an orgasm."

Amy looked at me and pursed her lips and cocked her head. "Just one?"

"Ok, two or three."

"Well, if you insist." She smiled then became serious again. "If we are going to do this, Tim is the only one in all these years of talking about it that I'd actually do it with."

I nodded and said, "Ok."

"What should I do now?"

"Get him to come over to our place and let nature take its course."

"Since you want me to do it so badly, and if Tim's willing... I told him I'd meet him outside our trailer right after sunset. I'll tell him the truth."

"What's that?" She surprised me with that one.

"That I want him to make love to me, but we can only do it if you get to watch."

That was a huge moment for me, hearing my wife tell me she had let a man feel her body and would seduce him just so I could watch him fuck her. I just nodded, trying to hide my excitement.

The rest of the afternoon passed slowly. There was a strong sexual tension in the air. I wanted to make love to her so badly, but for some reason, we didn't. Finally, the sun disappeared into the ocean.

Amy walked into the kitchen and said, "How do I look?"

She had put on a blue floral print blouse and white shorts, she was holding a sweater in her hand. I told her, "You are so beautiful, but maybe you should have gone with the no underwear beach coverup thing."

She laughed. "Not a good idea, unless you want him to make love to me on the beach in total darkness."

She opened the door and said, "Wish me luck," and walked out. I looked out the window and watched him join her and then they disappeared into the night.

I wasn't very patient waiting for her. Nearly an hour later she returned. Her lipstick was smugged but at least she still had her underwear on. I was anxious and more than a little excited. I told myself I would stay calm when she brought the news, but I wasn't. "What happened?" I asked excitedly.

Amy looked at me. I knew she was trying to read my mood. "Do you really want this to happen?"

"Yes," I blurted out.

"Ok, you asked for it. We talked mostly. He's smart, funny, sexy, beautiful, and a good kisser, and I really like him. Knowing that, do you still want him to fuck me?"

"Yes, no way we can turn back now. What else happened?"

"We kissed a lot. His hands were all over me. I don't think there is any part of my body he hasn't touched. He unbuttoned my blouse and spent a lot of time on my breasts. He told me how much he loved them. Then he put his hand in my panties. He knows what he's doing. I had to stop him before I had an orgasm."


"Yes, he tried to get me to touch his penis but I told him to wait until tomorrow."

"Oh god, it's going to happen."

"Yes, no stopping now. You are getting your wish."

"Wonderful. What's the plan?"

"His parents are driving up the coast tomorrow. Tim is going to hang around here. He says they are leaving around nine."

"Wow, perfect. Did you mention me?"

"He is all right with it as long as you just watch."

"Ok, I can do that."

"Just so I'm clear," Amy said, "you want me to go all the way tomorrow?


"I take my clothes off, play with his penis, let him kiss me and touch me, the whole thing?"


"And you're not going to freak out If I put his penis in my mouth?"

"No, no problem."

"Or he fucks me and cums inside me?"

"That's all good. It's what I ..."

"Or Cums in my mouth?"

I looked at her then quickly turned away. I had never cum in Amy's mouth. I was pretty sure no one had.

"Yeah, I mean you don't have to but if you want, it's all good."

"Ok, just remember, this is your idea."

Later that night I tried to make love to her. She stopped me. "I want you to be horny tomorrow."

"Me? Why?" I asked.

"If you're not, you may not like what you see."

She was probably right. When I think about it, the thought of a guy fucking her is very exciting before I cum, not so much after.

The next morning Amy was in a great mood. I had thought she might be a little apprehensive but she didn't seem to be. She looked excited, maybe even thrilled with what may happen. When a knock on the door came she looked at me and grinned. I motioned for her to answer. She opened the door with a huge smile on her face and invited Tim in. He looked at me and nodded, then surveyed our place.

"This is nice," he said.

"We just rented it, but we like it," she said, still excited. "How about something to eat, maybe orange juice, or a coffee?".

"No, I'm fine."

I could see he was nervous. "I know this is a bit awkward but we are really glad you came."

He shook his head. "I'm not sure why I did."

Amy went to him, stood on her tiptoes, and gave him a passionate kiss. "Yes, you are," she said.

He put his arms around her and looked into her eyes. "You're right, I know why I'm here. You are so beautiful." Then he added, "Do you do this often?"

"Never," Amy quickly answered. "This is our first and last time."

"I feel better already."

"Did you get a shower this morning?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready."

"Me too." Amy flashed her smile. "Shall we? I can't wait much longer." She took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. They left the room divider open. I grabbed my coffee and sat on the sofa. Luckily it faced the bed.

They started slowly, kissing and hugging mostly. They both seemed very gentle and loving. I began to worry. My wife sat on the edge of the bed and told him, "Take your shirt off. Show me those muscles."

Tim stepped back and started undoing his buttons. Amy brought her legs up under her and watched the show. He tossed the shirt on the floor.

"Now your shorts you gorgeous man, but not the underwear." He did as he was told.

Amy stood up and said, "Can you help me with these?" Indicating her shorts.

Tim smiled, undid the button and pulled them down leaving her pink panties on. She sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Come here. Over here. If he can't join us then he gets a good view." She looked at me, I smiled and nodded.

She began by running her hands over his arms and chest, kissing him here and there. Her hands lightly touching the rippling muscles of his abdomen and then moving down to his bulge. She gently brushed her hand against it then took hold of his shaft through the fabric. She tightened her grip and began stroking him. I didn't think he could grow any larger, but he did. Amy noticed also. "Wow," she said.

Tim reached for her top and pulled it over her head. She had worn a pink bra, matching her panties. Perfect for her youthful body. He reached behind her for the clasp. She stopped him. "Not fair, you have seen mine. I get to see yours."

Tim smiled and dropped his arms. Slowly she pulled his white jockey shorts down. She would have had them off except for the huge erection preventing it. She put her hand in his shorts and pulled his member free. It sprung out and pointed toward the horizon.

Amy said, "Oh my god. It's so beautiful, and huge." She pulled his underwear down and he stepped out of them. She reached for his penis and began to stroke it.

My chin dropped once I had a clear view of his size. It was almost as big around as my wrist, and very long. I watched in amazement as her mouth moved closer. She gently kissed the head then started licking it. I held my breath as she opened her mouth and took his penis in.