Beach Condo Indecency


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After that, realizing it was well after 12 noon already, we freshened up and got dressed for lunch. I put on a clean pair of shorts, no undies and a T-shirt. Shannon put on another sleeveless summer dress with a skirt that only reached mid-thigh, with no bra and no panties.

We were close enough to Flip Flops to walk over which we did, surprisingly, hand-in-hand. We sat out on the porch and we both ordered sandwiches. I had a beer and she had an Ocean Breeze cocktail. We finally had a chance to talk, alone, and maybe clear the air about somethings.

"I never, in a million years, would have guessed that you were this amorous," I started.

"Why not?" She asked coyly.

"You're quiet, reserved and, no offense intended, but you come off as a kind of goody-two-shoes."

"No offense taken," she laughed. "Actually, I am a goody-two-shoes. I swear I have never been this way with anyone else."

"What way?"

She looked around to verify no one else could hear our conversation then in a low voice she said, "The way I just was with you for the past few hours."

"That's another thing I was surprised at," I continued, "I always thought you didn't like me, that you just tolerated me."

"Why would you think that?" She said sounding almost hurt.

"Come on Shannon. How many actual conversations have you and I had over the years? I always feel a weird vibe or tension when we are together. In all honesty, I was stressing over spending the entire day with you since Monday."

Shannon just sat back and looked at me strangely. Then she leaned forward and said, "After this morning, where do you suppose the tension was coming from? Can you guess now that we are lovers?"

Even after dropping a hint for me, I still was too dense to get what she was driving at. I think my brain was still waiting for the blood to return from below or something. I just shrugged at her in confusion. She glanced around then said, "The tension was sexual dummy. I have wanted you ever since the first time we met. I was always quiet around you because I am shy and because I was always afraid of saying something that would give away my big secret; that I wanted to be your lover."

I thought about that for a moment then I looked at her and said, "Since we first met? That could have caused me a few legal problems considering your age then."

"Yes but consider that I was a young girl, I had only been with two boys who was my age. I wanted to know what it was like to experience a grown man. I was immediately attracted to you."

"Well now we are in a sticky wicket," I said after a few moments of pondering.


"We just cheated on Kim and Rick."

"They never have to know."

"I don't know if I can go back."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if I can go back to being just your brother-in-law. There is no un-ringing a bell. This was honestly the most exciting sex of my life and now I will always want you."

She smiled at me lovingly and placed one of her hands on top of mine. "We can always make time for each other here and there. We won't always get an entire day like this but we can slip off for an hour or so now and then."

"I am really surprised at all of this. You were just married last year. Is Rick not enough for you?"

She looked at her drink intensely as if trying to decide whether or not to reveal something then she took a sip and said, "Honestly, I am bored with Rick. Sexually I mean. We've been having sex for seven years, since we first met. He is the same thing every day. He only wants sex in the morning, he dislikes any type of foreplay, he only wants to do it in one position, he grunts on top of me for a few minutes then he's done. There is not one ounce of spontaneity in the man and the thrill ended long ago. I am lucky if I even get two orgasms a week because he's usually got his long before mine ever begins to build. So, how is it with you and Kim?"

"Wow, I never saw that coming. About you and Rick I mean. Kim and I are pretty regular but, you know, after nine years with someone it gets a little to routine. Too..."

"... Much like a chore?" She finished for me.

"Yes. Although, this vacation has picked things up a bit in that category. She seems more amorous since we arrived. When we get back home, it will go back to routine as usual. She's too wrapped up in her work to care about our sex life." That was true since Kim is an executive on her way up in the company she works for. "Kim always said their entire family lacked spontaneity."

"Well I guess we can both attest to that. Have you two ever considered having children?"

"We have discussed it but Kim votes no because it might interfere with her career plans." Then I thought of something that put my heart in my throat. "You are on birth control; aren't you?"

"Birth control," she said looking back at me in surprise. "Hell no. Rick and I just use the pull and prayer method."

I must have looked like I was about to have a stroke and she suddenly laughed and said, "Of course I am on birth control. Do you think I want to be a parent at 23?"

I breathed easier and took a swig of beer while she giggled again. "Wow, you're gullible today!" she proclaimed.

Our food arrived, causing a natural pause in our conversation. When we were alone again, I resumed the conversation taking it on a different tack. "So, tell me, how many lovers have you had before me?"

"Before you? Two. Rick and my first boyfriend."


"You sound surprised. You know Rick and I started dating when we were still in high school. I had limited opportunity."

"But you know so many... tricks. Like what you did with your fingers to get me to cum just before we left for lunch."

"Yeah, well I certainly didn't learn any of that from Rick. He doesn't want me touching him or doing anything rather than just lay there while he pumps me. Two years before I met Rick, I started dating a guy in my neighborhood who was in college. He taught me all of that stuff."

I thought for a moment about how young she was and that she was dating a college guy. My parents would never have allowed me or any of my siblings to date someone in college at that age. "Your parents were okay with you dating a college guy at that age?"

"Parent. Singular. My mom and dad split up when I was only six. I was raised by my mom who was a drinker and a boy toy, jumping from one relationship to another. She was so wrapped up in her own little life, she really didn't care what I did in mine. So this college guy was the perfect match for me. He was 19, had a job and his own car. We could go wherever and whenever we wanted. I got my sex education in the backseat of a '93 Honda Accord."

"What happened?" I asked.

"He dumped me. Two years into the relationship, he dumped me for a girl his own age. I was heartbroken, of course, but I should have known it wouldn't last. The naiveté of youth. Anyway, I met Rick two months later and the rest is history."

"You married your rebound man?"

"Yeah, I know. Again, the naiveté of youth. So, mister lover; how many partners have you had? More than two I suppose."

"Yeah, I have had a few more than that."

"You aren't going to say, are you?" She giggled.

"Not today. Maybe in the near future."

"There is no need to put up walls for me. I am mature enough to handle it. Besides, the more experience you have, the better the lover you make. Right?"

I really did not know the exact number. So, as she watched, I counted in my head until I believed I hadn't missed any. "You were number 17, I think."

Her eyes flew wide and she put down her sandwich to exclaim, "17! Wow!"

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you. I was a bit of a male whore in my college days. I did some sketchy things before college as well I might tell you about sometime but not now. Kim was the longest run I've had with just one woman. She's the one who settled me down and put me on the right path."

"No, no!" Shannon said, "I didn't mean wow in that way. I think it's great that you've had so many partners and so much life experience before you and Kim settled down. You see, I missed out on a lot being in a relationship with Rick through all of my college years then straight into marriage afterwards. As you can tell, I love sex and I often fantasize about experiencing sex with many different partners. I have discovered to my dismay that settling for someone might mean never knowing whether or not you can achieve your full sexual potential. Especially if the partner you settled for does not have the same drive. The only way I would have been able to know this would have been for me to experiment. I hope you don't think less of me for saying that."

I smiled at her. "There is nothing in this world you could say to me to make me feel any negativity towards you, ever."

"Awe, you're just saying that because I let you fuck me this morning."

"No, I'm just saying that because you let me cum in your pussy and you swallowed one of my loads," I said teasingly.

She laughed and said, "You're bad."

After lunch, I suggested we take a little walk before returning to the condo to work off some of the carbs we just consumed. "Okay, but I had other ideas for burning those carbs," she said.

"We can still do that after a walk."

Once back at the condo, Shannon and I stripped down and fucked again, this time on hers and Rick's bed. We did it one more time on the sofa about an hour later then we spent an hour cleaning the condo, trying to ensure we removed all evidence of our activity. The sofa was the most difficult clean. We left stains all over that bad boy. After, we dressed and walked hand-in-hand to Apache Pier again. This time, when we slow danced, she pressed her body right up against mine and held me like she was afraid I would disappear if she didn't.

"You know," she whispered in my ear as we danced, "I could feel your hard dick while we danced the other night."

I was surprised but not completely. I had tried to hide it but remember I was mostly unsuccessful. "Did you now?" I retorted.

"Of course. It was kind of hard not to notice it, if you'll pardon the pun. That's why I decided to take the risk this morning."

After the third dance my cell phone rang. It was Kim. They were only 15 minutes from docking and could I come pick them up? Shannon said she wanted to come with so we walked back to the condo to grab the car keys. She was still wearing the summer dress with the mid-thigh length skirt and no bra or panties. I was still wearing shorts with no undies and a T-shirt "Are you going to change?" I asked.

"No; why do you ask?"

"I just thought maybe you'd like to put on some underwear," I replied.

"No, I like being exposed and it gives you easy access," she said with a giggle as she wrapped her arm around mine then leaned her head into my shoulder.

At the condo, I grabbed the keys from my nightstand and walked back into the common area only to find Shannon's summer dress on the kitchen floor and her sitting naked and spread eagle on the kitchen table. "One for the road?" She asked with her impish, devious little grin. A moment later, my shorts joined her dress on the floor.

At the marina, Shannon jumped in the back with Rick and Kim climbed into the passenger's front with me. On the way back, they regaled us with all their fishing adventures for the day, one guy caught a sting ray another caught a tuna. Rick and Kim, however, didn't catch anything. When they asked us what we did, we gave generic answers; Shannon read her book for most of the day on the balcony, I walked on the beach, hung out at the pool drinking a few beers. The only thing we did confess to was our having lunch together at Flip Flops. Harmless enough.

When we got back to the condo, I was hoping we had sufficiently aired out all of the sex smell from the place. We had the windows open all day to drive out the musky scent of pussy juice and cum. If they noticed they most likely assumed it was from all of us and our morning activities.

Speaking of morning activities, the next morning, as we made love to the sound of Rick and Shannon, Kim teased me about having missed my chance to fuck my dream girl yesterday. I replied it was her that missed the opportunity to fuck her little brother. "You could have just skipped the fishing trip and got a room," I said to her. "Stop it," she said with a punch to my shoulder.

At breakfast Rick and Kim announced to us that the troller captain invited them back for another excursion on Friday for half the price. They hadn't mentioned it the night before because they thought Shannon and I would take offense to being left alone again. Shannon and I exchange furtive glances before replying almost in unison, "We don't mind at all!"

After that vacation, Shannon and I did make it a point to meet almost once every week in secret. Sometimes we were able to only steal 30 minutes. Other times it was an hour or two. Once in a great while, we would get an entire day together and every year, we made it a tradition to go back to North Myrtle and stay in that same condo. Kim and Rick would always spend at least one day fishing while Shannon and I spent one day repeatedly playing hide the sausage.

None of us ever had children and all grew successful in our careers. About seven years after this first vacation together, Rick and Shannon, Kim and me all divorced in the same year. I know what you are thinking but it wasn't because of mine and Shannon's affair. To this day, I am certain we were never found out. How am I so certain? Because Shannon and I both won our divorce cases. Had our affair been discovered, we both would have been up shit creek.

Rick and Shannon divorced because Rick, the unimaginative lover, had affairs with multiple women over the years with a few smatterings of one-night stands. Shannon had discovered this about five years into their marriage and kept trying to work things out with him despite all of his indiscretions. I always felt she was giving him more chances than he deserved because she was having an affair with me. In the end, she just couldn't take it anymore and kicked his ass to the curb.

As for Kim and me, she originally filed for divorce because her career was taking off and she was just tired of being married. Through the course of the separation then divorce, it was discovered that she too was having multiple affairs with as little discretion as Rick showed when it came to partners. I had even discovered she had a fuck buddy she met at an online swinger's website who took her to a private orgy where Kim took several strangers cocks and multiple cum loads. I guess she finally got to fulfill that group sex fantasy she mentioned to me back then on our first vacation at the condo.

Needless to say, these revelations sent both Shannon and I to the doctors for testing. It seems that Rick and Kim are true siblings in every sense.

That our divorces would happen at the same time was just happenstance. What wasn't happenstance, the same month our last divorce became final, Shannon and I moved in together. That didn't go over well at all where Rick and Kim were concerned but it was our final 'fuck you' to both of them and with no children involved, we no longer need to associate with them for any reason.

Shannon and I were married just a short year later and this past May, we celebrated our first anniversary by renting our condo at North Myrtle Beach, paid for out of our combined alimony. I am now a 44-year-old man married to the hottest 32-year-old alive and we could not be happier.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very well done! We should all have a hot Shannon in our life😎.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 4 years ago
Great story

Not sure it belonged in the incest category though. To me incest is blood related, maybe a married (in law) aunt or uncle that's been around since the youth of a niece or nephew. But an in law of a few years just doesn't equal out to incest to me. But regardless it's still a hot story.

Highc70Highc70over 4 years ago
Great story

I loved the entire story. Just the right length. My only wish would be that you had left the ending so that the story could be continued. In spite of this, over all a great read!

chickmagnetchickmagnetover 5 years ago

not bad...pacing was done well and the story had just the right mix of reality and fantasy to not be over done

Driverben10Driverben10over 5 years ago
Awesome read.

Keep up the good work

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