Beach Folly Ch. 01


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"Your not funny Chris...cheeky young bugger!" Lisa exclaimed reaching down to get a grip on her bikini almost ripping the elastic material in her attempt to pull them back up as Chris relinquished his grip on them.

But Chris didn't care at that moment. Backing away on the warm sand he noticed her grin when she growled at him, and the look in her blue eyes was enough to tell him she wasn't that mad. He had never done anything like it before and was still unsure what had prompted him to act like that. He liked and respected Lisa and certainly had no desire to upset her...too much. She was a friend...nearly old enough to be his mother! It was all just a bit of playful fun he told himself.

Probably the wine.

"I'm going for a quick dip. Wanna come?" Chris asked, still chuckling as he struggled away from the irate Lisa. She lay there with a frown on her face and her breasts heaving as she wiggled back into her g-string.

"Not likely. Who knows what you might try if you get me in the water!" she snapped, as she glared at him.

"It was only a bit of fun...sorry," he said as he backed closer to the edge of the water.

Lisa watched Chris as he ran the last few metres into the water. She could see he had a degree with their playfulness, his large penis swaying from side to side as he backed away. Just before, when his eyes had been firmly fixed on her exposed pussy, she too had an unfettered view of his angry looking cock from up close, the sight of which had made her tingle. It had to be nearly half as long again as Dave's! Why would a young man as handsome as Chris be interested in her she wondered?

After a few minutes Chris had got himself together and his partial erection had subsided. The problem was he kept thinking about Lisa's cute backside and of course that inviting-looking little pussy he had glimpsed briefly. He also remembered how she had parted her legs slightly when he was massaging her. Was she giving him the 'come on' he wondered? Why didn't she go crook at him when he accidentally rubbed against her pussy for that second or two? Chris knew that it was because of this reason that he had become bolder and tore her bikini down.

"Shit, she's forty-three! Married to a good friend of my Dad's. Get a grip for fucks sake!" he told himself. Funnily, he had not thought of her in a sexual way before today. It must have been the tropical sun and being in holiday mode, that...and the wine.

Yes. It had to be the wine!

Chris looked back up the beach to where Lisa was now sitting after straightening up her towel. She was applying more suntan lotion onto the front of her legs. Lisa looked back at him and pulled a face, poking her tongue out cheekily. Then she rubbed some lotion onto her breasts before lying back down, draping her lacy top across her face to keep the sun off. He watched her as she bent her knees up, parting her legs slightly. "Well if she wants more lotion rubbed in I'll be glad too. Maybe even push my luck a bit further," his cock began to swell again at the thought.

Lisa was lost in her own thoughts. She felt like a wicked teenager again. She had never done anything like this since she was married. Here she was, sunning herself on a free-beach, which was one thing, but with a handsome 26-year-old? And then letting him get away with touching her like that! It certainly had surprised her; it had also excited her. She felt a stirring in her sadly neglected pussy at the recent memory of Chris's touch. Lisa lifted the top off her face and looked back down to the water to see what Chris was doing. She loved her husband but he was rarely home these days and when he was sex was usually short and unsatisfying. She had never been unfaithful before, although the opportunity surely had presented itself on numerous occasions and she had come very close. A nice thought crossed her mind; she had no intention of getting too carried away with their young guest, but all the same, to know that she could still have such an effect on a man...a young Chris was good for her ego. She wondered if he was game enough to come back out of the water yet. That thought made her laugh. Maybe a bit more teasing just to teach him a lesson about control, after all it was his idea to come to this beach!

* * *

Gus and Stumpy had been watching the couples on the beach for some time now. It was usually good for a perv coming down here. They sat in the shade of a Casuarina tree along the foreshore. Every now and then they would go for a walk along the rippling waters edge and check out the 'talent'. Mostly there were just other men lying on towels by themselves, but occasionally they would see a couple or sometimes a woman on her own sunbaking naked.

Sometimes the couples seemed to openly flaunt themselves as Gus and Stumpy walked by. Not often, but sometimes. Unfortunately most of the women who did exhibit themselves were not...well...oil paintings, to say the least but they might put on a bit of a show, you know, open their legs wider or even rub themselves up a little. The more attractive women whether on their own or with a partner generally covered their nudity up if they noticed the two pervs walking past.

Gus and Stumpy usually met another friend down here but he hadn't shown up yet. Gus was a 29 year old labourer of solid build around 5'11". His mate Stumpy was an unemployed no hoper, 37 years old and a stocky 5' 3", he was an angry little man with a bad reputation, Gus was wary of him as was their other friend Larry. Gus knew he probably shouldn't hang around with Stumpy but he felt powerless to cut the ties. Besides, he often had fun with Stumpy, usually at someone else's expense!

Today they noticed a new couple walk onto the beach. A tall young man and a slim woman with a denim mini skirt on, the woman had strawberry blond hair that hung down in waves to her shoulders. Well, her hair was more blond than strawberry in the bright sunlight.

The two men watched the new couple hesitate as they looked around for a spot to go to. It was a bit hard to tell but Gus thought she looked older than the man with her did, maybe in her thirties.

With keen interest the two men watched as the new comers settle in on the sand close to the water. They watched as the couple shared a bottle of wine together. And could see the young man strip his shorts off. When they saw the woman remove her skirt they noticed she kept on what appeared to be a small g-string and her top. They wanted to move closer to get a better look but decided to wait awhile longer.

They didn't have to wait much longer to see the young man remove his boxers and the woman massage oil into him then the woman removed her top and the young man leant over and massaged her back.

Things were hotting up.

Gus and Stumpy were sharing a long neck bottle of beer as they watched intently. They were surprised that the couple had not noticed them perving, maybe the shade camouflaged them they thought.

Suddenly they saw the woman spring up. They could just make out the young fellow wrestle the woman's bikini down her legs.

"Fucken' wished we'd been a bit closer," growled Stumpy. "She looks alright from here."

The two men watched as the young man backed away laughing to the water and the woman straighten up again.

"Reckon he might be her young lover?" Gus asked his friend.

"Probably, lucky young cunt," stated Stumpy as he watched the woman applying more suntan lotion to herself.

After finishing off the bottle of beer Stumpy looked on and said to Gus "Let's go an' have a closer look. Maybe she can show us a bit of her cunt too...the slut."

Stumpy didn't have a high regard for women these days. He had lost everything to his whore of a wife when she left him for another man several years ago. Not that he had much in the first place. Stumpy had forced her onto the game not long after they were married...saved him from working too hard but she got cocky and shacked up with a client who was bigger and meaner than Stumpy. Stumpy hated women who tarted around now. He was always out to prove that they were all the matter what.

He loved the ones who said no. Give 'em a good fucking and they all end up loving it. They were all sluts, he thought and he liked to treat them so.

* * *

Chris saw the two men meandering down towards them before Lisa did. He was still about 50 metres off shore when they approached closer to where Lisa lay. Chris could see that Lisa was still on her back with her legs bent. He thought about calling out a warning to her but didn't want to make a scene.

Chris could see that the men looked rough. Both had heavily tattooed bodies, one was only wearing faded footy shorts while the taller of the two, a muscled young man, had a pair of denim jeans on. They were looking directly at where Lisa lay oblivious to their proximity.

Lisa lay dreamily; the sun was beautifully warm, a nice Dry Season day, not too hot. The light onshore breeze caressed her skin causing her nipples to harden. The wine had taken full effect on her slim frame and she was enjoying the feeling.

The two men were only several metres away now. They liked what they saw. It was still hard to tell her age with that lacy top covering her face though. They could see she had a gold ring in her bellybutton and a small tattoo of a bluebird on her right thigh. Then Stumpy noticed her left hand draped across her thigh near her almost transparent bikini. The sparkle caught his eye, a wedding ring! She was no saint, thought Stumpy. Just another slut.

"G'day missus," Gus said to Lisa. They were both leering at her while slowly walking past.

Startled, Lisa opened her eyes and was just able to make out the two men through the lace of her top. She could see them both checking her out from only a couple of metres away.

Gus looked down upon Lisa's near naked form. He could see her nipples standing proud...and he also had a great view of between her legs. He thought the tiny bikini that barely covered her cunt was more exciting than if she had been completely naked! But he still wanted to see more. Maybe this would be the one? He hoped.

"Do you mind!" Lisa growled angrily as she flung the top off her face to glare at the two pervs.

"Not at all," Stumpy sniggered back to her. Now that he had seen her up close with her face uncovered he guessed she was maybe mid to late thirties...maybe even pushing forty. She reminded him of his ex-wife...similar build, although this bitch had nicer tits, probably a tighter cunt too. After six years on the game his ex's cunt would have swallowed the tiny bikini that this woman wore.

Lisa covered her breasts up with her top and quickly closed her legs but it was too little too late, they had seen enough already.

"See ya little lady," Stumpy called sneeringly as they walked past.

"Creeps," Lisa murmured back as they moved on.

Stumpy looked out at the young man walking through waist deep back towards shore. "Yep...he's young alright," he said to Gus. "Bet ya it's not her husband too, the slut."

"Reckon she's a goer?" Gus inquired hopefully.

"We'll see, maybe if that slacker Larry shows up," Stumpy said disdainfully.

* * *

Chris approached Lisa who was still sitting up watching the two men walking away across the beach towards the path through the tree line. "You ok? Did they say something to you?"

"It's alright...just gave me a fright...I was nearly asleep. How was the water?" she couldn't help notice that his cock no longer looked as big. "Bit cold?" she asked cheekily.

"Little bit. Do you want to go?" Chris asked as he picked up his towel to dry himself.

"Mmm...not yet. The creeps have gone. And besides we have to finish this second bottle of wine yet. Don't want to waste it." Lisa let her top fall to the sand and reached over for Chris's glass filling it before topping her own glass up and adding a couple of ice cubes.

"That sounds like a good plan Lisa, thanks," he said as she handed him the glass. "I was a bit worried...they looked like bad news."

"Nah...I've seen worse. Don't forget what your Dad and my husband used to look like before they went all respectful," Lisa added.

She was probably right he thought. "Can't be too sure these days."

Lisa knocked back half of her glass and looked at Chris. "Now I might go for a dip, you coming back in?" she asked moving on from the subject of the pervs.

Chris would have loved to but he felt a bit uneasy. "I'll be right...maybe later."

Lisa didn't want Chris to think she was chickening out of their 'date' early, besides she was in no rush to get home, her son was on an excursion for the next two days and her daughter was staying over at a friends house after gymnastics. She was enjoying the freedom for a change.

Chris watched Lisa as she walked down to the waters edge where the small wavelets lapped the shore. Lisa was exaggerating her walk and swayed her hips from side to side slowly. Chris quickly forgot about the two men. "I think she may be teasing me now," he thought warmly as he admired her pretty, firm round buttocks gyrating nicely.

* * *

Larry looked on with the other two; he had not long arrived to the secluded drinking spot amongst the thick undergrowth. They watched through the slight clearing at the couple still down by the beach. Most of the other nudists had gone as it was getting on towards the end of the day.

"So what do ya reckon Larry?" Stumpy asked the tall fit looking man.

"Well you blokes saw her up close, I'm game." He didn't really care too much; the three of them were planning on heading over West any day now anyway...just for a change. A bit of fun before they left sounded good. They had done this once before and it turned out just as Stumpy had said. Maybe all women were sluts as Stumpy reckoned?

"Good. Listen here...this is the plan." Stumpy began to let them in on his scheme.

* * *

Leaning back on his elbows Chris watched again as Lisa emerged from her swim. Her hair was still mostly dry; she didn't like to get it wet. He would have loved to gone in swimming with her too, and was close to doing just that when he saw her return. Lisa looked even more confident now, and as she walked back towards their spot on the sand she pulled her shoulders back a little and sucked in he already flat stomach which made her breasts stand out even better. Lisa tried to act nonchalant as she came closer to where Chris was laying. Through the privacy of her sunglasses she was able to check out whether she had had any effect on the young man now that he could see her full frontal.

"Bit cold?" Chris asked.

"Ha ha..." Lisa said as she correctly guessed his meaning.

Looking at her breasts he noticed that they barely sagged; not bad for an older woman he thought. Chris wasn't an expert on size but guessed she was about a 'C' cup. He also couldn't help but notice that her nipples were standing out hard as rocks. His eyes drifted down her body, wow! The little patch of white material covering her pussy was now almost completely transparent. Through his sunglasses he looked on closely at her crotch from only a few feet away. Lisa's small slit was quite visible through the thin material and when she was less than an arms length away he caught a glimpse of the outline of what he figured was her 'genital adornment'; a small ring. He felt a stirring in his loins again.

Lisa noticed his gaze as she prepared to lie down. "Are you a perv too?"

"Hope not...but can't blame me for admiring a fine female form can you?"

"Hmm...." Lisa glanced down casually at Chris as she prepared to lay back down and witnessed a sudden reaction to his otherwise limp penis. She smiled back at him knowingly as his cock started to grow; she had managed to tease him again. She almost laughed as Chris quickly rolled onto his stomach.

They finished off the wine while watching a beautiful sunset and decided that they should go before it got too dark. Lisa couldn't believe how comfortable she now felt semi-naked with this young man. She wondered if she should tell Dave about their little day out.

"Maybe...mmm...probably, I don't think he will mind," she thought to herself as they dressed and packed up.

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26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Coops OOPS. Not a complete story in any sense.

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
Switch to Non-con

If you came here from the LWs page then you may not have noticed that there is a "Beach Folly" that is a double posting of all 3 chapters.

NOTE also that after chapter one this story goes to non-con, a bit like people that get drawn in by LW and a bit of beach fun to a full on 2 chapter rape.

From the comments at the end of Beach Folly the story isn't finished, a quick look showed no aftermath other than a drive home and a request for the 2 to sleep together. Guess the author was not interested in the full story (her reaction and why she really didn't report it, Chris' reaction after, Dave's reaction and how he dealt with it all), just the rape.

secretosmiossecretosmiosover 9 years ago
The use of the pervs

The only good thing about those perverts, is that the young lover-to-be will confront them and, turning a terrible circumstance for the woman such as to be cornered and done everything to her, defend her well. He would kick their nasty asses off, breaking a nose, some ribs and an ankle to the suckers.

That event will leave him standing like the knight in front of her.Thus, he will win her admiration, adding it to her stirring lust; and be granted to use his impressive sword in her that whole afternoon, night and early morning.

And yes, not at her home PLEASE, but in a shack they find along the beach, once her nerves have trickled to a deserved relaxation about the impending team-rape she was headed to.

During this event, she gives in to the utmost sensuality, exploration and exploits with this young man, surrendering off course, her anal cherry to her lover.

She, in the depths of her heart conversely knows that this will have no future but to be her longed loved secret memory, reckoning that her family, in the long term, is worth more than any hard fucking she might get. Especially, taking into account that the young dude WILL have his way with very many more birdies that would slip between her and him.

She takes notes on her own emotions and, building herself new memories to skew along with this delicious afternoon, she begins building the setup to bring her husband to this beach, see if they can rekindle their love and passion. She is certain that just the memories of her one-day-hunk will have her stirring from minute one when the spouses make it to the this paradise cove. It will be hubby's absolute call then.

Oh, and secretly, she will be packing along with the picnic goodies, that friendly Colt .38 and pepper gas in case those pervs are still around, hehe

ineedsomedrugsnowineedsomedrugsnowover 17 years ago

That was the greatest build up and then nothing! There was no sex at all! I was really interested in the couple getting it on and liked the pace but you should definitely include some sort of sex. I agree with everyone else that the inclusion of the perverts was unnecessary and a turn off. Make it hhot up if you are going to continue it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

should have been "One Grand, Unforgetable Beach Romance"!

why would the AUTHOR title a story his/her main character ENJOYS and RELISHES as a "folly"? when the author had the main character smiles like Monolisa had just had her clit sucked dry?

That would only make sense, IN A STORY, if the author INTENDS to go on to SHOW that such giddiness of the wife was NOT to be "borne", to use a nice old English upper crust phrasing,,, But it don't seem like the author had any such intention; the intention was simply to show you can have your cake and lick it, too, and how smart and elver the wife is and her old husband will either accept her or he's gonna be kicked out as a used up torn punchin bag,,,

Therefore, the title is MIS-titled.

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