Beach House


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"Must be the vacation sinking in." He mumbled to himself.

"Mmm?" Delilah's voice finally registered in his head and made him glance down. Her graceful little body was draped unceremoniously across his chest. He flinched when he noticed his own arm was wrapped around her holding her close to him. Darren hadn't remembered turning back towards her or pulling her onto him but here she was, one of her arms laid over his waist and her leg was snuggled between his.

"Its late. We slept in. Should probably get up." Darren said uncomfortably. He shifted his legs a little trying to dislodge her.

Delilah laughed into his chest. "Feels like you're already up." She giggled again and rubbed her thigh along his growing erection.

Darren grunted and rolled her off of him. "Okay then. Now I'm definitely getting out of bed. I'll be downstairs." He said as he grabbed some workout clothes off his duffel bag and rushed down the stairs.

"Oh come on. That was funny. Don't be mad." Delilah called from the loft. But Darren wasn't mad. He was turned on and irritable, and it was all Delilah's fault. How was he supposed to wake up like that every day for eight weeks without any release? That was asking too much.

"I'm going for a swim!" Darren yelled up to Delilah and left the house. If he couldn't get release here he would get it out there.

Darren waded into the water. It was cold and he was naked, even though they'd agreed not to be naked anymore. He hadn't thought to grab a suit and it didn't really matter. His only reason for being out here was to quickly rub one out and get back to normal. Once he was waist deep he sank into the water and wet his hair. He tried to think about the last girl he was with but her face was a blur and her body looked much to similar to Delilah's. Instead he thought less about the person and more about the act of actually plunging into a tight wet core. He stroked himself as he pictured just how good it would feel to sink into a woman from behind. Her on her knees, him towering over her back. Slick heat engulfing him. Until his whole body felt warm despite the water temperature. He was lost in the pleasure. Which is why he didn't hear Delilah silently gliding through the water to him.

"You didn't have to come all the way out here just to do that." She said in a husky voice.

Darren jumped and whirled towards her. "What the hell are you doing out here!" He accused loudly. "I just needed a little privacy." He said harsher then he'd meant to.

"You're the one who broke our agreement and went skinny dipping. At least I have a bathing suit on." She fired back.

He glanced down and noticed that she was indeed wearing a bathing suit. Though it was far too tiny to cover everything. And at this moment he really wished everything was covered. Instead he could see the creamy white skin of her breasts all around the thin triangle of fabric in the center and her nipples were clearly outlined by the cold and the wet. This was torture. "Just go back inside please." He said trying desperately not to stare at her breasts.

She ignored his request and instead moved closer to him. "Is this just an everyday morning thing... or does it have to do with.... Something else?" She asked quietly as her eyes searched the water where his body was.

"Lilah. Go away. Please." Darren's voice was low and dangerous. But he couldn't keep the tremor from it. She was so close and so beautiful. His hands were itching to reach for her and it was getting too difficult to remember she was his sister.

"Dare. I could help you." She said and moved even closer. She was only inches away from him and her hand was reaching for his own which at the moment was the only thing covering his swollen dick.

He jerked back like he'd been burned when her other hand caressed his thigh. He hadn't seen her move. He'd been so focused on the hand that was still reaching for him. "Don't." He said hoarsely. But he didn't move away again when one hand settled on his thigh and the other gently moved his arm from in front of him.

Delilah took in a deep breath when she saw his size. Darren knew it would look even bigger through the water's magnification. But he also knew he was most likely larger then other men she'd been with. An irrational pride swept through him at her reaction but he tamped it down quickly. Then he lost all thought completely when she closed her hand over him.

She massaged him slowly at first. Testing his endurance and exploring his hard silky shaft. Her free hand slid down his thigh to cup his taught balls. He groaned as she squeezed gently. Encouraged by his reaction she stroked him faster. Her body was only an inch or so from his own and they were both breathing hard. Darren was surprised to observe that his hands had moved to her upper arms and were gripping her firmly. He tried to loosen his hold but as she tugged him harder he gasped and dug his fingers into her soft skin.

"Lilah." He moaned her name and leaned his forehead against hers.

"Kiss me Dare. Just this once. Please Dare." Delilah begged as she frantically rubbed him.

Darren groaned in frustration. His brain tried to function, it really did. But in the end he crushed his lips to hers. It was brutal kiss, punishing. But soon it morphed into more. Her mouth opened under his and she tangled her tongue with his. Darren moaned and pulled away.

"Come for me Dare." Delilah said breathlessly.

It was his name on her lips that did it. Those perfect full lips that he'd so recently kissed. He threw his head back and let out a harsh curse as he came into her hands under the ocean water.

As soon as she had milked the last drop from his spent shaft he took hold of her wrists and gently pushed them away from him. He stepped back from her and tried to catch his breath. "This can't happen again." he said when he could finally force the words from his throat. Then he mutely moved past her towards the beach. He didn't turn back despite how much he wanted to. Everything had changed and Darren couldn't for the life of him figure out how to fix it.


Darren was in the shower already when he heard the sliding door open and then slam closed. He could hear Delilah muttering to herself all the way up the stairs and then the unmistakable sound of a bag being packed. Hangers squeaked on the wooden bar as close were ripped off of them, drawers opened and slammed shut, zippers were zipped, and velcro was velcroed. Darren turned off the water and grabbed his towel.

"What are you doing?" He asked Delilah's back when he skidded to the bathroom doorway with his towel wrapped around his hips. She already had her bag over her shoulder and was reaching for the sweater she'd hung on the back of the door.

"What do you think I'm doing. I'm leaving. You've made it abundantly clear that I make you too uncomfortable. There isn't any point in me staying to ruin both of our vacations." She huffed without looking at him.

"Lilah. I don't want you to leave, I just..." Darren struggled for words but couldn't come up with any.

"Forget it. This was a mistake. I just got confused. Why did you ask me to come back here?" She spun towards him accusingly. "I was doing fine in New York. But you begged me to come back. You said you missed me, that you would do anything to have me back here again. I thought that... I thought you... never mind. Obviously I was wrong. I'll see you at Christmas. Maybe" Then she jogged down the steps.

"Wait. Lilah just wait a minute. What do you mean you got confused. What did you think I wanted?" Darren took the steps two at a time to catch up to her. "Just hold on and talk to me." She was almost to the door in the kitchen before he grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"Let go Dare. What my touch disgusts you but you can put your hands on me whenever you want?" Delilah snapped at him.

"What are you talking about?" Darren was at a complete loss. She kept pulling her arm so he let her go. "Lilah? Lilah tell me what is going on. I'm sorry about what happened in the water okay. I'm sorry. It's been a long time for me and I never would have done that with you if I'd been in my right mind. I'm sorry." The words came out in a rush but with each passing second Delilah looked even more angry.

"Oh I know you wouldn't have done it. Can't stand to have me touch you. Can't stand to have me even look at you. Do you know how long I've wanted you? No. because all you can see is you're little sister. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm not a child you need to take care of. I love you, but right now I hate you." She spit the words at him and turned to leave.

Darren grasped her hand and pulled her close to him. "What do you mean you've wanted me? Lilah, I don't understand." His fingers entwined with hers and his other hand cupped her face "I'm your brother. I don't want you to hate me. Please Lilah. Please tell me what you mean." his voice was gentle but his eyes penetrated hers.

Delilah looked down at his chest, one of her hands rested where his heart was. Then she looked back into his eyes and took a deep breath. "When mom left, you were the only one I could count on. When Dad started drinking, you were the one who made sure I was going to be okay. And when I went away to school, you were the only one I missed so much I thought about coming home a million times a day. You're not just a brother to me. You're the man I trust with my life and my heart. That's what I mean when I say I want you."

Darren stared down at his beautiful sister and was completely speechless. He tried to summon the words to rebuke her, to tell her that it was wrong, but they wouldn't come. He thought back to all the times he'd held her after Mom had left and she'd cried on his shoulder. And he remembered how he would shield her from Dad's ranting and drunken behavior, how he helped her with college application essays and the SAT's. But mostly he remembered all the goodbye hugs and kisses that were just a little too long to be proper. He'd always enjoyed holding her, touching her, just being near her. At the time he'd thought it was just brotherly love but now he wasn't sure.

"Say something Dare. Please." Delilah whispered and Darren realized he'd been staring at her for several moments just caught in his own head.

"I don't know what to say Lilah. What exactly do you want from me?" he asked softly.

"I want all of you. I want to spend time with you and to talk to you and right now I'd really like to kiss you." She said back just as softly.

Darren stood silently and thought over her words. Then he asked himself the question he hadn't allowed himself to think before, did he want to kiss her? He knew the answer immediately. "Okay." he whispered as he pulled her body into his and wrapped both arms around her waist. Their lips met in a gentle parody of their earlier kiss.

Delilah's hands tunneled into Darren's hair. She moaned low in her throat and opened her mouth to his probing tongue. He explored her and nibbled her full bottom lip. Darren's hands roved over her back and down to squeeze her perfect butt. He was right, it fit his hands perfectly. He pulled her against his throbbing erection and groaned.

Darren tried to break their kiss but her lips just traveled down his neck to suck and bite his collarbone. "Wait. Lilah. Are we really going to do this?" He panted.

Delilah gave him one last lingering kiss just under his jaw and then looked up at him. "I've told you what I want. Now it's up to you. Do you want me Dare?" She stroked his hair while she waited for his answer.

Darren tried to clear his head, to think rationally. If he did this he didn't want to regret it later. He closed his eyes and pulled her close. Yes he wanted her. She was beautiful and charming and he loved her more than anything in the world. Even if it was only for a little while he wanted to be with her. "I want you." he said softly and opened his eyes to look at her.

"Then take me upstairs brother." She said with a little grin. Darren didn't waste time. He swept her up into his arms and climbed the stairs while she placed kisses over his jaw and neck.

Darren gently laid Delilah on the bed and followed her down. He took her mouth again, this time it wasn't with hesitation or desperation just a passion born from newly discovered love. He tasted her and nipped her lip. His hands explored the bare skin of her stomach and sides and this time his mind didn't chime any warnings. Delilah was his. His sister, his best friend, his lover.

"Oh god yes Dare. It feels so good to have your hands on me. I love you so much." Delilah encouraged when Darren released her lips to taste her neck instead.

"I need this off Lilah. I've wanted another look at you for days." Darren said huskily as he lifted himself off of her and tugged at the tiny bathing suit top. The strings came loose and it slipped from her body revealing her full round breasts. Darren couldn't take his eyes from her chest and waited hardly a moment before he descended on her pink puffy nipples. He sucked one into his mouth as his thumb and finger found the other. Darren groaned at the feel of her little bud stiffening between his lips and fingers.

Delilah arched her back pushing her breasts into him and shoved her hands through his hair. She let out a low moan when his teeth pinched her hard nipple. "Dare, take off my bottoms. Please. I need to feel you against me." Delilah begged.

"Patience Lilah. Nothing is stopping us now, I'll get there. Promise." Darren grinned at her and then moved his mouth to her other breast, sucking and nibbling as he did the first. Delilah writhed beneath him which dislodged his towel and rubbed her cool damp suit bottoms against his straining erection. He couldn't help but thrust his hips into hers and groan.

"Dare please. I'm so wet. Dare feel me. Touch me." Delilah mumbled as her head thrashed on the bedspread.

Darren had to close his eyes and take a deep breath at her words. But he finally gave in to her and sat back on his heels. For a moment he just stared down at her. She looked like a wanton sex goddess and he couldn't believe he'd resisted her this long. She was so beautiful.

Delilah smiled up at him. "Come on Dare. I know how much you want me." She said with a pointed look at his cock, now standing tall and straight in his lap.

He chuckled at her and ran his fingers over her stomach and to the waist band of the bathing suit. He pulled it down slowly exposing the smooth waxed skin of her pussy and long toned legs. He lifted the bottoms high so her legs went up in the air and when he pulled the material off her delicate feet Delilah dropped her legs to either side of his big body opening herself to his piercing gaze. Darren gulped air and ran his hands slowly over Delilah's knees and thighs.

Darren could see that she'd been telling the truth. Delilah's folds glistened with moisture and it made Darren's mouth water. "God you're beautiful." He whispered to her.

"Please Dare. Going slow can come later. I need you in me. I've waited so long. Don't make me wait anymore." Delilah said and reached forward to stroke his dick with her hand.

Darren shuddered as Delilah guided the head of his penis up and down her slippery center. When she nudged him into her tight hole he nearly came. Inch by inch he leaned forward until he was almost half way in. She felt amazing. So tight and warm. Part of him was glad she wasn't a virgin though, he didn't think he'd be able to go slow this time.

"Now Dare. Make love to me." She demanded and raised her hands to his shoulders to pull him down.

Darren didn't have to be told twice. He thrust in to the hilt and they both moaned at the sensation. Delilah's breasts pressed enticingly against his hard chest and her hips cradled his. He didn't think it could get any better than this. And then he moved.

"Lilah. Lilah. Lilah." Her name was a whispered prayer on his lips as he slowly pulled out and then plowed back in. He braced himself up on his elbows to take his weight off of her. Delilah wrapped her arms around his lower back and dug her fingers into his butt. Each thrust brought her hips to meet his and their bodies slapped together.

"Yes. Yes. Like that. Harder Dare." Delilah encouraged. Darren knew she wasn't far from climax either. And he sped up. He was afraid to hurt her but when her nails raked his butt and she growled in his ear he knew she could take anything he gave. Darren released his inner animal and pounded away at his sister's inviting cunt. Each push brought a grunt up from his chest and the room was filled with sounds of brutal passion.

Delilah's body tightened and convulsed around his shaft. She screamed out her orgasm and Darren followed her with an echoing cry spraying his warm seed deep into his sister. Delilah wrapped her arms and legs around Darren to hold him inside her and he collapsed onto her chest and rolled them both to the side.

"That was amazing." Delilah's said, her hot breath panting against his neck. She wiggled her hips and rubbed against his balls.

Darren laughed and stroked her back and hair. "You've got to give me a minute if you want to go again. I'm not a machine."

Delilah gave an answering wiggle and tucked her head under his neck. "I guess I could wait a few minutes. But not too long." She said with a light sigh.

"We've got seven and a half more weeks here. No sense wearing me out on the first day." He joked. But then a thought occurred to him. "Hey Lilah?" He asked, not sure he wanted to ruin the mood.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"What's going to happen after?" He murmured into her hair. "After this vacation, do you go back to new York and I stay here? Or do you leave Columbia and come home? We'd have to hide this from everyone."

At first he thought she might now answer but then she lifted her head to look him in the eyes. "I'm not sure Dare. But I don't want to be separated from you, not anymore. We'll figure it out. For now, lets just enjoy the next few weeks. Can we do that?" She brushed his cheek with the back of her hand and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Yes. That we can certainly do. In fact why don't we enjoy it a bit more right now." He said and grinned devilishly as he turned to his back and pulled her on top of him. "I love you Lilah. Forever and ever." Darren said when she leaned down to kiss him. And it was true.

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dezzirabledezzirableabout 2 years ago

Amazingly written hot story

CercamonsCercamonsabout 3 years ago

This story was wonderful. I got lost in your limpid writing and the sex was realistic and charming. I’m sorry to see that you’ve moved on. I would love more to this story,

OedipusErectusOedipusErectusover 6 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for this darling story. I found it not only romantic and sensual but possessed of a curious mixture of brevity and fullness. Not a word was wasted. It was neat and compact but felt entirely complete. Of course you could always write a sequel, maybe several, but it is otherwise a very well written stand alone tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Good thing the second half of the story was so awesome, because the first half you just want to scream and kill the douchey pussy acting like a thirteen year old! Argh!! Thats my only complaint, so many stories having the brothers acting like that, ugh!

Absolutely loved the sister though! ...never addressed sis not packing any panties though! Hehehe ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
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