Beach House Weekend with My Sisters


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We had a noon checkout, so the plan was to clean the house up while it was not that sunny outside, go out for a few more hours of fun, come in for lunch, then pack up and go home.

I finished breakfast first and said, "I'll start cleaning up here in the kitchen."

Olivia said, "Mom, why don't you help Craig out here to make sure he does a good job, and then the two of you clean your bedroom and your bathroom."

"And you girls cleaning up the rest of the house?" asked Mom.

Olivia looked at Meg and Tracie. Both nodded. "Yes."

"Sounds good."

When we had cleaned up the beach house and headed out to the beach, I took out the high-flying kite. I wanted some time alone to process my thoughts. I was sad that the weekend was almost over. The sex had been great, and I had gotten to know and like my sisters much better. What would happen next? What did I want to happen next? Did I want to have sex with one of my sisters again?

I didn't think having sex with one of my sisters would have the same magic as this weekend. Having sex in the pitch dark with one of my sisters (but I didn't know which) had been crazy and unique. I had grown in my love for them without creating awkwardness. Did I want to start down the relationship road with any of them? Sex with one of them after this weekend would mean doing that, and I didn't feel ready for it. I reviewed the prior night for clues. Olivia and Meg had flirted strongly with me last night when we were eating ice cream. Had they taken turns visiting me last night? Which meant Tracie visited me the night before? Could be. But Meg and Olivia had flirted very strongly with me two mornings ago. If they're flirting last night led to their visiting me for a fuck, then their flirting two mornings ago would have led to Tracie fucking me. The most likely possibility is that Meg and Olivia liked flirting with me when they got the chance and their flirting with me was independent of them fucking me.

I hoped all three of my sisters were feeling better now. Hopefully, Meg and Olivia had less emotional exhaustion and would have the energy to go out and find a new guy. Hopefully, Tracie would get a new job soon and then be able to restart her social life. Hopefully, all three felt more desirable and self-confident. I then realized the best thing to do was just let it go, to move on in my life as if it never happened, and for them to move on in their lives like it never happened.

Mom called, and I took the kite down. We were all pretty quiet as we made lunch. Once we were done, we loaded the remaining food into the minivan and drove home.

On the drive home, some normalcy returned. Tracie sat up in front of me and determined what songs were played, mostly boy-band songs. Mom and my sisters sang along with most of the songs. They had such good singing voices that listening to them was a lot of fun and picked up my spirits.

When we were at a convenience store and the other women were in the bathroom, Meg came up to me and said in a low, serious voice, "Nothing unusual happened this weekend. Olivia, Tracie, and I will deny it if you ever say otherwise. It's never to be discussed. If all goes well, we might do something similar at the next Girls Retreat." And then asked in a normal tone, "Do you want another Arnold Palmer Tea?"

So that's how things are to be. I wasn't surprised. "Sure," I said, responding to both halves of Meg's conversation.

We all got back into the minivan, and I resumed driving. About an hour from home, we stopped for hot fudge sundaes. I got one and the rest of my family split the other. It was a nice way to cap off the weekend.

When I got to my parents' house, I was relieved to be done. Everyone bailed out and grabbed their stuff. Tracie dropped her bag a couple of times as she pulled it out. When she finally got it out, it was just me and her at the minivan. She gave me a firm hug.

"Thanks, Craig, for a great weekend."

A warm feeling flowed over me, and then I felt awkward. Tracie moved off to her car. I set my stuff down on the ground and pulled out the coolers. By then, Mom had exited back out of the house with Dad in her wake. "Craig, don't worry about the food. We'll take care of it. You go home, just like everyone else."

I grabbed the kites and my duffle bag and started walking to my car. My sisters were all at their cars, waving goodbye. I waved goodbye to them, Mom, and Dad as I finished the walk to my car. I loaded my stuff in it and headed home.

* * * *

That evening when I was alone in my bedroom, I watched all the Swedish Bikini Team videos I could find. Their resolution was low, so they didn't look very good. Watching the videos didn't satisfy me, so a week later I bought on eBay the January 1992 Playboy edition with the Swedish Bikini Team on the cover. I pulled it out occasionally when I was about to masturbate. I flipped through the pictorial of the Swedish Bikini Team, picturing my sisters wearing the white wigs instead of the actual models. It'd quickly get me in the mood to jerk off.

On the first of September, I did something I had never done before - I called all three of my sisters to find out how they were doing. Mom usually called me every week to ask me how I was doing and to share family news. After the beach house weekend, I wanted to have more contact with my sisters. My conversations with each were nice. The extracurricular activities during the Girls Retreat were never discussed. Olivia had shared Tracie's resume with all the managers she knew from partying with Jeff, and that led to Tracie getting a new job. Olivia and Meg weren't dating yet, but they each had a couple of guys they were interested in and who seemed interested in them. I had had a brief fling with a fellow lifeguard, but she had left to return to college in another state. On the first of every month, I called all three sisters and had similar conversations.

Two weeks before Thanksgiving, Meg called me. "Olivia, Tracie, and I are planning on spending Thanksgiving weekend at Mom and Dad's. Would you please join us? This may be the last chance for all of us to spend Thanksgiving together."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if Olivia, Tracie, or I start dating someone whose parents live out of town, we'll travel to his parents for Thanksgiving and stay in town for Christmas. That's what I did with Steve and Olivia did with Jeff. And also..." There was a pause. "Mom says she's worried about Dad's health. He doesn't have the energy he used to have. He might not be around next Thanksgiving."

"Okay." I wasn't too surprised by that news, but it still hurt to hear. "Count me in."

"We're spending Wednesday night through Sunday morning at Mom and Dad's."

"I'll see you then."

* * * *

When I got home the day before Thanksgiving, Meg was already there. After hugging my parents and her, Meg told me, "I'm reclaiming my bedroom. Tonight, we will move your stuff back to your old bedroom."

"Really? You're going to go to all that trouble when you spend how many nights here a year?"

"As I don't have a boyfriend, I'm thinking of spending more nights here. Which means I need a bedroom here."

I sighed. "Okay."

Meg and I started moving my stuff back down to The Shed. When Olivia showed up, she helped out too. Once all my stuff was back down in The Shed, I started putting everything away. Meg and Olivia worked on getting Meg's bedroom decorated appropriately. When I was done putting things away, I went into the family room, sat down, and talked football with Dad. Dad and I always spent Thanksgiving watching football, taking a break only for a light lunch and a big Thanksgiving dinner, all prepared by Mom and my sisters. This year, I was planning on spending half my time with Dad and half my time with my sisters.

Mom, Meg, and Olivia made dinner. Tracie showed up just before it was served. "Off work early?" I asked.

"There wasn't much to do. If there had been, I'd come in Sunday night to finish it." Tracie smiled. "I love my new job." She was working at another small consulting company, doing editing and document layout of work done by the company's consultants. As she had had such trouble with her last boss, she had asked during the hiring process if she could come in at four and then work until the work assigned to her was done. Her future boss had been thrilled with that, and that was what Tracie was doing now. Having worked for two years under a grueling workload, Tracie could now knock out her work at an amazing speed. Most evenings, she went home at eight or nine. Her boss was fine with that, as all he cared about was that all her work was ready for review the next morning.

After dinner, Mom and my sisters pulled out a jigsaw puzzle and started putting it together in the living room.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked.

"Yes," said Mom as she made a shooing motion. "Go talk with your dad. He's been looking forward to talking to you since Meg told me that all of you would be spending Thanksgiving weekend with us."

I went back into the family room, sat down, and talked football with Dad. My plans for spending half my time with my sisters were out the window. It really sunk in that my not knowing my sisters well was a choice of my parents, and my sisters and I had very little to do with it.

I went to bed early for me, and, when I woke up, it was Thanksgiving. Dad had me join him for the pre-game show for the first game. He was clearly excited about watching football with me. At half-time of the first game, I got up. "I'm going to go check on the rest of the family." Dad stayed glued to the TV. I went to the living room, where the rest of my family was working on a jigsaw puzzle. "Half-time. I thought I'd come visit until the game starts again."

"That'd be fine," said Mom.

The four of them were seated around a rectangular table that was smaller than the table we'd eat dinner on. No one moved to make space for me, so I stood at a corner. Meg was wearing a shirt that had a picture of a colorful frog wearing a crown. Above the frog was You have to kiss a lot of frogs and beneath it was to find a prince. I pointed at the frog and said, "Interesting shirt."

Meg looked down at it. "Yeah. I'm in the frog-kissing phase right now."

"Ditto for me," added Olivia.

I looked at Tracie. She seemed flustered and said, "I'm not at the frog-kissing stage. I'm trying to locate the frogs right now." I gave Tracie an encouraging smile, grabbed a puzzle piece, and looked for where it should go.

After I had been working on the puzzle for five minutes, Olivia said to Mom, "We should get the snacks out." The two of them went into the kitchen.

Meg said to me in a loud whisper. "Tonight, an hour after everyone has gone to bed, you are to quietly go up the stairs to the game room and then quietly go to my bedroom. The room will be pitch black as I've put up blackout curtains and have taken out all the light sources. Don't look into the room as you slip in. There will be an empty trash can next to the door. Take off your clothes and put them into it and then make your way to the bed. One of us will be waiting there. Do whatever she wants, and don't try to find out who she is. Any questions?"

"This is going to be like the Girls Retreat?"

"Yes, but you and whoever you're visiting will have lots of time and a comfortable bed. My bedroom is the furthest from Mom and Dad's bedroom. We've done a sound test, and they won't hear anything unless you fall on the floor or knock something over. So we have a lot more freedom, but can't do anything stupid. Anything else?"


"Grab a snack in the kitchen and go back to Dad."

I stood up and walked toward the kitchen Jesus Fucking Christ. I had assumed that I had to wait until next July to possibly have sex with my sisters again. Possibly. Them having another Girls Retreat was not a sure thing, as all three of them might not be able to go. But I was going to be fucking one of my sisters tonight. And probably another tomorrow night and the third the next night. My cock stiffened.

I sat down in the family room. "Did I miss anything?"

"Lots of commercials." A commercial was running now. "The game should resume after this commercial break."


"What did your Mom and sisters say?"

Telling him what Meg said was definitely off the table. "Olivia and Mom have some snacks out and are working on another. Would you like some?"

"Yes. And get me a beer while you're at it."

I went into the kitchen. Only Olivia was there. Pigs-in-blankets were in the oven, and she was standing next to it. She flashed me a big smile. Would I be fucking her tonight?

"Piggies ready soon?" I asked.

Olivia looked at the timer. "I'll check on them in four minutes. When they are done, do you want me to bring you and Dad some?"

"If you would please, that'd be fantastic."

Olivia leaned in and said quietly, "I'm doing what you want now, and you'll be doing what I want later." My cock sprang to attention.

When Olivia said no more, I prepared two plates of snacks, grabbed two beers, and went back to Dad.

For the rest of the day, whenever there was a commercial break, I'd think about fucking my sisters. Sex with them at the Girls Retreat had been so much more intense, exciting, and pleasurable than sex with any of my girlfriends. Was it because of the oddity of having sex in the dark? The danger? The knowledge that it was one of my sisters, but not knowing which? Whatever it was, I was pumped about doing it again.

* * * *

"Goodnight, Craig," said Dad as he and Mom went into their bedroom. I checked my phone for the time - 10:12. I went out the back door and in through the door to The Shed. My heart was pounding. The hour wait was going to be hard. I played a game on my phone for a while, couldn't keep my focus, paced for a while to calm down, went back to my game, and repeated the gaming and pacing until it was 11:12.

I took slow, quiet steps up the stairway to the game room, which was over Mom and Dad's bedroom. The door out of the game room was open, and I slowly and quietly walked down the hallway outside of Tracie's bedroom, Olivia's bedroom, and the upstairs bathroom, finally arriving at the door to Meg's bedroom. I noticed a foam cylinder was on the bottom of the door and ran its length. Probably to block light and sound. I opened the door as little as possible, slipped in, and closed the door. It was pitch dark in the room, much like the beach house living room.

"I'm here," I whispered as I started removing my clothes. It was a stupid thing to say, but I couldn't help saying it. Once I was naked, I moved slowly toward the bed. Which sister was waiting for me in it? I had no idea.

Once I climbed onto the bed, my sister attacked. She rolled on top of me and kissed me passionately. Soon, she rammed her tongue into my mouth. She writhed on top of me constantly as she frantically kissed me. We did that until she flipped onto her back while pushing me down. She firmly guided my head to her pussy, where I ate her out. She came fairly quickly. Once she was done coming, she pulled me up to fuck her. She guided my cock into her, wrapped her legs around mine, and encouraged me to fuck her hard and fast. I gave her a good pounding until I came.

"That was wonderful," I said. "Being with you is so exciting."

My sister rolled us over and had me move into the center of the bed. Once I was there, she fed her nipple into my mouth while stroking my cock. I reached up and grabbed the other tit. My sister quickly pushed my hand down. As breast size could be identifying, I guessed my squeezing of breasts was forbidden.

I knew that my sister wouldn't talk, but I could. I intended to do a lot of talking to her, but I didn't have a chance as she kept alternating the nipple in my mouth while stroking my cock until I was hard again. She then quickly mounted me. Once I was fully buried inside her, she put her hands on my chest. I grabbed her ass with both hands and helped her bounce up and down on my cock. I pictured her fucking me, her tits bouncing up and down with every stroke. God, fucking her felt so good. She fucked me energetically, even though we were in the second round.

At some point, she slid off me to the side. She pushed me away from her, and I took the hint to let her get into the center of the bed. She guided me back into the missionary position, where I fucked her hard and fast until I came again.

Once I was done coming, she pushed me to the side. She flipped over onto her stomach, grabbed my hand, and guided it to her ass. Once I placed it there, she moved her ass so my hand started rubbing all of it. I continued rubbing her ass, her lower back, and her inner thighs as she wiggled her body in response to my hands.

"You have such a great body. I love touching it. What makes touching it so special is that I love you."

We continued rubbing and wiggling until she suddenly rolled over on her side. She reached out and grabbed my cock. I was mostly hard. She took it into her mouth and sucked it a few times. It wasn't the great technique of the blowjob I got the first night at the beach house, but it quickly got me fully hard. She then moved back to being on her stomach before rising up on her knees. I moved around behind her and guided my cock into her. I proceeded to fuck her doggie-style. The bed squeaked some as I fucked her, so I slowed the pace.

After we had fucked for a while, she pulled away from me and then I felt her flip over onto her back. She reached out, found my cock, and guided it inside her again. Once again, I fucked her hard and fast in the missionary position until I came. When I was done coming, I felt exhausted and drained. My sister pushed me off the bed. I slowly staggered over to where my clothes were, got dressed, and then made my way slowly and quietly to The Shed and my bed.

* * * *

The next morning, the alarm on my phone woke me at eight. I didn't want to sleep in too late. I took a shower, and, when I came out to the kitchen for breakfast, my sisters were already bringing down the Christmas decorations.

Dad and I were sent out to buy a Christmas tree at Costco. Mom and Dad always had a real tree. Dad and I were there when Costco opened, and there was still a good-sized line. We brought the tree back to the house and set it up in the living room. Mom dismissed us to go watch football. When I tried to help with the decorations at half-time, Mom shooed me away. I got snacks for Dad and me and returned to watch the half-time show with him.

Once all the decorations were up, it was time for a family tradition - kissing under the mistletoe. Mom had plastic mistletoe which was hung in a corner of the living room. Mom and Dad kissed under it while my sisters and I took pictures of them on our phones. Whenever one of us kids was dating someone, we'd eventually have a picture taken of us kissing under the mistletoe. "Only Dad and me this year," said Mom.

That night, I once again quietly slipped into Meg's bedroom. This sister had me fuck her in lots of different positions - cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, spooning, on her back with her legs on my shoulders, her on the edge of the bed while I stood next to the bed, me holding her ankles as she laid on her back and had her legs splayed widely. It was more clinical than passionate. It was much easier for me to talk to her, telling her that she had a great body, that she was beautiful, and that I loved her.

After I came for the second time, she pushed me out of bed. I got dressed and made my way to my bed.

* * * *

Saturday was more college football with Dad. The women were in Mom's bedroom, trying on clothes. My sisters had brought to the house all the clothes they wanted to move on, so it was "try-on and keep if you liked it" time. At one point, Tracie was in the bathroom while I waited outside for it to be free. When she came out, she grabbed my hand and said, "Come with me." She took me over to the mistletoe, where she took a selfie of the two of us smiling at the camera. She hugged me before returning to Mom's bedroom.