Beast of Burden Ch. 02


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"Not me," he told her gently. "I am not for you. I do not lie with beasts. But, surely you can think of others if your master is occupied? Someone more suited to a creature like you?"

"But," Emine pouted, shoving a hand between her thighs, groaning as she rubbed herself. "I don't-"

An image bloomed in her mind, a strong hand brushing the smooth coat of a fine mare. She shivered and moaned and stumbled away, Oswyn already forgotten as she followed the scent of other animals. She could see them at the edge of camp, staked in a line near the tall form of the groom and the smaller forms of children helping with water and food and excrement.

She wasted no time in heading straight for the man as he bent to check hooves.

"Dah-cha-leen," her ears caught on the wind. Yosef worked and spoke quietly to himself. "Dah-chaaa-leenuh. Dah-cha-leenuh."

A rumble began deep in the back of her throat as the heady, rich smell of the animals filled her head. As she approached, the rumble turned into a growl and she pulled at her tight dress, hating the way the clothing felt against her. Oswyn's words tumbled in her mind and she ached to be free and naked. To be natural.

Yosef turned and stumbled backwards in surprise as she stepped close to him. Emine bleated and wrapped her arms around the man's waist.

"M-my lady?" Yosef stammered, gently prying her arms away from his body. He glanced around quickly but the horses blocked the torches, leaving him partially cloaked in shadows.

Emine stepped forward, bleating again as her pussy lips bulged and rubbed against her thighs to show her heightened state of animalistic arousal. She could feel the soft skin, stubbled with tan hairs as she pawed at the muscular man. Her hand snaked out, grabbing at his cock as she pulled at the clasps holding her dress together.

"Lady Emine!" The man said in alarm as her clothing began to loosen. "The master, he'll kill me! Please!"

Silk strained against the woman's chest as fatty tissue formed beneath her breasts. She felt them press together as they grew engorged and full and her nipples dragged torturously against the fabric.

Yosef's cock was hard beneath his trousers and Emine moaned when she freed it. Before he could complain again, she knelt and took him in her mouth, wrapping her swollen, full lips around his thickness. Her jaw clicked and bones groaned, forcing her face forward as she bobbed against him, her hair falling around her slowly lengthening face as her long ears laid back.

With her left hand at the base of his manhood, her right worked awkwardly at her dress. Her fingers pulled painfully at thick hair between her still-growing breasts but she stripped herself, bleating triumphantly as the wind finally caressed her bare skin.

"Oh, Lady Emine, I-" Yosef groaned, his fingers aching to touch her but unwilling to dishonor her by making the move. He forced his hands behind his back and looked away, making fists while forcing his mouth closed.

The Lady Emine knelt in the sparse grass, her delicate fingers gripping and pulling as her warm, wet tongue expertly wrapped around Yosef's cock. She worked her head in circles before pulling back to lick his length, a line of spit connecting them temporarily. Her rumbling growl sounded again as her sex ached but she held fast and pushed her head down, forcing herself forward until her lips touched his base. His hairs brushed his cheeks and her nostrils flared to take in the unwashed smell of his cock and, despite herself, it only drove her more wild.

Bones cracked and snapped in her expanding waist. She pulled her head back with a wet pop and tore at her trousers, shoving them down to expose her swollen pussy. Emine lowered herself with a low moan and raised her hips while pawing at the sand.

She was losing herself in the moment, driven wild by the act of mating in the open air, surrounded by animals like herself. By common beasts like herself. She belonged here and needed Yosef to take her. She knew that instinctually, deep within her core as the magic rolled through her.

"Please, my lady, please," Yosef panted, stroking his cock slowly while staring at her exposed, dripping pussy. He desperately wanted to look away but he couldn't.

Emine's ass strained and stretched as her hips grew wide to accommodate her growing bulk and the muscle and sinew forming around her tailbone. A tiny bulge appeared above her ass and she shuddered, looking over her shoulder to stare at Yosef.

"I can't stand it," she groaned, her voice full of lust and need. Tiny hairs emerged along the sharp line of her expanded jaw. "I can't think. I can't think straight. I need it. Need you. Please. I'll go mad, please. Breed me, please. Please! Use me!"

Yosef's mouth worked but he lowered himself slowly, hidden between two mares that stomped and snorted. He guided himself into her pussy without touching her, hissing between his teeth as she shoved herself back, swallowing his entire length. She bellowed and Yosef closed his eyes to pray that nobody would find them. His hands twitched to hold her waist but he gripped them behind his back instead and let Emine do the work, looking away as his cheeks burned.

The tiny hump lining Emine's back filled and twisted, flopping over to its side as it became more pronounced. Beneath it, the lump her tail expanded into a small tip that thrashed as she slammed herself back, gasping and groaning and clawing at the ground while her thickened knees and long legs dug into the ground.

Conflicting thoughts entered her mind. She wanted to yell for him to slap her ass, no - to beat her like an animal, no, to call her a filthy, slutty whore, no - to tether her to the ground to be used again and again. She desperately wanted to feel the harness around her face and the tug of the rope against her and she could feel herself grow more slippery and wet as she squeezed Yosef's cock with her pussy. She bleated, frustrated that she couldn't express her needs as her orgasm neared.

"Ch- choke me!" she finally said, raising up and back with her immense breasts flopping and slapping against her furry belly. His hands would suffice in place of the rope she yearned for. "Choke me!"

Yosef groaned, biting his lips while glancing around. He could see movement at the other end of the picket line but the night grew dark and he prayed his eyes played tricks on him. Emine's ass slapped against him as she tensed herself as if milking his cock and he felt himself on the edge. It had been a very long time since he'd been with a lover and the Lady Emine was beautiful beyond compare for-

Emine jerked, panting and groaning as Yosef's fat cock rubbed against the ridges within her sex. She huffed in frustration when the man didn't wrap his fingers around her neck but she was so close to the edge that she didn't care. A crackling, grating snap filled her ears as her head was forced further away from her shoulders. She opened her long jaw but words failed her as Yosef filled her completely.

The orgasm was explosive and she bleated in shock while spraying Yosef in her overstimulated excitement. The thick scent of her cum filled the air. Her hips jerked and she bleated again when Yosef's fingers finally dug into her wide hips.

"Lady Emine, I can't-" Yosef grunted.

"Fill me! Breed me!" Emine shouted, her voice breaking into a lustful growling rumble as she rocked back against him.

Yosef shouted as he allowed himself the release he craved. He swelled within her and she gasped, falling to her chest while writhing with a second orgasm. The hairs lining her short muzzle trapped dirt as she rolled her head and fluttered her eyes, control of her body temporarily lost while she shuddered and gasped and bleated until Yosef pulled out.

"I shouldn't-" Yosef panted, looking away while clenching his fists. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm a dead man. I'm a dead man."

"No," Emine said weakly, collapsing to her stomach. "No, I won't allow it. I won't. Mine."

Heat filled her cheeks as she lay in the sand and grass, all the tension draining from her body as she relaxed in the glow of the act.

Brush me, she wanted to ask as she felt sand against her body. The thought of it made her shiver and the tip of her tail wagged briefly.

"I'm dead," Yosef repeated sadly. "When Davud hears of this-"

"He won't," Emine told him. "Not from me. I don't want Davud. I want you. The master of the beasts. My master. Mine now. Your beast. I won't tell him."

"Lady Emine," Yosef said, reaching out a hand before pulling it away. "Dah- Dah-cha-lin-uh."

""I'll go," she told him, pushing herself up.

Standing in the dim light of the waning moon and the dying fires, highlighted in indigo curves, Yosef thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd seen and his heart ached for her.

"Wait!" Yosef said as she turned to leave. He pulled a simple brown cloak from a peg in the picket line and handed it to her.

Emine stared at the cloak, wondering about its purpose until a voice reminded her she was unclothed. She shook her head and the voice grew louder until she took the cloak and draped it over her shoulders while pulling it tight against her body. Her newly heavy breasts kept the cloak from closing completely and the finger-thick opening showed her naked body and the curly tan fur beneath.

The chaos of the camp confused her as she wandered through it. Nearly everyone was inside their tents but a few sat together around low fires and she avoided them while trying to find her own tent. It would be near Davud's tent and her brow furrowed as she tried to remember what it looked like.

Cum leaked from her pussy, tangling with curly hair covering the inside of her thighs.

Gray streaks began to replace the pink coloring of her lips. The tip of her nose moved, slowly pulling downward on her elongated face until her nostrils were slits, adapted to protect against sandstorms. Dull pewter coloring spread along her protruding lips and up to her nose.

Emine's ears flicked in annoyance until she suddenly remembered that Davud's tent would be bigger than everyone else's tent. She bleated in happiness and pride at how smart she was. Two tents lay next to his and turned to the one on the right.

A young girl knelt beside the closed flap of Emine's tent. She rocked forward and pressed her upper body to the ground.

"Your food lies within. Still warm, Lady Emine," the girl said.

Emine nodded as her belly rumbled. She entered and made for the table in the center of the room, sitting before the plates of meat and cheese and bread and the covered bowl of soup. Drool surged in her mouth as she removed the cover of the soup. Without thought, she shoved her head forward into the soup, slurping and swallowing until it was empty. Her tongue lashed out, growing thick from the base to the tip as it worked around the bowl to clean it.

Still her belly rumbled and she gorged herself on the food left out, her tail flicking happily against her ass. It slid, curling beneath the cloak to cover the gap of her ass as prickly, wiry hairs emerged from it. Her cloak slid from her shoulders to leave her bare.

Once more, she bent to the plates, licking crumbs as her breasts swung from her vigorous efforts.

Four dark spots appeared just above her mound, in two rows. She sighed, reclining backward while playing with the tuft of fur covering her mound. She could still smell her master's scent on her and her finger dipped down to coat itself in his cum before twirling it back into the fur. She allowed more fingers to creep between her thighs and she slowly covered herself in Yosef's scent, rubbing his cum into her fur and bare skin until he was all she could smell.

Now sated, her eyes began to droop. Tiny black hairs pierced her eyelid as a second pair of lashes grew forth. Her eyes closed and she lowered herself to her side.

Hairs sprouted from the bare patches of skin below her breasts and along her arm. They twisted and wrapped themselves around each other as they emerged, marching along her stomach and down to her hips in a slow, creeping wave to the top of her feet.

Emine shifted suddenly in her sleep, bleating softly in a fevered sex dream as Yosef led her to his room with a tight halter. Her tail thumped the ground as her thighs slid together and the large, curved claws tipping her toes clacked against the low table next to her, shoving it aside as powerful muscles bulged beneath the skin of her thighs.


"Lady Emine," a soft voice said from outside the tent.

Emine groaned, turning her head slowly on her long neck. She smacked her thick lips and blinked her eyelashes over a translucent inner eyelid before completely opening her eyes.

She pressed herself up on her hands and her breasts pulled down against her body, hidden beneath her pelt. Four tiny teats sagged on her lower belly, the nipples nearly black in contrast to the thick pink nipples atop her breasts. She felt heavy and slow this morning and overly warm in the clothing she'd worn to bed.

"Lady Emine, shall I bring your breakfast?" the voice asked.

"Yes," Emine slurred, still not awake.

"At once, my lady," the girl said, hurrying away.

Emine rumbled a deep growl as she pushed herself up. Her slightly sagging hump counter-balanced her larger breasts and her tail wriggled briefly as she made her way to the mirror standing in the corner of the tent.

The night was a blur but she felt deeply satisfied - and anxious. She frowned as she scratched her furred belly, just above her small teats. The sensation encouraged the teats to grow and the onyx nipples pushed through her curly fur before dipping downward under their own weight. She felt a curious sensation as her milk came in and she began to look down until her reflection stole her breath.

Emine's hands flew to her face. She bleated in horror as she saw her monstrous form and, for a moment, her brain refused to believe what it was seeing. The girl turned, expecting to see a two legged beast standing behind her but nobody was there. She turned back slowly, trembling as she steadied herself for what she'd see.

Her tail caught her attention first as it swung behind her. It was wrist thick with long hair at the end of it and she could feel it brushing against her ass. Movement along her belly distracted her from close inspection. Short, sandy fur covered her arms and hands but it thickened as it reached her torso until it grow in soft, curly tufts.

Black nipples pushed through the fur between her hips. She reached down bit at her lips after accidentally squeezing one of her growing teats. When Emine pulled her hand away, a thin line of liquid streamed away from the teat as she accidentally expressed her own milk.

Worse, it felt amazing and she shivered while licking her lips.

"Lady Emine," the girl's voice said from outside her tent.

Startled, Emine stumbled on her wide feet, catching herself as her powerful legs steadied her long, heavy body. Her tail slapped against the back of her thigh and she hid her breasts and sex uselessly behind her arm and hand.

Only now, due to her slow mind, did she realize that she'd felt warm not because of clothes she'd worn in the night but because of her heavy pelt.

"Leave it!" Emine yelled. "Leave the food outside! And- and go! I'll call you if I re- if I req- if I need you!"

"Mistress," the voice agreed. "They await your meal before readying your tent for transport."

She turned, swallowing as she noticed how overgrown her bust and hips were. Nothing she had would fit her. She'd have to-

Emine's belly rumbled and her slit-nostrils opened to smell the flavorful food outside.

"No," she told herself. "No. I can't eat now. I just-"

But the smell of the food wafted over and she spat drool from her mouth before wiping her soft grey slip with her furry arm.

"Just a bite," she told herself, padding over to the tent flap on wide feet that flattened with every step.

As quickly as she could, she pulled the corner of the tent flap aside and grabbed the tray. Reason fled and she shoved her elongated face down, biting and swallowing with tasting until she was licking the dishes clean.

Emine froze.


She remembered herself on her knees before him, licking his cock. Sucking him until she begged him to fuck her. Seeing the terror in his eyes but ignoring it as lust took her.

As he filled her.

As she pleased him.

A soft moan escaped her lips. Despite the horror of the situation, she felt her sex stir, arousal rearing its head as it woke and she remembered the feel of him inside of her. And the thought-

"Oh," she said, closing her eyes at the thought of being tethered and led like an animal. She shivered, her nails digging at the dirt-covered fur on her sides and the skin beneath. She couldn't dislodge the image from her mind. Of standing next to a pole with a rope holding her in place while Yosef inspected her. Nude. Waiting. Trembling.

Emine bleated and touched herself.

"No!" she yelled, pulling her hand away. She breathed quickly, her heavy chest heaving as her face burned and her long, fur-lined ears angled back. "No."

They would be waiting impatiently for her now, eager to be moving. She stood in a panic, rushing to her chest of clothes on long, spindly legs. Emine tossed clothes aside until she found a looser set she'd kept on a whim. She tore the legs of the trousers as the two huge nails on each foot easily ripped through the material but she didn't care, instead pulling them up until they stopped mid-thigh. The dress wouldn't close but it reached down to cover her waist.

"I look ridi- ri- dumb," she said, frowning at herself with her strange mouth. The dress lay open in the middle, baring her breasts and teats and the engorged lips between her thighs. She felt her heart pounding and the echo of it in her swollen, aching, needy sex. "I need to be brushed."

The thought made her eyes widen. It was a natural thought - a need and desire arising from having slept nude and being fucked by the other animals.

No, she tried to tell herself. Not the other animals. I'm not an animal. By the horses. I'm not-

But the ease at which she thought she needed to be brushed scared her.

"Lady Emine," came the docile voice from outside her tent. "The master shows his impatience."

"Leave," Emine said, staring at her body. "I'll be done sh- shuh-"

The young woman stamped her foot in frustration as words slipped from her mind.

"Soon!" she snapped. "I'll be done soon!"

Fur covered fingers grabbed the discarded cloak and she wrapped it around her body, holding it as tightly as she could while pulling the hood over her head.

Hunched over to hide her body, she ran from the tent.

Servants bustled about, loading packages and breaking down the remaining tents. A horde of them waited outside her tent and she bent lower to hide from them as they swarmed her tent. Emine's tail swished in agitation until she focused on it, finding new muscles that resisted her efforts to control it.

The covered wagon reserved for the Davud's consorts lay near the rear of the train and she hurried towards it, surprised at how quickly and easily she could walk on her feet. Thinking of her feet made her stumble, both by realizing how different they were and the fact that she had left without covering them.

She climbed into her empty wagon quickly, pushing to the rear while curling up as well as she could, moving the cloak carefully until it covered her body.

Hidden away with her heart pounding, she waited.

"- do you make him ready again?" Nefise said, her voice growing louder as she came closer.

"My mouth, dear," Canhabibe answered lazily. "Davud has simple things that make him excited. If you kiss his head, the lower one, while stroking him with one hand and you fondle him below, stroking one finger near his, well, below, it makes him very excited."