Beautiful Shopper Get Tricked

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Security guard uses his power to get what he wants.
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I turned quickly as I heard the security system beeping, and saw that the beautiful brunette that I been watching was standing inside the detectors like a deer caught in headlights. She looked incredibly embarrassed and after the beeping stopped she backed away from the detectors and took a few steps back inside the store. Of course I knew that she was going to set off the security system because I set her up to make it go off...

I should start with some background info though. My name is Dave and I work store security for a major retailer. Basically I'm a rent-a-cop and the majority of my work consists of busting dumbass teenagers that are trying to swipe a DVD or some other stupid shit. We have a security office, but I spend most of my time on the floor because sitting in an office all day and watching security monitors is boring as fucking hell. Plus, at least when you're out on the floor you have a better chance of running across some eye candy, and one day I struck the jackpot as far as that was concerned.

The first time I saw her she was doing some grocery shopping, and I stopped dead in my tracks to take a look at her. She was in the snack aisle and was trying to reach a box on the top shelf. She had straight brown hair that went down to about the middle of her back, and she was wearing short shorts with flip flops and a tank top. Her tan was perfect and as she got up on her tippy toes to reach for the box it made the muscles in her calves stand out which made her legs look even sexier. As she reached with her arms her tank top pulled taught and her perk breasts strained against the material. I had approached her that day and got the box off the top shelf for her, and she was very thankful and seemed like a genuinely sweet girl.

After that I hadn't had any contact with her, but over the next month I picked up on her schedule and always knew when to expect her in the store. Most people are creatures of habit and once they develop a routine they stick with it. She was no different. She came into the store twice a week about a half hour before closing, and usually did light grocery/household shopping. I definitely had a huge crush on her and I would make sure I was out on the floor during the days I knew she'd be shopping in the store.

I think my innocent crush turned into something not-so-innocent after I read in the news a week ago about this security officer at a mall who was planting items on attractive women, and then using the threat of calling the cops on them as blackmail for sexual favors. I actually thought it was a genius plan, and the only reason the guy had gotten caught was because the last time he tried it happened to be on an off-duty cop. This story definitely got the wheels in my brain going. If I could somehow figure out how to set this girl up I could do the same and take her back to the security office and completely have my way with her, and today was the day I was going to put my plan in action.

I knew she would be doing some shopping tonight so I made sure I was out in the floor in the grocery section of the store. I had a small pair of earrings hidden up my sleeve and my game plan was to somehow plant them on her without her knowing. When I finally saw her she was looking as hot as ever. She had on her usual flip flops and tank top, and today she had them paired up with a short denim skirt. I figured I could accidentally bump into her and slide the earrings out of my sleeve and into one of her back pockets. It was basically reverse pick pocketing.

She walked down the aisle and I waited for her to stop before I put my plan into action. I forget what exactly it was she stopped in front of to look at, but I made my way down the aisle pretending to be reading a report I was holding when I bumped into her hard. Not that I'm a big guy, but she's much smaller and stumbled when I bumped into her. This gave me the perfect opportunity to reach out and grab her so she wouldn't fall which in turn allowed me to quickly deposit the earrings into the back pocket of her skirt. After catching her I asked to make sure she was okay, and apologized profusely for being so clumsy and not seeing her. She assured me that she was fine and again came across as a very nice person.

After that I walked around the store some more and made sure I was near the exit when she went to pay for her groceries which brings us to the here and now. Now that the security system has stopped beeping I approached her, and could tell she was very embarrassed and flustered. "Miss, could you step to the side, please?" I asked her very politely.

"Sure," she responds, "I have no idea why this thing would go off like that though. I just paid for my groceries here. God, this is so embarrassing!"

"Can I see your receipt?"

She hands me the receipt and I take a quick look through her bags. "You know, it was probably just a system malfunction. That happens sometimes. Do me a favor and pass through the detectors again."

She does as I ask and again the detectors go off and I look at her pretending to be puzzled. "Can you come to the security office with me please, and hopefully we can get this all straightened out." I pick up one of her bags and place my other hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the security office. When we get to the door I get my keys out and open it for her, and she steps into the room. I enter behind her and close and lock the door. She sits down in the chair opposite the desk, crossing her lean, tan legs. "I really don't know why or how this happened. There must be some kind of a problem with your system. I've never stolen anything in my life."

I go behind the desk and get a wand out from one of the drawers. "Please stand up with your arms out to your sides and your legs shoulder width apart for me." She does as I say without questioning since she figures I'm not going to find anything on her. I begin in front of her, waving the wand near her breasts, around her stomach, and the up and down the length of her skirt. Being this close to her I never realized how damn good she smelled before. Then I moved behind her, knowing that she was about to get the shock of her life. Again I was the wanted starting from the top down, and when I get near her ass the wand starts beeping. "What's going on with that thing" she asks, and I can hear the annoyance in her voice. I turn the wand off and reach into her back pocket. She turned her head around quickly obviously started that I went into her pocket, when she saw me holding up the pair of earrings she jaw nearly hit the floor. Before I even say anything she's already pleading with me, "I have no idea how those got in there and I swear to god that I didn't try to steal them. There's got to be some kind of a mistake here."

"Miss, I've heard it all before, I catch people trying to steal in here all the time and it's always the same old song and dance 'I don't know how that got there,' 'I've never stolen before,' blah blah blah. Shit doesn't just magically jump into your pocket, does it," I ask rhetorically.

"But I swear, I've never seen those earrings before in my life," she pleads.

"Listen, you can save it for the cops. We're closing soon and I really don't feel like being here any later than I need to be." When I mentioned the cops I could see the realization that she was going to get arrested for this set in, and tears started welling up inside her eyes.

"Please, I'm begging you don't call the cops. This is some kind of mistake. I never took those earrings, and had never even seen them before you were holding them up. Can't you just let me go with a warning?"

"I understand getting caught sucks, but I can't just let you walk out of here scot-free. I'd be willing to forget this whole thing ever happened, but then you got to do something for me"

She almost turns white as a ghost when she realizes what type of "something" I'm talking about. She closes her eyes and then takes a deep breath and opens her eyes again, "Okay, name it."

I'm actually caught off guard that she appears willing to go along with this so quickly, so I play it smooth. "Well, you're apparently so fond of these earrings, if you model them for me and let me take some pics of you with them on then you're free to go."

"Model the earrings? That's it? You've got yourself a deal!"

I go behind the desk to get the camera and actually feel a little bit bad for the girl. She's got no idea what exactly she's agreed to. I open the drawer to get the camera and as I look back over at her, she says "Ta-da! I've got those earrings on!" She holds her hands behind her head to keep her hair from covering her ears and turns to her right and left. With her arms up in the air like that her breasts press up against the fabric of her shirt. Christ her tits look so perfect.

"Um, I think you misunderstood what exactly it was I was asking for when I said I wanted you to model the earrings. I meant just the earrings. Lose the rest of your clothes." Her face turned white as a ghost and her expression was priceless. "Hey, you agreed to it. Unless you'd rather take your chance with the cops I'll give them a call up right now."

She looks at me angrily and then crosses her arms as she grabs the bottom of her tank top. She starts pulling it up, revealing a sexy flat stomach and then a pink lacey bra. The bra looks like a pushup, and I'm guessing she's probably a 34b. She pulls the tank top over her head completely and puts it on the desk in front of me. I snap a few pics of her in with her shirt off. "Continue," I command.

Next she unbuttons and unzips her skirt. She put her thumbs in the waistband and wiggles her hips a little and the skirt slides down her legs to the floor. I see she's wearing tiny lacey pink thing that matches her bra. I take more pics of her in just her bra and panties and marvel at how incredible her body is. I look her over like a piece of meat. There can't be an ounce of fat on this girl. She's in amazing shape. I circle my finger in the air motioning for her to turn around and she complies, showing me a perfect round ass that is covered only by the back of her thong.

"Keep going," I tell her. I see tears start welling up in her eyes and can tell this is going to be the hard part for her. Her face starts to get flush and I can see she's hesitating. I'm sure getting down to her bra & panties was no picnic for her, but I could tell she was having a lot of trouble getting completely naked for me so I give her some incentive by reaching for the phone and picking up the receiver. She gets the message and reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra. She slides the straps off her shoulder and holds it in front of her for a moment and looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I look back at her coldly and I know she sees that there is no sympathy in my eyes so she removes the bra fully and places it on the table with the rest of her clothing. Instinctively she moves her arms to cover her breasts "Uh uh, there will be none of that," I tell her and she moves her arms at her sides.

Finally having an unobstructed view of her breasts they are even nicer than I could have imagined. My guess at 34b looked pretty accurate and they were nice and perky. She really didn't need that pushup bra at all. Her nipples were around the size of quarters and faded nicely into the color of her breasts. It was obvious that she at least tanned topless as she had no tan lines whatsoever around her breasts. Soon I'd be finding out if she tanned in the nude. I took more pics and I could tell that she was extremely uncomfortable with not just being coerced into exposing herself to me like this, but also with the camera. "Just once more piece of clothing and we'll be all done," I tell her, knowing damn well that I'm lying but trying to put her at ease a little.

She lets out a resigned sigh and slides her thumbs under her waistband. She looks at me one last time hoping I'd show her some mercy, but I say nothing and she knows she has to go all the way through with this. She takes a deep breath and pushes her panties down and they pool on the floor at her feet. She steps out of them and place them on the desk and stands before me fully nude. I look at her pussy and am pleased to see that she shaves it clean. It's also obvious that she does tan nude as there are no tan lines around her pussy. "I was wondering whether or not you tanned nude," I comment to her. I can tell my observation makes her uncomfortable as she shifts her weight a little but she doesn't say anything. I take some more pics and when I put the camera down she reaches for her clothes. I reach out and place my hand on top of hers; stopping her from retrieving the clothes she so desperately wants to put back on. "We're not done yet."

She looks at me incredulously, "What the hell are you talking about you pervert? I did what you told me to, now let me get dressed!"

"Hey, you listen up, bitch. I've got all the leverage in this situation so I'm making the rules as I want, and after seeing you completely fucking naked in front of me I've got one major boner that need some attention right now."

She looks at me, disgusted. "There is no way in hell I'm letting you fuck me, now give me my clothes!"

I look at her angrily, "I caught you stealing and now I've got pics of you in various states of undress as well as naked. If you know what's good for you you'll do exactly as I say," I snap at her.

I could tell the reality of the situation had hit her after I snapped at her, and I felt the tension in her hand ease up so I took my hand off the top of hers. "Very good, now if you don't want to let me fuck you that's fine, but you're going to put that mouth of yours to work now," I tell her. After saying that, I get up and stand in front of her and sit on the edge of the desk. I unbutton and unzip my pants, and pull them down along with my boxers. She looks down at my cock and grips it in her hand giving it slow strokes.

"Very good," I say to her as I place my hands on her shoulders and force her to her knees. As I look down at this beautiful naked girl in front of me jerking me off with my cock only inches from her face I can't help but get even more turned on than I already am. She gives my cock more long, slow strokes and already I'm leaking precum. "I don't want a hand job, start sucking," I command.

She looks up at me as she moves forward; our eyes locked the whole time as I feel my cock entering her mouth. She keeps her hand on the base of my shaft and wraps her lips around my cock and starts to gently suck on it. I moan in pleasure and then I feel her tongue licking the underside of my shaft while it's still in her mouth, and then swirling it around the head. I'm already starting to breath heavily as I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. "Holy shit you are such a good cock sucker," I comment to her.

Surprisingly this only seems to make her work harder and she lets her grip go on my shaft and starts bobbing her head up and down. I feel her working her way farther and farther down my shaft and before I know it she's got the entire thing in her mouth. I can feel the head of my cock just barely reaching the entrance of her throat as she start massaging my balls with a free hand. I moan loudly as I look down at her, and she looks up at me and starts sucking as hard as she can. I feel my cock begin to throb and not being able to take any more I start cumming in her mouth. I could tell the size of the load took her by surprise as her eyes went wide as I filled her mouth and some of it leaked out and dripped down her chin and hit her breasts. She swallowed all the rest though and after I finished cumming she kept my cock in her mouth for a good few minutes and continued to suck on it and give it a cleaning.

Completely exhausted I sat there on the edge of the desk and watched as she got up without saying a word and started getting dressed. I started to pull up my pants and boxers as well and when I had them on she already had all her clothes on. As she turns and heads for the door I call out to her, "Hey, keep the earrings!" She just rolls her eyes and leaves, shutting the door behind her. I wonder if I'm going to see her again.

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CharlieCastillo9CharlieCastillo9over 2 years ago

When the girl resists and resists and pleading is better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

you should have had the girl show some resitence or something it is super short

Homer_J_SimpsonHomer_J_Simpsonalmost 14 years ago

I like how the girl was a babe.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Keep it up!

Hey, good story! Ended a little too quickly considering the build up, but liked it nevertheless.. maybe an encore could be arranged? :)

Greystreet0523Greystreet0523over 14 years ago
Every job has its benefits

Dave made one mistake in not using his fingers to find out if she got wet while sucking his cock. He could have at least returned the oral favor for her. I can't see how anyone could believe that he would be able to get this lovely thing in his power, again. I would have wanted to eat that shaved pussy until she had cum all over my face. I always say that you have to take advantage of unique opportunities when they present themselves.

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