Beauty and the Geek Ch. 28


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Miley rolled her eyes, fed up with Victoria's constant disapproval towards Charlie, "That's enough, mother. Leave Charlie alone. What are you even doing here? I don't remember sending you an invitation."

Victoria's eyes narrowed, "Do you really think I'd miss my own daughter's wedding?"

"Yes," Miley seethed, pushing and smoothing at her gown's lacy skirt. "That's exactly what I what I was thinking when I didn't send you an invitation. As for my sex life, and every other aspect of my life, you can very kindly butt the hell out!"

Victoria's voice had an edge of danger, "If you think I'm going to allow this wedding to happen, after what I just saw, you're fooling yourselves. It's obvious you both are nothing but irresponsible children! I'm calling this off right now."

Miley's fists balled at her side, her fuse flaring, but before she could act irrationally Miley felt Charlie's hand upon her shoulder.

"Get out," Charlie said, stepping between Miley and her mother.

"Excuse me?" Victoria gasped.

Charlie was tired of Victoria as well. She had always frightened him more than a little, but Charlie decided he'd had enough. Miley was to be his wife -- it was his duty to defend and protect her. Even from her own mother.

"You need to leave. Miley's with me now, she's going to be my wife. You can't scare me away with your empty threats, or buy me off with your bottomless checkbook. You need to stop trying to come between us, or you're going to lose your daughter forever... if you haven't lost her already."

Victoria looked flustered, "I am not going anywhere without my daugh-"

"If you don't leave," Charlie interrupted, "I will call the police and inform them how you are trying to forcibly prevent us from our legal right to marry. I'm sure they'd also be interested to learn of your recent attempts at bribery and coercion, especially since I still have that un-cashed check you gave me to leave your daughter."

Miley clasped Charlie's arm tightly and took her place beside him, "And just for the record, you've already lost me forever. Get the fuck out of my life, Victoria, and wherever dark hole you crawl into -- stay there."

Victoria stared at the couple, but neither Charlie nor Miley backed down. "Very well," she relented, lifting a snobbish chin. "But you'll regret this, Millicent. One day you'll need me, and I'll remember this moment."

"Not likely," Miley muttered as Victoria turned for the door.

Charlie exhaled when Victoria was finally gone.

Brian peeked through the doorway, "Um, everything okay in here? I think they're almost ready for us, Charlie."

"Give us a minute?" Charlie asked.

Brian nodded, "Whenever you're ready, dude. Take your time." He gently pulled the door closed.

Miley turned to Charlie and raised an amused brow, "Bribery and coercion?"

Charlie grinned and lifted a shoulder, "I thought it sounded good."

Miley giggled, "I watched you rip up that check she tried to bribe you with. You threw it away."

"She doesn't know that."

Miley threw her arms around Charlie's neck, "You were amazing! When you told her I was your wife, I swear I could feel it between my legs. That was so sexy, baby. I want to be your wife so bad..."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Charlie worried. "That was kind of intense..."

Miley nodded and gave him a quick kiss, "I'm not letting her spoil our day."

Charlie nuzzled his nose against hers, "That was an amazing blowjob, by the way."

Miley beamed, "That was nothing. Just wait until tonight! Now c'mon, let's go get married."

Charlie nodded, "Wait, can you fix my hair, first?"


The many guests were seated among makeshift pews, a long red carpet forming an aisle between the two sides. A robe-clad pastor stood in front of a small podium, a middle-aged man who seemed to constantly smile. Charlie and Brian had taken their places to the pastor's left.

As they awaited Stacy and Miley's approach, Brian leaned close to Charlie. "You couldn't wait until tonight before getting a blowjob?" he whispered teasingly.

"It was Miley's idea," Charlie whispered back, trying his best not to laugh. "Look, here comes Stace. She looks beautiful."

Brian watched as Stacy made her way down the aisle. Dressed in a gorgeous red gown and carrying a bouquet of flowers, she looked every bit as beautiful as Miley. She winked towards Brian before taking her place on the other side of the pastor.

Once Stacy was in place all the guests turned in their seats to watch Miley. Her gown was radiant in the sun and she had a bright smile permanently decorating her face. Her father walked beside her, Jack's arm clutched tightly by hers.

"Are you sure he's the one you want?" Jack joked in his daughter's ear as they walked together. He knew full well no known planetary force could change Miley's mind.

Miley looked up at her father, "I love him so much."

Jack nodded, "I'm proud of you, honey. You've grown up to become a wonderful young woman. I'm glad Charlie makes you happy, I think you've chosen well in him."

Miley fought back her tears and smiled, "I love you, daddy."

Charlie watched Jack kiss his daughter's cheek, a lump gathering in his throat. He couldn't hardly look at Miley without his gut aching -- she was that beautiful. His mind raced through the previous two years and the many events which led to that moment.

"Take care of my little girl," Jack said, distracting Charlie from his musings.

"Thank you, sir." Charlie shook his hand, "I will."

Jack turned to take his seat on the front pew, next to Haley, but paused near Olivia and John to quietly greet and congratulate them.

Miley looked over the crowd for a moment, feeling a hundred set of eyes staring her way. Miley's family was a scattered one, but she saw a few of her relatives; cousins, mostly. Many of her university classmates were there, and even some old friends from high school like Adrian Miller. On the other side, Miley saw Charlie's brother Edward seated next to Olivia and John. Many of Charlie's other family members were behind his parents. She quickly recognized one of Charlie's aunts, as well as his sweet old grandmother -- the one who told Miley she didn't have good birthing hips. Even Chip and Theo were there, looking dapper in suits.

Miley briefly thought of Sam. Charlie had insisted they send her an invitation, despite everything that had happened between her, Brian, and Haley, but Miley didn't see her. She wondered if Sam was still in Tallahassee, or if she had moved back to Miami or elsewhere. Miley didn't have time to dwell on thoughts of Sam, however, before Charlie's pastor began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered her today..."

Miley turned to find Charlie's eyes already on hers. She smiled at him, so absorbed in the way he was looking at her that she completely tuned out the pastor. For the first eighteen years of her life Miley had imagined marrying a Nobel Prize-winning billionaire athlete, but those girlish fantasies had vanished after the fateful day she pushed Charlie into a high school bathroom nearly two years prior. Since that moment, he had been the only boy to dominate her thoughts. Every day her regard for him intensified. Miley couldn't wait to say 'I do'.

"In lieu of traditional vows," the pastor was saying, "both the bride and the groom have prepared their own statements. Charlie?"

Charlie cleared his throat and moved forward to take his bride's hand, "Miley, I've been in love with you my whole life. I was in love with you before I even knew what love was. I remember the first time I saw you. We were in elementary school, and you had really pretty hair..."

Charlie's comment elicited several endearing chuckles from the crowd and Miley had to choke back her tears.

"You were the one," Charlie continued. "You were the one I compared all other girls against, and none of them ever measured up. As we got older, I never thought a day like today would be possible. You were out of my league and out of my reach. But you showed me that none of us should ever give up on our dreams, because I'm living proof that dreams do come true. I love you, Millicent Andrews. I will love you for the rest of our days and beyond."

Brian nudged Charlie's elbow and handed him a wedding band. Tears of joy were slowly escaping from Miley's eyes when Charlie slid the ring onto the appropriate finger. Stacy too, kept wiping at her cheeks.

The pastor turned and indicated it was Miley's turn.

Miley sniffled and gave up on resisting her tears, "Charlie... you changed my whole life. You showed me what's really important in this world and to never cast judgment upon things based solely on what I see of their surface. Now, I look at things deeper, so I can find what's beneath. Not only did you teach me to see other people for who they really are, you also showed me things about myself I never knew were there. You give me confidence and self-esteem every time you look at me, because you make me feel so special - like a queen. You will always be my man, Charlie White, you and no other. I will always love you, for the rest of our days and beyond."

Stacy was a mess of tears when she offered the ring Miley slipped onto Charlie's hand.

The pastor smiled at the exchange, "Charlie, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Charlie nodded, "I do."

"And Miley, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Miley beamed an emphatic smile, having waited to speak the words since she was a little girl, "Of course I do."

"Then, by the power vested in me, I present you as man and wife. Charlie, you may now kiss your bride."

Joyous cheers came from those in attendance when Charlie took Miley in his arms, their kiss long and heartfelt. Miley looked radiant when they broke the kiss, her smile competing with the sun in brightness.

PART 2 -- Newlyweds


Brian awoke suddenly, wondering where he was. He hated that feeling -- waking up in a strange place. It usually meant he had too much to drink the night previous.

"Hey," Stacy said from the bed beside him. She was sitting up, flipping through a magazine.

Remembering he was in the hotel Charlie and Miley had their wedding reception at, Brian relaxed. "Hey," he replied. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon," Stacy flipped a page.

"Have you been up long?" Brian asked, using thumb and forefinger to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.

"Sort of. I woke up early and had breakfast with Charlie and Miley before they left for the airport, but then I came back to bed and slept a little while."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

Stacy smiled, watching Brian rise from bed. "You were sleeping so soundly," she said, closing her magazine.

Brian staggered towards the bathroom, leaving the door open so he could continue the conversation, "I was tired. What a party, huh? What time did we finally go to bed?"

"It was after five."

The sound of Brian's urination landing into the toilet came out of the bathroom, "Did we have sex?"

Stacy laughed, "Yes."

"Cool, did I wear a condom?"

"Yes," Stacy rolled her eyes. "But that doesn't matter."

Brian shook the last few drops out and pulled his boxers back up, appearing once more from the bathroom. "What do you mean it doesn't matter? Given our history --"

"If I got pregnant I would just have it," Stacy interrupted, staring intently at him. "I would marry you, and have it."

Brian was surprised by the conviction in Stacy's voice as well as her expression.

"I let fear get the better of me when I was pregnant. I won't let that happen again. I love you Brian, I know that now."

Brian stood in the bathroom's doorway and grinned, "So, you want to marry me?"

Stacy grinned back. "Someday," she teased.

"You should have said something yesterday; I bet we could have talked the pastor into a bulk deal."

Stacy giggled, "Yeah right, like Miley would ever let anyone steal her thunder on her wedding day."

Brian had to nod in agreement with that, "You think the newlyweds are air-born yet?"

Stacy glanced at a bedside clock, "Yep, they might even be over Mexico by now."

An audible exhale escaped Brian, "I can't believe they're finally married. It seems like we've spent a lifetime watching all the silly drama between those two, but it's only been two and a half years."

"I don't know," Stacy shrugged. "We've had our fair share of drama, ourselves."

"Yeah," Brian agreed quietly, moving back to the bed to sit beside Stacy. "But at least our drama was real, you know?"

Stacy offered a curious look, "What do you mean?"

"We've gone through some real shit," Brian explained, "you know? Like your pregnancy. But whenever Charlie and Miley have a problem, it's like... stupid shit. Remember when Miley was pissed about Charlie not asking her to prom?"

Stacy laughed, "Oh my god, don't remind me. Did I ever tell you that Miley accused me of sleeping with Charlie when I was teaching him how to dance?"

Brian snapped his fingers in remembrance, "Remember that time when they were seeing who could go the longest without sex?"

"That was awful," Stacy recalled. "Miley was such a cranky hag that whole time!"

"I forget - which of them gave in?"

"Miley," Stacy chuckled, "I think."

"Figures," Brian snorted.


A beautiful woman appeared in the narrow aisle between seats, pushing a cart, "Hi. Can I get you another Diet?"

"No thanks," Miley answered the stewardess.

"How about you, sir?"

Charlie turned a distracted glance from the airplane window, "Huh?"

"Sorry," Miley grinned, "This is only my husband's second time flying."

"Quite all right," the stewardess smiled back. "More Mountain Dew, sir?"

"Oh," Charlie shook his head. "No. Thanks though."

"Enjoying the view?" Miley giggled after the stewardess moved on.

Charlie looked back through his seat-side window, "This is so cool. We're actually above the clouds, looking down at them."

Miley watched Charlie as he stared out the window, his expression child-like. She enjoyed how Charlie didn't try to hide his boyish tendencies behind a macho front.

"I can't believe your dad paid for us to spend two weeks in Cancun for our honeymoon," Charlie said, leaning so close to the window his forehead was practically against the glass.

"I know, right? And the best part is I won't miss any school, since we're on the holiday break. Plus, we'll be back in time for Christmas."

Charlie suddenly pointed, "Check it out, I think that's Cuba."

Miley leaned close to whisper, "That's pretty cool, hon, but I know of an even better view."

Charlie looked at her curiously.

"Meet me in the bathroom," she suggested, unfastening her seatbelt. Miley rose, her tanned legs on full display beneath a pair of faded jean shorts. Her navel-baring top was also skimpy; it had thread-like straps which revealed her shoulders and arms.

"Miley, wait! I don't think we should --"

"I'll give you sixty seconds," Miley said, sucking on her finger. "Then I'm starting without you."

Charlie leaned way over to look around the seat, watching Miley's sexy butt sway as she moved towards the restrooms. "Damn," he said, quickly fumbling with his own seatbelt.

Moving through the first-class section, Charlie reached the middle of the plane and discovered four restroom doors -- all of which appeared occupied. He had no idea which one to choose.

"Miley?" he hissed, hoping she'd hear his whisper.

One of the doors opened and Charlie assumed it was Miley, but an elderly woman stepped out. The woman gave Charlie a dirty look, as though she knew exactly what he was up to, before moving into the coach section. Another door cracked open and a slender arm jutted out, grabbing the collar of Charlie's brown 'Wolverine' tee-shirt.

Charlie crowded into the tiny chamber as Miley locked the door behind him with a latching slide. There was barely enough room for them to stand and their bodies were pressed tightly against one another.

"Want to join the Mile High Club?" Miley asked with a mischievous smile. She was already unbuttoning her shorts.

"What if someone hears us?" Charlie whispered, ever the cautious one.

Miley moved her hips from side to side to work her tight shorts and panties down, "What are they going to do, put us in airplane jail?"

"I think they put you in real jail," Charlie worried.

Miley lifted herself to sit on the stainless steel sink, "Come on, Charlie. Don't you want to fuck your sexy wife?"

"Yeah, but..."

Charlie's concerns were ignored as Miley reached for his pants, working the button and zipper free.

"I haven't gotten your cock since last night," Miley complained, referring to their marathon sex the night of their wedding. She grasped his penis, "I've been so horny since we got married, baby. I need my husband's cock in me."

"God damn you turn me on when you talk like that," Charlie replied, his inhibitions melting. He grabbed Miley's ankles as they dangled over the sink, lifting her legs up. Her knees pointed into the air, shorts and panties stretched between them.

Miley stuck a hand through her legs and aimed Charlie's cock at the entrance of her slit. He wasn't fully erect yet, but she was moist enough where it didn't matter. "Oh, fuck," Miley cursed when she felt the intrusion, "that's what I needed."

Charlie grabbed Miley's naked ass, which was hanging over the bowl of the sink, and began to hump himself into her. His erection quickly grew and thickened within her moist channel.

"Make sure you cum good and deep," Miley said, throwing her arms around Charlie's neck to help balance herself. "Otherwise you'll be leaking out of me for the rest of the plane ride."

Charlie leaned forward to press his lips against hers. The weight of his body pinned Miley's bent legs between them and his thrusts caused his thighs to bump into the sink cabinet. She replied eagerly, mouthing and sucking on Charlie's tongue.

It didn't take long for Miley to orgasm. Her nails dug into the thin cotton of Charlie's tee-shirt at his shoulders, and her moan vibrated against his lips. Fluids leaked from her sex onto the edge of the sink, causing Miley's butt to slip against the steel surface, but there was nowhere for her ass to go.

"I'm cumming," Miley squeaked as quietly as she could, breaking their kiss. A strand of shared saliva clung to each of their mouths, stretching between them.

Charlie's hands dug into the flesh of Miley's ass as his own orgasm approached. She sensed his impending explosion the way Charlie's face twisted in pleasurable agony.

"Cum with me," Miley gasped, her voice hushed. "Cum inside your wife."

"Oh god," Charlie moaned, humping rapidly against the bottoms of her legs.

When he felt the boiling surge Charlie pushed his hips forward and plunged his cock as far as he could. Miley grunted at the penetration, feeling his length poke into the darkest depths of her womanhood. Her palms splayed against the back of Charlie's shoulders to hold him close, his hips bucking against her. Miley felt the warm gush of semen upon her insides, causing her legs to tremble.

Charlie had to choke back his screams, gasping for air after he was finally spent.

The whole encounter lasted no more than two minutes.

Miley nuzzled her cheek against Charlie's and she held him close while they recovered, "That was so fucking hot, baby. God that felt good."

"Do you think anyone heard us?" Charlie wondered, regaining his cautious senses.

Miley giggled at his worry, "You better go out first, I'll be right behind you. I need to clean myself up."