Because I'm Yours


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'Jade, calm down. I'm trying to talk about something that's bothering me, and you're completely brushing me aside and being absolutely fucking hysterical for no reason. You can get an IUD. Non-hormonal. No babies, no condoms.'

'Jesus fucking Christ, you had better be out of my flat by the time I finish having my shower,' I snarled, turning around, entering the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

He knocked on the door but I ignored him.

Twenty minutes later I finally finished my shower, dressed and sat down to eat. We barely said a word, though we did make love again that night.

There's no fight quite so heartbreaking as the first one.


Tyson went off to work the next day without me having given him an answer about meeting Bianca. I'd told him I'd think about it. He knew what that meant. I was thinking. Deciding.

He came over on Saturday night, fresh from another work out, bloated from the drugs he was taking. I didn't notice the bloat but he said he was up a few kilos through water retention and felt like shit.

'I've never met a man as image conscious as you,' I said.

Tyson stared at his hands, then at me. 'It's my lifeline,' he said simply. 'It's something to focus on when I feel like I'm failing at everything else.'

'You're not failing at anything. I think you're pretty bloody impressive.' I stood close to him and leant my head on his chest. 'I'm sorry. I overreacted.'

'It's okay. I should have told Bianca to mind her own business.'

'Honestly? Yeah, you should have. I know about IUD's. My gynaecologist tried to put one in. It took a few attempts, and three weeks later my body expelled it. It's kind of scary when you have sex one night, and wake up the next morning to find your IUD is out, and you need to run down to the pharmacist and get emergency contraception 'just in case'.'

Tyson kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tightly. 'I love you.'

'I love you, too. I'm scared, that's all. I'm going to have to start giving things up.'

'Giving things up?' he was confused. 'Why?'

'You have kids, you live in the suburbs and you have everything set out. I'm childless. Flexible, apparently. I like my flat. I like having a professional career. I'm not ready to give things up.'

'But why would you have to give things up?'

'You can't have your girls over here.'

'Why not?' he asked. 'Jade, if things work out between you and I, I'd like for the girls and I to spend weekends at your place. You're right on the doorstep of everything. They'll love it. They love the city.'

I gnawed my lip. His words were almost completely reassuring me.

'I have a sex doll in my spare room,' I reminded him.

'We could just wrap her in a blanket and take her down to your storage cage in the basement.'

I tried to conjure up a mental image. 'How?'

'I'd just borrow a trolley from work.'

'And you'd wrap Cassie in a blanket, put her on a trolley and take her down to the basement in the lift?'

'Sure,' he nodded.

'And I'd presumably follow you with a bottle of bleach, just to allay everyone's suspicions?'

Ty cracked up laughing. For a man who made next to no noise when he orgasmed, he had an amazing laugh. It was the sort that made you smile when you heard it, even if you didn't know what the original joke was about.

'I thought nobody cared about rapists in the city?' he asked.

'They might draw the line at a murder in their own apartment block.' I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. 'Let's go bowling. I feel like we're going to get through our first fight, and I'm now prepared to see you in bowling shoes.'

'It's Saturday night. We'll probably need a booking.'

'I'll ring a few places.'

On our third attempt we found a place, out in the suburbs on the opposite side of town to Tyson, and we drove there in his Lancer.

He was a terrible bowler. He attempted to win via brute strength and God help the poor fucking bowling ball, because it had probably never been thrown down a lane quite so fast before, but he lost by over a hundred points anyway.

'You hustled me,' he said with a grin. 'How did you get to be a good bowler?'

'I come from a family of fat people. Bowling is our religion. There's air-con, alcohol - more important to my parents than me, but I generally need it if I'm hanging out with the rellos - and no need to run.'

'You've got to show me how you do it.'

Tyson managed to crack three figures on our second game. He took a photo of the scoreboard, and a photo of me. He obviously had plans, but was reticent about following through with them, and after taking the photos stood staring at me, then his phone, then at me.

'What is it?' I asked.

'I was going to warn everyone on Facebook not to let you hustle them, but I don't know how you feel about it.'

'I'm okay with it. I'm going to have to meet your bloody ex-wife, aren't I? I doubt an unflattering photo could compare with that.'

There it was; my answer. My commitment. I was going to have to meet Bianca the doctor and the two blonde-haired daughters who went to a private primary school. I was going to have to figure out to be a stepmother. I knew nothing about kids. Nothing.

'Really?' he said. 'You're happy to meet Bianca and the kids?'

I half-grimaced and half-smiled. 'Yeah.

'That's awesome, really awesome, Jade.' Tyson was chuffed. 'And the photo, it's not unflattering. I'd perve on you any day of the week.'

'Show me,' I sighed.

He showed me.

'It's not too bad,' I agreed. I leant in and whispered in his ear. 'But if you post that on Facebook, I'm going to fuck you with my strap-on and I'm not going to let you come.'

Tyson made the post.


Tyson was in the bathroom. I was in the bedroom. I'd told him I'd meet him in the living room when I was ready, but I was still a good half hour off ready.

I'd fucked him before, but never while dressed up with a full face of make-up, and I don't care what anyone says; costumes make a difference.

The corset was the first item to go on. It was black and red, heavily boned, and it cinched my waist in tight while giving the illusion that my breasts might spill out the top at any given second. I followed with a thong, hold-up stockings and heels.

I pulled my hair back into a high, tight ponytail, then applied a liberal coating of make-up. My vivid red lips and heavily made-up eyes contrasted nicely with my white skin, and I admired the result as I pulled on elbow-length gloves. The last item was my strap on. The leather harness was buckled tight enough to provide support without cutting off blood flow if I knelt down, and from the front protruded seven inches of glittery purple cock.

Tyson wasn't going to know what hit him.

'What hit him,' I muttered, my heart racing with anticipation.

He enjoyed mild discomfort over pain, so I selected a flogger that looked far more intimidating than it actually was. He'd get a little pink when I lashed him, but he wouldn't bruise or have any marks that lasted beyond an hour. But the best part would be the expression on his face when he saw the flogger in my hand, that odd mix of fear and curiosity that he'd display, before he gave an embarrassed chuckle and said 'you've got to be fucking kidding me' or some other such platitude.

I love it when men are just that little bit scared, when they're confronted with the reality of having to do something they're not sure they'll enjoy in order to make someone else happy, because until you reach that point, you can never be sure how much of your relationship is based on you meeting their needs, and how much is based on them meeting yours.

Before leaving the room, I laid out nipple clamps, a gag, lubricant and handcuffs. I wasn't sure whether I'd use all of the items but it was good to be prepared.

Tyson was waiting for me in the living room, freshly washed with a towel around his waist. He'd stopped shaving his chest and arms and legs, and the hair had grown back. It was a good look; masculine and yet natural.

He turned around, one arm over the back of my couch, and drank in my outfit.

'I'm torn between 'wow' and 'oh shit',' he admitted with a hoarse chuckle. 'Jade, you look amazing. How in fuck's name did I get to be yours?'

'Just lucky I guess,' I replied, making my way over. I leant down and lightly touched my lips to his. 'Are you hard yet?'

He nodded. 'Yeah, a fair bit.'

I loosened his towel and exposed his manhood. There he was; erect and ready, waiting patiently to be used, all the while knowing he'd be offered absolutely no sexual relief for his troubles.

'Cocks are great, aren't they?' I asked, giving his a few good tugs.

'We probably like them for different reasons.'

'Do you like mine?'

'Yeah, it's uh, hard to miss.'

'You won't miss it when it's in your arse. You'll be able to feel every inch of it as I shove it inside you.'

'Whatever you want,' he muttered.

I stroked his cheek. 'Because?' I prompted.

'Because I'm yours.'

I held his face in my hands so he couldn't avert his gaze. 'You fall easier these days.'

'I know you'll pick me up and dust me off afterwards.'

I took his hand in mine and led him to his feet. He turned his head slightly as the towel fell onto the floor, but I gave a gentle tug to indicate he shouldn't worry about it. He didn't need to cover himself. He was far better naked than he was clothed.

And I loved him and that mattered, that suddenly mattered a lot, because I'd wanted someone to love for longer than I cared to admit. I'd fantasized about men bending over the bed, naked, letting me flog them, letting their cheeks pinken and their cocks harden, all my life, but until Tyson there had always been something perfunctory and almost disappointing about the reality.

I was starting to work up a sweat and Tyson was grunting softly each time the fine leather tendrils connected with his cheeks. I stopped, tried to remember how long I'd been beating him, then decided on two more lashes for good measure.

There, I was done. Tyson was breathing heavily, but not from the pain, I was almost a hundred percent positive, but I asked anyway - just to make sure.

'I'm good,' he said. 'Horny, though. I thought that was going to hurt, but it was different. No pain, just... it got me going.'

I ran my gloved hand over his glowing bum. 'Are you ready to be fucked?'

'Sure am.'

Oh, Tyson. Absolutely fucking adorable, a wonderful submissive to have, but that language! Never called me Goddess, Ma'am or Mistress, and always said 'yeah' and 'sure' and 'nah', or best yet 'yeah nah'. It never failed to bring a smile to my face.

He liked the nipple clamps and obediently stood up so I could put them on and tighten them. He shook his head when I asked about the gag and apologised, even though he didn't need to. The handcuffs were another matter; he loved them and his face lit up as I restrained his hands in front of his body.

'I want you to lie on your back,' I told him. 'I'm going to move a pillow underneath your lower back, to prop you up, and then I'm going to fuck you. I want you to maintain eye contact with me at all times.'

Tyson nodded. 'Will do.'

I squeezed lubricant into my hands, warmed it up, then started loosening him up. It didn't take long. His body knew what to expect, and intermittent rubs of his cock kept him fully erect. When he was ready, I edged the head of my cock inside him.

'Fuck, give me more, this is killing me,' he groaned. 'Jade... fuck me. Please, for the love of fucking God, fuck me.'

I buried my cock deep inside him. 'Like this?'

'Fuck yeah.'

He lost his erection for a minute, but I knew he'd get it back. I smiled at him, pleased at how verbal he was becoming, and he smiled back.

I began to fuck him, moving rhythmically inside him, one hand gripping each of his thighs. He spread his legs further, giving me more and more access. He began to move in time with me as his prick engorged with blood once more, lifting and tilting so I could fuck him as deep and hard as possible.

I showed him no mercy. I fucked and fucked until sweat was dripping down my body and I was so horny I thought I'd burst if I didn't get some relief.

I pulled out of his stretched hole, removed the harness and climbed onto the bed. I knelt over his face, pulled my thong to the side, and presented him with my sex. Tyson groaned with happiness as he started licking me. I readjusted my position so I was more comfortable, then pulled my breasts from my corset. I played with my tits, fondling the nipples and lifting my boobs up so I could kiss them.

Beneath me, my lover remained on his back, unable to touch me in any way as his hands were still cuffed together. I knew he wanted to touch me, I knew he wanted to squeeze my breasts and run his hands over my arse, but he was thwarted. Controlled.

I teased myself by pushing myself harder against Tyson's tongue, then lifting my body so that my clit received only the slightly flicker of attention. Tyson knew he couldn't come, but he wanted to get me there. He grew bolder, raising his head whenever I tried to pull away, attempting to maintain full contact at all times.

'Listen to me,' I hissed. 'I'll come when I'm ready. Until then, keep licking.'

Tyson nodded and, chastened, kept licking.

I would have left him there for twenty minutes if I had it in me, but I was too close to the brink.

'You dirty little pervert,' I accused. 'Why do you have to make me orgasm?'

A muffled laugh came from between my legs. Then it was back to business, and Tyson was eating me as if there were nothing he'd rather taste.

It was too much. I came, hard, riding him, grinding against him, face-fucking him. I hissed and swore and when it was all done, I left him smeared with me. My juices shone on his face under the light.

I hopped off, adjusted my panties, and kissed his wet face. He lay there, pliant, nipple clamps and handcuffs still in my place, but he was happy. He was very, very happy.

'You have my cunt all over you,' I whispered. 'Your cock's hard and your arsehole's still gaping. I can't begin to tell you how sexy you are, Tyson. You're perfect. You're absolutely perfect, inside and out. You said you're glad to be mine, but I'm also glad to be yours.'


I met Bianca. It was awkward as hell.

I met his daughters. It was nowhere as awkward as I thought.

And on Fridays, my heart no longer hurt and I no longer felt lonely, because I had the most beautiful man in the world as a partner and every time he whispered 'I'm yours', I melted inside.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This author writes like she has done this with a man. She asserts herself over him and his pleases her like I would want to do for a woman. The submissive guy was everything she wanted, how often will that happen? There was not too much explicit sex acts, which helps to finish reading the story.


tbonehuntertbonehunterabout 4 years ago
Wonderful relationship

I suppose those who have no conscious submissive desires won’t understand what Tyson is getting from the relationship, but it is most definitely NOT a one sided affair. Many men spend a lifetime fruitlessly seeking just such a loving Domme, whom they can trust with their lives. This story makes clear the fact that a healthy D/s relationship is not just about whips and bondage, but about trust and respect. On both sides. I love the honesty in this story, and the bits of life wisdom tucked into little nooks and crannies of the narrative. Another gem from the only author on this site to whose writing I’ve become addicted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I think your story was well written, except for some typos, the characters shone through. Ultimately, they seem happy that they've found each other. However, I have to agree with another reviewer in that she is definitely getting more from the relationship. Don't really see the benefits for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Sorry but I've got very mixed feelings from this story. It's well written, the BDSM is not overdone, the characters are well rounded (sic), there's no public humiliation, I should have loved it but it left me cold.

She is getting far more out of this than he is. He's a flawed but basically nice guy, she an overweight, selfish, sadist. He could do better; she's lucky.

It was like a piece of toast; it looks good, smells even better, is warm and a bit naughty but at the end of the day, it's just bread and butter.

PS please get your editor to check the story as there were a few typos.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Loved this story. Would love a follow up too.

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