Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 03

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Becca enjoys a dirty first day at her new job.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Dangerous Cargo. Ch 03

Monday morning had arrived all too quickly. I had spent Saturday night and most of Sunday with Tony and it had been a magical weekend. I'd then caught the train back to Manchester and a bus back to the Cedars Estate.

After a quick phone call to Lexa to explain about Tony's number theory, I had gone to bed and slept a very deep sleep. Tony had been on my mind as had the upcoming mission, but neither kept me awake for long. Lexa had told me that she would do what she could to find out if the numbers meant anything. I'd then relay the information back to Tony. I just hoped that the team would come up with something useful so I could have an excuse to meet up with him again. I was missing his affections already.

I was now walking from the bus stop to my new place of work. It was my first day at the accountancy firm and I was very much looking forward to seducing Brian and finding out where his gang of drug dealers were getting their MP7 sub-machine guns from.

I'd pushed the boat out with my attire, bearing in mind that Simon, the HR director, had told me there was no dress code for the office. I was wearing knee high leather boots and a grey plaid, pleated skirt which came to midway down my thighs. My top-half consisted of a white shirt and a decorative tie, which I wore loosely around my neck. The shirt was purposely a size too small for me, to make it tight in all the right places and it was unbuttoned lower than most women would dare. To sum it up, I looked like a slutty schoolgirl whose breasts had grown too large for her uniform.

I'd even gone for schoolgirl cotton panties and a plain looking bra to give it that added innocence. Brian was going to love it and I guessed my fellow female co-workers would think I was a bimbo. I probably wasn't going to win any friends, but I didn't care. I was only here for one reason and that was to get the weapons off the street by cutting them off at the source.

"Good morning," I said in a jolly tone to the receptionist. "I'm Rebecca Sloan and it's my first day."

The receptionist was the same one who'd been there when I had had my interview on Friday and she didn't seem any happier to see me.

"Ah yes, Ms Sloan. Mr York is expecting you. Please take the lift to the third floor and someone will point you in the right direction."

"Thank you so much," I smiled.

I did as she had instructed and I took the lift to the third floor. As the doors slid open, I was greeted with yet another reception desk and an open-plan office stretching out behind it. I could already see people craning their necks and talking amongst themselves as they sized up the new girl.

To my surprise, there were more men working there than I'd first thought. It was about eighty-percent female, but there were some young-looking guys nodding in my direction and probably discussing if I was worth fucking or not.

"You must be Rebecca," said a younger, happier sounding receptionist. "Please take a seat and I'll let Mr York know that you've arrived. You're early too, he always likes it when people arrive early."

"I'm trying to make a good impression on my first day," I smiled, smoothing down my skirt and taking my coat off before sitting down.

The receptionist rang through to Brian and told him that I was here whilst I picked up a boring looking magazine and started to flick through it. Although it looked like the natural thing to do, my peripheral vision was taking in my new surroundings. I looked at the layout of the office and I looked for the exits. I counted how many people worked there and how many of them of them were men. I noticed the photocopier and the water cooler. There was also what looked like a chill-out area with a coffee machine for the staff.

After less than thirty seconds, I knew all there was to know about how to escape in a hurry if I needed to. I also spotted potential problems such as bitchy looks from some of the women and interested glances from all of the men. I had no doubt that they'd be discussing me to decide who was going to try their luck first. Maybe they were even placing bets on who would get me into bed.

A few minutes later, I saw a familiar face. Brian York approached and I stood up to greet him, holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Beeeeccccaaaaa," he said in a long-drawn-out word, like friends do when they haven't seen each other for a while. "How are you?"

"I'm great thanks. How are you?"

"All the better for having a new addition to our family," he laughed. "Welcome to Abacus Accountancy. How was your journey?"

"It was ok. I had to catch two buses, but it was pretty straight forward."

"Buses? Don't you own a car?" he sounded surprised.

"Not at the moment. I'm a little strapped for cash."

"Well, payday's not far away," he laughed. "Come on, I'll show you around."

He placed his hand on the small of my back and pushed me past the receptionist. I carried my coat over my arm and my leather bag in my hand. I had left the Makarov in the toilet cistern back at the flat as I didn't think I'd be needing it in an office environment. I did have the flick-knife in my bag just in case, but the chances of the rival gang coming to his place of work in broad daylight were very slim.

"You certainly look the part," he purred like an old letch. "My, oh my, what a pretty little outfit you're wearing."

"I should hope so. It cost a fortune," I giggled. "I'm a bit of an addict when it comes to designer clothes."

I chose my words carefully, adding in the word 'addict' on purpose.

"All people have addictions," he replied, taking the bait.

He walked me through the office, pointing out where the toilets, coffee machine and chill-out areas were. He then stood at the front of the office, near a large full-length window and asked for everyone's attention.

"Good morning, team. Listen in please," he said loudly, but without shouting.

Silence slowly descended on the room as people stopped their Monday morning catch-ups and started to pay attention.

"This is Becca. She is our new Accounts Clerk and she will be working with you all. Please give her a warm welcome," he continued.

There was an unenthusiastic 'Morning Becca' from the workforce, who seemed more interested in getting back to their coffee and gossip. From their body language, they didn't appear to like Brian very much and seemed to view him as a nuisance or a pest. I was guessing he may have fucked a few of these girls and that that might account for their dislike of him.

"Great. I have a few things to go over with her and then I'll put her with someone for the day, to learn about our systems," he said, as people already got back to what they were doing before they were so rudely interrupted. "Everyone, back to work."

Brian guided me down a corridor which passed the toilets and we ended up at a door with his name on it. His ego was being inflated by his sense of importance. Having your name on your door was a status symbol for most people and being situated outside the toilets also meant he could keep an eye on people who were skiving off from work. I wondered what his alter ego did for status. Being a drug dealer and orchestrating the drive-by shootings of rival gang members must have been giving him a lot of street cred.

As we entered his office, I heard his phone ringing in his pocket.

"Please take a seat," he said. "I just need to take this call and then I'm all yours."

I sat down on the employee's side of his huge wooden desk while he took his phone out. The mobile looked cheap and it certainly wasn't a smartphone, which spoke volumes to me. Drug dealers usually had more than one phone. They had one for work which would be expensive like an iPhone or Android. They would need that for scheduling meetings, sending emails, surfing the internet and other business-related matters. The downside to them was that they could easily be traced and bugged by the authorities. Smartphones had to be registered by the user with their name and address so that they could be traced back to the owner.

The phone he was talking into was a burner-phone which was available from train stations or supermarkets and didn't need to be registered. They were pretty much untraceable, making them the perfect choice for criminals.

"Yes," he said into the mouth piece.

I could see from his reaction that it wasn't good news.

"What? When?"

I could only hear his end of the conversation, but I soon worked out what he was being told.

"On Friday? What happened to them? Was it all four of them?"

There was a short pause as the person on the other end relayed the information.

"Which hospital?

Another pause.

"Jesus. They got hit pretty hard."

Another pause.

"What about the money?"

Another pause, but shorter this time.

"Six hundred? Shit. They must be making a stand again. We need to deal with it tonight. Keep me posted."

He hung up the phone.

Even though I hadn't heard what had been said, I knew that Brian had been given the news about four of his drug dealers meeting an unknown assailant on Friday night. That assailant had been me. He had lost six hundred pounds to what he thought was a rival gang, moving in on his patch. My mind raced without showing any emotion on my face as I mulled over the implications of what I'd done.

Four weed-smoking yobs had tried to rape me in the lobby of my tower block after Lexa had dropped me off. I had put them all in the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and stolen six hundred pounds from them for the trouble they'd caused me. At the time I had got no idea that they worked as street dealers for Brian and that I had actually stolen the nights takings. I smiled to myself on the inside, but remained calm on the surface.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. "That sounded serious."

"What?.. oh... err... yes. Its fine, don't worry about it," he said, sounding a little flustered. "Now, where were we?"

"I think you wanted to discuss my first day," I gave him a sexy wink.

"Wow, you don't waste any time do you, Becca? You're straight into the naughtiness. I thought your interview might have been a one off, but you're just as flirtatious as you were on Friday."

"I made a promise, didn't I?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You certainly did, but that may have just been to get the job. It's nice to see that you're true to your word. I absolutely love your outfit, by the way," he repeated his earlier comment. "It looks new. Did you buy it for my benefit?"

"It is new. The skirt is Armani and cost two-hundred pounds. The boots are Jimmy Choo and cost me three-hundred and the shirt is Versace and was on sale at one-hundred," I smiled, looking down and admiring myself.

"Wow, I don't know anyone who wears expensive clothes like that for work," he gasped. "Are you a shopaholic?"

"I have expensive tastes, but my income doesn't match my outgoings," I laughed. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I thought you might be able to help me out."

"Help you out how?" he replied, leaning back in his chair as though he owned the place.

"Well...I know it's my first day and all that, but I was wondering if I could have an advance on my wages. You see... I'm behind on my rent and the landlord is...."

"Let me stop you right there, Becca," he said, holding his hand up. "You may have charmed your way into this job, but that's where it ends. You work for me now, not the other way around."

"I know but..."

"No buts. Your money problems are not my concern and I can't give you an advance, it's company policy. I'm sorry, but you'll just have to wait until pay day."

"I thought we had an understanding?" I said, opening my legs and flashing my white virgin panties at him.

He glanced down and smiled, leaning forward on his desk to make sure that I knew he was being serious.

"We still have that understanding," he smiled. "Nothing has changed on that front."

"Well, if you're not going to help me out, maybe that side of things is off," I shrugged, closing my legs again and folding my arms across my bulging breasts.

It was a defensive posture and it spoke much louder than my actual words. It was all part of my ploy to come across as desperate for money, but I was also testing his reaction to see how far I could push him.

"Becca. I don't know what your old boss was like, but let me make this completely clear. You got this job because you let Simon and I fuck you. We hired you because we think you can do the job, but also because you're a dirty slut. You will continue to let us do what we like to you, just like you promised. If you go back on that promise, I'll have no choice but to fire you. You haven't even signed your contract of employment yet so I can get rid of you just like that," he clicked his fingers loudly. "You'll do exactly as I tell you, if you want to keep your job. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand perfectly. Maybe I'll just report you for blackmail and sexual harassment on my first day?" I snapped.

I wanted him to know I wasn't a push over. I also wanted to look natural and I assumed any girl who got a job through fucking her future employer, would react the same way that I was. I may have fucked him to get the job, but that didn't mean I had to continue to fuck him now that I was employed.

"Who are you going to report me to? Simon, the HR director? The same guy who came in your mouth at your job interview? Good luck with that," he smirked.

He had a point. I was pretty much screwed and he knew it. If I wanted to keep my job, I was going to have to do whatever he said and the sexual power that I had had during the interview was gone. He was in charge of me now and I had to accept that.

"Oh... errr... I hadn't thought of that," I stammered. "Besides, I really need this job. Maybe we could forget I said that."

He leaned back in his chair and smiled smugly at me. He knew he had me just where he wanted me, but he didn't realise that I'd manipulated him down this path. I wanted him to think he owned me and that he could exploit me. Maybe knowing that I was desperate for money, would make him offer me something in his criminal side line.

"I'm glad we have an understanding, Becca. Now... unfold your arms," he nodded at me.


"Unfold your arms. I want to see your tits."

He had a menacing look in his eyes by now. He liked the fact he'd won our little argument and that he'd put me in my place. This was more like the man I'd been expecting. A low life criminal who wore a mask until he was pushed into a corner. He'd felt slightly threatened by me which had caused him to show his meaner side.

I unfolded my arms like a submissive subordinate and placed my hands on my thighs. My tight shirt was bursting at the buttons as my boobs tried to escape.

"Open your legs," he ordered.

I spread my thighs wide and flashed my schoolgirl knickers at him. I was already starting to feel horny at what was about to happen. I'd only been in my new job for ten minutes and I was already about to get my first cock of the day, whether I wanted it or not.

"At least you've bothered to wear underwear today, you little slut," he laughed. "Are they expensive too?"

"No," I replied. "Like I said to you in the interview, I get through a lot of panties due to being so wet all the time so I tend to buy the cheap ones for day-to-day wear."

"Well, they certainly look sexy with that pleated skirt. You look like a dirty schoolgirl," he sneered.

"That's the look I was going for. I knew a pervert like you would like it."

I was doing as he said, but I still had a little bit of attitude towards him. Just because he was in charge of me, didn't mean I had to like it.

"Stand up."

"What for?"

"Stand up," he said again.

As I got to my feet, he got up from his executive chair and walked around the desk and stood in front of me. He was so close I could smell his cheap aftershave and feel the heat from his body.

"Bend over the desk," he ordered.

I could see where this was going and my pussy lips and clit became engorged in anticipation. I placed my hands onto his desk and bent over, sticking my ass out.

"Pull your skirt up and show me your knickers."

I reached back, lifted my skirt up and folded it up onto the small of my back. My pert cheeks and full-back white panties were exposed to his menacing gaze. I felt his hands on my cheeks and then he ran his fingers between my legs and stroked my pussy through the cotton fabric. Just as I thought he was about to pull them down, there was a loud slapping sound followed by a stinging pain on my right ass cheek.


I let out a tiny whimper, more from shock than anything else.

"Ouch. What the fuck?" I protested.

"That's for trying to threaten me," he hissed.


He slapped my left cheek just as hard.

"What was that one for?"

"Because it makes my cock hard, spanking you, you dirty little whore. Get on your knees."

I tried to look reluctant and I hesitated for effect, as though I didn't want to do it. Brian got impatient and grabbed the tie which was around my neck, yanking me off the desk and onto my knees like a dog on a leash.

"I haven't got all fucking day, Becca. I said get on your knees," he spat.

I gave him a look of fear to let him know I wasn't happy with the situation or how he was treating me.

"You don't have to be so forceful," I complained.

"Like I said, I'm in charge here. Undo my trousers and get my cock out."

"You could say please," I said placing my hands in my lap as a refusal to go any further.

"Do you want to keep this job or not?"

I rolled my eyes in acceptance and undid his belt, button and zipper. As his trousers slipped down, I saw the seven-inch bulge in his shorts. He was hard as a rock, obviously getting off on forcing me to suck him off. I pulled his shorts down and watched his manhood spring free, bobbing in front of my face like a Jack-in-the-box.

"That's more like it. You know what to do," he said looking down on me.

Brian obviously liked being in control and this was like a power trip for him. Face fucking the new girl was the first thing on his to-do list and I wondered whether he was going to fuck me or not.

I grabbed the base of his dick, feeling his smooth skin and warm shaft. After a quick stroke up and down, I opened wide and took his whole length down my throat in one hit. I maintained eye contact with him and raised my eyebrows as a show of defiance.

"Oh fuck, that looks so slutty," he moaned. "Good girl."

I started to bob my head back and forth as my knickers became instantly wet. Having a dick in my mouth always did that to me and having it done practically against my will only made me flood my underwear even more.

"Are you going to fuck me?" I asked, momentarily spitting his cock out and dribbling saliva all over his tip.

"No. You're going to swallow my load and then go and start work. I might fuck you later," he replied, closing his eyes.

As I sucked him off, I took the opportunity to look around his office for anything that might help me with my mission. Brian's eyes remained closed as he enjoyed my expertise, treating me no better than a two-dollar whore.

His office was a good size with a large wooden desk. His leather reclining chair looked expensive as did his laptop and iPhone which sat on top of it. The burner phone was next to it which was a good sign. It meant he was complacent about it and that I might be able to access it if he left it lying around. His laptop was plugged into a docking station which told me it was connected to their network and, in turn, the internet.