Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 04

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Becca gets tag-teamed by her bosses as her mission continues.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Dangerous Cargo. Ch 04

The morning news headlines were full of it.

A young man had been slain in a vicious shooting in the city, according to the news reporter. He was a nineteen-year-old 'aspiring footballer' who had been shot and killed in an alleyway ten miles away from my flat. The news report showed a mass of police cars and forensic teams scouring the area, looking for clues. A blue tent had been erected over the body as the investigators did their thing. The news cameraman zoomed in on the pock-marked wall where the boy had been discovered, just to add drama to the incident.

I hated the way the news media portrayed such crimes and how it was all dramatised like a soap opera. It was obvious to anyone watching, what had actually happened. The 'aspiring footballer' had been dragged into the drugs trade as a dealer, like so many before him. The guy's mug shot made him look like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but there was a criminal behind his angelic mask. It never ceased to amaze me how the media made such martyrs out of these people. They were always 'aspiring footballers' or 'talented rappers', who were kind to their mothers and were pillars of the community. They were never displayed as drug dealers, selling their wares to school children, which was the real truth.

I had heard several sirens during the night, but, at the time, I had had no idea how close to my mission this news report was. All of my previous assignments had been in out-of-the-way places where the prying eyes of the media couldn't get a story. This was completely different and this incident would now be plastered all over the newspapers, social media and the television.

I was pretty shocked at the thoughts going through my head, but I knew in my heart of hearts that I was partly responsible for this boy's death. I felt sick to my stomach as I tried to make sense of it all.

I had overheard Brian on the phone yesterday morning, as he was told about four of his dealers who had been hospitalised by an unknown assailant. He had said that he would deal with it that night. Brian had then dropped me off at the Cedars Estate and had told me that he couldn't come up for coffee because he had some important errands to run.

The unknown assailant was me, but I doubted his crew would have admitted to being beaten up by a girl. They would have blamed it on their rival gang -- The Mancs. The killing of the nineteen-year-old was in retaliation for four of his boys being put in the hospital. It had to be.

The gravity of what I'd done hit me like a brick-wall and I felt like I had a huge weight on my chest, crushing me. I'd killed people before, but never indirectly and never someone who was apparently so innocent and who was paraded on the TV like some sort of hero.

This was Brian's work without a doubt.

I picked up my phone and dialled Lexa's number. I needed to talk to someone and she was my best hope at making sense of what I was feeling.

She answered almost immediately.

"Its not your fault," she said, reading my mind and knowing exactly why I was calling.

"This is gangland retaliation for what I did to four of his crew," I rattled down the phone in a panic.

"Let me stop you there, Becca. I know what you're thinking, but the young man that's been killed was a known dealer. He's got form with the police and it hasn't come as a surprise to them."

I felt slightly better that I'd been right, but I was still flustered.

"Do you know that or are you guessing?"

"Let me read you his profile and the police incident report from the shooting. Then you can make your own mind up."

"You've got that already?" I interrupted.

"Of course. This is our assignment and we have full access to the police databases," she said it like it was nothing. "His name was John Patterson and his police record is several pages long. Possession of a deadly weapon. Grievous bodily harm. Sexual assault. Car theft. Possession of class A drugs. Do I need to continue? The guy was a fucking scumbag, Becca. You've done the world a favour."

"Was he a member of The Mancs?" I asked, calming down a little.

"Yes. His police record goes on, but a lot of it was unproven, such as selling drugs to kids, rape and he was even in the frame for stabbing someone. I'm sure that if his mother knew about it, she wouldn't be crying at his funeral," she laughed. "He even had a nine-inch hunting knife stuffed down the back of his jeans and a dozen wraps of cocaine in his pocket when he was found by the police, according to the report."

"Fucking news media!" I spat, as though it left a bad taste in my mouth. "They never mentioned any of that."

"Exactly. Don't believe all the shit they're spouting about him. They just want to rile up the public and boost their ratings. This is why we try to work in the shadows. These parasites are as bad as the people they're reporting about. They love to throw fuel on the fire."

"Was Brian anywhere near the shooting? Can you use the tracker to see his movements last night?" I asked.

"He was in the vicinity according to the tracker, but that just tracks his car. He was parked up a couple of miles away which means he could have gone on foot or someone could have given him a lift so that he wasn't seen."

"Were there any witnesses?"

"No, nobody saw anything. This happens all the time between rival drug dealers. Don't be too harsh on yourself, Becca. Karma comes knocking on everyone's door eventually, maybe you just helped it on its way."

"I guess you're right. I need to up my game and get these weapons off the street. At least there were no innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire this time," I sighed.

"You're doing fine. This isn't going to happen overnight."

"I know. I just want to get the job done. How was your date-night with the boss?" I asked, changing the subject.

"It was wet and messy," she giggled. "I'm still wet from his load this morning."

"I bet. He's always a heavy cummer and I bet you added to the wetness, you dirty bitch."

"You could say that, yes. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be full of spunk after another day at your new job," she laughed

"I fucking hope so. After yesterday's disappointments, I could do with a nice filling," I cooed.

"Well, you better get your sexy ass to work then. That cunt of yours isn't going to fuck itself," she said. "Stay safe and I'll keep you posted."

"I will. And thanks, I love you," I said in a heart felt tone.

"I love you more," she said, before hanging up the phone.

She always knew how to make me feel better and knew exactly what to say to lift my spirits and get me focused on my assignment. The fact that Brian seemed to be responsible for the death of a rival gang member also gave me the extra push I needed. In his work environment he was calm and professional, but having four of his gang beaten up had appeared to have pushed him over the edge.

I knew that living a double life was stressful, but at least I was on the side of the good guys. Living a secret life of crime while masquerading as an accounts manager must have been unbearable. I was still struggling to see the attraction of Brian's chosen career in drugs and murder. He must have been making a lot of money as an accounts manager so it evaded me as to why he was doing this.

It must have been to do with power and street cred, rather than monetary gain. Either that or he just liked ruining peoples lives. The thought of letting a person like that fuck me again wasn't as appealing as usual. I would just have to blank it out and enjoy the physical side of things rather than thinking about the person who was fucking me.

I finished my breakfast and had a shower. I felt dirty about what I'd heard on the news, but a shower did freshen me up somewhat. I needed to wear a new outfit for today so I checked outside to see what the weather was doing before I made my decision.

It was yet another grey and miserable day. As grey and miserable as the tower block and as grey and miserable as the mood which seemed to hang in the air around the city. I was going to need to wear something warm, but provocative and I had just the thing.

My dark-brown knitted dress would be comfy, practical and would allow easy access to my pussy and tits. It was a tight fit so a bra wasn't going to be required for today's adventure. I wore cotton knickers again, but this pair were black instead of the virgin-whites I'd worn the day before. I had to keep up my façade of being short of money, but being unable to stop spending it.

The gear was all designer again and I finished the look with some brown leather knee-high boots. I wandered back into the living room to collect my bag and switch the tv off.

The news was still on and I paused for a moment as they discussed the protests which were taking place in Nottingham and other cities around the country. Brexit was still a hot topic and the country was still divided on the outcome of the referendum. Fifty-two percent of the UK had voted to leave the EU which showed just how split the country was. Although the deal had been struck and we had left the EU, some hard-line Remainer's were protesting to get the government to rejoin the EU and to reverse the decision to leave.

Some of the protests had turned violent and had ended up with arrests. The reporter was saying that although the protests were mainly peaceful, some rent-a-mob trouble-makers had attended just to stir things up.

"Democracy at its finest," I said out loud. "Any excuse for a riot. The decision has already been made. Get over it."

I switched the tv off and picked up my bag. I momentarily contemplated taking the Makarov with me but again decided to leave it behind. Brian may have been gunning drug dealers down in the street but I doubted he'd be doing anything like that at the office.

Finally, I checked my phone to make sure it had the software which I would be needing today. My plan was to hack and trace Brian's burner phone. All I needed to do was get my phone within touching distance of his and I could then use the app on my phone to plant the trace software over Bluetooth.

I needed to know just how this fucker was running things and hearing both ends of his conversation would point me in the right direction.


"Is your wardrobe never ending?" laughed Stephanie, as I sat at my desk. "I love that dress."

"I must admit, I do have a lot of clothes," I tittered.

"You look like a fashion model on your way to a photo shoot," she swooned.

"Awww thanks, Steph. You don't look bad yourself."

She was wearing skin-tight black satin trousers and a low-cut, loose-fitting top with long sleeves. She also appeared to be wearing a little more makeup than she had the previous day and I couldn't help but think it was all for my benefit.

"I hope you two aren't hitting on each other," snapped Janice in her usual tone. "This is a place of work, not a night club."

"Awww, you look nice too, Janice," I winked.

"Oh god, don't start on me. I'm straight," she said sternly.

"Sorry, I just didn't want you to get jealous," I smiled.

"Yeah, we love you too, Janice," joked Steph, winking at me.

Stephanie kept eye contact with me for longer than she should have done, but it was her who turned away first. She had a coy smile on her face and I knew right there and then that she fancied me.

I'd mentioned that I was bi-sexual the day before and she must have gone home thinking about me. She'd made an extra effort with her appearance and I felt flattered that she liked me enough to dress up for me.

"You smell nice too," I said to Steph. "What perfume are you wearing?"

"It's Black Opium," she said, leaning over and craning her neck away so I could smell her.

I leaned over and sniffed her exposed neck, feeling the warmth coming from her lightly tanned skin. The perfume smelt sweet, but not as sweet as she did. Even over the subtle fragrance I could smell her own unique scent. All women smelled differently depending on what they ate, their genetics, and their time of the month. If a girl was ovulating, her pheromones would be stronger than usual to attract a mate. Pheromones didn't really have an aroma, but somewhere in the primitive brain of human beings, they triggered arousal.

She shied away as my hair brushed against her soft skin and she scrunched her shoulders up. She was flirting with me like a love-struck teen and I felt my nipples swell under my dress.

"Mmmmm, you smell good enough to eat," I purred.

She gave me a sideways glance and then looked away with her head down, looking embarrassed. I gave her a beaming smile back and then turned back to my computer screen.

After twenty minutes of mundane data entry, I decided to go and get a coffee.

"Do either of you want a drink?" I asked, getting up from my desk and smoothing my dress down.

"I'll have a tea please. Milk but no sugar," said Janice, barely looking up from her work.

"I'll give you a hand," said Stephanie, getting up to follow me.

We walked through the busy office to the chill-out area where the coffee machine was situated. I was still getting to grips with how it worked so I let Steph take over.

"What do you fancy?" she asked.

I stared at her wondering whether to say the obvious, but decided against it. She could see from my expression what I was thinking.

"Cappuccino, please. Extra creamy," I said, giving it a double meaning but keeping a straight face.

"Mmmm, I like it creamy too," she smirked.

She pressed the buttons on the machine and it whirred and gurgled as it made the drink.

"Is it me, or does Janice seem a bit off today?" I asked.

"Oh, she's always like that. She paints a picture of her perfect life and her perfect husband, but I don't think all is as it seems."

"What makes you say that?"

"She mentions how she's a happily married woman at every opportunity. It's over the top if you ask me, as though she's over compensating for something. I know you've only just started working here, but listen out for it, I bet she says it a few times today."

"What about her thing with Simon?"

"I don't know. It started a few months ago, which was also odd. She'd never shown any interest in him before," she passed me my drink and pressed more buttons on the machine.

It whirred and glugged again as she glanced over to make sure no one else was listening.

"I don't think she's as strait-laced as she makes out. Either that or she's as bitter as her unsweetened tea," she tittered.

I giggled too.

"I'll listen out for her comments and see if I can figure out what her problem is," I added. "Maybe she just hates lesbians."

"It certainly gets her back up every time I mention it."

"Maybe we should tease her. She already thinks we're hitting on each other."

Steph stared into my eyes as she passed me Janice's tea. She was about to say something but another co-worker arrived behind us at the coffee machine and the moment was lost.

She pressed some more buttons as the guy behind us introduced himself to me.

"Hi, I'm Todd. You're Becca, right?" he said, like people do when they first meet.

As I turned to face him with a drink in each hand, I watched him check me out. It wasn't subtle and he did what all men do when they meet a sexy girl for the first time. He first looked at my face and then his eyes dropped lower and checked out my breasts. There was a glimmer of appreciation as he saw my erect nipples poking through the knitted material and then he looked back to my face again.

"Hi Todd. Yeah, I'm Becca. Have you come to say hello to the new girl?" I smiled.

"Yes. How do you like working here so far?" he asked.

His gaze shifted lower again and lingered on my breasts for much longer this time. He may as well have been having a conversation with them rather than my face. It's amazing how men think we don't notice these things.

"It's nice," I replied. "But I'd prefer it if you didn't talk to my tits."

He immediately averted his gaze and made out that he wasn't staring at my gorgeous orbs. I couldn't blame him for looking, they did look especially perky in this dress.

"Oh... err... I wasn't..."

"Sure you were. All men do it, but just so you know, I prefer my partners to be a little bit wetter between the legs than you are," I smiled.

"Me too," laughed Stephanie, turning to join the conversation.

"Wait. Are you a...? Are you like her? Are you two... oh my god," he looked like he'd just cum in his shorts at the thought of two lesbians being in the same office.

"Come on, Becca. We've got work to do," she smiled at me.

We both pushed past the breast ogler, giggling like two school girls as we made our way back to our desk.

"That should keep the fuckers away for a while," I smirked. "I'm sure it will be all around the office in a matter of minutes."

I'd worked in an office for a long time before I met Lexa so I knew how the rumour-mill worked. Although I hadn't admitted I was sleeping with Stephanie, it wouldn't matter. The office gossip would tell everyone that we were.

"Welcome to the meat market," said Steph. "Todd tried it on with me the first day I was here. The only difference is I haven't got huge boobs like you. He was checking out my ass instead."

"I like your small boobs," I replied. "And I can't say as I blame him for checking out your ass."

"Thanks. I like to think that it's my best feature."

"I think you've got a gorgeous body," I said. "I'm guessing you do some sort of fitness."

As I said that we'd made it back to our desk and I handed Janice her tea.

"Are you two still at it?" she hissed. "Why don't you act like normal people and flirt with the men in the office?"

"For fucks sake, Janice. How many more times do I need to explain it? I like women," Steph snapped back at her. "Get over it."

"It's not right. You should both settle down with a nice guy and get married like I did."

Steph and I looked at each other. Stephanie was right, Janice did mention her husband and marriage a lot.

"How long have you been married?" I asked, sucking the froth from my cappuccino.

"Twenty-two years," she said proudly.

"Wow, most marriages don't last past seven, from what I've heard."

"I heard the same thing," added Steph. "The seven-year itch and all that."

"Well, we've been happily married all that time."

"Come off it. Are you telling me neither of you have had a little fling on the side in all that time?" I laughed. "I saw you flirting with Simon yesterday, you little minx."

"Certainly not," she protested.

She was lying. Her body language was all wrong and she looked away as she said it. She also went red with either embarrassment or shame, I didn't know which.

"What does he do for a living?" I asked.

"He's a gym instructor."

"What? No way? So, he's surrounded by hot young girls all day long?" I giggled.

"He's not like that."

"Sounds like my ideal job," purred Stephanie. "I'd love to be up close and personal with all those fit nubile bodies. I doubt I'd get any work done."

"Mmmm, me either," I swooned. "He must be walking around with a hard-on all day long."

"He's not like that," she said again, getting a little more agitated.

I saw the chink in her armour and decided to push it further.

I closed my eyes and let out a satisfied groan.

"Mmmmm, sweet young things glistening in sweat. Just imagine it, Stephanie. All that tight fitting Lycra and those tiny shorts..."

"Oh god, yes. Gently placing my hands on their thighs or butt-cheeks to help them with their form..." she added.