Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 06

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Becca and Steph have fun at work. Becca goes snooping.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Dangerous Cargo. Ch 06

I woke up with a terrible headache and a very dry mouth. I was back in my flat, alone, and my head was pounding. I downed the glass of water which was on my bedside table and then got up to refill it.

It was seven-thirty in the morning and unfortunately that meant it was time to get up and go to work. I regretted the amount of wine I'd drunk the previous night, but that was my only regret. No doubt Janice would be feeling a lot worse than I was.

Steph and I had left Janice's place at around midnight after we'd both fallen asleep on her sofa. We had shared a taxi home after checking that Janice was still breathing. She seemed to be fine, snoring away in her bed, so we'd let ourselves out after leaving her a note.


We had a great night. Hope you're not feeling too hungover this morning. See you at work.

Steph and Becca


Steph had offered to put me up for the night at her place, but I declined on the grounds that we wouldn't get any sleep if I stayed. She had laughed a dirty laugh, but had agreed with me. It was a work night after all and I could hardly call in sick on my third day at my new job.

When I had gotten back to my flat, my head had been buzzing with what I'd seen on the news channel with Natalie apparently taking centre stage. All I wanted to do was call Lexa to find out what was going on, but my top priority was sleep. I was exhausted. Besides, I doubted that Lexa would have told me anything anyway. My best option was to talk to Natalie, but that presented its own set of problems.

We were forbidden from talking to each other when we were undercover for obvious reasons. Even so, I felt that I should at least warn Natalie that I'd spotted her on the news. We were supposed to be undercover after all and, if anything, she seemed to be doing the opposite.

I walked into the kitchen to refill my glass and I searched the cupboards for some painkillers. Drinking too much on a work night hadn't been my best idea, but at least I'd had some sexy fun with Stephanie. I swallowed the pills and switched the television on, turning it to the twenty-four-hour news channel. It usually played in a constant loop and I was hoping to get another look at the Brexit protests, now that I was sober. The reporter on the TV was currently talking about the green energy campaign and some boring stuff about a power station near Bristol called 'Hinckley Point'.

I let it play in the background as I put some toast in the toaster and boiled the kettle. I needed something to soak up the alcohol and give me some carbohydrate energy. I also needed a strong cup of coffee with plenty of sugar to give me that additional caffeine boost.

The news article wasn't very interesting, but it did back up Prime Minister Wilson's promise to decommission some power stations and move to greener energy. The reporter rattled on about the dismantling of 'Hinckley Point A', which was no longer in use and the construction of 'Hinckley point C' which was to be one of Britain's last nuclear power stations ever built. New energy would come from renewable sources such as wind, solar, hydro and biomass, which already contributed up to thirty percent of the country's power production.

My toast popped up and I buttered it as I waited for the anti-Brexit report to come on. I made myself a black coffee with four sugars and then sat down on the sofa and started stuffing my face. I was famished from drinking too much and from fucking Steph on Janice's living room floor. I was still wearing the same sticky panties from the night before and I could feel how wet I was. Her queefing fetish had been highly erotic and unusual and I couldn't wait to try it out with Lexa and Natalie.

At last, Mr Boring finished his report by saying that this was a new era for power production in our country and that it would mean that nuclear waste would no longer need to be transported to Sellafield for indefinite storage. He then went on to explain that Sellafield was a disused nuclear power plant from the nineteen-seventies. It was now decommissioned and was used to store and make safe, nuclear waste from all over the UK. Moving to renewable sources that didn't pollute the planet was a step in the right direction as far as I was concerned.

I finished my toast as the news report flicked over to the protests in Nottingham. It didn't take long for me to see Natalie on the screen in all her glory and I wondered if she even knew it had happened.

I dialled her number and waited. I wasn't even sure if she would pick up. I knew she'd have been issued a new phone for her assignment; it was standard procedure. When we went undercover, all of our personal items, including phones, were confiscated. We didn't carry anything that could point back to our true identities. However, that didn't stop us from diverting our private numbers to the new phone, just in case we needed to get in touch. I had added a call-divert from my personal number to my new phone and I was pretty sure that Nat would have done the same. It was like a secret pact between the two of us, but I was sure Lexa knew about it -- she never missed a trick.

Ring-ring. Ring-ring. Ring-ring.

Ring-ring. Ring-ring. Ring-ring.

It rang for a while and I was about to hang up, when she finally answered.

"Hello," she said tentatively, not knowing who it was.

She would have no idea it was me calling her as she didn't have my new number.

"Nat? It's Becca," I replied.

"Oh, hi Sis. Hang on, I'm in the middle of something. Let me just go somewhere more private," she said.

It sounded as though she was with someone whom she couldn't talk in front of. Making out that I was her sister calling her was a good ploy. I heard a door open as she distanced herself from whoever it was and then it sounded like she was outside in heavy traffic.

"Becca, what's up? This isn't the best time to be calling me," she said quietly.

"I'm phoning you to see if I can have your autograph," I laughed. "You're fucking famous, bitch."

"Oh shit. I know. I'm guessing you watched the news last night then?" she sounded mortified.

"Fuck yeah, I did. I'm watching your ugly face on my TV right now," I replied. "Re-verse the vote. Re-verse the vote," I chanted their slogan down the phone to her as a piss take.

"Oh don't," she groaned. "I've fucked up big time. I had no idea I'd be on the TV. Lexa's going fucking ape-shit about it."

"I'm not surprised, you dozy cow. What the fuck are you playing at? You're supposed to be undercover, not posing for the cameras."

"I know that, but my group went to the protests. I had no idea the camera crew would be there and by the time I saw them, it was too late. I had to stay there and join in or I'd have blown my cover," she whispered.

"I understand that, but what the hell are you working on? Surely, it's just a bunch of moaning Remainers who are still bitter about leaving the EU? How does that justify you being there as an undercover agent?" I didn't know if she knew I wasn't in the loop, so I was trying to bluff some information out of her.

"It's a lot more complicated than that. These fuckers are up to something big and it's my job to find out what. I've been with this group for a couple of months now and I'm finally making some headway."

"What are they up to?"

"Becca, you know we're not supposed to talk about it," she chastised me. "I can't tell you that."

"Well, I already know most of it. I can see that you've infiltrated an anti-Brexit group and I already know about the numbers you found on the Chinese takeaway menu. I also know that Tony found the same numbers on a betting slip in Birmingham and that he's tracking a terror cell who are making a bomb. Maybe you can fill in the blanks?"

She went quiet for a moment as she thought about it. I was breaking a lot of rules asking her these questions, but my curiosity was getting the better of me.

"I can't tell you anything about my mission, but I can tell you something about yours," she finally replied.

"What about my mission?" I asked, sounding as confused as I felt.

"You need to find the source of those sub-machine guns as soon as possible. What you're working on has nothing to do with the war on drugs."

I let it sink in for a minute, trying to make sense of what she'd said. How did she know what I was working on? It was on a need-to-know basis. I already knew what my objective was, but maybe she knew a different reason as to why.

"I know that," I stated. "What aren't you telling me?"

"I've already said too much. You know I love you, but the job comes first. You know that."

"How do you know about the MP7's?" I rephrased my question.

"How do you know about the numbers?" she asked back.

"Because Tony contacted me and told me about them. He wanted help from Lexa."

"And now I've found the same numbers stuck to a fridge. What does that tell you?"

"It tells me that whatever you're working on is somehow linked to whatever Tony's team are working on. I already figured that one out."

"Ok Einstein. My assignment is linked to Tony's. I've not told you anything you don't already know. I've been briefed on what he's doing and he's been briefed on what I'm up to," she admitted.

"How does that answer my question? How do you know about my assignment?"

"Fucking hell, Becca. You never were the sharpest knife in the drawer, were you?" she tittered.

I thought about it for a minute. She wanted me to figure this out for myself. That way she could deny telling me if Lexa asked. Natalie had been given information about Tony's mission because it affected hers. That meant the same reason must be true for mine and Natalie's assignments. Lexa wouldn't have told her about the sub-machine guns if she didn't need her to know.

"Fucking hell. Has Lexa told you about the weapons because it's somehow linked to your mission?" I gasped.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that," she laughed. "Just make sure you concentrate on your own assignment, Becca bitch. I'm sure our paths will cross soon enough. I've got to go."

She hung up the phone before I could respond.

This wasn't helping my hangover-headache as I tried to make sense of what she'd told me. How the hell could my assignment be linked to hers? I finished my coffee and toast and walked into the bathroom.

As I stripped off my soaking wet underwear and vest, I got a strong smell of Stephanie wafting up my nose. My skin was coated in her love honey from the previous night. Her queefing had sprayed me with a fine mist of her scent, like a perfume atomiser. I definitely needed a wash. There wasn't enough time for a bath so I had to use the useless shower instead. At least the water was warm as I washed myself under the dribble and tried to clear my head. I used my breathing technique to slow everything down as I showered. Some life started to come back into my body and mind, but I was far from feeling normal and alert. I'd only had about four hours sleep and it was drunken sleep at that, which was never very revitalising.

All I could do was look at the facts. My assignment brief was to find the source of the MP7's which Brian's crew were using to gun down their opposition in the drug trade. I knew that already. I wasn't there to bring Brian to justice; I just had to find out where he was getting the guns. Once that was done the police would take over. I had no idea how that was linked to an anti-Brexit group or a terror cell. The three missions seemed so far apart. And what the hell did those numbers mean? Tony and Natalie had both found them, but I hadn't. They didn't appear to be relevant to their own missions, let alone mine.

I dried off and got dressed, feeling a little more human, but no closer to figuring out any connections. Lexa had never told me that my mission was linked to Tony and Nat's. If anything, she'd done the opposite and tried to keep me away from it all. I guessed she was trying to keep me focused on my own business rather than allowing me to get distracted by the bigger picture. I knew that I was always a small cog in a big machine and that I was given information on a need-to-know basis, but it always pissed me off. If I had all of the cards in my hand, it would make it easier to understand the decisions that were being made.

I thought about calling Lexa and telling her I knew that my mission was linked to the others, but I left it alone for now. If it was so vital that I found the source of the sub machine guns, then that was where I needed to direct my full attention. Besides, I needed to get to work and see if Janice was ok and hopefully have some more fun with Stephanie.

I switched the TV off, grabbed my bag and left the flat. I placed the paper tell back in place and then went to the bus stop for a double bus ride to work.

Why the fuck hadn't Lexa given me a car or a moped? Anything was better than public transport.


"Morning, Becca," chirped Janice, as bright as a button as she sat at her desk. "How are you this morning?"

She seemed to be none the worse for her over indulgence the previous night. If anything, she seemed happier than usual.

"I'm feeling a bit rough, but I'll survive," I said. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. It takes a lot more than a little wine to slow me down."

"Well, it certainly slowed you down last night," I giggled, as I sat down opposite her.

"Well, that was last night, I feel fine now. Thank you for putting me to bed by the way. I didn't mean to drink that much."

"It's fine. I know you've got a lot going on at the moment. I understand completely. Do you remember anything about last night?" I wondered if she recalled telling us about her slutty past.

"Of course. I remember it all, but let's keep it between us, shall we?" she gave me a stern look.

"Your dirty little secret is safe with me," I laughed. "I don't know about Steph though. Isn't she at work yet?"

"Not yet. She's late as usual. Becca, listen, I don't want you telling anyone about my past, it was a long time ago and all that's behind me," she said quietly.

"It doesn't have to be. You're free and single now," I winked.

"I'm serious," she snarled. "I don't want it to be all around the office, but I have thought about what you said."

"Which part."

"Last night you said that age was just a number. I'm not expecting to go back to gang-bangs and orgies, but I do fancy a little fun now that my asshole of a husband has left," she admitted.

"That's exactly what I was trying to tell you last night, before you got too drunk and passed out. You're still a very desirable woman. With a bit of modernising, I think I could get you hooked up with a guy in no time."

"I already have someone in mind, but thanks fo the offer."

"Is it Simon by any chance?" I giggled.

"Yes, which is another reason why I don't want anyone knowing what a whore I used to be. It might ruin my chances."

"It might improve them," I laughed.

"I mean it Becca. Don't tell anyone."

"Ok, ok. I won't tell anyone."

As I said that, Steph arrived looking a little worse for wear.

"Ow, my fucking head," she groaned. "Whose stupid idea was it to drink on a work night?"

"Errr, I think it was all your idea," I laughed.

"Well, if I get any more ideas like that, tell me to shut the fuck up."

"Stop swearing," complained Janice. "This is an office, not a brothel."

"You'd know all about that, you dirty cow," Steph giggled.

She sat down and held her head in her hands looking as bad as she must have felt.

"Keep that to yourself," whispered Janice. "I told you both in confidence."

"Ok, Mrs 'I'm a cum whore'," said Steph, making air quotes.

"I mean it Steph. Don't go telling anyone about it."

"Whatever. How are you feeling?" Steph directed her question at me and ignored Janice's protests.

"A bit rough. How much did we drink?"

"There were five empty bottles in the kitchen this morning," Janice pointed out.

"Yeah, but I think you'll find that you drank most of them," scoffed Steph.

"Well, I'm not the one with the hangover this morning, am I? That suggests that you pair must have drank most of it, judging by the state of you."

"Yeah, right. We're not the ones who had to go to bed early, you piss head," she laughed. "Fuck this, I need a coffee. Does anyone want anything?"

Stephanie got up and gave me a cheeky little wink.

"I'll have a tea without sugar please," said Janice.

"I'm not sure what to have," I mused. "I'll come with you and take a look."

I followed Steph to the chill out area, taking in her gorgeous ass along the way. She was wearing tight leggings this morning and a shirt which she wore untucked.

"Are you ok about last night?" she asked. "It got pretty wild, didn't it?"

"I'm fine about it," I smiled. "I woke up with a headache and soaking wet knickers though."

"You're not the only one. It looked like I'd wet myself," she agreed. "I loved it though. It was a great night."

"It really was. I only wish that I'd drunk less wine."

"Less wine and more pussy juice would have been better," she tittered.

She pressed a few buttons on the machine and got the drinks. I had a cappuccino again with extra cream and she smiled as she passed it to me.

"You really do like it creamy, don't you?" She smirked. "Lick it up, you sexy bitch. It reminds me of last night."

"You are so bad."

"Morning, love birds," said a voice from behind us. "How are you both?"

We both turned to see Todd standing behind us with a perverted grin on his face.

"We're not love birds, Todd," sighed Steph, with annoyance in her voice.

"That's not what you said yesterday."

"No, we said we were lesbians. That doesn't mean that we're together, you fucking moron."

"If you say so, but in my mind, you are," he smirked. "I bet you've been doing dirty things to each other; you dykes are all the same. I was thinking about it last night in bed while I had a wank."

He mimed giving himself a hand job just in case we didn't know what he meant.

This guy seemed to be the office sex pest, but I'd met men like him before. He made out that he was a stud, but in actual fact he was over compensating for his lack of sexual experience. It was easy to show these people for what they were so I decided to play a little game with him. Just because two lesbians were friends, didn't mean that they were fucking each other. We were, but that wasn't the point.

"You wanked yourself off thinking about us?" asked Steph in disgust. "You fucking weirdo."

"There's nothing weird about that. I love seeing two girls together. I've had loads of threesomes with lezzer's," he lied.

The coffee machine was in a small alcove and pretty much out of sight from the rest of the office, so I took my opportunity to teach this freak a lesson.

"Actually, you're right," I said moving closer to him. "We were at it all night."

He seemed nervous that I'd moved closer to him and that I was using my soft, seductive voice.

"Really?" he said sounding excited.

"Oh god, yeah. We fucked each other all night long, didn't we Steph," I was standing close enough to smell his deodorant as I put my mouth nearer to his ear.

"Oh... fuck... wow," he trembled. "I knew it. Did you do that scissoring thing?" he asked, making the gesture with his fingers.

Guys like this got off on trying to embarrass women. The fact that we were lesbians gave him more ammunition to use against us. He masked his lack of confidence with bravado, but he was so transparent he was like a sheet of glass.