Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 09

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Becca meets with Lexa, Tony and Nat.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Dangerous Cargo. Ch 09

The shoppers came and went as I sat outside the coffee shop on Sunday afternoon. It was a cold day, but the sun was shining in a deep-blue winter sky. The warmth on my face made me feel alive, but I was still exhausted.

I'd managed to escape from the bus depot after finding Brian's car keys on one of the dead Mancs. I'd then put the MP7 back in the boot and drove home. After carrying out counter-surveillance drills, to make sure I wasn't followed, I'd parked up a few blocks from the Cedars Estate. I didn't want anyone tracking his vehicle back to my shitty flat, I'd had enough fun for one night.

I'd taken the messenger's bag, full of drugs and the holdall containing the sub machine guns and carried them to my flat. There was no way I was going to leave them in the car in case it got broken into, which was highly likely in this area.

The rest of the night was just a blur and I'd woken the next morning to another ringing phone and another bollocking from Lexa.

Once I'd explained it all to her, she calmed down and seemed more than pleased with the result.

"You did the right thing," she'd said. "Well fucking done, my sexy little assassin."

It felt weird to be called that. I never classed myself as an assassin, but I had just taken out two of the biggest criminals in Manchester along with a lot of their foot soldiers.

However, Lexa wasn't just phoning me for an update. She wanted a meeting with me and the fact that I now knew where the weapons were coming from, couldn't have been timed any better.

She was finally going to let me in on the bigger picture. She told me that I'd be briefed with Tony and Nat and that I was about to play a pivotal role in the whole mission. I was elated to be working with two of the people I loved and to be meeting with my first true love, Lexa.

That was why I was sitting outside the coffee shop watching the world go by. I was waiting to be picked up and taken to the facility. I was always picked up from a different location every time I went there and I was convinced it was so that we couldn't guess where the place was.

However, I had always been intrigued as to why the place was so secret and why we had to wear a bag on our heads to stop us from seeing anything. That was why I had been cunning and I was slowly triangulating the possible location of the facility. Each time I went there, I made a note of where I was picked up from and how long it took to drive there. I hoped that after going there a few times I would be able to figure out where the place was.

For now, I just sat in my thick winter jacket and jeans watching the public spend money they didn't have, on things they didn't really need. My world was a million miles away from theirs and it felt weird to be drinking coffee after what I'd done only a few hours earlier.

These people would have no idea what went on in the criminal underworld or that people like me protected them from the worst of it. They would see a sexy dark-haired girl drinking coffee rather than a highly trained, slutty killer. Sometimes I looked at myself in the mirror and found it hard to believe what I'd become. I'd taken more cocks than a porn star and more cum than a sperm bank. If I ever had to go to the police to report rape, I'd have a long list of men to describe to them. The fact that a lot of them were now dead, did make it all worthwhile.

I sipped my coffee, feeling proud and honoured to be part of something so secretive and exciting. Lexa had chosen me for this life and I seemed to be her star protégé. I trusted her with my life and although we argued a lot about mission decisions, I knew she always had my back. Sometimes my methods were unorthodox, but I always got the job done and that was all that mattered to her.

I saw a silver people-carrier driving along the busy street and I knew it was my ride. I finished my coffee and moved to the curb as it pulled up. The door slid open and I saw a man in a black suit sitting in the rear seat.

"Morning, Becca," said the guy I'd met before.

"Morning," I replied, getting in and fastening my seat belt.

The door powered shut and we pulled off.

"You know the drill," he said, holding out a metal box for me to put my phone in.

I placed it inside and he shut the lid before passing me the black bag to put on my head. Placing my phone inside the metal box blocked the GPS signal as it acted like a faraday cage. It was another way for them to keep the location secret.

I made a note of the time on my watch and then put the bag on before leaning back and closing my eyes. I felt so tired that my eyes were stinging so I took any opportunity I could to get some rest.

We drove in silence taking multiple left and right turns. Then it sounded like we were on a motorway or a high-speed road. There was no point trying to guess where I was, it was too disorientating. Instead, I thought about my three favourite lovers. I wondered if I'd get to have a little fun with any of them before or after the meeting.

I'd dressed for the occasion just in case and I was wearing some sexy cerise pink panties with white lace edging. My matching bra didn't offer a lot of support as it wasn't underwired, but it enhanced my cleavage and allowed my boobs to jiggle under my T-shirt as I walked.

My mind switched to Lexa first. I imagined her in her black skirt-suit and white shirt. She always wore it for work, but she'd have something skimpy on underneath I was sure of it. Her heavy breasts would be straining the buttons on her blouse and her sexy ass would be almost visible under her short skirt. Her makeup and hair would be immaculate as though she was going to a nightclub and she'd smell of expensive perfume. I knew the anticipation of seeing me after so long would be making her damp where it counted and I hoped I'd get the opportunity to bury my face into her smooth meaty folds and make her cum in my face.

I shifted in my seat and adjusted my own underwear as I started to get moist.

Next, I thought about Natalie. Last time I'd seen her was when she was at the anti-Brexit protests on tv and she'd looked like a skanky unwashed whore. I hoped she'd smartened herself up for the meeting. I had no doubt she'd be juicing up a new pair of knickers to sell to her online sniffing community. I just hoped I'd get to have a sniff of her intoxicating scent myself before the day was over.

Finally, I imagined my knight in shining armour -- Tony Fox. He was older than me and had that cavalier look about him. Our night in the hotel the previous weekend had been spectacular and I was hoping for a repeat performance. I couldn't wait to feel his thick eight-incher ploughing into one of my holes. I didn't mind which one.

I felt blood flowing to my nipples and clit and both became hard. Luckily my coat hid my tits from view so the guy in the back didn't get an eyeful. I squished my thighs together and squirmed a little in my seat to get my juices flowing. I always loved being wet in my panties, especially with other people around. I loved the fact that I was wet and that no one else would know, it always turned me on even more.


After an hour, we arrived at the facility. I was helped out of the vehicle in a covered car park and my bag was removed.

"This way please, Becca," said my chaperone.

I followed him through a doorway and into a white corridor. I usually entered the building this way and it always reminded me of a hospital. It felt clinical and sterile with no discerning features. As usual there was no one else about and we walked down the corridor and stopped outside the briefing room.

"They're waiting for you," he said, opening the door for me.

I heard the sound of quiet voices as people chatted around the large meeting room table. They all stopped what they were doing as I entered the room and took my jacket off. I hung it on the coat stand with the others and approached the table.

"Becca, it's good to see you," said Lexa. "Please take a seat."

"You too," I replied. "How is everyone?"

Tony was sitting next to Natalie. Ethan was sitting next to Lexa and Arran was sitting alone with a keyboard and mouse in front of him. There was an array of large plasma screens on the wall and Tristan's face was filling one of them.

I sat next to Natalie and gave her a playful nudge as I sat down.

"Nat," I said.


"Hi Tony," I leaned past her and winked at him.

"Hi Becca."

"Right, let's get started," said Lexa, forgoing the pleasantries.

She was in business-mode and gave me a glare to make sure that I knew she wasn't in the mood for any of my shenanigans.

"Firstly, thank you all for coming and thank you for your exemplary work. This has been a complex assignment with a lot of moving parts, but we are slowly piecing it all together," said Lexa. "We have a very serious and credible threat to our country and thanks to intelligence, social media hacking and agents on the ground, we are in a good position to stop it."

She paused for effect and looked at each of us. I nodded at her as if to say 'you're welcome' and the others did the same.

"Natalie, would you like to begin?" she continued. "I guess it all starts with you."

Nat stood up and walked over to one of the large screens on the wall. She nodded at Arran who brought up the video footage from the anti-Brexit protests that I'd seen on the news.

"I've been with this group for two months now and they are into a whole lot more than just protesting," she said.

I was surprised by her corporate-style presentation skills. She could have been heading up a board meeting, but this was far more serious.

The video played, showing the guy who I'd seen being interviewed after I'd fucked Steph on Tuesday night.

"There's trouble coming to the UK, you mark my words. This country will be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks," said the scruffy looking protester on the screen. "Re-verse the vote. Re-verse..."

Arran paused the video on the guy's face and zoomed in.

"His name is Douglas Shaw, or Shaw to those who know him," said Arran. "We've ran background checks on him and he's on the MI5 watchlist as a potential."

"A potential what?" I asked.

"Terrorist," interrupted Ethan. "He's always been a pro-EU campaigner and the Brexit vote has tipped him over the edge. He thinks that the fact we've left, makes the EU weaker and that other major countries will follow our example and leave the Union. This is the first time anyone has left; the EU has been growing in strength since it began. Even former Soviet Union countries have been allowed to join. Many eastern block countries joined the EU to strengthen the geographical area of Europe. Countries like Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania joined the EU to strengthen its numbers. Shaw thinks it's the beginning of the end if the UK leaves and that the Russians will take advantage of it and make a play for their old empire.

"Maybe he's right," I said.

"It doesn't matter. This country carried out a referendum and voted to leave. This is a democracy and the vote must be upheld. Just because we're out of the EU doesn't mean that we're weaker. We're still part of the United Nations and we still fight wars together with our combined military force. Shaw is just riling people up and causing trouble. The guys a complete fanatic," he replied.

I agreed with him, but I could see Shaw's point. We'd already had Russians trying to rig the vote in the general election, which I'd played a huge part in preventing. I also knew that they wanted the eastern block countries to become part of Russia once more. The Cold War was far from over despite what the media told us.

"I've gotten very close to Shaw," Nat continued. "I know him intimately and he's told me all about his big plans."

I knew exactly how intimate she'd have got with him. It was the same way that I'd gotten close to Brian until I'd put a bullet in his head.

"We know that he is planning a terror attack on UK soil. It will be something big enough to cripple us for some time. His plan is to make us helpless so that our government will have to ask for help from the EU in order to get us back on our feet," she stated. "He believes in his cause and he has quite a following."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. To jump from protesting, to terrorism was a big leap, but being a fanatic would drive this asshole to do terrible things. I knew Tony was chasing a terror cell who were making a bomb so it didn't take a genius to see how his and Nat's missions were linked.

"What sort of terror attack is he planning?" I asked. "A bombing?"

"Without a doubt," said Lexa. "But it's a lot worse than that. Tony, would you like to take over?"

"Certainly," he said, standing up as Natalie sat down.

This was a slick presentation and I knew it wasn't just for my benefit. This sort of briefing was to piece it all together and to make sure we were all singing from the same hymn sheet.

"We've been tracking a bomb making team out of Kabul in Afghanistan," he started to explain. "We stumbled across their plans on a raid we did in the desert a few months ago and we tracked the cell back to the UK."

I was amazed how far reaching this plot was. I knew Tony usually frequented foreign countries where he wasn't supposed to be and I had wondered why he was now on a UK mission. Now I knew.

"We've had them under surveillance for some time and they recently entered Birmingham. We have reason to believe that they're not just making one bomb - they're making ten."

He let it hang in the room for effect. There was a silent pause as we all took it in. I thought back to the numbers. There were ten sets of them found by both Nat and Tony in different cities. That wasn't a coincidence.

"These fuckers are not amateurs," he explained.

Arran brought up some images on the screen of bearded men. Each man had had two pictures taken of him. The first showed them in Arab clothing somewhere arid and hot. The second picture showed them in western clothing with a dreary grey sky above them. I guessed that Tony's team had taken both sets of photos using high powered lenses from their surveillance on the group.

"They're British nationals and they flew out to Afghanistan for training. The old-time bomb makers have shown them how to take everyday household items and mix them together to make explosives. Fertiliser is the key ingredient as I'm sure you are all aware. The irony is that our own troops probably showed these old-timers how to do it all back in the eighties when they were fighting off the Russians," he rolled his eyes. "We know they have bomb making materials and that they have recently acquired ten large steel barrels to make their ingredients into mobile IED's."

"What do you think they're going to blow up?" asked Natalie.

"We're not sure. The yield of each bomb isn't that big. It's not enough to destroy a structure, but it will make a hell of a bang."

"Like a distraction," I pointed out.

"Maybe, we're not sure what their plan is. But the fact that they have ten bombs coupled with the fact that the number sequences we've found are also a group of ten -- has to mean..."

"The numbers must be locations for them to plant the bombs," I interrupted.

I'd already figured that one out.

"Exactly, but we still have no idea how the numbers equate to locations."

"We have a lot of people working on it," interrupted Ethan. "So far they haven't figured it out, but they will."

"We have our people looking at them too," said Tony. "How hard can it be, right?"

"Apparently, very," said Lexa. "Please continue."

"It's hard to say what their plan is without knowing what they're planning on blowing up, but they're likely to be places like sports venues or concerts or shopping centres. They usually like to pick somewhere where they can do the most carnage."

"I disagree,' said Natalie. "Concerts and places like that are ideal if you want to kill and maim people, but that won't cripple the country. He's planning something bigger if he wants to bring the country to its knees."

"Maybe, maybe not. The bombs may just be a distraction. The terror cell is not just making bombs. They're also trying to source military grade weapons in the UK," replied Tony. "Obviously they've been trained how to use them at their terrorist training camps in Afghanistan, but finding weapons like that in this country is very difficult, as we are all fully aware."

"They must have a contact over here," said Ethan, looking directly at me.

"Ryan," I said out loud before I realised.

"We think so. Tony has traced their phones and they have called the same burner phone that Brian called. They are definitely in contact with the same source. Do you want to take over, Becca?" said Lexa, gesturing for me to move front and centre. "I think you may be able to help us out here."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Just stand up and tell us what you've been up to," she replied.

I was never one for public speaking despite feeling completely at ease at an orgy. Being naked and fucking everyone in the room was more my forte, not speaking in front of people like a school teacher. I stood up and pulled my T-shirt down out of habit. My nipples were still poking out like rose buds, but it was completely out of my control.

"Ok... I recently infiltrated a gang of drug dealers in Manchester known as The Lees. My target was one of their middle men, Brian. Brian has been buying HK MP7 sub-machine-guns to kill rival gang members," I said. "He has also killed innocent bystanders who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

As I turned to the screen, I saw Brian in two separate photos. The first was his profile picture from Facebook and the second was his dead body, slumped in a chair with a bullet hole in his head. I had to admire Arran's computer skills, he seemed to be able to second guess where I was going with my ad-libbed speech before I did.

"As you can see, he's now very dead, but that wasn't before he told me where he was buying the weapons from," I continued.

Tony pursed his lips and turned them down at the edges to show me how impressed he was with my actions. Natalie smirked, knowing what a bad ass I'd become. Lexa remained unimpressed, but nodded for me to continue.

"I thought that my mission was just about finding his source and putting a stop to it, but I can now see that there's a lot more to it. It looks like Brian's source is also the potential supplier for your terror cell. The supplier's name is Ryan.... somebody or other... I don't know his full name, but he works at a military barracks at Catterick as a storeman. He's the one who's been selling MP7's to Brian. I have to say, he certainly has good taste in weapons," I sniggered.

"He sure does. I heard you took out ten armed members of this drug gang using one last night," said Tony. "It is an impressive weapon, but what's more impressive is what you did with it. That's quite a body count."

"Thank you," I cooed, making a small curtsy.

"Let's not make Becca's ego any bigger than it is already," giggled Lexa. "Do you know any more about him?"

"No... not really. He has grey hair and looks to be about forty something. He likes to watch people being fucked at orgies, but he never joined in. He's a voyeur," I said.

"Ah right. He's one of those types, is he?" tittered Natalie, rolling her eyes. "Did he sit there wanking off while everyone around him was breeding like rabbits? I've met plenty of guys like him before."

"Absolutely, I was being stuffed from both ends while he stroked one out on the sofa," I laughed.